Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2069: ten years

In the sacred land, everyone is working hard to cultivate. In the great world, this will be their chance to fight for the people they follow.

As long as Gu Fei can be sanctified, they are gods and generals under the saint’s command and have an extremely respectable status.

The cultivation speed of the people in the Divine Land is very fast, because the concentration of spiritual energy here is several times that of the outside world. You must know that in the depths of the Divine Land, there are a few sacred springs of life.

It is precisely because of the existence of these sacred springs of life that this square of sacred soil has grown to the present level. It is a small world that evolves in the direction of a real big world.


Suddenly thunders rang out in the divine soil. Amidst a mountain, the sky was overwhelmed by darkness, condensing a tribulation cloud, a powerful heaven and earth might, from the tribulation cloud.

"Someone has crossed the robbery again."

The people in the Divine Land discovered this vision for the first time. Some people were muttering to themselves. In the past few years, people in the Divine Land continued to trigger the heavens.

This kind of spectacle that is rare in the outside world has become very common in God’s soil.

At this time, Gu Fei was five or six years old on the big rock next to Shenquan. He was evolving his own "Tao" and constantly deducing,

At the same time, people who are also learning from others, his temperament is gradually changing, and the nine lines are gradually becoming clear, but in general, the nine lines are still fuzzy and will not really show up.

The avenue changes from complex to simple, this process is difficult, even Gu Fei, it is difficult to achieve overnight, it takes countless time and effort to deduct,

After the battle with the little old man of the Na Helian family, Gu Fei has a deeper understanding of the avenue. The little old man is the thunder and lightning avenue, which is rare, and there are many things worth learning.

If it weren’t for surprise, it would be impossible for me to kill that little old man.

This also proves one thing, that is, the ultimate holy soldiers can kill the saints, as long as they are killed by the ultimate holy soldiers, even if they are saints, they will destroy their flesh if they do not die.

The Extreme Sacred Soldier is really too powerful. Even if there is no recovery, any place on the body that is slashed, as long as the blood is seen, the person who is recruited will have life worry.

What is a big killer, this is a big killer,

Gu Fei didn't mean to stop. In his mind, he was still deducing various avenues, using the way of others to confirm his own way.

There is no sun or moon in cultivation, and in a blink of an eye, the flowers bloom and fall. Three years have passed. There is still one year left before the opening of the ancient human road in Zhongzhou Xianfu.

In the past nine years, many major events have occurred in Zhongzhou, but Gu Fei entered the inner world, and everything on the outside has nothing to do with him.


Just as the ten-year deadline was approaching, there was a long scream from the depths of the divine soil one day, and the sound shook everywhere, shocking the birds and beasts in the mountains to flee, causing chaos.

"Gu Zhong, you bastard, what the **** is your name, disturb the old lady Qingxiu."

In the depths of the sacred soil, in a valley, there was a curse, and a purple-clothed girl angrily stood up from the futon, very upset.

"Is the master disciple finally going to make a breakthrough."

In another area, in a cave, a middle-aged Taoist wearing a cyan robes with a hand-cranked feather fan came out.

"Senior brother has finally become a powerful emperor."

Under a spiritual tree, there was a girl in yellow clothes sitting cross-legged. At this time, the girl in yellow clothes opened her eyes. This girl is the Yaoyue who has passed the fairy tales.

When he was crossing the catastrophe that day, Gu Fei suddenly left, Yaoyue’s only son crossing the catastrophe,

Fortunately, no one knows the relationship between her and Gu Fei.

And Yaoyue was also fully prepared. She had a jade talisman that Gu Fei gave her in her hand. As long as she smashed this jade talisman, she could move into the divine soil instantly.

After Yaoyue came back, Gu Fei had already closed up.

However, Gu Fei left the mountain and river tripod. Yaoyue’s body has been tempered by the holy blood. During these nine years, her cultivation has continued to advance by leaps and bounds.

At this time, Yaoyue is already the existence of the Nine Heavens of the Immortal God, and she can break through to the realm of the Immortal King and become a female fairy king with only one step.


At this time, the heavens and the earth changed color, the robbery clouds rose, and the dark dark clouds gathered from all directions, covering the area where Gu Zhong was located.

Although it only broke through a small realm, the celestial calamity triggered by Gu Zhong was still a bit terrifying. The destructive power was vast, and it shocked all the creatures in the entire Divine Land.


A dazzling lightning flashed through the sky and the earth in an instant, slashing downward,

The catastrophe was launched, and the power of destruction was released to the full. The sky and the earth shook. On a mountain peak, a white-clothed young man stood. The white-clothed young man's eyes were like electricity. He let the lightning strike directly on his body.

"too weak."

A powerful electric current raged on him, but this kind of destruction and lightning did not even tear his clothes. A powerful breath came from him.

The electric currents like silver snakes were immediately dispersed by the force that burst out of the white-clothed youth.

Gu Zhong does have the courage of his master Gu Fei, and the stronger he gets, the stronger he is, even if he faces the terrible tribulation, he doesn’t put the tribulation in his eyes.




Lightning bolts fell from the sky and fell directly on Gu Zhong's body. He let the thunder and lightning strike him, like an immortal mountain, standing still.

"Too weak, too weak..."

Gu Zhong is still very relaxed, it seems that going through a catastrophe is like playing a house.

The catastrophe lasted for a short time. This is only a small realm among the nine realms of great power. According to past experience, breaking through a small realm will not cause such a big movement. Some people will not even trigger the catastrophe.

However, Gu Zhong is an anomaly. Not only did he provoke the tribulation, but the tribulation was almost comparable to the power of the tribulation triggered when others broke through the great realm.

After more than an hour passed, the catastrophe ended in Gu Zhong’s ghost cry like howling ghosts and howling wolfs. The height of the entire mountain was cut by nearly a third.

A unkempt person with straight hair and still smoking came down from the mountain.

"too weak……"

This guy is still talking to himself, his voice is shaking,

"This big disciple of the Lord is really abnormal."

The twelve great bandits stopped above the sky. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help being shocked. They watched Gu Zhongdujie from beginning to end. They found that Gu Zhong did not fight against the heavens at all.

He let the sky thunder bombard him for more than an hour. If he changed to a general power, he would have been bombarded by the sky thunder countless times.

"The ten years are up, and the ancient road of human race will be opened in half a year."

Soon after Gu Zhong successfully crossed the catastrophe, an old voice came from the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion, and the entire Bu Zhou Ancestral Star cultivation world was boiling again.

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