Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2755: Ancient Demon Wars Ancient Demon


When Gu Fei reappeared in the core area of ​​the northern snowy restricted area, the ancient demon was shocked to the extreme and looked at Gu Fei in disbelief.

"What are you, do you think I can't come back."

Gu Fei stood in the void, looking coldly at the ancient demon opposite, an extremely powerful Holy Venerable pressure erupted from him.

"Being exiled and finding a way back in the endless chaos, how can this be..."

The ancient demon was talking to himself, he really never expected that Gu Fei would reappear so soon, even the Lord, as long as he was lost in the endless chaos, he would never find his way back.

However, this human race not only found a way back to the real world, but also appeared in front of itself, which made it difficult for the ancient demons to accept this reality.

"There is nothing impossible in this world."

Gu Fei said calmly.

At this time, the great demon who was facing the ancient demon took advantage of the moment when the ancient demon was distracted by the appearance of Gu Fei, and directly attacked the ancient demon.


A scarlet light rushed out of the big demon's hand, slashed towards the ancient demon, and a sharp and extreme sword aura surged.


The ancient demon sneered and directly opened his mouth and inhaled. The sharp sword light was immediately swallowed by him, and it was directly refined into his magic power.

"act recklessly."

The ancient demon roared and rushed up, only to see his big hand stretched out, a **** hand appeared in the void immediately, and grabbed the big demon.


The crimson sword light cut off the black demon hand directly, and then strangled it towards the ancient demon. Everywhere the crimson light passed, a series of pitch-black spatial cracks were left.

This big demon is really strong, and definitely has the strength to fight the ancient demon.

The two powerhouses fought together, and the core area of ​​the restricted area immediately shook, and the power fluctuations that came out were really too strong.

Gu Fei didn't mean to make a move. Since someone was dealing with the ancient demons, he didn't need to turn his hands and feet.

The demon and the demon were originally rivals of life and death. Once the powerhouses of these two major races met, it was an endless duel. The great demon was fighting the ancient demon.


The mountains shook, the power of horror spread, and the earth burst into a series of dark space cracks, in these space cracks, chaotic air overflowed.

However, this kind of power can't destroy this world, because this world is sealed by the Extreme Magic Array, otherwise, he would have slipped away.

The Extreme Dao Demon Array was activated, and a great Dao breath fell from the sky, and the world that was about to collapse was immediately frozen.

However, Gu Fei knew that this restricted area could not be razed to the ground so easily, and the breath of the extreme magic array made him feel palpitations.



The big monster of the demon race and the ancient demon were fighting fiercely. The demon blood and the demon blood dripped from the sky, dyed the ground red, and there was a stench in the void.


Standing in the void, Gu Fei couldn't help but feel moved when he saw this scene. Could this big monster be the ancient monster, or how could it have such a powerful combat power.

Gu Fei was surprised by the combat power of the great demon.

Although the ancient demon is no longer courageous, his cultivation has also fallen from the extreme realm. Even so, this ancient demon is not an ordinary saint, and even the holy priest can be killed.


The big demon kept roaring, and the sound shook the sky, making other strong people's minds shocked.


There was another muffled sound, and the two figures quickly separated.

"Old devil, take his life."

The big demon roared and rushed towards the opposite demon head, his body was full of demon light, and a huge alien beast appeared on his body.

"It will be you who die."

The ancient demon roared and shook his body, and the whole person suddenly disappeared. Then, a dark whirlpool appeared in the void, and a swallowing force came out of the whirlpool.

He is going to devour this big demon.

Formidable qi and blood are the best tonic for the Demon Race. If the ancient demon can swallow this great demon, then the fierce power will be better than before.


The big demon was roaring, and nine demon lights rushed out of him, turning into a divine rainbow that looked like nine heavenly swords, slashing out the void, and smashing the huge vortex in the void.

"So strong."

The ancient demon was taken aback. He knew that it was absolutely impossible to defeat this great demon without showing a little real ability.


A demon light rushed out of the ancient demon, turned into a magic knife and greeted the big demon with a sword light, and the palpitation of the demon aura permeated.

However, Gu Fei knew that this restricted area could not be razed to the ground so easily, and the breath of the extreme magic array made him feel palpitations.



The big monster of the demon race and the ancient demon were fighting fiercely. The demon blood and the demon blood dripped from the sky, dyed the ground red, and there was a stench in the void.


Standing in the void, Gu Fei couldn't help but feel moved when he saw this scene. Could this big monster be the ancient monster, or how could it have such a powerful combat power.

Gu Fei was surprised by the combat power of the great demon.

Although the ancient demon is no longer courageous, his cultivation level has also fallen from the extreme realm. Even so, this ancient demon is not an ordinary saint, and even the holy priest can be killed.


The big demon kept roaring, and the sound shook the sky, making other strong people's minds shocked.


There was another muffled sound, and the two figures quickly separated.

"Old devil, take his life."

The big demon roared and rushed towards the opposite demon head, his body was full of demon light, and a huge alien beast appeared on his body.

"It will be you who die."

The ancient demon roared and shook his body, and the whole person suddenly disappeared. Then, a dark whirlpool appeared in the void, and a swallowing force came out of the whirlpool.

He is going to devour this big demon.

Formidable qi and blood are the best tonic for the Demon Race. If the ancient demon can swallow this great demon, then the fierce power will be better than before.


The big demon was roaring, and nine demon lights rushed out of him, turning into a divine rainbow that looked like nine heavenly swords, slashing out the void, and smashing the huge vortex in the void.

"So strong."

The ancient demon was taken aback. He knew that it was absolutely impossible to defeat this great demon without showing a little real ability.


A demon light rushed out of the ancient demon, turned into a magic knife and greeted the big demon with a sword light, and the palpitation of the demon aura permeated.

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