Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2705: Guardian Apprentice

The old man Zhao Changqing and his grandson Zhao Hao lived in the other courtyard. Zhao Hao was Zhao Zirou's nephew. This shocked Gu Fei, especially Zhao Zirou's identity.

Zhao Zirou turned out to be a member of the ancient Zhao family. This was something that Gu Fei never expected. Zhao Zirou's exodus was probably the result of various factions fighting for power in the Zhao family.

This is a frequent occurrence within the major clans, and the internal struggles in the ancient Zhao family are even more fierce and ruthless. Some people can do whatever they can to get the upper hand.

The ancient Zhao family also has a stronghold in the heavens. In fact, to a certain extent, the ancient Zhao family in the heavens is in the same line as the ancient Zhao family in the world in ancient times.

But now it is different. After endless years, the ancient Zhao family in the heavens has changed. Some people want to draw a clear line from the ancient Zhao family in the human world.

Zhao Zirou came to the heavens, life is definitely not easy, her brother has been calculated and fallen, leaving a nephew, she can not protect this nephew, so she had to send this nephew to Gu Fei.

Since Gu Fei defeated the ancestor of the Golden Crow, his fame has already resounded through the heavens, and he is known as a peerless man.

If you want to say that the most unprovoked people in the heavens are not the emperors, let alone the big murderers, but Gu Fei, a peerless murderer.

After learning about Zhao Zirou's news, Gu Fei couldn't wait to fly to the northern snowy area of ​​heaven to find Zhao Zirou.

The northern part of the heaven is a snowy area, where there are two big forces, one is the snowy heavenly palace, and the other is the ancient Zhao family in the heavens.

The Heavenly Palace in the Snow Region is very mysterious. Few people in this line walk out of the snow and walk in the world. Some people say that the descendants of this line are all women.

Compared with the mystery of the Snowy Heavenly Palace, the Wild Ancient Zhao Family in the Heaven Realm is very high-profile. The Wild Ancient Zhao Family in the Celestial Realm has produced many powerhouses. Among them, Zhao Wudi is the invincible existence among the rising stars. He has never failed since his debut.

"As soon as the goddess arrives, she wants to control the entire Zhao family of heaven, dream, haha."

On the top of a Tongtian Snow Mountain in the endless snowy area of ​​the north, there was loud laughter from a hall.

"Yes, there are only a few small characters in the lower realm who want to dominate my Zhao family. This is too small for me to wait."

Someone in the hall agreed.

"But that goddess is not easy, there is a forbidden device to protect her body, it is difficult to kill her."

Someone said.

"Forbidden devices are not omnipotent. Let her escape this time. Next time, she won't be so lucky."

Above the hall and above the throne, a figure suddenly raised its head, and two fierce eyes flashed like lightning.

At this time, amidst the endless snowy areas in the north, in an inaccessible mountain, there was a cave with a figure sitting cross-legged in the cave.

It was a woman with a hideous bronze mask on her face. At this moment, the woman was surrounded by divine light, and nine Dao patterns loomed in the void around her.

The aura of the great avenue raged in the cave. There were blood stains on the woman's chest. It was obvious that the woman was injured.

"Outrageous, Zhao Wudi, sooner or later you will regret what happened today."

The masked woman was talking to herself.

In the northern snow region, something happened in the ancient Zhao family in the heavenly realm. People who came up from the lower realm were under a miscalculation, and even the goddess almost fell.

The news spread, and other forces in the northern snowy region were shocked.

The northern snowy region is extremely vast. Although it is icy and snowy, there are also many forces. You know, there are many treasures here.

For example, the ancestral land of the ancient Zhao family in the northern snowy area is a land of celestial spirits. Not only is there no ice and snow, it is a gathering of spiritual energy and warmth like spring.

Some forces even opened up a cave.

Some people speculate that the Snowy Heavenly Palace opened up a cave, even a divine land, otherwise, how could no one know where the Snowy Heavenly Palace is located.

When something happened to the Zhao Family in the Snow Region, the old man Zhao Changqing and the little boy Zhao Hao settled in a separate courtyard in Luoxia City, Nanling.

Here, they don't need to worry anymore.

Although the people of the Zhao family in Xueyu did not dare to chase Zhao Changqing and Zhao Hao blatantly, they secretly invited a killer to assassinate these two grandchildren.

Zhao Changqing almost died under the sword of a killer. Even if he survived by chance, his cultivation was half-waste, and he fell directly from the realm of Immortal Emperor to the realm of Immortal God.

Moreover, after Zhao Changqing fought with the killer, he suffered a hidden wound.

Who is Gu Fei, he naturally saw the problem with Zhao Changqing at a glance, and he personally took action to force out the sword aura that had invaded Zhao Changqing.

In just a few days, Zhao Changqing's hidden injuries were completely healed, and his cultivation level also recovered seven or eighty eight.

