Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2785: Swire Birds

Although the purple-gold unicorn beast is not a real unicorn, it has the blood of the unicorn beast in its body, which is one of the famous evils in ancient times.

However, such a powerful beast died in this unnamed valley, the place where a generation of fiends were last buried. . . Watch the latest and most complete novel

"Could it be that guy with wings on his back did it again?"

The Heilin Tiger Emperor carefully looked at the bones of the purple-gold unicorn beast. It found that there were two blood holes on the purple-gold unicorn beast’s neck. Except for the two blood holes, there were no more blood holes on the beast’s body. Other wounds.

"It should be that guy, it's unreasonable, that guy seems to be specifically against us!"

Nether Qiong hates it, they need a lot of energy to restore their cultivation, but there are strong people walking in front of them, hunting these ancient fiends who have finally escaped from the prison area.

The essence of these ancient great evil spirits is extremely powerful, hunting down the ancient great evil spirits and devouring its essence is the fastest way to restore cultivation.

"Go, go to the next place."

Underworld took one step directly, and instantly crossed the void, rushing to the next place.

The Black Lin Tiger Emperor hurriedly chased it up, and it also needed a lot of energy to restore its cultivation base. Following the underworld, it didn't seem to be a bad thing.

Underworld's strength, even among all the big culprits in the prison area, is definitely the top ones. If it is not for the damage to the cultivation base, it is a fart.

In the no man's land, there is a big evil entrenched, on a big mountain, there is black air, and the sky above the mountain is pitch black, which is obviously different from other regions.

"The Taiyin crows inhabit this mountain?"

Someone was thinking of hitting a divine bird on the mountain. It was a great sect in the snowy area called Taiyin Sect. This vein cultivates the power of Taiyin.

If you can conquer this Taiyin God Crow, it will definitely be of great benefit to the Taiyin Sect. Perhaps it will be able to compete with the Golden Crow clan and the Day Wolf clan for the supremacy of the Snow Region.

Taiyin teaches an old man who has lost his teeth.

"Ancestor, this **** crow seems not so easy to deal with!"

A middle-aged Taoist standing beside the old man frowned and said, he raised his head and looked up the mountain, the whole mountain was filled with gloom, giving people a gloomy feeling.

On the top of the mountain, there is a short tree that has been dead for a long time. It is a shady tree that only grows in the place where the yin converges.

The Taiyin God Crow fell on this yin tree, and this dead yin tree, under the influence of the Yin Qi on the Taiyin God Crow, showed signs of revitalization.

"Of course I know that this divine crow is not easy to deal with, and I can still use it for you."

The old man directly stretched out his hand and gave the middle-aged Taoist a thud.

"Oh, ancestors, are you doing this again?"

The middle-aged Taoist touched his head, painful tears streaming out.

The Taiyin God Crow is a great evil in ancient times. Wherever it goes, its vitality will be cut off, and countless creatures will fall. This is an ominous bird.

This Taiyin God Crow was also called the Yin Crow in the distant past. As long as there is a place where the Yin Crow appears, it will become a place of great evil.

"You wait here, I'll go up and flick this fierce bird."

The ancestor of the Taiyin Sect sorted out his clothes as he said, and directly jumped up, flew towards the top of the mountain, and soon came to the yin tree on the top of the mountain.

The yin crow stood on a branch of the yin tree, motionless, as if asleep, ignoring the old man in front of the yin tree.

The old man coughed, and then said to the dark crow on the tree: "I want to invite Lord God Crow to come out of the mountain. My Taiyin Sect will worship Lord God Crow as Taishang. on."

The crow still did not respond.

The cold air that spread from the body of this fierce bird made the old man feel the cold air hitting his upper body, even if it was as strong as him, he couldn't help but move.

"Master Shencrow, how about the next proposal? Joining hands with my teacher will definitely benefit the adults without any harm!"

The old man continued to flicker.

However, no matter what the old man said, the black crow on the shade tree did not respond.

"Unreasonable, since you wicked animal toasts and doesn't eat or drink fine wine, don't blame the old man for being cruel."

The old man was angry, and Lang had spent so much talk, but in the end he was directly ignored by this ancient ferocious bird, which made him very unhappy.

However, even though the old man pointed at the fierce bird on the yin tree and yelled at it, the fierce bird on the yin tree still did not fly.

"What, this fierce bird is not dead, right?"

The old man murmured.

Probably not, the extremely powerful primordial power on this fierce bird is genuine, and the vitality on its body cannot deceive people.

But I don't know why, this fierce bird has always ignored the old man.

