Immortal Immortal

Chapter 594: The road of time is all mine

Li Mo realized the avenue of time.

His understanding of the Great Path of Time gradually deepened, and his collapsed consciousness stabilized, but he was still in a state of death both body and soul.


Li Mo opened his eyes, and the timeline that formed his body dispersed.

A little flash of light stayed in place, which was his remaining consciousness.

It stands to reason that Li Mo is already dead and his consciousness cannot be left alone, but [End of Time] seems to be protected by an inexplicable aura.

Li Mo controlled the spiritual light to float, and the end of time seemed endless.

No matter where he goes, the timeline around him will follow him.

Li Mo contacted them one by one and found that the timeline was light green and contained Li Mo's world in the past, but most of them had been destroyed.

After the destruction, the timeline was like a dry riverbed, with only massive corpses piled up.

"If nothing else happens, there should be no such thing as the passage of time at the end of time. It doesn't matter if I stay here for tens of millions of years."


Li Mo looked a little unwilling.

"Immortality is meaningless. I want to achieve enlightenment and transcendence. I want to bring everyone I know back to life. I want to end the disasters caused by the Lord of Time. I want..."

The aura flickered, and Li Mo's consciousness became extremely unstable.

After a long time.

Li Mo suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind.

The end of time must be closely related to the birth of the Lord of Time. There is definitely the key to breaking the situation. Now it is better to understand the avenue as much as possible.

Li Mo chose a direction to go and visualized through many timelines at the same time.

The Great Avenue of Time lay in front of him like a wordless heavenly book, and he could find answers to all questions involving time, leaving him overwhelmed.

Li Mo became more and more interested in the Great Path of Time, but the aura seemed to be of no benefit at all.


Li Mo stopped where he was.

He didn't know exactly how long he had been traveling, but suddenly he noticed a strange orange timeline in the distance.

Li Mo rushed to the orange timeline, which was scurrying around like a frightened bird.

Fortunately, the speed of the orange timeline is not very fast, so his consciousness can get closer to it little by little.

The moment when the aura touches the orange timeline.

Countless memories emerged out of thin air in Li Mo's mind, all of which were of a monk named "Zhu Ji", but the latter was not from the same world as him, but came from the "Little Blue Sky World".

The small world of Qingkong is deeper in the endless void, but it is extremely lacking in spiritual energy. The practice system is that of a spiritual practitioner who breathes in spiritual energy.

Zhu Ji has been over a hundred years old, but has been unable to start practicing cultivation, which has caused some signs of collapse in the orange timeline.

"It seems that the end of time contains the time of all the creatures in the endless void. Of course, there is only one of them, and I am countless."

Li Mo couldn't help but look excited. He found that although the Avenue of Time was difficult to reshape his body, it could interfere with Zhu Ji's timeline to a limited extent.

While he was comprehending the great truth, he was also influencing Zhu Ji's life trajectory.

Li Mo guided Zhu Ji to participate in the fight for opportunities, and tried to turn bad luck into good luck, successfully allowing the latter to start practicing spiritual practice at the age of seventy.

Unfortunately, Zhu Ji was limited to the stage of Qi training due to the shallowness of the Great Path of Time.


There was a muffled sound.

Zhu Jishou died, and the orange timeline scattered.

Li Mo took a breath. The timeline collapsed and gave rise to weak debris. It was absorbed by his consciousness and grew a little spiritual light.

"I extended Zhu Ji's timeline, and the excess can be turned into nutrients."

Li Mo was secretly excited. It was finally possible to reshape his body. All he had to do next was to keep looking for the timeline.

He was no longer confused and devoted himself to the end of time.

About two to three hundred years ago, Li Mo was able to discover a timeline. The color of the timeline changed depending on the world he was in.

He was a little unfamiliar with using the Avenue of Time when he first started.

Thousands of years have passed, and Li Mo has become better at practice, and each of the people he guides has been promoted one after another through various opportunities and coincidences.

It's just that it's inevitable to encounter a fatal situation, and the timeline often collapses dramatically.

Li Mo didn't force it. The aura was getting bigger and bigger as it was nourished by the debris of time, and the area it could illuminate was also expanding day by day.

He turned into a bug swimming in the long river of time, devouring the remains of time.

After reaching a certain level of consciousness, Li Mo's connection with his own timeline became more and more intense, and he could even barely control it.

"This is……"

Li Mo swept through the messy lines and pulled out an ordinary timeline.

This timeline showed almost no resistance to him and took the initiative to get into the spiritual light.

Li Mo didn't need to spend much energy, his consciousness refined the timeline, and the latter was like a natal magic weapon, flowing in the spiritual light like an arm.