At this time, Zhao Hao also worshiped Gu Fei as his teacher. In this way, Zhao Hao became Yan'er's uncle, which really made Yan'er depressed for several days.

In a quiet room of the other courtyard, Gu Frisbee was sitting on a futon, and in front of him, there was a little boy who knelt down.

This person is Zhao Hao.

"Do you know why I accepted you as a disciple."

Gu Fei looked at Zhao Hao calmly and said.

"It's because of my physique."

Zhao Hao said that although he was young, he has become a lot more mature after undergoing major changes.

"You are right. The reason why I accepted you as a disciple is not because you are Zhao Zirou's nephew, but because you are a man of creation."

Gu Fei nodded and said, he was also surprised that this little nephew of Zhao Zirou actually possessed the physique of earth walking, and this little boy did not practice any techniques.

In this way, Gu Fei led him to martial arts, but it saved a lot of effort.

"Thank you Master for perfection."

Zhao Hao kowtowed to Gu Fei and said.

"Well, you and me, the master and apprentice do not need to be so formal in the future, just feel free."

Gu Fei said.

"Yes, Master."

Zhao Hao said.

"When you enter my door, I will teach you the best."

Gu Fei didn't say much, he pointed it out directly, hitting Zhao Hao's eyebrows, and directly branded the first part of Wu Jing into Zhao Hao's mind.

Zhao Hao closed his eyes, sat cross-legged on the ground, and then carefully studied the Wu Jing that suddenly appeared in his mind. He knew exactly what he wanted to do.

He wants to become a strong man, and then go find Zhao Wudi to avenge him.

Zhao Wudi is a rising star among the Zhao family in the Snow Region. He is known as the most powerful young generation in the Zhao Family in the Snow Region.

Of course, the superpower in the northern snow region is not only the Zhao family in the snow region, but also the snow region heavenly palace.

However, the people of the Snowy Heavenly Palace are mysterious and unpredictable, and the dragons never see the end. The descendants of the Snowy Heavenly Palace are only in the legend, and no one has ever seen him.

However, among the younger generation of powerhouses in the Snow Region, I am afraid that only the descendants of the Snow Region Heavenly Palace can contend with that Zhao Wudi.

Zhao Hao's heart is very big, he wants to kill Zhao Wudi, this is definitely not an easy task, for him, it is almost impossible.

Although Zhao Hao is a rare genius with profound knowledge of martial arts, it is not easy to comprehend something for a while.

Gu Fei left the quiet room, and he left Zhao Hao to comprehend it alone.

The master entered the door, and the cultivation was personal. Gu Fei was very concerned about the little apprentice he took, but it really depends on him to get Zhao Hao to the point.

"Snow in the north?"

Gu Fei came outside. At this time, a bright moon hung in the sky, and the courtyard was quiet.

"What are you thinking about."

At this time, a woman in white came from a distance.

"Nothing to think about."

Gu Fei didn't look back. He already knew who came. In this other courtyard, no one would talk to himself like this, except for two people.

Yan'er came to Gu Fei's side.

"I didn't think about anything. I was thinking about your little junior sister."

Yan'er said with a smile, with a hint of jealousy in her tone, she didn't want to share her husband with other women.

However, Yan'er also knew that Gu Fei and his little junior sister met first, this is an unchangeable fact.

"Where did you think of it."

Gu Fei naturally heard the jealousy in Yan'er's tone, he couldn't help but smile, even if she was sanctified, Yan'er was still a woman after all.

"I didn't think of anything else, it's you who are worried."

Yan'er said.

"Hehe, okay, after all, it is the same sect. As you know, I have always had a wish in my heart, that is to rebuild the Taixuan Sect."

Gu Fei looked at the bright moon in the sky, his eyes deepened.

"Rebuild Taixuanmen..."

Yan'er's mood also became heavier. She naturally knew the importance of this matter to Gu Fei, which had always been a shadow in Gu Fei's heart.

Only after the Taixuan Gate was rebuilt, the shadow in Gu Fei's heart would disappear.

"Go back inside."

Yan'er said.


Gu Fei nodded.

The two returned to the house.

It was a peaceful night, but for others, it was not peaceful anymore. There were still a lot of teenagers sent by major forces on their knees outside the courtyard.

These teenagers all wanted to worship Gu Fei as their teacher, but these people didn't know that Gu Fei had already received enough apprentices, and would never accept any more apprentices.

It's no use even if these people kneel down for a lifetime.

Then Zhao Hao is definitely a freak, but in one night, he has already started, he has mastered some basic martial arts skills.

This Zhao Hao is indeed a piece of uncut jade that has not been carved.


Gu Fei saw Zhao Hao's progress, he was very happy, given time, with Zhao Hao's cultivation speed, his cultivation level will surely rise quickly.

Zhao Hao only needs to practice step by step, and he doesn't need him to give directions.

Gu Fei decided to go to the northern snowy area. He had to meet Zhao Zirou. He wanted to know whether the other Taixuanmen disciples were alive or dead.

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