Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1730: Guangcheng Fairy Sword

"who are you"

Gu Fei wanted to know the identity of the other party very much. This woman in white gave him a feeling of deja vu. This woman was the outstanding figure in the Guangcheng Immortal School.

This woman's aptitude is definitely the best choice, otherwise, she wouldn't be favored by an old antique in the ancient Zhou family, and then accepted as a disciple.

And the facts have also proved that the old antique from the ancient Zhou family did not misunderstand the person.

"Why should I tell you?"

Seeing Gu Fei so directly, the woman in white couldn't help feeling a little unhappy.

"Because I saved you just now."

Gu Fei stared at the masked woman, wishing to rush forward and tore off the other's mask. The voice of this woman was exactly the same as that of the person he knew.

Where are there so many coincidences in the world? Perhaps the person in front of me is the one I am looking for.

"Huh, who wants you to be nosy? Even if you didn't take action just now, I could get rid of the living dead." The white-clothed woman seemed to have no sympathy.

Gu Fei didn't speak, but just stared at the woman all the time. The woman who was looking at her face was hot. Gu Fei's eyes were burning, and there seemed to be something else inside, which made her even more unhappy.

"You are so rude."

The eyes of the woman in white became fierce.

"You really don't recognize me?"

Gu Fei was very disappointed. He wanted to see the appearance of the woman in front of him, but the reaction of the woman in front of him was unexpected. It seems that the other party simply doesn't know himself.

How could this happen? Is the other person really not the person I thought.

"Li Mengyao, really isn't it?" Gu Fei asked aloud without giving up.

"I don't know what you said, but I can be sure that you admitted the wrong person." The white-clothed woman seemed to say it without even thinking about it.

Seeing the woman in white speaking so quickly and directly, Gu Fei also knew that he might really admit the wrong person.


He didn't say anything. He took a direct step and disappeared into the white-clothed woman in an instant. Even this white-clothed woman couldn't see how he left.


The white-clothed woman was obviously taken aback. This speed was too amazing. Even the entire human world could only be comparable to the speed of the race with the Kunpeng bloodline.

The void sealed by Dao Wen was very big, and the power of the avenue blocked everything. There was no chaotic mist here, but the world was dim and the light was not very sufficient.


In the depths of this side of heaven and earth, from time to time, there were shocking fluctuations. This kind of fluctuations shocked the heavens. It was Gu Fei who was shocked. The power of the emperor was too strong.

However, even if the power of the human emperor level was used, it would be difficult to destroy the void of heaven and earth that was sealed by the Great Dao Divine Array. The Dao Divine Pattern was indelible, and even if it was partially defeated, it would quickly regroup.

The two great emperor **** soldiers were blocked by the supreme evil corpse and the peerless evil in the depths of the world, and it was difficult to get out of the trap, and there were also other strong human races who were trapped here because of the disaster of the pond fish.


A black shadow flew quickly by the woods where Gu Fei was, and was filled with death. It was a powerful ancient corpse patrolling, and that peerless evil brought the most powerful ancient corpse in the ancient city. .

This is not a good thing, the ancient corpse general's combat power should not be underestimated, even if the human race can meet, most of them will be killed by the ancient corpse general on the spot.

In the other direction, there was also a figure lurking, it was a woman.

Gu Fei didn't actually go far. He followed the woman in white at a distance. He hadn't completely given up on it. You must know that it is difficult for a person to be similar to the point where even the voice is the same.

Even if the twins look exactly the same, their voices will not be the same.

Did something happen to me that I didn't know? Make Li Mengyao forget everything that happened in the past?

If the old antiques of the Huanggu Zhou family were shot, it could indeed erase the memory of Li Mengyao, if it was really the case, it would be bad.

Gu Fei's thoughts kept turning. At this time, the woman in white waited until the ancient corpse passed, and then walked out of the lurking place and continued to move forward.

She did not find that Gu Fei was following her. With Gu Fei's cultivation base, she wanted to follow the white-clothed woman, even if the white-clothed woman was a half-saint, she would not be aware of Gu Fei's existence.

"Where is she going?"

Gu Fei is very curious. In this place, there are dangers everywhere, and you may encounter those ancient corpse generals at any time. The best way is to find a place to hide and wait until the end of the war.

Obviously, this woman in white is very restless.

Soon, a mountain appeared in front of him, and the speed of the woman in white clothes obviously accelerated a lot, but her white clothes were really too conspicuous in this dim world.

The woman in white is easy to spot.

On the top of the mountain ahead, a bright light flashed twice, and there seemed to be other people on the mountain.

Gu Fei saw this flash of light, and he immediately understood that the white-clothed woman was looking for other people from the Huanggu Zhou family, and the Huanggu Zhou family had a lot of family children entering the Void Heaven Realm.

At this time, it is naturally safer to gather together. Obviously, the ancient Zhou family had a secret contact method, otherwise, the woman in white would not find it here.

However, soon, Gu Fei saw a few dark shadows rushing from a distance, silently rushing to the mountain in front, exclaiming, screams immediately sounded in the silent world.

The children of the ancient Zhou family hiding on the front mountain were discovered by the ancient corpse general, and then attacked by the ancient corpse general, and there were casualties.


The sound of the sword sounded, and a sword light that looked like a horse training rose into the sky, and flew towards the mountain in front. The sword light was like a divine rainbow shaking the sky, and a powerful sword energy wave spread.


That dazzling sword light suddenly divided into three, falling from the sky, strangling towards the three shadows on the top of the mountain who were chasing and killing the children of the ancient Zhou family.

"This is clearly the most authentic swordsmanship of the Guangcheng Immortal School."

Gu Fei couldn't help his heart beating when he saw this scene. Back then, among the Guangcheng Immortal Sect, there was only one woman who repaired the Guangcheng Immortal Sword to the point of entering the hall and was qualified to enter the Void Heaven Realm.

This woman is not Li Mengyao, how could it be possible?

Gu Fei wanted to ask Old Monster Xuanyuan very much, but Old Monster Xuanyuan presided over the magic circle outside the Market Sky Gate, and fixed the space channel that entered and left the Void Heaven Realm.

The easiest and most direct way to know the cause and effect is to find Old Monster Xuanyuan.

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