"I see, this timeline is the one I was originally in, and the other timelines belong to Li Mo."

He called it [the fundamental timeline].

Li Mo tried to refine the remaining timelines, but found that it was difficult to do so, and there was a negligible difference in consciousness.

He hesitated for a moment, indicating that the basic timeline was entangled with a weak timeline.

Unexpectedly, the fundamental timeline can absorb other timelines, and the length of the fundamental timeline continues to grow.

After the weak timeline disappeared, the basic timeline more than doubled.


Li Mo stared at the fundamental timeline, which twisted into various shapes.

"Can I reassemble an immortal golden body through the basic timeline?"

The body is composed of countless flesh and blood fibers. Li Mo's idea is theoretically valid, but the length of the basic timeline is far from enough.

No matter what, it's better to have a clear direction for reshaping your body than to have no clue.

Relying on Li Mo's timeline alone may not be enough, but time debris can also nourish the basic timeline, it just depends on how efficient it is.

Li Mo suddenly became busy.

In addition to merging the timelines, we also have to consider the structure of the Immortal Golden Body.

Lacking the auxiliary deduction of the fake soul consciousness, he simply explored through trial and error. Anyway, the basic timeline could not be damaged.

It takes thousands of years.

The basic timeline merges with the other timelines one by one to completely complete the unification.

Li Mo's consciousness fell into sublimation, and his understanding of the Avenue of Time went one step further. There was a ray of light shining out, covering a hundred miles.

Whenever a strange timeline comes under the aura, it will come to a standstill.

Li Mo can easily interfere with the timeline.

A small amount of his energy was used to collect the remains of time, but mainly to reshape his body and recall the immortal golden body in detail.

"Let's start with Niwan Palace."

Niwan Palace, as the Purple Mansion, is the organ that accommodates consciousness.

Li Mo controlled the intertwining of the basic timelines, just like weaving a bag, threading and stitching to shape the prototype of Niwan Palace.

The process is so wonderful that even the blood vessels and meridians have to be reproduced one by one.


There was a mistake in weaving, and the basic timeline became tangled into a mess. There was a rough framework, but all the previous efforts were suddenly wasted.

Li Mo has no regrets at all. Facts have proved that the timeline can indeed reshape the immortal body.


After the weaving failed, the basic timeline became extremely messy.

Li Mo carefully straightened out the basic timeline. At the end of time, he didn't have to worry about wasting time. Tens of thousands of years are fleeting.

He didn't pay attention to the past for long, and he didn't come back to his senses until the Niwan Palace was formed.

Niwan Palace is the size of a fingernail and resembles an oval tree seed, but it has already consumed twenty-three percent of the basic timeline.

"I shudder to think about the next hundred million years at the end of time."

Li Mo's consciousness sank into the Niwan Palace, and a feeling of harmony arose, and his aura was firmly protected by the fundamental timeline.

Niwan Palace was completely blank.

Li Mo estimated that if he wanted to give birth to a false soul consciousness, he would at least have to complete the weaving of his head.

It's all about water milling skills, and then there's the brain tissue surrounding the Niwan Palace. Because its structure is very different from that of flesh and blood, it's undoubtedly more complicated.


that's all.

Li Mo repeated the weaving, and after discovering that Niwan Palace could expand consciousness, all the time debris collected were used in the basic timeline.

After digesting hundreds of pieces of time debris one after another, the brain tissue found its way.

The basic timelines are stacked into brain tissue, which is 80-90% similar to the real brain, and has the effect of improving thinking ability.

A dark green brain is suspended at the end of time.

Next comes the skull.

The fundamental timeline needs to be compressed a hundred times before it can be turned into a solid skeleton.

facial features.

If Li Mo had not performed a large number of related surgeries, his eyes, ears, nose, and tongue would have been stuck for millions of years. Fortunately, he had a deep understanding of the organs.


As far as the skin is concerned, everything is done naturally.

However, the complete head turned out to be looming and translucent, as if it could disappear at any time, exuding a mysterious and mysterious aura.

"I haven't spoken for a long time. I'm really not used to it."


Li Mo moved his facial features, and then his hair grew.

In order to save the basic time line, he simply adjusted his position.

Li Mo closed his eyes with satisfaction, and his consciousness came to the Niwan Palace, where a few stars appeared, all transformed by the consciousness of the fake soul.


Many stars passed by.

Li Mo from the past came again and looked at the New Niwan Palace in shock.

The Niwan Palace woven by the timeline gives them the illusion of mastering the avenue of time.

"Incredible." Demon Ancestor smiled bitterly.

That they were able to revive from the dead silence showed that even if Li Mo had not turned against the guests, he had escaped the attack and murder of the Lord of Time.

