Immortal Immortal

Chapter 69 There are inner disciples coming and going

Li Mo squinted his eyes, the skyrocketing spiritual power of the haze gradually subsided, and he put the resources to assist his practice into his storage bag.

If something unexpected happened, it would be time for the police to come to your door.

As soon as the idea came to his mind, there was a rapid knock on the door. The noise outside the house became more and more noisy, and it was obvious that a large number of onlookers gathered.

Li Mo walked down the second floor calmly. The store became much cleaner. Although the furniture was still old, it was at least spotless.

Except for the ghost tiger, the other tattooed beasts scrambled to get into the skin of his limbs.

Li Mo opened the door of the shop, and what he saw was a bustling crowd, with more than a dozen monks from the Yamen maintaining order.

The leading monk is Ma Weigong.

After Ma Weigong discovered Li Mo's identity, his attitude softened a lot.

Because he knew that Li Mo was Han Cai's disciple, and the disaster that happened in Fuxing Town should have nothing to do with him.

"horse head, do you recognize him?"

A young detective asked softly, and Ma Weigong patted his shoulder: "It's okay, let the brothers maintain the status quo of the private houses."

Ma Weigong clasped his hands and said respectfully, "I haven't seen the Four-legged Master for a long time."

Li Mo shook his head helplessly. The name of his four-legged master had been spread to Fuxing Town, and it was probably the work of rogue cultivators who came to hunt for treasures.

Ma Weigong asked solemnly: "Four-legged Taoist friend, I have a heartfelt request. Can you contact Mr. Han?"

"Let me see……"

Li Mo took out the spiritual tablet and placed it on his forehead, then shook his head to express his helplessness.

Han Cai had already been in seclusion in Duoji Mountain to cultivate the Taishang Qianzu Kung Fu. The spiritual tablet contained the information he informed in advance, allowing Li Mo to stay in Fuxing Town with peace of mind and open a weapon refining shop.

Ma Weigong sighed, and then made a gesture of invitation.

The two walked towards the blocked alley.

"Four-legged fellow Taoist, have you heard any movement outside recently?"

"I've been practicing in the shop."

Ma Weigong didn't have too much doubt. When he came into contact with Li Mo again, he felt that he was indeed more unfathomable, like a ferocious beast in the wild.

It’s hard to imagine that a young man in his early twenties whose voice is heard at most is far more powerful than his peers.

As expected of a pawn shop.

"What trouble happened in Fuxing Town?"

Ma Weigong had no intention of hiding anything, and explained with a gloomy expression: "Since fifteen days ago, mortals have been dying inexplicably, but the government has blocked the news."

Li Mo quickly figured out the current situation in Fuxing Town.

The yamen dug three feet into the ground and couldn't find the twenty-odd people who had appeared inexplicably in Fuxing Town. Finally, under pressure from the yamen's top brass, the restrictions on entry and exit in Fuxing Town were completely relaxed.

A large number of casual cultivators poured into Fuxing Town, and it didn't take long for mortals to die tragically one after another.

Fortunately, the number of casualties was not large. Compared with the tens of thousands of surviving people in Fuxing Town, they were simply not worth mentioning, so they did not receive the attention of the Yamen.

Ma Weigong couldn't help but complain a few words.

"If rogue cultivators were not allowed to enter the city, the investigation would never be so difficult."

He had spent several months exploring the unknown cause of the disaster, and now he had to deal with mortal cases, which even deeply affected his cultivation.

Li Mo was noncommittal.

It is simply unrealistic to close off Fuxing Town. If Rong Town wants to collect the resources of Duoji Mountain, relying solely on the hundreds of monks in Rong Town will be of no avail. It is necessary to mobilize casual cultivators to go up the mountain voluntarily.

"Four-legged Taoist friend, take a look. If you have a chance, help me talk to Mr. Han. Either recruit more manpower, or let a mortal detective take over the case. You can't..."

Li Mo took a breath.

The private house is the one behind the shop, and there are four strange corpses in the courtyard.

