Immortal Immortal

Chapter 543: Great changes come to heaven and earth

When a dazzling array of high-grade magic weapons were placed in front of them, the monks were immediately spoiled for choice, not to mention the piles of various corpse wines.

Even if he is a Taoist with five heads, he only has a few high-grade magic weapons in his body.

They looked at the magic weapons one by one and suddenly discovered that every magic weapon present had the potential to be promoted to a spiritual treasure if kept warmed for a long time.

In this case, the meaning is completely different.

"I've heard that the Thirteen Immortals have extraordinary talents and can master any immortal cultivation skills at a glance. It turns out it's not a rumor. It's really unbelievable."

Li Li murmured to herself, silently putting the mid-grade magic weapon she treasured around her waist into her storage bag. The low-grade magic weapon robe she was wearing made her feel dwarfed by it.


Lei Gong was not polite at all and took out his giant sword shuttle again.

"Junior brother Taiji, please help me refine it into a top grade one when you have time. Now that I see it, if you can't become an immortal, who else in the world can ascend to the Tao?"

The magic weapons Li Mo took out included almost any kind on the market.

They even discovered a rare combination magic weapon that was as powerful as a spiritual treasure, but was thrown in front of them like garbage.

Only Taibaizi walked toward Xijiu with a look of obsession.

"It's no loss, no loss, even if I die on the road to immortality, it won't be a loss. There are thousands of fine wines in the world, and this place accounts for at least 80%."

"Fellow Taoist Taibaizi, try the recently brewed Cuiling Wine."

Li Mo threw a jar of Mahayana corpse wine to Taibaizi, who quickly caught it and couldn't put it down, smelling the fragrance of Fengni.

The plant monks have taken over the brewing. After thousands of years of fermentation, perhaps the fairy wine will not be able to compete with the fine wine stored in the small world of Corpse Mountain.

Seeing this, Heguo stretched out his head and said, "Old Master Taibaizi, as long as you mix a few ecstasy plants into the spirit wine, even the fake immortal will get drunk."


Taibaizi stared down at Heguo, who was parasitic in Guihu's body.

"You know wine?"

Heguo stroked his beard and said: "We brew the wine. When it comes to how to drink corpse wine, the grass and tree monks know best."

"Not bad, I'll ask you for advice in the future."

Taibaizi and Heguo were chatting. They were not unfamiliar at all, like long-lost old friends, while drinking various kinds of corpse wine.

Li Mo continued to practice in seclusion in Jianmuti.

According to Zu Xiuyun's wishes, only after the great changes in the world began, they could climb up through the building trees and reach the ancestral court at the junction.

Li Mo guessed that Jianmu had just touched the endless void and might not have connected with the ancestral court.

Through the drastic changes in the world, Zu Xiuyun invisibly changed the position of the end of the building wood, completely completing the channel for ascension.

Li Mo picked up a branch of Jianmu, which was broken in the aftermath of the fight.

"The trunk of the tree is indestructible, and the branches and leaves are withered and small. It is said that the branches and leaves can survive if they are inserted into the soil, but it will take tens of millions of years to grow."

Li Mo casually entered the small world of Corpse Mountain.

Since Jianmu can grow to the fairy world, he can definitely grow back to the mortal world from the fairy world. Maybe he can rely on Jianmu's lower realm in the future.

"Let's wait until the great changes in the world are over before we consider it."

Li Mo focused on polishing his body, and the progress of digesting the Book of Evolution began to intensify, but it was a pity that he could not continue to progress for about a hundred years.

time flies.

Jianmu gradually returned to calm.

Although occasionally there are monks who want to get the quota for ascension, but with five Taoists sitting in charge, the situation is generally calm.

Eighty years passed by in a blink of an eye. Even though Li Mo was in seclusion all the time, he still noticed the disasters on the eve of the storm, such as the population explosion.

Yes, the mortal population is growing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Various forces cannot solve the fatal disease, but they have made the disease milder, and the age at which fertility should be lost has been gradually postponed.

In Li Mo's understanding, the total number of fetal deaths that occurred at the age of twenty has been delayed to the age of forty-five without realizing it. At the same time, the number of fetal deaths encountered by newborn babies has become very rare.

In the eyes of mortals, it is undoubtedly a major benefit.

"Are fatal diseases going to disappear from history?"

Li Mo was noncommittal. He was more inclined to believe that the disease would become more severe after the weak crown period, which means that the new generation may become a monster due to alienation and erosion when it reaches a certain age.

Various forces are overdrafting mortals, hoping to bring about a controllable drastic change in the world.

Is it realistic?

There is a high probability of self-destruction, and the scale of the disaster may even exceed that of nine thousand years ago, and there will never be another Chunyangzi to save the world.

The reason why Li Mo wanted to ascend was not because he was afraid of drastic changes in the world.

Mainly because there is no way forward.

If the upheaval in the world continues for a long time, there is a high probability that after breaking through the tribulation period, he will either be promoted to a false immortal or try to end the upheaval in the world. This is the upper limit of the mortal world.

Even though Li Mo will still encounter drastic changes in the world of heaven and earth, at least there is a way forward, and there will always be a day when he can transcend the worlds of immortality and mortals.


Li Mo let out a long sigh, inevitably feeling nervous in his heart.

The four seasons are changing, and the four hundred years mentioned by Zu Xiuyun are quickly approaching, but the mortal world is still at the critical point, that is, it has not erupted.

As early as fifty years ago, the monks had already begun to set up the magic circle.

Under Li Mo's occasional guidance, a magic circle covering hundreds of miles was soon formed, making it difficult for ordinary people to see where the building was.

