There are reeds in the flood, the mist is vast, the autumn wind is rustling, the lake water gradually becomes cold, the sun goes down, and the fishermen who make a living by fishing begin to call it a day.

The autumn wind is blowing through the reeds. This is Longhu Bay, which is under the jurisdiction of the Yulong Sect, a famous sect in the southern realm of immortality. As evening approaches, many fishing boats slowly return to the harbor through the vague light at the port.

However, the fishing market by the lake is gradually becoming lively. The freshly caught fish are 늀놋. Many people like to eat this delicacy, even the high-ranking immortal cultivators 껩 are the same.

Fishing and breeding are popular here.

The fishing boats returned home and the fishing market became lively.

Under the pouring moonlight, a dimly lit market is located on East Lake Island, like a moving picture, vivid and charming.

The fishermen dragged their tired but satisfied bodies back from the lake, with satisfied smiles on their faces. The fully loaded fishing nets shone with silver light, which was the result of their hard work of the day.

The fresh fish shone attractively under the light, attracting businessmen from all walks of life to stop and bargaining.

The air in the market is filled with the smell of fish and the salty smell of sea water, but it becomes even more tempting because of the aroma of various snacks.

The aroma of grilled fish, the deliciousness of fish meat, the crispiness of fried shrimps...these flavors are intertwined together to form a vivid taste picture.

The entire area of ​​Donghu Island is extremely vast. It is just an island in the name. In fact, it is an inner bay covering tens of thousands of square kilometers. There are numerous islands of various sizes in it. The name of Donghu Island comes from the largest one. islands.

There are many East Lake Islands like this in the entire Longhu Bay. East Lake Island is naturally accepted under the command of Yulong Sect.

The one who controls East Lake Island is the Li family, the next level foundation-building force under the Yulong Sect!

In this vast land, Yulong Sect used its powerful strength to bring the entire Longhu Bay under its command, becoming the overlord of this region.

Compared to the Yulong Sect, the Li family is just a small foundation-building family, but compared to the smaller casual cultivators in the world of immortality, the Li family is undoubtedly a giant.

The entire East Lake Island is under the control of the Li family, which relies on the island's spiritual veins to establish a market to handle the entire East Lake Inner Bay, other islands, business in strait ports, and all kinds of fisheries.

There are two east and west piers on Donghu Island, and two piers in the north and south.

Compared with other forces in the entire Longhu Bay, the Li family is simply lying on a golden mountain counting money, reaping huge gains while also taking a lot of risks.

For the sake of the safety of the city on East Lake Island, the Li family spent a great deal of money to invite a true cultivator of Jindan from Yulong Sect and built a 꺘-level formation.

He also had to deliver countless benefits to a senior official of Yulong Sect every year, and the feeling of it was hard to describe!

However, these things have nothing to do with Li Dongchen who is wandering around the lake at this time.

Li Dongchen, the son of Li Honghuang of the Li family, is a veritable playboy.

He was born with a good skin, a face like a crown jade, and eyes like bright stars, but his behavior is very different from his appearance.

He is idle all day long, not doing his job properly, and wastes his time on eating, drinking, having fun and teasing women from good families.

He is usually indifferent to family affairs and only knows how to spend money. When something goes wrong, he is the one who takes the responsibility. His cultivation talent is not as good as that of his elder brother, and he has developed the ridiculous temperament he has now.

Although Li Dongchen was notorious outside, his family member Li Honghuang doted on his son, making him even more unscrupulous.

Li Dongchen's cultivation level is only at the fifth level of Qi Refining. Because he has average talent, he usually doesn't pay much attention to cultivation and just lives in a muddle along.

But such a cultivation level belongs to "high-level" monks in the entire East Lake Island, not to mention the guardian of Qi Refining Dzogchen and a group of domestic servants who are following behind him at this time.

It's enough to turn the entire city upside down!

Of course, he would not do this, after all, this is his own property!

But bullying those unfounded casual cultivators was his daily pleasure, and he never tired of it.

This look doesn't look like someone from a family that cultivates immortality!

"Boy Fang, so you are selling fish?"

At this time, as if to attract his attention, the servant who was following Li Dongchen suddenly shouted at a stall, but he was greeting a young man selling fish.

This young man's nose is straight and straight, and his eyes are full of charm, like the stars in the sky. Although he is not the kind of extremely handsome man who makes people fall in love at first sight, he has a very delicate appearance.

"I've seen the young master!" A clear and gentle voice sounded, but it was Fang Yun who saw Li Dongchen coming over and immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

"It's you. If you don't work in the fish pond, you still have time to sell fish here. It seems that the casual workers in my Li family are still idle!"

Li Dongchen glanced behind him with disgust, then said with an inexplicable look in his eyes and a chilling chill.

"That's right, that's right, maybe this kid is cheating and not working hard!"

"Sir, I think he stole this fish from the fish pond. You must not let him off lightly!"

"Yes, Master, teach him a lesson!"

There were many doglegs behind him who were talking garrulously, urging the family to teach Fang Yun a lesson.

