Immortal Immortal

Chapter 495: Choosing a son-in-law through intrigues

The water is thousands of miles deep.

It is still the Dragon Palace of the South China Sea, but the atmosphere inside is completely different. There is no trace of the festive lights and colorful decorations at all, and the smell of blood is strong.

Lanterns with human heads hang from the eaves, and window paper is made from dried human skin.

Dots of will-o'-the-wisps were floating around, and all kinds of white bones were exposed on the ground. There were even signs of eating on the surface of the bones, which was horrifying.

In the huge mansion, not even half a shark was seen.

There was deathly silence in the South China Sea Dragon Palace.

Only the candles in the living room were always on, and there were hundreds of people sitting around them, exchanging cups and glasses, creating a lively scene.

"Bi Hengguang, you are such a good drinker, you can drink a thousand glasses without pouring it out."

"No way, Chen Yun, you don't have to toast, it's me who should toast you."

"Hahahaha, drink and drink."

Even though they sounded like they were old friends, in fact they looked very wary. It was just because of the situation that they were playing the role of "Guests of the Dragon Palace".

There are sixty or seventy monks present who are in the distraction stage, and the rest are all in the refining stage. They come from different large sects and are intrigues with each other.

On the table in front of them, there was a large amount of body parts and minced meat, with maggots coming in and out, exuding a strong stench.

Only some demon cultivators would grab corpse pieces and stuff them into their mouths to chew.

Most of the other monks mainly drink alcohol. Although there are still impurities such as eyeballs and teeth floating in the wine, it is still better than eating meat.

After arriving in the South China Sea, which is thousands of miles deep, the danger in Dragon Palace has exceeded imagination.

Various forces are engaging in intrigues overtly or covertly, and it is no longer realistic to kill the monsters. The monks are mainly killing time.

Basically, after waiting for about half a year, you can go to the deeper South China Sea Dragon Palace.

Zhang Qiyang, the only land god, has been chasing the Great Sun Sword Tomb alone. At present, the monks are somewhat riding a tiger.

"Taoist Priest Bi, it's obvious that the cause of the disaster was the Great Sun Sword Tomb. Why aren't there a few sword cultivators there? Where is Elder Gong Yangluo?"

The monk who spoke was two meters tall, and his bare skin was covered with human faces.

His Taoist name is [Fuwen], and he is the sect leader of the Baimian Sect, a medium-sized branch of the Ten Thousand Demons Tao. He was promoted to the existential realm through unknown means, and his spiritual power is extremely vain.


Bi Hengguang did not reply, his expression and smile remained the same, but there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

Not counting Zhang Qiyang, a total of five people came to the Great Sun Sword Tomb. After suffering heavy losses, they had only the remaining strength left.

Two of them are in the refining stage, namely Luo Yang and Bi Hengguang, and three are in the distracting stage.

But when he was in the shallows of the South China Sea, the distracted sword cultivator died inexplicably, while Luoyang was waiting for Li Mo at a depth of five thousand miles.

In the end, Bi Hengguang was the only one.

Fu Wen's words were hinting that the Great Sun Sword Tomb had set up a trap to trick the monks into entering the South China Sea.

Although no one believed it, Bi Hengguang still suffered from isolation, and there were even demon cultivators who wanted to eat Bi Hengguang's flesh and blood to replenish the spiritual power that was lost in the previous layers.

"Give it up, you are still the Nanhai brought by the Zhang Xian family."

The Yaowang Valley elder [Zhang Mu] toasted to Bi Hengguang, his eyes lingering on the latter's arm for a few breaths, his eyes full of greed.

Bi Hengguang ignored it.

Zhang Mu had already sent a message to him before, asking for some flesh and blood to refine the elixir. Now that he was standing up for him, it was obviously premeditated.

More monks remained silent, watching the fight in the living room.

Unknowingly, even in the Void Refining Stage, he realized that he could not protect himself, but the temptation of the immortal marrow was too great. It involved promotion to a land immortal, so how could he be willing to give up until the last moment.