Li Mo no longer retreated and stared into the distance through the Dharma Eyes of the Cave God.

"Speaking of which, where did Taoist Ye Zhuo go? If you can't be promoted to a land god, just rush back to the Creation Sect as soon as possible."

Li Mo pinched the bridge of his nose with a headache. There was no trace of Taoist Ye Zhuo in the Creation Sect.

"Weird thing."

Lei Gong murmured to himself.

Among the dozen or so people present, Lei Gong's physical strength was second only to Li Mo's, and his weight was naturally heavy. Suddenly his feet sank into the soil.

Li Mo didn't notice anything strange because he stepped on the ghost shadow.

He turned around and asked: "Thunder Lord, what's going on?"

Lei Gong explained: "Don't get too excited, Taiji. It should be because of the continuous rainfall in recent days. I feel that the soil has become a little...soft."


Li Mo's expression turned cold, attracting the attention of others.

He leaned over to touch the soil and found that the soil was mixed with imperceptible particles, and his eyes suddenly showed a little surprise.

"Who knows what month it is today?"

"July 16th, right?"

Li Mo looked around, and even the five Taoists did not dare to say a word due to the invisible oppression, and they all focused their attention.

"The great changes in heaven and earth have come."


Zhang Qiyang looked around and noticed no obvious changes.

Lei Gong took a breath, "Does it have anything to do with soil?"

Taibaizi stopped drinking, and like Li Mo, grabbed the soil and looked carefully. He seemed to notice something, and his pupils couldn't help but dilate.

Li Mo explained: "There are sixteen towns and 376 villages near us, with a population of nearly 20 million."

"At the junction of the north and the south, there is an ancestor worship festival in late July every year, called the Mengzu Festival. You need to scatter glutinous rice in the streets and alleys to pray for the blessings of your ancestors."

Lu Yuan said to himself: "Mengzu Sacrifice..."

"It is said that the Mengzu Festival consumes a lot of glutinous rice, but due to the regional blockade, the local glutinous rice is not enough to consume."

After Li Mo finished speaking, Taibaizi put the soil into his mouth and chewed it carefully.

"That's right!!!"

Taibaizi pointed to the soil and shouted incredulously: "The soil is transforming into glutinous rice. It is a drastic change in the world. It is a matter of words and methods!"

The monks were stunned for a moment, and then each verified it.

Indeed, as Taibaizi said, the structure of the soil is undergoing inexplicable drastic changes, which have nothing to do with magic and are far beyond their knowledge.

"Literally thousands of miles along the North-South border are being affected."

Even Li Mo couldn't help but feel ridiculous.

If the custom at the junction of the north and the south is to eat glutinous rice balls, is it possible that glutinous rice balls are eaten all over the country for thousands of miles?

It's ridiculous, but also weird.

The drastic changes in the world and the disregard of rules are vividly displayed, making the mortal world seem like a fish tank, and some people are constantly changing the ecology.

Li Li asked: "What should we do next? Leave the mortal world immediately?"

"No rush, we have to wait."

Li Mo gently caressed the trunk of Jianmu. At present, Jianmu has not encountered any troubles and has climbed up rashly. If something unexpected happens, they will inevitably fall into a dilemma.

The monks were silent and looked towards the clouds from time to time.

Three days later, heavy rain mixed with fish and shrimps spread all over the north-south junction. The fish and shrimps carried by the rain were not only safe on land, but even resisted the water source.

Li Mo knew that the upheaval in the world had just begun.

However, such a wide area is involved, which shows that the drastic changes in the world are approaching out of control. How can the minds of mortals be controlled by magic?

Everyone present is an old monster who is thousands of years old, so they will not be mentally unbalanced because of this.


Zhang Guo yelled.

Li Modong opened his magical eyes and noticed a ball of rotten meat rolling towards Jianmu.

"Trick? Let me suppress it."

Lu Yuan sneered, and his right hand turned into an ox head. After the immortal body was activated, the sword energy it released could imitate the Taoism of the Square Cun Sword Tomb.

"Need not."

The corners of Li Mo's mouth twitched, and the ghostly shadows on the soles of his feet spread infinitely.

The ghostly figure tied up the meat ball and pulled the latter into the magic circle. Only then did the monks realize that the meat ball actually exuded the unique aura of the Great Sun Sword Tomb.

Twisted bodies proliferated on the surface of the mass of flesh, and the bodies intertwined with each other, like a large number of corpses pieced together.

Li Mo looked carefully and found that the bodies were familiar statues of gods at the junction of north and south.

Statues of gods are made up by mortals of later generations and are usually enshrined in ancestral halls in villages and towns. They are not as popular as incense, but they are very famous.

Li Mo summoned a natal flying sword and cut off the excess flesh and blood from the meat ball.

Not long after, the extremely embarrassed Taoist Ye Zhuo appeared in front of them, and the monks did not understand the situation for a while.

"Ye Zhuo, do you still dare to control the sky in front of mortals?"

Taoist Ye Zhuo said weakly: "Aren't I afraid that I won't be able to catch up with the attainment of immortality? As a result, my flesh and blood will begin to alienate as soon as I am exposed to the outside."

"When you fly before the eyes of mortals, they will naturally guess what kind of god you are, and even put myths and legends on your head."

"Jie Jie Jie, do you think there are any monks in the world who are as high-profile as you?"

"damn it."

Li Mo looked at Taoist Ye Zhuo. The latter had obviously just been promoted to the integration stage, and his flesh and blood were still growing tirelessly.

"Until the rumors are stopped, your troubles will remain."

"I'm going to die!!!"

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