Immortal Immortal

Chapter 449 What is the Demon Cave? You and I are both demons

Although the Demon Cave belongs to the Ten Thousand Demons Dao, it is not within the mountain gate itself.

In fact, even the demon cultivators in the Void Refining Stage don't know the specific location of the Demon Cave. They only know that they can go to the small world through the black wooden gate.

It's ridiculous to say that the Way of Ten Thousand Demons doesn't even have a record of the origin of the Demon Cave. It just treats the small world as a mass grave where weird things are dumped.

In order to ensure that the monsters will not escape from the devil's cave, the Ten Thousand Demons Path will organize affiliated demon sects to go to the small world to eliminate monsters every hundred years or so. However, the number of monsters has been getting worse and worse.

It was not until the Dao and demons cooperated that the Ten Thousand Demons Sacrifice appeared.

According to the meaning of Ten Thousand Demons Dao, some monsters will be taken into several large sects and processed by special mountain-protecting arrays.

There are four large sects willing to accept strange objects.

They are [Yao Wang Valley], which focuses on elixir cultivation and poison cultivation.

[Sanyuan Pavilion] is a physical cultivation sect whose strength is second only to Tianjian Sect and Ten Thousand Demons.

[Tianjian Sect], regardless of whether it is ancient times or later generations, the sword cultivator has always stood at the top of the Taoist sect. Even if it has weakened slightly over the past ten thousand years, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

[Zhibaidao], a large-scale sect that emerged in later generations, is good at formations and weapon refining. Even the land gods dare not break into the mountain gate.

However, in terms of strength, Zhibaidao is far inferior to the other four including Wanmo Dao.

The five sects, without exception, are all the beneficiaries of the transformation of the Twelve Immortals, and at least one born immortal has become a disciple.

It is true that the Demon's Cave was out of control, but the main reason why the five sects mobilized forces and mobilized so many people was to test each other to determine priorities.

That's why the Tianjian Sect directly dispatched the entire Great Sun Sword Tomb.


There are five islands floating in the sky above the Demon Cave, and they are all filled with disciples sent by various sects.

In the first twenty years after they settled in the Demon Cave, they mainly focused on setting up suspended islands. Not long ago, they began to clear the Demon Cave one after another.

After several fights.

The Dainichi Sword Tomb has fewer personnel and lacks a chief executive. Its performance is even worse than Zhimomomo, and the island construction is also very ordinary.

The breath gathering array was used to its extreme, and the five islands were shrouded in thick fog.

As long as the island is not exposed, it will not be attacked by strange things. The disciples take the opportunity to recuperate and prepare for the next wave of strange things.

The ground of Ten Thousand Demons Path is not the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood as rumored by the outside world, but is actually a lush and dense jungle.

If you didn't look at the postures of the five sects, you would just think it was an ordinary small world.

The sun and the moon alternate between what seems real and fake.

There are many villages located in the jungle, and a large number of mortals are farming in the fields.

Several houses were damaged, and the wails of children and their families could be heard, as if they had suffered a disaster not long ago.

Orion limped out of the house and expertly packed up the loaded cart.

The cart was filled with earth altars, and the seal was wrapped in soil. However, it could be seen from the blackened soil that there must be something bloody inside.

Several people who were traveling with him came over one after another, carrying bloody sacks in their hands.

They planned to go to the central [Yeshou City] to exchange for some living supplies.

The mortals in the Demon Cave have more or less physical deformities, but they are not affected by serious fatal diseases from the outside world, and their hands and feet do not affect their movement.

There was a pregnant woman with a bulging belly. When she saw Orion taking the sack, she couldn't help but said: "What is the use of a companion fetus? Are the immortals in the city willing to pay a lot of money to buy it?"

As she spoke, a strange fetal outline appeared on the surface of her semi-exposed abdomen.

The fetus moved its body, but what was connected to the umbilical cord was not the placenta, but a group of horribly deformed dead babies, called "companion fetuses".

The villagers have long been accustomed to this.

All pregnant women are the same and will give birth to two babies, one or two.

They usually soak the twin babies in wine and sell them in towns. The money they get is enough to support their families for more than half a year.

Orion glanced at the pregnant woman and said, "It should be more expensive. Don't forget, a demon has come to the world recently. The immortal family must swallow the companion fetus and practice to resist foreign enemies."

His words were full of reverence, not only because he had come into contact with the Immortal Family, but he almost entered the Taoist Academy twenty years ago, but unfortunately he was not qualified enough.

The villagers looked at the five suspended islands in unison.

The intimidation brought by the word "Devil" even made the child stop crying, and the eyes of the villagers showed unspeakable fear.

"I don't know how long it will last for the Demon to come to this world?"

"Don't worry, the devil rarely hurts mortals. After all, with the blessing of the immortal family, as long as you hide in the cellar when disaster strikes, you will be fine."

The villagers knelt on the ground and chanted hymns to pray to the immortal family.

Orion did not stay long.

He understands that as time goes by, the possibility of the demon coming will gradually increase, and he must rush to Yeshou City as soon as possible to ensure that everything is safe.

Everyone put the spare tires into the earth altar and pushed the cart hurriedly along the mountain road.

The mountain road is muddy and full of weeds.

Even if the Orion had made more than a hundred trips back and forth, it was inevitable that there would be delays and it would take more than ten days to leave the jungle and reach the official road.

The official road is full of people transporting pregnant women.

Most of them are traders who buy companion babies and return. After all, not all young people in the village are willing to take risks and go out.


Orion gasped.

The scale of business is much larger than expected. I have stayed in a Taoist temple, and I know that it means that the Xian family suffered heavy losses in the face of the demon.

Orion couldn't help but feel a little anxious, always feeling that a disaster was imminent.

