Immortal Immortal

Chapter 521 The Survivor

Lu San Town.

As a mortal town to which Sanyuan Pavilion belongs, Lusan Town has benefited from regional divisions and its own geographical advantages, and has become a rising trade center within a hundred years.

To the east of the town is the "Tali Black Market", the largest black market for casual cultivators in the Sanyuan area, and to the west is the "Wanmi Lu Mountain" where Sanyuan Pavilion recruits outer disciples.

After the area was closed, Lusan Town suddenly became a place of immortality in the eyes of mortals.

Every day, a large number of mortals come to Lusan Town to seek immortality. Maybe they will be valued by a monk who purchases resources and teach them a rumored innate realm (general horn) technique.

At the same time, there are also disaster-stricken refugees coming to Lusan Town to make a living.

On the official road from south to north, there are countless mortals walking staggeringly. Their faces are yellow and thin, and rotten flesh is falling off at any time.


It caused crows to circle in the air, their blood-red pupils ready to move.

In a sense, the crow, which has been eating human flesh all year round, has gradually transformed into a strange creature, but the process is extremely unstable.

After the refugees arrived in Lusan Town, the officers and soldiers put thousands of people into temporary camps in the outer city without much obstruction.

Although there is still no news since the dramatic changes in the world, it can be seen that various forces have been gathering mortals overtly and covertly.

Two or three hundred years ago, towns generally would not accept refugees.

The flow of refugees was divided, and some of them went to the hospital under the leadership of officers and soldiers to bandage and dispose of their rotten internal organs.

Younger refugees fill their bellies.

Among the refugees, there was a little girl standing blankly on the street, staring at Lu Sanzhen with cold eyes, and then walked deeper into the alley.

The other companions saw this and did not stop the little girl.

They couldn't help but show fear, because the little girl behaved very strangely along the way, as if she was a puppet with no awareness of the outside world.

Even when encountering wild beasts, the little girl remained as she was, watching helplessly as her flesh and bones were eaten away by wild beasts.

The refugees thought the little girl would die.

As a result, the little girl's injuries healed inexplicably the next day. If it weren't for the signs of damage to her clothes, she would have thought it was just a dazzle on others.

No one dared to touch the little girl anymore, speculating that the latter might have an unknown physique.

Several refugees looked at each other, one of them was responsible for following, and the other went to Sanyuan Pavilion's mansion in Lu San Town to inform them of the physical training.

The little girl turned around in the alley and soon came to a bungalow.

There was a white cloth hung in the entrance hall of the bungalow, and paper money that had not been cleaned was scattered on the ground. It was obvious that a funeral had been held at home not long ago.

The little girl stood in front of the door. How could the refugees have the courage to come forward?

In many remote villages, children with Tao bodies are simply called "ghost babies" and are something to be kept at a distance from.


The door opened, and a haggard-looking woman walked out of the bungalow.

After the woman saw the little girl, her first reaction was disbelief. Her hands couldn't help trembling, and she hesitated to touch the latter.

"Prion, is it you, Pr."

The little girl didn't react at all, but the woman walked quickly as if in a trance.

Before the woman could get close, a man rushed out of the door and grabbed the woman's wrist, "Are you crazy? Qiao Qiao died of illness not long ago. We just held the funeral and saw the bones burned with our own eyes." Gray.”

"Then who is she?!!"

The woman collapsed and screamed loudly, trying to break free from the man's restraints.

The man stared at the little girl with a sizing look, guessing whether it was coming from some kind of terrifying and inexplicable thing. His other hand couldn't help but grab the long knife at his waist.

The little girl turned to look at the man and responded with a very stiff smile.

The man's hair stood on end.

Because he noticed that the little girl's mouth was sealed with silk thread, and the marks looked like it was sewn from the inside out.


The little girl opened her mouth forcefully, and blood flowed from the corner of her mouth to the ground.

The flesh and blood of the lips were torn, and the upper lip was stuck to most of the lower lip. The flesh and blood were blurred, making the three people present feel numb.

The little girl looked happy and seemed to be enjoying the pain.


The man pulled out a long knife, pushed the woman away and rushed towards the little daughter.

As a result, before he could get close, a wave of air suddenly came towards him, and a Sanyuan Pavilion's Weak Crown stage body cultivator stepped forward to block it.


The man knelt down respectfully, and the woman also kowtowed.

The body cultivator looked at the little girl with a subtle expression, and then said: "She... is not a strange thing, she is a natural Taoist. I am here to accept her as a disciple on behalf of Sanyuan Pavilion."

The man had a look of disbelief on his face, but since it involved Sanyuan Pavilion, he didn't question it anymore.

The physical cultivator walked up to the little girl and eagerly approached her mouth, his naked eyes full of greed.

"What...what do you want to say? Come on, come on...tell me."

The little girl smiled even more and said softly: "Chen Bai, Zhou Fei, Li Mo, Shi..."

Before she could finish speaking, the little girl's lips began to dissolve, blood soaked her clothes, and her jaw lost the support of its muscles and fell to the ground.

The man gasped and quickly covered the woman's eyes.

The little girl recovered from her injuries, but her jaw did not grow back, leaving only her tongue, as if just opening her mouth would cause her flesh and blood to collapse.

"Chen Bai, Zhou Fei, Li Mo, the fourth person's surname is Shi."

The physical cultivator murmured a few words, firmly remembered the names of the three people, picked up the little girl and left the alley. Before leaving, he said to the man: "If you want to practice, you can go to the martial arts studio to ask for the skills."

