Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2078: Storm is coming

The golden goddess left, and in the main hall, only Master Gu Fei and the middle-aged Taoist Zhuge Liang among the twelve bandits were left.

"Master, why should we agree to join hands with the Golden Family."

Gu Zhong didn’t understand his master’s intentions. He teamed up with the Golden Clan to destroy the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion. This matter was too much involved. If he is not careful, he will be dead.

You know, Zhongzhou Xianfu is not easy to provoke. This superpower can rule Zhongzhou for endless years. It is definitely not accidental, but its background is really deep.

Although Zhongzhou Xianfu did not produce supreme, but in the ancient years, there were many saints, supreme, just a kind of deterrent force, in the ancient years, supreme has rarely shot.

Even some supreme no longer walks on the earth,

In the late period of the ancient prehistoric period, the powerful existence of those holy ranks truly crossed the prehistoric world. The inheritance of Zhongzhou Xianfu is extremely long. This is a force that no one dares to despise.

Now, the Golden Clan of the Northland is not willing to be lonely anymore, and even wants to unite all major forces to destroy the Zhongzhou Xianfu. I have to say that the Golden Clan is really big.

If it succeeds, this will inevitably be a major event that will shake the entire ancestral star of Bu Zhou. The cultivation forces on the ancestor star of Bu Zhou will be reshuffled, and the pattern of the cultivation world will change drastically.

Most importantly, Zhongzhou Xianfu became the past,

The ancient human road cannot be controlled by a super power, because the ancient human road belongs to the entire human cultivation world and should be jointly controlled by all major forces.

"Whether or not to join forces with the Golden Family is nothing to us, and we have nothing to lose."

Gu Fei said,

"Does the master want to..."

Gu Zhong heard this, his eyes lit up suddenly.

"You have to know that we are in Zuxing Zhou, but we are just a passing place, a place that can be truly sanctified, at Zuxing Tenglong, not here."

Gu Fei said such words,

This is an ancient legend that the ancestor of Tenglong can be holy, and it is precisely because of this that an ancient human road leading to the outside world appeared on the ancestor of Zhou.

This reminded Gu Fei of the Kunlun Ancient Road on Earth. Perhaps the end of that ancient road was not on Buzhou Zuxing, because there was also an ancient human road on Buzhou Zuxing. This ancient road was called by the sages on Buzhou Zuxing. Bu Zhou Gu Road,

Whether it is the Kunlun Ancient Road or the Buzhou Ancient Road, it seems that the ancestors explored the road of sanctification outside the territory. The end may be the ancestor of Tenglong.

The living room fell silent, no one spoke,

At this time, on a mountain thousands of miles away from Xianzun City, the Golden Goddess stood on the top of the mountain, opposite her, stood the ancestor of her line,

"Gu Fei agreed."

The tall ancestor looked at the golden goddess,

"Yes, the ancestor guessed right, then Gu Fei agreed to cooperate with us."

The golden goddess said,

"That's good, this Gu Fei is definitely a variable, he may want to take advantage of the fishermen's profit, but once that matter has started, then he can't help but stop."

The ancestor’s eyes became deeper,

On this day, the Patriarch of Helian returned to the ancestral court of the Helian family, and then the God of Vulcan also left the customs. The moment the God of Vulcan left the customs, most of the Infinite Purgatory was shocked.


In the depths of Infernal Purgatory, a terrifying magic whistle was heard, where the magic energy was mighty, and there was a huge magic shadow looming in the magic energy.

In another area, the evil spirit is soaring, and there is a terrible big monster roaring,

Vulcan's exit has shocked these powerful men in Infernal Purgatory. There are many terrifying existences in this fierce and fierce Infernal Purgatory in Zhongzhou.

This is also the reason why even Dacheng Quasi-sage is not willing to enter this fierce land.

Not to mention the Dacheng quasi-sages, even those super old antiques who are self-sealed are still unwilling to set foot here. In this fierce land, there are things they are afraid of.

On this day, Vulcan left the Infernal Purgatory,

"This guy has finally left, I hope he never comes back."

In the depths of Infinite Purgatory, a long sigh came out, the voice was very old,

Time was fading. In the blink of an eye, Gu Fei and the others had occupied Xianzun City for three months. The Ziyun family did not move at all, and seemed to have acquiesced to this fact.

Gu Fei defeated the two self-sealed saints of the Helian family, which made the Ziyun family hesitate. They believed that Gu Fei had assassins. Otherwise, the self-sealed saints would be so easy to kill.

The Ziyun family will not act rashly before figuring out Gu Fei’s reality.

Except for the Ziyun family, the other big forces on the ancestral star of Zhou have come into contact with Gu Fei one after another. However, Gu Fei did not join any camp.

It’s less than two months before the half-year period, but at this time, the forces that have had a bad relationship with the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion are a bit unable to sit still.

Zhongzhou Xianfu has made it clear that it will not open the ancient human road to the disciples of these forces. In other words, only the allies of Zhongzhou Xianfu can embark on the ancient human road.

In this way, most of the people were directly removed from the list.

Zhongzhou Xianfu is very powerful, even if they know that they are at a disadvantage, it is the same. You must know that Zhongzhou Xianfu’s actions have offended more people.

"It's no wonder someone is going to attack Zhongzhou Xianfu."

Gu Fei was in the City Lord’s Mansion of Xianzun City, and various news came every day. He was paying attention to the latest developments of the major forces in the cultivation world of Fuzhou Ancestor Star.

The Golden Clan hasn’t taken any action yet, and the Buzhou Monster Clan is also very honest. The ancient Monster in the Monster Clan is very safe.

In the Eastern Holy Land of the East, those eminent monks rarely appeared, and no eminent monks entered the boundary of Zhongzhou. Everything was peaceful, at least on the surface, it seemed calm.

"Master, are we going to Zhongzhou Xianfu now?"

On the main hall of the City Lord’s Mansion, Gu Zhong said to Gu Fei,

"Well, we occupied Xianzun City, ran away Ziyun Dragon, and killed Huo Zun. If this helped Zhongzhou Xianfu a big favor, they should open up the ancient human road to us.

Zhuge Liang, a wise man among the twelve great bandits, said with his colorful feather fan,

"Huh, it's hard to say, those people in Zhongzhou Xianfu are not good things."

Gu Zhong said disdainfully,

"No hurry, let's take a look first."

Gu Fei groaned for a while, and then said that the ancient road of human race is about to open, and the golden family should start, and news should be heard soon.

He is waiting, waiting for the best time. If the Golden Family and the major forces can join forces to destroy the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion, he will sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

No one wants to be used as a gun by others. Gu Fei didn’t want to be the knife of the Golden Family, so he went to fight the old antiques in Xianfu Zhongzhou stupidly.

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