Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1698: The Return of the Nine Secrets of the Fairy Way

Gu Fei's spirit came out of his Aperture, and resonated with the same rhyme on the stone tablet, and obtained a practice formula. This is a formula left by the Supreme, which is extraordinary.

The magic formula that can be respected by the ancients is absolutely extraordinary. This formula shocked Gu Fei, because it turned out to be one of the nine secrets of immortality.

This secret technique is called Guizhen. Once this secret technique is released, it can return the world and all things to the original state and transform into the most primitive state. This secret technique, in the distant past, claimed to be able to break all magical powers.

No matter how powerful your mana is, your supernatural powers are invincible. As soon as this secret technique is released, all mana and supernatural powers will be destroyed, and all power will be transformed into the most primitive aura of heaven and earth.

Those who have cultivated this kind of fairy tale secret technique can use the opponent's power for their own use. You must know that this kind of secret technique can turn the opponent's power into the most primitive heaven and earth aura.

The primitive heaven and earth aura can be absorbed by the monks.


Just when Gu Fei realized the secret technique of returning to the true path of immortality, the entire dark void shook, and then Gu Fei seemed to feel an invisible big hand and knocked out his soul.


Gu Fei's soul turned into a divine light, rushed out from the stone tablet, and sank into Gu Fei's forehead standing in front of the stone tablet.

When the soul returned, Gu Fei's whole body trembled, and the dim pupils rushed out with a look, and the whole person became more energetic.

Silent qi and blood circulated in Gu Fei's body, and a powerful aura spread from his body, and the surrounding black mist was rippled by this aura.


Two divine lights shot out from Gu Fei's eyes, like a flash of lightning.

"Unexpectedly, this trip to the Void Heaven Realm would yield such a gain."

Gu Fei was full of martial arts real power, and the primordial spirit in the Niwan Palace seemed to be a lot stronger. Around that primordial spirit, there were a circle of gods ringing around.

The villain in Niwan Palace is no different from Gu Fei, but the aura on the villain's body is completely different from that of Gu Fei.

This is the primordial spirit of the immortal Dao, the villain is like the supreme immortal of the nine days, sitting in the void with closed eyes, the aura of the immortal path is mighty, and below the primordial spirit, there is a cloud of chaos. It is the inner world created by Gu Fei.

Through that layer of Chaos Qi, you can enter Gu Fei's inner world.

There are two inner worlds on Gu Fei's body. One is in the Niwan Palace, which is transformed from the Primordial Primordial Chaos conceived in the mountain and river tripod, with unlimited growth possibilities.

And the other is in his dantian, after the ancestor of the Hell Taoist race was beheaded by Gu Fei, the inner world of the ancestor of the **** race was refined by Gu Fei.

The ancestor of the Protoss was the strongest existence in the entire region at that time. It was a great power of immortality. The inner heaven and earth refined by the great power of immortality were naturally much better than the inner heaven and earth of Gu Fei.

The Inner Heaven and Earth at Gu Fei's Dantian is a sacred soil, nourished by the sacred spring of life, and rooted in the undead medicine. Such a sacred soil, even the unenlightened supreme when he was young, would be difficult to possess.

And the self-reliant Inner World in the Ancient Fei Niwan Palace has also grown continuously with the improvement of his cultivation. In the inner world of the Niwan Palace, there is also a fountain of life.

These two inner worlds could provide Gu Fei with a steady stream of aura.

Gu Fei couldn't think that he could actually obtain the secret technique of returning to the truth. In this way, the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao would be gathered by him only one secret. This is something that countless monks have dreamed of since endless years.

You know, this kind of secret technique has been regarded as the supreme secret technique of Immortal Dao ever since the Supreme Dao ancestor created the Nine Secrets of Immortal Dao.

However, these nine secret arts have been incomplete in the ancient years. Even the descendants of the Taoist ancestors only mastered a few secrets. The loss of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao once caused the Dao ancestor's line to be suppressed by other forces.

Endless years have passed, and this Nine Secret of the Immortal Dao is likely to reappear on Gu Fei's body.

Now, Gu Fei has obtained eight secret techniques among the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, and only one secret is needed for the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao.

Gu Fei reverted to the true secret technique, and a wave of immortal mana's power immediately emerged from his Niwan Palace, and the surrounding ghost mist was attracted.

Under the effect of the Guizhen Secret Art, those Yin Qi ghost mists gradually transformed, and soon, a little bit of aura appeared around Gu Fei's body, and then, these auras converged toward Gu Fei's forehead, sinking into the mud. In Maru Palace.

"It really can..."

Gu Fei was moved, and the surrounding Yin Qi and Ghost Mist could be transformed into spiritual energy. The Returning to True Secret Art was really wonderful, so that even the devil energy could be used by himself.

The ancestor of the supreme Dao is really too bad for the sky, and he actually created a secret technique of returning to the truth that can use all the power between the sky and the earth.


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from a distance, and then, a monstrous wave came from a distance, which was an aura that was enough to make the world tremble.

"Is anyone using the human emperor's magic weapon."