Although the usefulness of Immortal Essence differs from person to person, if one can truly understand the technique, it will definitely suit him or her very well and break through the bottleneck and increase the power by 50%.

While they were chatting happily, the fishy smell of the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea began to intensify.

All the monks knew that this was a sign that a strange thing was about to appear, and they all prepared for it, but on the surface they still maintained the status quo.

There was a sudden vibration in the backyard of the mansion, and the coral reefs used as decoration continued to collapse.

The sound of flesh and blood proliferating came.

"The Dragon King of Lurou River has arrived! The Dragon King of Lurou River has arrived!!"

Hysterical shouts rang out, and the monks couldn't help but feel their hearts sinking, and the speed of spiritual power in their bodies subconsciously became a little faster.

From five thousand miles to nine thousand miles, everyone encountered in the Dragon Palace was the River Dragon King.

When he was thousands of miles away, he became the Dragon King of Jiang.

All the monks have investigated the dragon clan in the ancient world of immortality and know that the dragon clan has a distinct bloodline hierarchy. Usually the river dragon king is transformed from a dragon with thin dragon blood, and most of the river dragon kings are real dragons.

Even if it is not a real dragon, it is still a dragon that is expected to transform into a dragon in the future.

The difference in strength is absolutely a matter of Yunni.

The soil in the backyard squirmed, and then countless sharks emerged from the soil.

The shark's expression was sluggish, he was wearing a robe made of fresh flesh and blood, and there was a long and narrow blood vessel connected to the back of his head.

The other end of the blood vessel is in the ground in the backyard, and it can be seen that there is something buried underground.

More and more sharks broke through the ground, decorating the dragon palace under the control of blood vessels, and the long-lost sound of gongs and drums echoed again.

The monk in the distraction period looked ugly.

The situation in the South China Sea Dragon Palace has gone beyond imagination, and they feel suffocated. The so-called Luroujiang Dragon King is far beyond what they can resist during the distraction period.

However, with Master Lianxu at their side, how could they take the initiative to escape?

At the same time, the monks in the distraction stage still have some unrealistic fantasies in their hearts. They can come to such a dangerous South China Sea Dragon Palace because of the sect's promise that they will receive a drop of immortal marrow.

Besides, there are hundreds of people present, so it’s impossible for it to be your turn to be unlucky, right?

The Dragon Palace in the South China Sea is becoming more and more weird, but the living room is still unaffected. They are like characters in a drama.

In an unspeakable tacit understanding, a three- to four-meter strange thing emerged from the soil.

The strange thing is not the Dragon King of Luroujiang. It looks like a turtle transformed into a spirit. Its carapace is made of skulls, and its limbs are covered with traces of stitching.

Any monk with a secular background will recognize the strange thing as the "Prime Minister Turtle" at a glance.

In ancient times, turtle demons were highly intelligent due to their long lifespan. At that time, many sects liked to use turtle demons to guard the mountain gates.

It is also reflected in the drama, forcibly placing a turtle prime minister in the Dragon Palace.

In fact, in the eyes of dragons, all living creatures are just food. Even if there are turtle demons in the Dragon Palace, they are just prepared food.

Prime Minister Turtle's voice was shrill, just like the eunuchs in the ancient palace.

"Listen, marriage without a matchmaker is the beginning of civilization, and the ceremony of geese and sheep is held early. What I love most is that thousands of people will look at each other and watch Nong holding hands with her husband."

"Today the Dragon King chooses his son-in-law, you will abide by the law and live together in prison, and live in peace together."

While Prime Minister Turtle was talking, flesh and blood were constantly dissolving, and the blood vessels at the back of the head were transporting nutrients so that the monster's body would not collapse.

"What the hell, the Dragon Palace in the thousands of miles of sea is so weird."

Bi Hengguang looked at the ridiculous scene in the Dragon Palace and felt a little uneasy.

