Immortal Immortal

Chapter 43 Heart Beast Sect? Just maggots

The yellow sand filled the sky in the Iron Cauldron Secret Realm, and the corpses of strange beasts spasmed from time to time, causing gravel to continuously roll down from the top of the mountain.

The figures of monks digging into rock walls can be seen everywhere.

If you want to find high-quality spiritual materials, you need to go inside the corpse mountain, so monks with shallow cultivation are all on the body surface.

A smelly wind of sand drifted by.

Li Mo appeared in the secret realm of Iron Cauldron, with his exposed skin wrapped in a desert map, and the cloth strips extending from his shoulders were holding the magic weapon Caged Bird.

His image unknowingly began to resemble the style of the Heart Beast Black Market.

Li Mo looked at the mountain of corpses. The monks from Rongzhen were mixed in with the casual cultivators, but they were all busy collecting spiritual materials and did not communicate with each other.

Compared to the last time I came to the secret realm, there are many more mines on the surface of Corpse Mountain.

The depths of the mine are where spiritual materials gather. The surface of the corpse mountain is relatively safe, but the benefits are too little.

During Li Mo's retreat, he had been inquiring about the secret realm of Iron Cauldron.

He had heard a lot of rumors, from which he could get a glimpse of the truth. It seemed that the main danger in the mine came from the "clay sculptures".

The three warnings summarized by the monk are the most widely circulated in the black market.

[There is no temple in the mine]

[Don’t look back when you see a clay sculpture, look away from the clay sculpture]

[After you find the spiritual material, you must dig it out as soon as possible]

Li Mo calmly used Hui Qingyi, and the ghost tiger suddenly broke away from his right arm and hid in the shadow formed by the rock wall.

The ghost tiger is responsible for vigilance, and whenever a monk approaches, he will alert him immediately.

The flesh and blood spiritual power used to maintain the ghost tiger will not affect his own condition at all based on Li Mo's current physique.

The process of Li Mo completing the newt head was naturally very smooth.

The charm of the axolotl is "life", and the animal head tattoo also reveals the vitality of all things.

The salamander is turquoise overall, with coral-like pink horns on its head. Compared with the other tattooed beasts, it looks really cute.

Li Mo called out the salamander, and a palm-sized tattooed beast appeared in his palm.

The salamander could sense the reality of the mountain of corpses, and immediately concluded that it was lifeless, and then gently rubbed its palms with its horns.

There is no hope of using it in combat, but after being exposed to the outside world, there is indeed a weak vitality surrounding Li Mo, which accelerates the recovery of injuries and can also identify the natural vitality.

Li Mo is still very satisfied with the newt.

The auxiliary position of the tattooed Qingyi is drawn with the blood of the beast, which requires long-term nourishment. The growth is the special feature of the tattooed beast.

Li Mo made the animal head tattoo as realistic as possible, and the teeth and eyes have been transplanted to make the tattoo perfect.

Because of the huge size of the Kun Whale, the transplanted eyes had to be from cubs. Fortunately, Yi Bao Pavilion had them in stock, and the result was quite smooth.

After the animal head tattoo is simulated, the pattern becomes lifelike, and the efficiency of the tattooed beast in absorbing external spiritual energy is significantly increased.

Li Mo glanced at the Book of Creation, and an inexplicable strangeness came to his mind.

He couldn't help but become more certain that the Iron Cauldron Secret Realm had a way to add more pages, maybe inside the Corpse Mountain.

Li Mo headed towards a remote mine somewhere.

But before taking a few steps, the vibrations of the mountain of corpses suddenly deepened, and a large number of pustules sprouted on the surface, swelling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Pseudo monster!!!"

Some monks exclaimed, quickly swallowed the elixir to suppress the metal poison, and immediately disappeared into the secret territory of the iron cauldron.

Li Mo also knew that false beasts would be born in the Corpse Mountain.

Pseudo-crafty beasts are also one of the sources of spiritual materials.

However, if you go deep into the Corpse Mountain, the pseudo-monsters you encounter will become more powerful, and even some mines are already infested with monsters of the full horn stage.