"The main body's time path has reached an unprecedented level."

The divine fortune teller's words interrupted everyone.

His expression subtly fluctuated in time, and suddenly his own flow speed intensified, and everything nearby became extremely slow, as if stationary.

In the eyes of others, the fortune teller's movements were as fast as lightning, which was incompatible with them.

Demon Ancestor suddenly realized: "We have been overshadowed by Li Mo and have the right to control part of the Time Avenue, tsk tsk tsk."

Master Gu nodded slightly.

A Gu worm emerged from his palm and went through the process of growth, old age and death in just a few breaths.

The more everyone Li Mo thought about the Dao of Time, the more they felt that Li Mo might have achieved transcendence. Such methods were definitely not something ordinary true immortals could do.

Little did they know that the avenue of time that lay before them was just the tip of the iceberg.

Li Mo can put the false soul consciousness into any timeline, just like the Lord of Time, cutting leeks through secret arrangements.

Of course, it is impossible for him to die together with the Lord of Time.

Facts have proved that getting rich silently is the way to go. Since Li Mo can reshape his body, the Lord of Time will most likely overturn.

Li Mo informed the fortune tellers and asked them to help him deduce the immortal golden body.

Without affecting the progress, the remaining fake soul consciousness is thrown into a strange timeline and plays the role of a grandfather in different worlds.

In this way, Li Mo was completely on the right track.

The immortal golden body slowly took shape, and it was stuck for a few thousand years while weaving the internal organs. Other organs were still going smoothly.

A hundred thousand years of waiting have polished the flawless and immortal golden body.

"All it takes is blood."

The original underlying timeline runs through the veins.

It was estimated that it would take two to three hundred thousand years to fill the blood vessels, but one hundred thousand years had passed, and Li Mo's mood had long since become calm.

The cave god's magic eye swept away.

The light emanating from consciousness locks onto a strange timeline.

The strange timeline was pulled directly into the scope of the light.

Li Mo himself contemplated the Avenue of Time with all his heart, and his flesh and bones like glass were reborn all the time, and his aura continued to surge.

The only drawback is that hundreds of thousands of years have almost worn away the emotions that are unique to mortals.

Li Mo doesn't want to become the second Lord of Time. No matter how tempting the Avenue of Time is, he will take a break for a hundred years every once in a while.


The timeline is constantly flowing through the blood vessels, and the immortal golden body regulates internal and external defects.

"Is it almost two hundred thousand years?"

Li Mo stretched his hands and feet awkwardly, and even though it was just a simple wave of his hand, waves of waves echoed at the end of time.

As soon as his consciousness swept away, the end of time thousands of miles away came into view.

"Oh, it turns out that the Lord of Time really comes from the end of time."

Li Mo took a step forward.

The distance becomes meaningless, and the next moment you have reached your destination.

A necrotic timeline appears at the end of time, composed of colorful lines, and the lines have a tendency to merge with each other.

It is different from Li Mo's timeline merger.

The creatures to which these timelines belong cannot be found to be related, and they are completely forcibly pieced together, giving birth to something disgusting that looks like a sarcoma.


The sarcoid throbbed.

Time lines dissolved one by one, and a faint trace of vitality leaked out.

Li Mo activated the Cave God's Dharma Eyes, shook his head and said: "There are more than one or two tumors at the end of time, and existences similar to the Lord of Time will be born. They are impurities of the great road."

"This one is not the Lord of Time."

Li Mo had a little sarcoma, and the sarcoma turned into the remains of time.

After he digested the wreckage of time, he also received feedback from the Avenue of Time on eliminating harm, and the size of his immortal golden body expanded accordingly.

"Not bad."

Li Mo was so far away that he searched for sarcoma in a large area.

The Great Path of Time is like an old and dying patient expelling its own impurities through sarcoma, so the Lord of Time is chaotic and disorderly.

"Time is indeed a cycle."

Li Mo finally found the sarcoma of the Lord of Time, and the size of the latter was far beyond ordinary.

Different from ordinary sarcomas with weak vitality, the Lord of Time's sarcoma has limbs and is devouring its kind everywhere.

However, most of the sarcomas were absorbed by Li Mo, and there was no hope of the Lord of Time being born in a short time.

"The Lord of Time..."

Sarcoma was extremely excited to see Li Mo. The nutrients that the latter could bring were enough to break out of the shell.

"After returning to immortality, I will be the master of time."

Li Mo's immortal golden body was broken into pieces, and countless timelines merged into the Lord of Time, causing the sarcoma's limbs to extend continuously, with fine cracks covering the surface. (End of chapter)

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