What made him most anxious was Luo Yang. According to the original plan, whether Taiji Taoist came to the South China Sea or not, Luo Yang would try his best to come to the Wanli Sea, and he would probably run into the Dragon King's choice of son-in-law.

It shouldn't happen. With the speed at which Luoyang is sinking, it will probably arrive just before eleven thousand miles, just in time to avoid danger.


Bi Hengguang exhaled.

"I don't know what's going on with Taoist Taiji?"

"Since it is the Zhang Xian family who has called the roll call, his strength should be good, but at most he is only in the Void Refining stage, so how can he influence the situation."

Bi Hengguang didn't know much about Li Mo's existence. He only knew that he was Yu Xiao's junior brother, but he had no relevant memory in his mind.

"A born immortal? Since you have been recognized by the Zhang Xian family, you won't die in the South China Sea easily, right?"

Bi Hengguang was thinking a lot, watching from the corner of his eye that the decorations in the Dragon Palace were completed, almost exactly like the wedding ceremony of a wealthy family in the mortal world.

"We invite the Dragon King of Luroujiang!!"

Prime Minister Turtle shouted, and the living room fell into a brief silence.

Everyone turned their attention to the backyard of the mansion.

Blood vessels flutter.

The sharks gathered in mid-air, and then the blood vessels began to disassemble their hands and feet, and then put them together at will.

The shark was wailing unconsciously, and Bi Hengguang couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

Just a few moments.

The sharks formed into a monster that was more than ten meters tall, with organs hanging all over its body, eyes pupils distributed all over the skin, and flesh and blood loose and rotting.

Bi Hengguang could only barely discern a bit of a dragon shape from the sharp corners of the ribs on the top of the monster's head.

"There are quite a few guests..."

Luroujiang Dragon King's voice seemed to be forced out of his throat. The back of his head was also connected to blood vessels, but it was thicker.

"As the proverb goes, if there are no clouds in the sky, it will not rain; if there is no matchmaker below, there will be no marriage."

"I have four dragon girls under me. They all need to find relatives. There are many young talents today. I hope they can take a fancy to them."

The Dragon King of Luroujiang laughed, and his strange singing voice seemed extremely awkward.

Hundreds more mermaids were born in the backyard, and they began to piece together the dragon girl mentioned by the Luroujiang Dragon King. She was half human and half dragon, with her tail constantly swaying.

As the Dragon King approached the living room, Bi Hengguang couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

He could see that the Luroujiang Dragon King was just a puppet, but the aura it exuded was comparable to that of the Existence Stage. Could it be that the body of the strange thing buried in the backyard had reached the completion of the Void Refining Stage?

If the monsters riot, few people present may be spared.

Luroujiang Dragon King came to the living room, and his body slowly passed through the narrow doorway, making the wall covered with minced meat, and the oppression felt like substance.

Only the offshore monk remained calm, while the other monks began to panic.

"Hahaha, you're welcome."

The Dragon King of Luroujiang swept across the monks and focused on one of them.

This person is a disciple of the large-scale sect Huanglong Mountain in the distracted period. Huanglong Mountain is based on the element of earth, and his body is made of rock.

"Your... tastes good, I think my little girl will be satisfied."

The distracted monk opened his mouth and didn't even know how to react. The elder of Huanglong Mountain, Master Jin Guang, winked.


The head of a human-faced and skinned blood dragon fell outside the door. There was saliva flowing from its bloody mouth, and bits of flesh spewed out between its breaths.

"Thank you Dragon King, Zhuang Chao. Go and have some contact with the Dragon Girl."

Zhuang Chao couldn't help but hesitate for a few moments, but in the face of Master Jin Guang's threat, he finally stood up and left the living room tremblingly.

"Dragon Girl, you..."

Before she finished speaking, the dragon girl swallowed the distracted monk in one gulp.

While chewing, the screams suddenly stopped.

"My little girl is not very satisfied. Is there anyone here who can recommend themselves?"

The monks in the distraction stage did not dare to speak, while the monks in the refining stage chose to wait and watch.

at this time.

Five people came to the Dragon Palace.

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