Especially a thin man wearing gray clothes with a sinister face. This man's name is He Hong. He has a grudge against Fang Yun, so he naturally hopes that Fang Yun will be punished by Li Dongchen.

At this time, Fang Yun looked at the people in front of him and the iron-toothed fish placed under him, and his face couldn't help but sink.

But at this time, he obviously would not get angry and attack just because of a few people's casual words of distortion. Let's not talk about whether he can beat them or not. In terms of identity, he is still a temporary worker of the Li family, working in the Li family fish pond and receiving the Li family's salary.

Of course, he can't let others frame him at will. He still smiled and said to Li Dongchen cautiously: "Sir, the spiritual fish raised in the clan are all red-eyed carp and spirit-gathering crucian carp, but there is no iron-toothed fish. This is the one I brought water to build a pond and raised."

"And I have completed all the work I need to do on time and on time. I have never slacked off. It happened to be a day off today, so I came to the market to sell this iron-toothed fish, not to take a break!"

"Sir, please understand."

Fang Yun was very humble. After all, he was just a small cultivator at the first level of Qi Refining. On the entire Donghu Island, he was a small shrimp and would be eaten if he was not careful.

He must not be allowed to show off.

"Oh, really? Then I have wronged you?" Li Dongchen asked jokingly.

"Fang Yun dare not, I will work hard tomorrow and serve the clan!" Fang Yun lowered his head to promise.

"Hahaha, very kind, very kind! I bought your fish, hurry back!"

Li Dongchen suddenly laughed, but there seemed to be some teasing in his smile, and then he waved his hand, and saw two people behind him stand out together, tall and mighty figures are very amazing, and took away all the more than ten fresh fish left on Fang Yun's stall.

And He Hong, with a very proud expression, stretched out his hand and took out two pieces of spirit from his arms, threw them casually, and threw them on the ground.

"Haha, this is for you, no need to change it!"

Afterwards, Li Dongchen ignored Fang Yun and left with his men and more than ten iron-toothed fish he had bought.

The market price of an iron-toothed fish is five broken spirits, and ten broken spirits are equivalent to one spirit. This means that the goods on Fang Yun's stall are worth at least five spirits!

"You are too much of a bully. You will be in trouble sooner or later!"

After everyone left, Fang Yun muttered a few words in a low voice, and could only shake his head and rush to his residence.

With his Qi-refining level, he was humiliated like this, but he had no way to deal with it. Even He Hong and He Gou, who relied on others' power, were one level higher than him.

"It's not easy to cultivate immortality!"

How difficult it is to avenge today's humiliation!

But fortunately, there is still hope!

Thoughts surged in his mind, Fang Yun recalled the past. He was not a person in this world, but a time traveler from outside the domain. A year ago, he was still an ordinary social animal and part-time novel coder. He worked during the day and wrote novels at night. He worked hard to pay off the mortgage. It can only be said that he was not doing well.

But one night, after resting, he woke up from a sleep and came to this world and became a fisherman with the same name and surname as him!

After the memory fusion, he learned that this world is a world of immortal cultivation, where immortals travel the universe, travel the sky, and live forever! Picking stars and moons, burning mountains and boiling seas, are not legends.

But immortals' magical powers.

The world he is in is Hongze Longhu Bay in the Southern Domain Immortal Cultivation World, the dojo of the Yulong Sect.

Donghu Island is even just a corner of Longhu Bay.

And he is a casual cultivator on Donghu Island who is only at the first level of Qi Refining, so weak that people can't look directly at him.

The father of the previous life was originally an ordinary fisherman, but by chance he got spiritual affinity and stepped into the world of cultivation. When he was young, his father discovered that he had spiritual roots. By chance, Fang Yun embarked on the road of cultivation. In order to find the great way, the father and son settled on Donghu Island.

The father of the previous life had passed away after an accident, leaving him only some shallow inheritance.

At that time, Fang Yun was young, and he did not know how to save money and the ways of the world. Although he had the cultivation of the first level of Qi Refining, he was a casual cultivator without any skills.

The spiritual energy was soon squandered by him, and the road of cultivation, living in the market, was not easy, and it was difficult to move forward without money.

The previous life knew how to catch fish and raise fish, which was a family skill, but the job of a fisherman was too difficult and hard for Fang Yun.

Life is hard, rowing a boat, forging iron, and grinding tofu are all tiring and exhausting.

Fishermen work a lot, eat little, and earn even less. The port is backed by the fish tyrants supported by the Li family, who exploit and exploit again.

Moreover, without a good boat, it is difficult to go to sea.

Fang Yun gave up on him. A year ago, he chose to work directly for the Li family and raise fish for the Li family. He was a fisherman.

Fortunately, he didn't worry about selling himself directly to the Li family and becoming a slave, so he signed a pure work contract and worked as a short-term worker for 10 years.

This kind of work can earn ten spirits a month, but you need to guarantee that you will hand over at least ten mature red-eyed carp every month, otherwise not only will your salary be deducted, but you will also be punished, which is very strict.

Under such pressure, Fang Yun worked diligently to raise fish for the Li family. In order to increase income, he opened a fish pond by himself and raised iron-toothed fish to earn extra income.

Until now!

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