Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2708: Tianshuang City

The Northern Snow Region is really a very different place from the rest of the heavens. In addition to being a bitter cold place, it also has a distinct race level.

In the northern snowy region, the human race is the controller, while the other races are under the control of the human race. It can be said that the other races are lower than the human race.

The city built by the human race cannot be entered by the creatures of other races.

However, human races can't just break into the territory of other races. You must know that in the snowy region, there are still some powerful alien monks who are not afraid of the strong human race.

Gu Fei didn't hesitate, put Xue directly on his left shoulder, and then took one step forward, using eight steps of extreme speed, and headed towards Tianshuang City.

Tianshuang City is a huge city, even in the entire northern snowy area, it is difficult to see a city of this size.

This is a huge city built entirely of black rocks. The walls are a hundred feet high, and each black stone weighs more than 100,000 catties.

This city is definitely not a city that mortals can build.

On the tall city wall, from time to time, you can see soldiers wearing black armor and holding spears patrolling, and above the tower, there are strong men sitting in town.

When Gu Fei came to the outside of Tianshuang City, the sky was already dark, and it was about to night.

At this time, the gate of Tianshuang City was already closed, and all those who went out would return to the city before night, because after night, the outside of the city would become very dangerous.

However, I have to say that Gu Fei's luck is really not very good. If he arrived earlier and the city gate had not been closed, he could enter Tianshuang City.

"It's miserable, we are late."

Snow Ape said.

"Although the city gate is closed, it does not mean that you cannot enter."

Gu Fei looked at the giant city ahead and said calmly.

"Shangxian, you want..."

The snow ape sitting on Gu Fei's shoulders suddenly lit up when he heard the words. It was very curious that this Shangxian really dared to break into Tianshuang City.

"Let's take a look."

Gu Fei took a direct step and came to the gate of Tianshuang City in an instant. He stood in the air, without any strong aura, just like an ordinary person.

However, it is absolutely impossible for a mortal to fly in the air, and on the left shoulder of this person is sitting a fist-sized, furry creature.

However, this creature's body radiated an incomparably powerful aura of an immortal god, this was a beast god, extremely powerful.

"Who is here."

Gu Fei's sudden appearance made the soldiers patrolling on the city wall very nervous, and a warrior leader immediately shouted at Gu Fei.

"My master wants to enter the city, you quickly open the city gate."

The Snow Ape sitting on Gu Fei's shoulder stood up and said loudly.

"The city gate is closed and won't open again. You have to enter the city and come back tomorrow."

The soldier leader said loudly, he was looking at the man and the beast.

"Shangxian, what should I do."

Xue Yuan said to Gu Fei.

"Be tougher."

Gu Fei spoke to Snow Ape.


The Snow Ape was excited. It had never attacked a human city. The human city was a forbidden area for the beasts.

"Hurry up and open the city gate and let us in, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite."

Snow Ape shouted angrily, an extremely powerful and fierce aura erupted from Snow Ape's body.

"Ferocious beast, you dare to come here to play wild."

The leader shouted angrily, and a powerful breath spread from his body. This was a fairy god-level breath, and that leader was a fairy god.

"Shangxian, can you do it."

Xue Yuan said carefully to Gu Fei.

"Go ahead."

Gu Fei nodded without thinking about it.

"Okay, haha."

Xue Yuan laughed, and then rushed out directly over Gu Fei's shoulders, with a "boom." In an instant, the cute hair ball turned into a head with a height of more than ten feet. The ferocious aura is mighty, like a vicious ape like a **** of death rushing out of hell.


The fierce ape looked up to the sky and roared, the terrifying sound wave spread, and the void was shaking.


Snow Ape shot directly and slammed at the leader of the warrior on the city wall with one punch, and violent power burst out from the body of this fierce beast.


The leader on the wall sneered, and did not evade.

Just as Snow Ape’s fist was about to hit the leader’s head, a layer of divine light suddenly appeared in the void, "Boom." With a sound, Snow Ape’s fist hit the god. Above the light.

The Snow Ape roared and flew upside down, with blood dripping in the air.

"I don't know what to do."

The leader said disdainfully.

"Daoist, you should retreat and come back tomorrow."

Suddenly an old voice came from the tower, which was full of vicissitudes.

"I'm in a hurry, can't I make it easy?"

Gu Fei said calmly, no one could see anything from his face.

It was Gu Fei's calmness and indifference that made the warrior leader on the wall feel uneasy. You know, the fierce ape just now seems to be just this person's battle pet.

A person who can surrender a fierce ape is definitely not a weak person. You must know that the fierce ape is a beast god, and beasts become gods.


At this time, the fierce ape that had been shaken away roared and rushed back from a distance.

Gu Fei raised his hand, the fierce ape who was rushing back immediately stopped and stood behind him, docilely like a kitten.

When the soldiers on the front of the city saw this scene, they all showed incredible expressions.

"I'm sorry, this is the rules of Tianshuang City. After the city gate is closed, it can only be opened again tomorrow morning."

In the tower, the old voice sounded again.

"The rules are set by people."

Gu Fei looked at the tower, he could sense a vague aura inside, and it seemed that there were masters sitting in town, and this Tianshuang City was not simple.

"Daoist, you should go. No one can break the rules of Tianshuang City. Even if the City Lord of Tianshuang City is outside, he can't get in."

The strong man in the tower said.

"Huh, if I want to go to town."

Gu Fei said in a deep voice.

"Then you can give it a try."

Said the old voice.


Gu Fei's eyes became fierce, a powerful breath spread from his body, and extremely powerful fluctuations of power appeared between the sky and the earth.

He didn't show his true strength, but even so, it scared the soldiers on the wall.

"Quasi saint, or saint."

In the tower, the owner of the old voice was very surprised. He couldn't think that the black-clothed young man outside the city was such a strong man.

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