"Thank you, Immortal!!"

The man was grateful, but the image of the little girl couldn't be left in his mind.

How could someone who had been buried suddenly come back to life?

The man was chatting with others not long ago. Recently, there have been more and more weird rumors in the city. The old man gave birth to a son and came back from the dead...

Now I met it myself.

The man had a delusion that made him frightened if he thought about it carefully. The rumors after dinner could not be true, right?


The situation was turbulent, and the Creation Sect began a new round of contraction.

Either abandon some remote black markets, or give up the dominance of the black market to the big sects, and shift their energy to the development of the port.

Various spiritual materials have been planted in the small world of the port, and the daily output is extremely high, making the related immortal bodies in the port increasingly cheaper.

No one noticed that the number of monks resident in the port quietly reached 12 million.

According to Tian Changwen's estimate, the upper limit of the port is 15 million, and any more will cause resources to make ends meet.

Li Mo is still consolidating his cultivation and preparing for a fatal illness in his late seventies.

The fusion of his outer body and the virtual realm is 99%, and it is easy to reach 100%, but he is not in a hurry to break through to the Daoyan realm.

It is very important to polish the foundation and not to mess up the position for the Mahayana period.

Li Mo opened his eyes.

"Time flies so fast, and the drastic changes in the world are like a sharp sword hanging over one's head."

A hundred years have passed unknowingly since the Immortal Bones of Ten Thousand Swords transformed into mortals. During this period, there was a lot of friction in the world of immortality, but it never intensified.

Except for the corpse of the twelfth senior sister, the presence of the other senior sisters is gradually increasing.

They seem to be collecting special resources from various places, and all the large forces are extremely cooperative, and even the Ten Thousand Demons Dao has been greatly suppressed because of this.

The trouble caused by Baixizi was blocked by Qu Ai. She had been stationed at the port before, but she left in a hurry after receiving some news.

"It's almost impossible to recast the Immortal Ladder, but it's not a big problem to make a disposable Immortal Ladder."

Li Mo's expression was solemn, and when the Twelve Immortals began to touch on the matter of ascension, it proved that the drastic changes in the world and the repetition of the same mistakes were no longer out of reach.

"Should we ascend? Or should we wait for the moment of crisis to use the Tiandao Page?"

Li Mo let out a long sigh, pinched his temples with a headache, then suppressed his distracting thoughts and continued the boring retreat.

The completion of Born Saint has been completed, and it is currently more than three-quarters complete.

Unfortunately, the two related corpses found by Tian Changwen later had the characteristics of a born saint and Li Mo himself, which was of little significance.

Li Mo also knew that he couldn't force it, and besides, the dual immortal bodies were enough for now.

The Great Wilderness Immortal Body has made the physical body's strength reach the perfection of the combined stage, and the Ten Thousand Swords Immortal Bones have two more sections of immortal bones, making it a total of forty-four sections.

If you look inside your body with your spiritual consciousness, you can see that there are spider sword balls crawling among the flesh and bones.

Spider Jianwan deduces the immortal bones according to specific rules, which is quite a bit like "Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things".


Li Mo suddenly noticed that his blood was boiling, and he immediately realized that Dacan Mitian had finally been successfully promoted to Lingbao.

Cancer cells multiply rapidly, covering flesh, blood, and bones, and the body outside the body is not spared either.

Li Mo raised his eyebrows.

He controls everything inside and outside the body, and the giant cancer improves so much that all cancer cells seem to have intelligence.

Li Mo's consciousness noticed that cancer cells undergo different changes depending on the different organs they are in. While adapting to the organs, they are also subtly transforming the organs.


Li Mo was extremely surprised.

The innate saint is actually completing it bit by bit on his own. Although the speed is slow, the advantage is that he can use the innate essence to speed up the efficiency.

The devastating cancer also brings vitality to the internal organs.

Immortal Pattern【Tao Cancer】

It is difficult for Li Mo to describe the tremendous changes in cancer. In addition to being deformed, cancer cells also have the ability to conform themselves to the way of heaven.

The immortal body is a symbol of heaven, and a born saint can naturally complete it with the help of cancer cells.

"It's a pity. If Cancer Killer can reach the level of an immortal weapon, maybe I don't have to consider the option of ascending to the immortal world. I can completely use cancer cells to transform myself into an immortal."

Li Mo pondered that Big Cancer was worthy of being a spiritual treasure achieved with six spiritual patterns, and its power was far more comprehensive than the other three spiritual treasures.

With cancer looming large, his ability to protect himself has greatly increased.

"about there……"

With a thought in Li Mo's mind, the three Dharmakayas circulated their spiritual power at the same time, and the virtual realm became completely unruffled and became part of the Dharmakaya outside the body.

The process of being promoted to the Daoyan stage is a matter of course.

There was no joy in Li Mo's expression. Even though the Daoyan stage was the last stage of the integration stage, in the face of the drastic changes in the world, immortals and mortals were the same.

"There are still more than three hundred years before the ancient deadly disease breaks out."

Li Mo didn't know the reality of the fatal disease in the ancient rare period, and there was no record of it in the classics, but with the presence of the Great Wilderness Immortal Body, he shouldn't have lost his footing.

He was refining a magic weapon for protection, and Tian Changwen sent a message.

"Resurrection from the dead confirmed."

"Li Mo, you have a cousin named Li Zhuang who came back to life."

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