The scorching sun turned into a full moon, the sky became dark, and the five suspended islands, emitting a faint light, looked like dark clouds.

"Uncle Ge, is Yeshou City coming soon?"

A villager asked softly, interrupting Orion's thoughts.

"Let's see. If we can't reach Yeshou City before midnight, we will dig a hole next to the official road and stay there for the night."

Orion was already half a hundred years old, and his eyes were no longer what they used to be. In addition, the sky was dark, so he couldn't be sure for a while.

"Whatever you say will be done, Uncle Ge, we will all listen to you."

The hunter found an ancient tree that was 100 meters tall, and then nimbly climbed up the branch, using the afterglow of the setting sun to look towards Yeshou City.

Continuous towns come into view.

Thick walls surrounded the city, with lanterns hanging high on the pavilions and pavilions. Outside the city were fertile fields spread over the hills, making it look prosperous.

The population is at least over one million.

"Huh, I should be able to get to the city gate before the curfew. Even if it's too late, I can at least deal with him under the wall. It's always safer than in the wild."

Orion also noticed that a figure was flying through the air in the town.

"With the Immortal Family here, how could the demon outside the territory be our opponent? If I had digested the half of the companion fetus back then, maybe..."

Orion suppressed his distracting thoughts and called his companions to quickly rush to Yeshou City.

The cart bumped up and down, the earth altar made a sound as it collided, and the smell of blood filled the air. The villagers quickly wrapped the shaking earth altar with cotton and linen cloth.

The atmosphere suddenly became chilly for some unknown reason.

The five suspended islands emitted a faint light, and a faint mist filled the air. The birds and beasts in the jungle lost their traces, and everything seemed completely silent.

Even if he is doing business, he can't help but speed up his pace.

Even if the accompanying fetus fell to the ground, they did not bother to continue on their way. From time to time, they would raise their heads to pay attention to the strange things on the suspended island.

The Orion hunters have already seen the Immortal Family walking between the houses in Yeshou City.

"It's too late. The Immortal Family has already dispatched. Let's hide first."

"Uncle Ge, is he an extraterrestrial demon..."

"Shut up!"

Orion said with a gloomy face: "Don't blame me for not reminding you that any action that attracts demons from outside the territory will lead to death."

They turned onto the mountain path and looked for a nearby cave.

At this moment.

The island near the northwest was brightly lit, and the enveloping magic circle gradually dispersed. There was a stone tablet vaguely engraved on the edge of the island, [Yao Wang Valley].

Orion hugged his head and shouted: "The devil is coming!!!"

He looked at the companion fetuses scattered around him, and driven by fear, he grabbed the companion fetus and stuffed it into his mouth, and then veins popped out on his forehead.

"Uncle Ge..."

The severe pain caused by the twin pregnancy made Orion tremble all over, and he instinctively recalled his experience in the monastery.

But soon, the deformity of the limbs slowly disappeared, and a weak spiritual power grew.

"Become an immortal, I have become an immortal!"


A pill flashed past and penetrated directly through the Orion's head. The flesh and blood of his body continued to proliferate, turning into a piece of meat that was half human and half monster.

Countless indescribable monsters emerged from the islands of Yaowang Valley, blocking out the sky and the sun for a while, making mortals' hair stand on end.

The monster has no skin, its body is covered with vein-like vines, and its heart is beating, but its size can still tell the difference between men, women, and children.

Judging by their attire, they are all disciples from Yaowang Valley.

But the degree of alienation has become so severe that he has become possessed. According to common sense, it is impossible to leave the mountain gate of Yaowang Valley.


"Everyone gets it and kills it!!"

"The way of heaven is so glorious, how can we allow you, the devils, to live in this world?"

The mortals were cursing one after another. The disciples of Yaowang Valley were too lazy to pay attention to the ants, and released substantial elixir energy to roll up the accompanying fetuses on the official path.

"Don't worry about the [Human Branch] anymore. Just collect the Tao seeds and leave. The weird things in the city will be out soon. Don't be alone."

The human branch seems to refer to the mortals in the Demon Cave.

Boom boom boom.

The city and the mountains were shaken.

Groups of Medicine King Valley disciples turned into elixir energy, and after gathering together, the elixir energy had vaguely reached the level where the distraction period was complete.

"I, Godson Gu, are here to meet you demons from outside the territory!"

An old voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, an old man with white hair and a childlike face rose into the sky. Thousands of disciples followed the old man to attack Yaowang Valley, and waves of air rolled up.

The alchemy energy swept across, and scattered immortals fell to the ground.

Their corpses began to mutate, but in the eyes of mortals, it was the evil means of extraterrestrial demons that caused the souls of the deceased to scatter.

Gu Shenzi snorted coldly, and there were multiple wounds on his arms.

There are pustules and acne on the skin near the wound.

"A mere demon can only damage the fur of my body."

Gu Shenzi flicked the whisk, and dozens of muffled sounds were heard in the city. The mortal died suddenly and blood formed in his mouth, and the wound healed instantly.

"Demon-slaying array!"

The Immortal family has set up a formation, and the elixir energy is overflowing.

Yaowang Valley is obviously mainly about testing. After fighting with Gu Shenzi for only a moment, at the cost of two Nascent Soul stage alchemy cultivators, the rich alchemy energy was reduced to zero and returned to the suspended island.

"The Alchemy Demon is nothing to be afraid of."

"In another sixty years, the cracks in the small world to the outside world will be closed. How can we do anything to our thirty-six immortal Taoist temples..."

Before Gu Shenzi finished speaking, the Sword Demon Island, which in his opinion was the weakest, was shaken, and thousands of meters of shadow enveloped the island.

"The devil is coming!!!"

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