Fang Yun 뀞꿗 was secretly glad that he was not in a hurry to go ashore, otherwise he would definitely be discovered.

He quietly immersed himself in the water and observed Qin Pang's actions.

I saw Fatty Qin waiting anxiously on the shore, looking around from time to time. After a while, several figures in the distance approached quickly. Fang Yun took a closer look and saw that they were ghost-faced thieves.

"This person is actually married to a ghost thief. How could they meet here?" Fang Yun was full of doubts, but he did not dare to speak out for fear of being discovered.

He used his breath-holding technique with all his strength and lurked quietly in the sea, using the water plants on the cliff to monitor the conversations of several people.

When Fatty Qin saw the visitor, his face showed joy and he hurried forward to greet him.

After the two sides exchanged a few words, they started talking about something.

"Chief Ding, why are you summoning attributes in such a hurry?"

This person is the leader of the ghost thief Ding Mai. His mask has a twisted character written on it, and he is also a figure who has attained the Great Perfection of Qi Refining.

Fang Yun also didn't expect that things would be so unlucky that he would encounter something like this when he returned home. If he didn't have a magical way to protect himself, he might have been exposed long ago.

Leader Ding said in a solemn tone: "I just got the news that the remains of the insect demon have appeared! Is there any news from the Li family?"

Ding Yi glanced at Qin Pang떚, and finally landed in the direction of 깊东湖岛꿗뀞.

"To report to the leader, there is no clear movement within the Li family. However, it has recently been discovered that a gang belonging to the Li family is very suspicious. This person is Ma, the boss of the boat gang. Recently, a batch of pills of unknown origin suddenly appeared in his hands. , I will go to sea often, but I haven’t harvested much prey several times..."

"And the direction he went to was the direction of a previous insect demon ruins..."

Fang Yun's head trembled. The Insect Demon Relic was an extremely dangerous place. It was said that it was filled with all kinds of terrifying insects.

According to legend, the Insect Demon was a famous evil cultivator who roamed the waters of Longhu Lake thousands of years ago. This person's origins are mysterious, his cultivation is golden elixir, he is good at controlling insects, and he kills people like a fool.

Due to the notorious reputation of the insect demon, Yulong Sect has sent powerful monks to encircle and suppress him many times, but they were never able to completely eliminate it.

Although every encirclement and suppression operation ended in failure, I heard that Shangzong once seriously injured this man and almost killed him. When he was seriously injured, he fled to no one knows where, but his reputation spread throughout the country after that. 꿧Sea area.

It is said that when he was in this vast sea area, he left countless insect nests, which are the insect demon's legacy. The legacy may be large or small, but they all retain part of the insect demon's inheritance.

He even engraved the arrogant words on the left behind, "There are thousands of leftovers, and the sky is full of insects." Then he himself never appeared again.

However, he left many relics and inheritances, which have always affected the situation in the Longhu sea area. Over the past thousand years, many relics have been discovered, and many monks have obtained the inheritance of some insect demons, and they have risen like comets.

However, the insect demon inheritance, which everyone shouts about beating, is a recognized evil cultivation method.

Not to mention being far away, there is an evil cultivator called Taoist Borer near Donghu Island, who is also a beneficiary of the insect demon's legacy.

Taoist Borer only received the inheritance from a small insect demon site, so the Li family had nothing to do with him. It is conceivable that no one in the world does not want to get the insect demon's inheritance.

The so-called 녊 evil is just defined by others, only strength is the only thing that is 녊 correct.

However, Fang Yun did not expect that the conversation between Fatty Qin and the ghost-faced thief would actually involve him, that is, Ma 껚 purchased the elixir from him.

They also mentioned that Ma seemed to have discovered a secret realm related to the insect demon ruins.

Maybe Ma 껚 himself didn't expect that his whereabouts were not discovered by the Li family's insiders, but were discovered by the ghost-faced thieves, which was really unlucky.

At this time, Leader Ding said: "Horse? What is this? Where is the Li family? The Li family still doesn't know about the insect demon ruins?"

"What a waste of Taoist Taoist's opportunity! He was actually bitten by a dog. Are the people in the Li family just idiots?"

"What does the leader mean?"

"This dog thing called Ma껚, the ruins discovered are fake. They were the bait set by Taoist monks and our people. According to Master Xuanling's inference, the real insect demon ruins have yet to be discovered, and this time The ruins should be one of the several ruins of the Insect Demon's fundamental inheritance, and it is on Mayfly Island!"

Fang Yun was startled at first. Taoist Borer and the Ghost-faced Thief were actually in the same group. Then he was shocked again when he heard what was behind him. It was recorded in Longhu Natural History that there were three strange islands in the entire Longhu sea area. One was Hidden Star, and the other was Hidden Star. For mayflies, three for ten thousand springs!

In addition, the Hidden Star Island is hidden in the sea of ​​clouds, and can only be found by relying on the guidance of the stars, and that method has long been lost.

Mayfly Island is also known as the "Island of Ten Thousand Insects". Mayfly is born and dies at dusk. It is the shortest life of all insects. The same is true for Mayfly Island. It is said that it will only appear in the world somewhere every other year. 굛天, then disappear again, and reappear after 땡 years. 굛天 is as short-lived as a mayfly compared to 땡 years.

Wanquan Island is an island made up of countless spiritual springs. The countless springs on the island have various magical effects. This island is also in the mysterious world of Longhu Sea and is difficult for ordinary people to see.

Unexpectedly, the insect demon actually hid a ruins on Mayfly Island. It must be one of the true inheritances of the insect demon. Fang Yun, Ding Yi's mysterious master, has also heard the legend of the other party. It is a secret. The top master of reasoning.

Then this matter is probably wrong!

After a moment, Qin Fatty finally spoke again: "Chief, come on, should we reveal Ma's discovery to the Li family?"

"Hehehe, what do you think?"

"Reporting to the leader, I think there is no need to rush too much for the time being. We can let them take the initiative to discover the abnormality of Ma껚 and hide ourselves. However, we can also make preparations in advance and kill the entire Li family."

Others nodded in agreement. As a spy, Qin Pangba didn't know in advance that the ruins discovered by Ma 껚 were a fishing business, but he quickly thought of a way to use Ma 껚 to lure out the people of the Li family. .

Ding Kui nodded his head, indicating that he agreed with this suggestion.

He chanted softly: "There is a cicada on the tree. The cicada is sitting high up drinking the dew, but it doesn't know that the mantis is behind it. The mantis wants to grab the cicada, but it doesn't know that the oriole is behind it. The oriole wants to peck the mantis, but it doesn't know that the pellets are behind it. ”

He added: "One more thing, have you ever obtained the original fish strains of the two spiritual fishes? It is related to the foothold after conquering East Lake Island. We must get it!"

The mantis stalks the cicada, followed by the oriole.

Fang Yun exclaimed in 뀞: "It turns out that their real purpose is the Li family and Donghu Island!"

Qin Pang's eyes flashed with a little flutter, but then he returned to normal and said flatteringly: "The boss, the steward who looks after the Li family's breeding base is already one of ours."

Leader Ding nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "A small first-order spiritual fish, but it is related to a whole livelihood. If the physical location of Bailong Island was not so bad, how could I plot against the East Lake!"

When Fang Yun heard this, he was secretly shocked. Do these ghost thieves and evil cultivators want to occupy the East Lake and dominate the area?

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