The corpses maintained the posture of beasts, and their skin and flesh had become metallic. At the same time, their heads were missing, and their fractures were extremely smooth.

"Corpses, four..."

"Four-legged Taoist friend, do you have any clues to provide?"

"I remember there were only three people in the house, and the fourth person may be a subsequent family member."

Ma Weigong said flatteringly: "Then don't bother my four-legged Taoist friends. If you want to refine weapons in the future, don't forget me, brother."

"No problem, we still need to be busy with opening a weapon-refining shop, so let's take the first step."

"Let's go slowly without seeing you off."

Li Mo said goodbye to Ma Weigong and returned to the shop.

His expression seemed indifferent, but after passing through the dense crowd, his eyes suddenly became extremely terrifying and full of chill.

Li Mo had already communicated with the tattooed beast, and unexpectedly learned from the newly awakened red fox that he had heard a strange noise coming from the back alley three days ago.

As soon as he returned to the shop, he used his consciousness to check Red Fox's memory.

Li Mo's ears suddenly resonated with the sound, which was slightly familiar. He had heard it several times in the side room of the pawn shop.

"It's the call of an elk..."

Li Mo swallowed.

He has come into contact with the mysterious elk beast and knows that the latter's ability is related to "cognition". There is a high probability that the trouble in Fuxing Town is related to it.

Being able to sneak into Fuxing Town with more than 20 people under the eyes of the Yamen probably had a similar ability. By distorting cognition, they created the illusion that they once lived in the town.

"The elk monster in the inner sect is dead and will never appear again. There are still several years before the outer sect competition."

"Could it be that a wild deer entered the inner gate and obtained the inheritance of the Nandoudu Human Scripture?"

Li Mo felt a headache.

During the Outer Gate Competition, there were indeed deer gathering at the foot of the mountain in Rong Town, but it was impossible for them to get close to the heavily guarded outer city.

Li Mo suspected that some senior officials of Rong Town took advantage of the chaos in the outer city and sent Yelu into the inner city, which led to the subsequent disaster.

The unknown existences in Fuxing Town include the so-called "inner disciples" and twenty "half-beasts" mixed with mortals.

Li Mo can't tell the Yamen about his discovery yet, as exposing him will only lead to his own death.

The only good thing is that the shopkeepers who participated in the encirclement and suppression of the elk monsters should not be behind the scenes. Just be careful of the monks outside the pawn shop.

Li Mo calmed down, closed his eyes and continued to polish the haze's spiritual power.

The spiritual roots of the kidneys are gradually perfected, the circulation speed is getting faster and faster, and the mouth and nose are absorbing the abundant spiritual energy from the outside world.

At the same time, the middle-grade spiritual stone continued to shatter, directly pushing Li Mo's momentum to its peak.

Everything falls into place.

When Li Mo came back to his senses, his cultivation had reached the fifth level of the total horn stage, and the spiritual power in his middle Dantian was showing a tendency to liquefy, which meant that he was getting closer to the foundation building of the weak crown stage.

"Although this ghost place is full of dangers, the content of haze spiritual energy is really high."

Li Mo had a hunch that if he stayed in Fuxing Town to practice, he might be able to complete the total horn stage before the death disease broke out.

He suppressed distracting thoughts and circulated the cycle until his state was stable.

Then without hesitation, swallow the highly toxic spiritual material "sore grass" suitable for the kidneys, which can cause the spiritual power to be contaminated with the cold poison that causes sores on the flesh and blood.

Li Mo hesitated for a few more breaths, and was distracted to control the spiritual power of the haze to flow into his lungs.

The book of creation is opened.

The ninth blank page reveals the shadow of the lungs, and new magical powers are being conceived.

The blank pages have been used up, and four of the five internal organs have been imprinted. Li Mo has not yet decided whether to use the dark gold blank pages.

But when all the internal organs are complete, the Book of Creation should change again.

[Dear readers, please continue to read. It will be available in the past two weeks. Updates will be increased after it is released. 】

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