Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2448: Power of Kowloon

The power of the scourge, that is the power that can kill the holy, is above the heaven and the earth, and can kill any creatures below the Supreme Dao or Huangji Supreme.

No matter how amazing you are, how talented you are, you can hardly resist the power of this scourge.

Throughout the ages, those pretentious people who want to challenge the power of this scourge have, without exception, ended up in a destructive fate.

But now, Gu Fei was not afraid of the power of Heavenly Scourge, and went so far as to cross the Sacred Emperor's Tribulation on Luoxingzhou, which shocked everyone to the extreme.

Especially the powerful creatures of the holy ranks are even more unbelievable. They can't believe what they have seen. This is too illusory and unreal.


The voice of Jie Lei continued to be uploaded in the sky, strong enough to make the holy creatures tremble, and the power fluctuated down, shocking the heavens.

When Gu Fei instigated the Holy Emperor Heavenly Tribulation, the holy creatures on the entire Tenglong Ancestral Star sensed the fluctuations of the laws of heaven and earth in the first place.

"Someone actually crossed the catastrophe at this time."

Some super old antiques have been alarmed. Among those ridiculous ancient forces, there are absolutely no shortage of powerful existences that have survived from ancient times to the present.

At this time, crossing the Holy Emperor's Tribulation, in the eyes of these old antiques, is definitely looking for death, they are all waiting, the power of the scourge is about to disappear, and no one will choose to cross the Tribulation at this time.

"The breath of Scourge..."

Someone said such words.

The power of the scourge is gradually weakening, but it still exists. It will take some time before the power of the scourge completely disappears. During this time, all the forces are preparing.

All the grievances since ancient times may have to be settled in this calamity. This is a big change in the Three Realms and Six Paths since the ancient times were broken.

No one can stay aside, everyone will be affected.

"I have a bad feeling."

On the Tenglong Continent, deep in the mountains of the Eastern Region, a place where the ancestral veins of the earth is condensed, a figure stands on one of the highest peaks in the land of the rising dragon, looking towards the direction where the waves of heaven and earth come from. .

This was an old man with white beard and hair. The old man wore a robe with a red face. In his eyes, there were faint lines looming, giving people a sense of otherworldly.

This old man is definitely not a mortal person. If the sky is still on, he would have already ascended to the heavens.

"If that person does come back, my Eastern family might be in danger of extermination."

The old man sighed. The grievances between the Eastern clan and that person have long been beyond resolving. Even if the Eastern family has come out of an Eastern emperor in recent years, it is not enough.

The Eastern Emperor of the Eastern aristocratic family, his cultivation base was extremely powerful, and he was sanctified before that chaotic world was closed.

During the time when the world of chaos was opened, countless people failed to attack the holy steps, but many people successfully survived the robbery of the saints and became saints.

And Donghuang is one of them.

In the Tamron Continent at this time, there are many newly promoted holy creatures. Among these people, some are geniuses who have always been optimistic about, and there are some dark horses that stand out.

The most surprising thing is that one of the sloppy fire-burning monks among the Buddhist monks in the Western Earth has also become holy.

The name of the fire-burning monk has not been passed down, but he has cultivated as a sage, which makes all the great virtues and monks in the Western Tu Buddhist School unbelievable. Moreover, the fire-burning monk refused to recruit from Lingshan.

The Burning Fire Monk of the Western Land, the Eastern Emperor of the Eastern Region, and the Azure Dragon of the Southern Wilderness are all newly promoted saints. These three powerful risers have already left their peers far behind.

Although some people are sanctified, they choose to lie in the dark without showing up.

"Is he crossing the robbery."

In the ancestral land of the Eastern tribe, in a stone chamber, a mysterious man with a mask was talking to himself.

"Holy Emperor Jie?"

At the same time, in the ancestral land of the Southern Wild Blue Dragon clan, a young man covered in dragon spirit was talking to himself, and the phantom of a big dragon appeared on his body.

"Huh, this little guy is so courageous."

In Fengdu Ghost Mansion, in a shrine suspended above the sky, the voice of Fengdu Ghost Emperor was heard.

At this time, the attention of almost all the creatures above the holy rank on Tenglong Ancestor Star was attracted by Gu Fei's Holy Emperor's Tribulation.

The huge calamity originally was enough to affect the entire Tenglong ancestor star, but the power of the mountains and rivers suppressed the void of heaven and earth, but it greatly reduced the fluctuation range of the holy emperor's catastrophe.

The power of the scourge was only aimed at Gu Fei, but it did not affect anyone else.

At this time, in the heaven and earth in the mountain and river tripod, Gu Fei ushered in a new round of tribulation. Through the void above, he could clearly see nine huge figures appearing above the sky.

"That is……"

Gu Fei was extremely shocked. Those were nine huge dragon shadows. On each dragon shadow, a terrifying holy emperor Longwei appeared vastly. It was the imprint of the nine dragon emperors left on the heaven and earth roads that was touched. .