Li Mo stopped in place and stared at the pustule that had swelled to about two meters.

When the fine cracks spread, a strange-looking pseudo-monster emerged from inside, and a baby-like cry came from its mouth.

The pseudo-weird beast turned out to be humanoid, with unusually long limbs and a body similar to that of a normal human being, giving it an incongruous and awkward feeling.

Li Mo frowned slightly.

The strange beast was formed after the monks suffered from the outbreak of death disease. What kind of state was Corpse Mountain in before his death that he could turn into such a huge giant monster?

And establishing a date?

While Li Mo was thinking, the pseudo-deviant beast broke free from the restraints of the pustule, tore off the umbilical cord on its abdomen, and ran towards the monk who had not yet left.

The monks present all had the idea of ​​hunting pseudo-devious beasts, but to prevent others from sneak attacks, they all chose to stay in groups of two or three.

They looked at Li Mo and quickly recognized him from the cloth strips covering his body. He was the famous Jinsha Taoist priest.

The result was just a face-to-face encounter.

The figure of the pseudo-weird beast disappeared, and Li Mo also disappeared, leaving only a fishy and unpleasant smell.

The monks couldn't help but shudder.

They suddenly realized how Yin Xue of the Viper Society had his neck bitten off.

Li Mo had no interest in killing people and seizing treasures, so the ghost tiger dragged the body of the pseudo-deviant beast into the abandoned mine.

The rock wall of the mine is made of flesh and blood, but it has dried up and turned black. It is as hard as rock, and dark red blood is constantly oozing out.

He skillfully dissected the corpse and found that the internal organs of the pseudo-monster were no different from those of ordinary humans, which deepened the doubts in his heart.

Even the crystallized internal organs look more and more similar to corpse spirit roots.

Li Mo packed the useful spiritual materials into storage bags. After all the filth in his body was absorbed by the desert map, he prepared to go deep into the mine.

As a result, as soon as his palm touched the rock wall, his expression became shocked.

The Book of Creation turned to a blank page on its own initiative. The blank page revealed the shadow of deformed organs, but the organs looked extremely incomplete.

Li Mo's pupils narrowed.

His magic fingers turned into sharp blades, and he cut the rock wall hard, and then observed the flesh and blood texture at the fracture in detail.

Li Mo noticed that the lines of flesh and blood were not natural, as if they were patchworked together, and there was not even a drop of the beast's blood flowing out.

"How do you feel..."

He used his Dharma fingers to dig for a while, and the organs on the blank page became clearer and clearer. As long as his mind moved, he could imprint them.

Finally, after half an hour of busy work.

Li Mo dug out a metal heart from the rock wall. It felt like it was related to congenital heart disease, and some of the tissues were abnormally hypertrophic.

Bang bang bang...

The heart is connected to the mountain of corpses by blood vessels and beats in response to the earthquake.

After Li Mo tore off the blood vessels in his heart, the metallization of the organ began to deteriorate, and it didn't take long before it turned into a piece of low-quality spiritual material.

He walked along the mine for a while, and when he finally found another rock wall, the Book of Creation once again sensed the organs.

"The body of this strange beast is filled with countless internal organs, and this is where the spiritual materials come from."

To put it bluntly, the strange beast was transformed by the Deathly Disease monk. Li Mo had seen the dissection of the strange beast of an elk, and its internal organs were no different from those of ordinary people.

The formation of the corpse mountain may be related to the Ziqi sect.

Li Mo walked slowly to the entrance of the mine and stared at the many monks digging for spiritual materials.

Because the distance was too far, he felt that the monks in the mountains were like maggots wriggling on a corpse, working hard to decompose the carrion.

Li Mosheng had a bold idea.

The Iron Cauldron Secret Realm may just be a place where the Ziqi Sect stacks corpses.

They let the Heart Beast Sect deal with the relatively useless "carrion", and then recover its key resources and spiritual materials when it was almost done.

There is not necessarily a primary or secondary relationship between the two. How could the immortal pay attention to the maggots?

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