"Is there something wrong with this fierce bird?"

When the old man thought of this, he couldn't help being surprised and happy. He carefully took out a black object from his body, and then threw the object directly at the fierce bird on the cloudy tree.


The mass of things dispersed in an instant, like a black cloud, shrouded toward the fierce bird on the yin tree.

It turned out that this was a big net, a **** net, and a strong cold atmosphere spread from the big net, and the cloud suddenly filled the top of the mountain.

Unexpected things happened. The fierce bird on the yin tree still didn't respond at all. It was caught by the big net thrown by the old man.


Seeing this scene, the old man couldn't help being dumbfounded. Does this Taiyin God Crow even lose the power to resist? Otherwise, how could he succeed so easily?

Even the middle-aged Taoist under the mountain was puzzled. He thought there would be a big battle, but he didn't expect it to be like this.


The old ** laughed, and the old voice was uploaded from the top of the mountain. He directly closed the net, and then wrapped the black crow with the black net, held it in his hand, and was about to go down the mountain.

At this moment, a figure pounced silently from the dark sky towards the old man on the top of the mountain without warning.

It was a strange beast with wings on its back.

"Old ancestors be careful!"

The middle-aged Taoist at the foot of the mountain saw all this clearly, and quickly said to the old man on the mountain.


The old man didn't even think about it, he opened his mouth and spit out a black sword shadow, and the sword shadow rose up into the sky, strangling it directly towards the strange beast that swooped down from the sky.


The strange beast roared, the sky shook, and the void burst into space cracks.

I saw this strange beast stretched out its right paw, and directly shot the black light sword shadow that was slashed, and the other paw simultaneously grabbed the old man's head.

"Is it the savage and strange in the legend?"

When the middle-aged Taoist at the foot of the mountain saw the appearance of the strange beast, the shock was really extraordinary. He went straight to the sky and charged towards the top of the mountain.

"go with!"

The middle-aged Taoist waved his hands, and the black light turned into crescent-shaped light blades, slashing towards the ancient great fierce head, and each light blade split the void.


At this time, the big fierce Qiongqi waved its wings, and the wings were like sky swords, rushing out of the endless light, blocking all the light blades that came from the chopping.


At this time, the void shook, and the back of the old man's head actually rose up a round of black moon, and the terrifying power of the lunar yin surged from that round of black moon, and it actually directly forced back the great viciousness.

The power of the lunar yin was yin to cold, and as soon as the black moon came out, it immediately froze for thousands of miles. Although Qiongqi retreated quickly, it was still frozen by the power of the lunar yin that spread out over the black moon.


The thick ice on Daxie Qiongqi's body broke apart, and an overbearing and tyrannical fierce aura erupted from its body.

"It's so fierce and strange!"

The old man was shocked, and if he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been tricked by this big murderer.

He soared into the sky, showing great supernatural powers, and fought against this big fierce, the black moon ran across the sky, shattering the world and ice-bound thousands of miles, trying to capture this fierce beast.

Don't even look at the old man's teeth all missing, but he is so powerful that he can fight endless battles with great savage and strange things.

You know, although this big murderer has been sealed in prison for endless years, it has not suffered any damage and is still in its peak state.

Such a fierce one, even in the distant past, few people can fight, let alone the current world?

There is such an ancestor in the Taiyin Sect. If it is spread out, it will definitely shake the snowy area and change the power pattern of the snowy area.


The whole mountain is falling apart, and the power fluctuations that come down are too strong to destroy everything.

The middle-aged Taoist retreated at this time, and he could no longer get involved in this kind of battle.

Soon, the ancestor of the Taiyin Sect was gradually at a disadvantage. After all, the great evil is the great evil of the ancients, and this big evil gradually prevailed.

"what's going on?"

At this time, Gu Fei, who was sitting on the mountain ridge outside the nameless valley, sensed the fluctuations from the depths of the no man's land. It was a breath of darkness and cold, and a fierce aura.

There are two strong men fighting.

Gu Fei ignored it.

However, the figures of Mingqiong and Heilin Tiger Emperor appeared near that area. They stood in the sky and watched the battle between Qiongqi and the Taiyin ancestor.

"Fight, fight, haha..., it's better to fight both."

Hei Lin Tiger Emperor said with joy.

Ming Qiong's face was a bit solemn, and things seemed not that simple.

Just when the Taiyin ancestor was about to die, a bird song suddenly appeared from the Taiyin ancestor's body, and then, the Taiyin ancestor screamed and fell directly from the sky.

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