"Nima, is this going to kill me? The nine dragon kings came all at once."

Gu Fei couldn't help being moved when he saw this scene. You know, that was the nine dragon kings. In the Tribulation of the Holy Emperor, the appearance of a dragon king was enough to make those holy emperors despair, but now the nine are suddenly here. One.

The dragon emperor is the holy emperor among the dragon clan, and the dragon clan is a divine beast, which is much stronger than the average holy emperor, and is not comparable to the average holy emperor.

"Come on, thief, see who is afraid of whom."

Gu Fei's fighting spirit was like a rainbow, he stood up from the void, and his body was filled with chaotic energy. At this time, a little golden light appeared in the chaotic energy on his body.

That was the result of fusing the immortal divinity of the ancestor, and the chaotic energy had also undergone a certain change.

This is why the Sunset Demon Ancestor desperately wants to get something, the immortal divinity can regenerate him, but unfortunately, the Sunset Demon Ancestor has no chance.

Gu Fei didn't rise to the sky and kill the sky, because he knew that once he left the envelope of the power of the mountains and rivers, the power of condemnation would come that day.

The power of the scourge was a destructive power that even the Holy Venerable could kill. Gu Fei didn't think he was stronger than the Holy Venerable.

The power of the scourge is the bottom line, and no holy-ranked creature can't go beyond it. Only the supreme or the emperor can dare to ignore this power. The other creatures are just ants in front of this power.

In this way, Gu Fei couldn't take advantage of the power of Heavenly Tribulation before it had fully condensed. Only when the power of Heavenly Tribulation was raised to its limit, and then fell from the sky, could he fight with the Power of Heavenly Tribulation.

For Gu Fei, he was very passive in this way. He could only fight back after being beaten.


A thunderous dragon roar came down from the sky, and then, a dragon head larger than a mountain broke through the cloud of heaven and fell downward.

The dragon is mighty, it’s almost like the real Dragon Emperor came to the world, the whole world was crushed by that holy emperor’s power. A series of dark space cracks came.


Immediately afterwards, the void shook, and the huge dragon body rushed out of the robbery cloud, rushing towards Gu Fei below, with a murderous intent.


A huge dragon claw fell from the sky and grabbed Gu Fei directly. The dragon claw covered the entire sky, and immediately blocked all Gu Fei's retreat.

"Good guy."

Gu Fei knew that he had met a strong enemy, this dragon king was extraordinary and very powerful.


Gu Fei's fighting spirit broke out, and he directly blasted his fist upwards, and the extremely powerful Holy Emperor's power exploded from his fist.

This punch, indomitable, has the power to break the world.


Gu Fei's fist slammed into the dragon claw that was grabbed from the sky, and the two powerful forces directly collided with each other, and the void burst, and even the world in the mountain and river tripod became unstable.


Gu Fei's figure is moving fast.

At this time, the dragon emperor seemed to be irritated by Gu Fei, and rushed directly into the world in the mountain and river tripod, and fought against Gu Fei.

The power of the Dragon King was really terrifying. Gu Fei did not use any external force to fight with his own power. At this time, the superiority of the chaos immortal martial arts was fully revealed.


Gu Fei was so powerful that he smashed the dragon out thousands of feet away with a fist, and the dragon's blood was splashing, so lifelike.

Although this giant dragon is not the real Dragon King, it is just a brand left on the Law of Heaven and Earth when the Dragon King was enlightened, but when he was injured by Gu Fei, it was as if the real Dragon King was severely injured. .

"But so."

Gu Fei directly chased him up, and another punch was blasted out, with an invincible power in the powerful force, he was showing invincible punch.

The martial arts combat skills are simple and direct, but they can often show the power of horror to the extreme.

Just when Gu Fei punched out, the giant dragon suddenly spit out a dragon ball, and smashed it towards Gu Fei, a saint emperor-level destructive force burst out from the dragon ball.

Gu Fei was fearless, he directly punched the dragon ball that had hit it.


The destructive power broke out in an instant, the dragon ball exploded, endless runes emerged, and then turned into a terrifying extinction force, which swallowed Gu Fei all at once.


Gu Fei was taken aback, and hurriedly ran his body power to contend with that extinct force.

However, even if he shot with all his strength, he still received a huge impact, and countless holes broke out on his body, **** and bloody, and his body was almost shattered by that extinction force.


Gu Fei didn't hesitate, he directly used the Ascension Secret Art, one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, his strength was soaring, and the wounds on his body were healing quickly.


The heavens and the earth shook, and a force that was so powerful that the whole world seemed to be broken apart appeared on Gu Fei's body, and the immortal light of chaos emerged from his body, beating like a sacred fire.

At this moment, Gu Fei felt that his whole body was full of power, and he didn't vomit, even if he was standing in front of him now, he dared to throw a punch.

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