Fang Yun picked up various fish in the sea, but the fish meat was not edible. The poison of sea snakes was very strong, so there was no need to eat these poisoned sea fish.

There were only a few spiritual fish. After removing the meat and bones, there were still some good materials left, including a spine, two pairs of tail wings, and the eyeballs of a spiritual fish. Fang Yun was a fisherman, and although he could not identify all the species of spiritual fish, he could still tell which ones were spiritual materials at a glance.

The eyeballs were the most precious, and the grade was close to the first-class upper grade. They could be used to refine instruments related to pupil techniques, and they should be able to fetch a good price if sold.

Then there were the bodies of the sea snake and the giant turtle. Fang Yun could not put them aside, so he thought of ways to deal with them. The sea snake was easy to deal with. Its body was broken into two pieces, and Fang Yun had already dealt with them.

Fang Yun carefully took out a venom sac from it. There was almost no venom left in it, so he took it out and put it in a bottle.

He soaked a few short needles in it. They were the flying needles obtained from He Hong. This needle was specially used to break the defensive power such as the body protection and the magic shield. At the beginning, it almost made Fang Yun suffer.

The needle was quenched with poison, and with the venom of the sea snake, Fang Yun was very much looking forward to it. Maybe it would be able to achieve great success someday.

After taking out the venom, the remaining meat of the sea snake looked full of spiritual energy, but it was a pity that it could not be eaten. For this reason, he also conducted a special experiment, and the result was a waste of an iron-toothed fish.

It was not a waste, the talent points were received, but the meat was spoiled.

However, Fang Yun suddenly had the idea to feed a small piece of blood and flesh to a blood centipede. After the blood centipede ate it, there was nothing abnormal, and the breath was even stronger.

The blood centipede does not only eat blood, it just needs sufficient blood during its growth, and sometimes it still needs enough blood food.

Such a huge sea snake should be enough for them to eat.

Another month passed, and Fang Yun had completely processed the corpse of the giant turtle. Unfortunately, its flesh and blood were full of sea snake poison, which was definitely not edible, and could only be saved to feed the blood centipede.

However, the black armor really made Fang Yun happy. The turtle shell was hard and the edge was extremely sharp, which could directly cut the flesh of the sea snake. The skin of the sea snake was very hard, like thick cowhide. Even if Fang Yun used dissection, it would take a lot of effort to deal with it.

But the turtle shell could be cut open, and the sharpness was almost as sharp as his short knife.

This is undoubtedly the material for refining top magic weapons. It is very precious, so it naturally cannot be sold. It is more cost-effective to keep it for yourself.

Fang Yun didn't have time to learn refining for the time being, so he separated all the turtle meat, roasted and dried the turtle shell, and stored it aside. He did the same with the snake skin, and got two excellent refining materials.

There were more and more spiritual objects in the space, and Fang Yun slowly began to sort them out, planting spiritual plants and raising spiritual beasts, and clearly divided the territory to prevent future confusion.

On the spiritual beast side, first of all, there is the iron-tooth fish pond, and there are 38 spiritual fish, four of which are mature!

In the past, he almost ate all the mature spiritual fish in front, and the points of the talent iron stomach reached 92 points. If he harvested eight more iron-tooth fish, the talent would be complete.

By then, this talent should usher in a transformation.

Then there are the green-scale carps. There are four left. He used all the green-scale spiritual liquid he got as a reward to repair the Water Charm Gourd. The damage to the gourd body should be fine, but the rune is broken, which makes it unable to play its due effect.

Just find a weapon refiner to repair the rune, no rush for now, Fang Yun has his own plan.

There are fourteen green-scale scales, and it is still a long way to go to refine the green-scale shuttle.

There is a special animal pen for the spirit chickens, and Fang Yun feels that it is a little empty. He plans to buy a few more spirit chickens to keep company with the ones in front in a few days, and raise some other spirit beasts for food supplement.

There is only one red-eyed carp left, and it will mature next month. It is better to prepare for the plan of seeking spirit fish species.

The spirit crucian carp cannot be kept in the space for the time being, because there is not enough spiritual energy, and it is at the critical moment of changing the fish species, so he dare not waste it.

The blood centipede and the spirit bee both grew up in the thorn forest. There was nothing much to say. When they grew up slowly, there was only one thing. The blood spirit seal was barely enough to control the spirit beast, but it was not enough to control the spirit beast to fight.

Blood control was not as exquisite as the soul control method, and it was impossible to achieve fine command.

These had to be solved.

Finally, there were the strange spirit electric eels, more than 18 of them, both male and female, a complete group.

But they were not raised in the space since they were young. Even if they were killed now, the Immortal Mansion would not give rewards. They could only wait until they laid the next batch of eggs and wait for the next batch of harvests.

With the breeding of marine fish, the problem of space transformation followed. The fish pond for the temporary placement of the electric eels was too small, so Fang Yun expanded it a bit and added a new transfer pond in the middle.

The water source of the Spirit River is led into the pond, and water is added to the electric eel pond from time to time. In the early stage, they are not used to the fresh water source of the Spirit River, but after a few days, the strange spirit electric eels can live completely in the water source provided by the Immortal Mansion.

"It seems that my guess is right. The water source of the Immortal Mansion does not have fresh water and sea water. It is just fresh water, but it can also breed seawater fish!"

Although it is Fang Yun's guess, after the demonstration of the strange spirit electric eel, it may be true. Let's catch more sea spirit fish in the future to try it out.

This is good, but when Fang Yun breeds sea spirit beasts in the future, he still has to slowly change the sea water every time, which is too troublesome.

Then there is the spiritual plant. The first is Qingyang grass. After the previous collection, there are still more than 30 plants. They are used as seed coagulation. There is no need to worry about the medicinal properties. Fang Yun uses the vitality spirit liquid to directly Ripening.

As the ears were slowly hanging, I didn't expect that the seeds would resemble the foxtail grass in the field after being inoculated, but they would be as full as ears of wheat. Once the seeds were fully developed, I would collect the seeds and plant the next round.

Needless to say, aquatic algae is raised together with the green-scaled carp. When the time comes, you can also raise several kinds of algae-eating spiritual fish to control the amount of spiritual plant growth.

There are not many Lingxin Grass left, only about forty plants, and I can't get enough of them even for one enlightenment, and there isn't even one Dragon's Breath Fruit.

He didn't have many spiritual stones at all before. The many spiritual stones he had were purchased as auxiliary materials for alchemy. He spent a lot on these two spiritual plants.

And because the Dragon Breath Fruit suffered a disaster, the price of its seeds actually increased. These profiteers are really unworthy of human beings.

The Yueling Fruit Tree has grown quite well recently due to the large amount of flesh-and-blood fertilizers and Fang Yun's communication with wood rhyme and timely understanding of its needs. It may not even take two years, and it will slowly bear fruit in another half a year.

Waiting for now, this kind of spiritual fruit that can directly improve his cultivation will definitely bring huge surprises to his cultivation.

Half of the seeds of Lingxu grass were planted by Fang Yun. The spiritual rain continued every day, and flesh and blood fertilizers were spread on them, but there was still no sign of germination. The spiritual energy in the space was too poor.

But Fang Yun has already thought of a way, which coincides with the plan to breed spirit-gathering crucian carp in space.

But the key is the small spirit gathering array and a large number of spirit stones.

With a goal in mind, Fang Yun had more direction to strive for. He sorted out all the spiritual plants and spiritual beasts in the space, and exchanged some of their unreasonable positions.

Make some detailed plans for the future farming business. Of course, there is room for adjustment at any time.

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