Gu Fei stopped, and the surrounding aura was absorbed by his primordial spirit. Then, he soared into the sky and appeared above this ghost domain.

"That direction..."

After Gu Fei sensed the direction that the wave came from, he couldn't help but shake his heart. That was the direction where the ancient city was located. Someone was attacking the city with human emperor soldiers.

He knew that those people would not give up the gods in the ancient city so easily.

You know, it is likely to be an extreme gods, because the ancient fierce city can withstand the attack of the fully recovered holy soldiers, the ancient chest fierce city is likely to be an immortal city.

Only the supreme in the legend can sacrifice and refine this immortal city of God.


A tiger roar came, and a force no weaker than that just now burst out suddenly, and above the sky, it seemed that a white tiger appeared.

The ferocious aura spread across the entire Xutian realm.

"Another human emperor **** soldier, it doesn't seem to be the same, it seems to be a **** soldier of the White Tiger clan, the background of the Southern Wilderness Hundred Clan is really deep." Gu Fei said to himself.

It is not the human emperor **** soldier, but it can contend with the human emperor **** soldier. Is this kind of **** soldier a **** soldier refined by supreme sacrifice?

Gu Fei's face became solemn. The white tigers are said to be descendants of the ancient supreme beast, the white tiger, with the blood of the white tiger flowing in his body.

The supreme divine beast, that is comparable to the supreme existence of the supreme, the supreme divine beast sacrifices and refines the divine weapon, and its power is infinitely close to the extreme divine weapon.

"The powerhouses of the hundreds of families in the Southern Wilderness have also arrived, and the Void Heaven Realm is lively."

Gu Fei's pupils flashed with divine light. He and Huang Gu Zhou's family hadn't completely torn their faces, but at this time, he had no good feelings for Huang Gu Zhou's family.

The people of the Huanggu Zhou family just wanted to use themselves to open the gate of the ruins. Since the gate of the ruins had been opened, they had no effect on the Huangu Zhou family.

Although Gu Fei knew that he was being used, he was not using them.

Gu Fei and Huang Gu Zhou's family were walking together. In fact, each of them took what they needed and used each other's needs. Once the Huang Gu Zhou's family discovered that Gu Fei actually had a supernatural weapon, they immediately wanted to attack him.

These so-called old antiques of the ancient family are unreliable.

Gu Fei pondered for a while, and then flew directly towards the direction of the ancient fierce city. If those people can really break through the ancient fierce city, they can also fish in troubled waters.

At this time, a great battle broke out in the area near the Qiangu Sorry City, and the former King Jiang from the ancient Jiang family suddenly wanted to take action from the ancient half-sage of Jiuyin.

At this time, King Jiang and Jiuyin Ancient Half Sacred had already embellished their bodies, but they still did not use the Emperor's magic weapon, they wanted to defeat each other with their own strength.

That Jiuyin Ancient Half Saint is a nine-yin divine body, possessing a talent that no one can match.

However, the physical body of King Jiang Ren was also a rare divine body. At this time, King Jiang Ren was surrounded by colorful divine light, as if he was wearing a multicolored divine garment.

The power of the five elements in the heaven and the earth was immediately attracted by him. This is the five-element divine body, which is naturally close to the power of the five elements of the heaven and the earth.

At this time, the old man of Zhou Huang from the Huanggu Zhou family fought against the strong man of the Baihu clan.


The armor of Zhou Huang's body was trembling, and the gods in the human emperor's armor had fully recovered, and the terrifying might of the human emperor was vast and terrifying.

But on the head of the powerful white tiger clan, there was a big seal floating, and an overbearing aura surged from the big seal.

This is the heritage of the Baihu clan, and the white tiger is overwhelming.

According to legend, this Fang Dayin was made by the Supreme Divine Beast White Tiger. Although it was not a Divine Weapon, it was infinitely close to the Divine Weapon.

The breath of the Supreme Divine Beast made all the birds and beasts tremble in the entire Xutian territory.

Among the camp of the hundreds of families in the Southern Wilderness, the Baihu clan had great enmity with the Huanggu Zhou family, but the Suzaku and Qinglong clan had no enmity against the Huanggu Zhou family.

The world thinks that the four ancient tribes of the Southern Wilderness are united and will advance and retreat together, but in fact it is not the case.

This is the trouble caused by the Baihu tribe, and the other ancient tribes don't want to get involved. You know, fighting against the wild ancient family is no small matter.

The four great ancient aristocratic families were all families that had no enemy emperor. The human emperor was in the same line, and no one dared to take it lightly. The heritage left by the human emperor could definitely protect his people.

It is now in the great world, and it is not a good thing to start war prematurely.

When Gu Fei came to the neighborhood, he realized that these guys had not attacked the ancient fierce city, but they had fought first. Soon, he could see the origin of the two sides who were fighting.

"When did the Eastern Family and the White Tiger Clan join hands?"

Gu Fei was surprised. Jiuyin Ancient Half Sage was fighting endless battles with a tall old man, while the old man Zhou Huang was fighting with the strong of the Baihu clan.

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