Immortal Immortal

Chapter 414 Obtaining the Dragon Ball

Bright-colored weeds grew wildly, covering the entire Huoling Palace in just two days, and even spread to the walls of some buildings.

The streets and alleys were filled with pig-headed men, and coffins were still pouring out flesh, blood and organs.

Since Huoling Palace fell to the first floor of Tongjian, shops all over the city have stopped. Only the coffin shop on Hexing Road has its door open.

Although Hexing Road and Beili Riverside are both in Nancheng, the population of the former far exceeds that of the latter.

Beili River is adjacent to the waterway and is an important wharf of Wumen City. There are many shops. Eight thousand years ago, a large number of ships came in and out every day.

Hexing Road is home to a large number of martial arts schools, and civilians live in narrow and crowded alleys, making it a mixed bag.

Once the Sword Demon loses control, a chain reaction is likely to occur.

When the three elders assigned sword cultivators, they deliberately chose Taishan Yan and Chang Ning, two outstanding figures in the five-qi stage, to be in charge of the escort bureau. They could see the danger of Hexing Road in disguise.

As a result, Hexing Road became the first urban area to be captured by Huolingdian.

Chang Ning, not only had his cultivation level approaching the Heavenly Palace stage, but also mastered the superior sword intent, but he accidentally got lost in the depths of the Tongjian.

Taishan Yanze was seriously injured and hid in the woodshed of Wanli Escort Bureau.

The woodshed was dark, and Taishan Yan lay flat on his back, his red eyes tightly open, as if he didn't dare to close his eyes tightly.

His missing hands and feet were still unrecovered, and blood flowed from the fractures.

In fact, for monks in the distracted stage, as long as they do not harm the body outside the body, they can regenerate their severed limbs by swallowing a few pills, which in disguise shows that Taishan Yan's situation is extremely bad.


Taishan Yan's eyes were full of exhaustion, and his consciousness was in a trance.

"Is it already... Qingming Festival?"

Taishan Yan struggled to get up and saw the lush vegetation through the window, and a group of pig-headed men carrying coffins came into view.

The sound of knocking in the coffin shop next door rang in my ears.

Taishan Yan's expression gradually softened, and when his heavy eyelids closed, his body floated uncontrollably in the woodshed.

His chest rose and fell violently.

Taishan Yan opened his eyes fiercely and struggled as if he was suffocated. The air around him seemed to turn into water, tightly binding Taishan Yan.

"It turns out...they all died of...drowning..."

"Taboo, no... rest..."

Taishan Yan's consciousness disappeared, and his body floated in the invisible water.

If the mortals by the Beili River died of "hanging" during the drastic changes in the world, Hexing Road obviously died of "drowning".

That's right, drowned in a house out of thin air.

Inexplicable corpses can be seen in every house on Hexing Road.

The corpses seemed to be weightless, floating up and down in the house, and the deeper the copper mirror was, the more drowned corpses were in the house.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of disaster happened eight thousand years ago.


The fall of Hexing Road undoubtedly affected the Beili Riverside the most.

Li Mo also immediately observed the spiritual energy veins through the Dongshen Dharma Eyes and discovered that the sword cultivator was in charge of the body and death path.

"Tai Shanyan is dead, and Hexing Road is now unattended."


Taoist Ye Zhuo took a breath.

The two of them were on the ground floor of the restaurant, and with the protection of the trapped sword platform, they were fine. However, if the sword ghosts on He Xing Road rioted, they would inevitably be affected.

"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. I feel that the three elders have lost contact. There should be no mandatory tasks."

Li Mo was very calm and was improving the trapped sword platform at the same time.

"It's a pity. If I can ban the Great Night Tour, I can refine the trapped sword platform into a combined magic weapon, so that it can be retracted and retracted more freely."

Li Mo believes that even if the Great Sun Sword Tomb turns into a [Comb of Death], as long as the Tianjian Sect is not destroyed, he can survive in this world by his own means.

If it doesn't work, just use the substitute page to obtain the vacuum hometown and escape into the small world of Wu Sheng Cult.

Of course, the Great Sun Sword Tomb is far away from the Death Tomb. The Heavenly Sword Sect has not provided support so far, just because the situation is still controllable.

Taoist Ye Zhuo was speechless, and the anxiety in his heart dissipated.

"Yang Niu."

Li Mo said, and then Sansheng's head responded repeatedly.

Although Huolingdian is trapped in Tongjian, as long as the store environment is stable, Yangniu can still be called to exchange resources.


The yang ox head gradually takes shape.

Li Mo originally wanted to keep the strange equipment on hand for a few more days, but the situation was changeable, so he had better get the dragon ball as soon as possible.

"Senior Yang Niu, here is the drink for this junior to honor you."

Yang Niu Shou rolled the corpse wine with his tongue and nodded excitedly. Then he noticed the back of the trapped sword platform and couldn't help but show surprise.

"This junior wants to lay the foundation for the spiritual dragon ball."

Li Mo didn't take out all of them. The white candles were of great use to him.

Yang Niu saw that there were only three strange objects in front of him, but he was not angry. After all, Li Mo had provided a large amount of corpse wine.

It picked and took away two of the items, leaving the battered rattle behind.


Yang Niu's tongue pointed at the trapped sword platform, indicating that a fake magic weapon would be added.

"It's not easy to refine fake magic weapons, and it's even harder to collect the materials. I just made a few of them to protect myself. Now..."

Li Mo was overjoyed, but his expression showed embarrassment.

Taoist Ye Zhuo stood by with his eyelids twitching wildly.

In the entire Great Sun Sword Tomb, perhaps Li Mo was the only one who dared to bargain with Yang Niu. He vaguely remembered that Li Mo once said that the raw materials of the Confined Sword Platform were not too scarce, but the refining was troublesome.

After Yang Niu hesitated for a long time, two spiritual materials protruded from his stomach, namely the dragon ball that Li Mo had longed for and the incomplete dragon scale.

Despite the incomplete dragon spiritual materials, the problem is that dragons have become extinct in the world of immortality.

After Li Mo took the dragon beads and dragon scales, he took out the trapped sword platform where the sword ghost had not been banned, and watched Yang Niu swallow the fake magic weapon in one gulp.

Yang Niu immediately escaped into the ground.

Li Mo thought thoughtfully, if the trapped sword platform could assist the Great Sun Sword Tomb to quell the disaster, he might be able to earn some more resources.

The resources in Yang Niu's stomach are not accessible to the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce at all, and besides, he also needs the inheritance of the techniques from the Void Refining Stage.

"Ye Zhuo, wake me up when something unexpected happens again on Qingming Festival."

"Senior brother, you..."

Taoist Ye Zhuo wanted to speak but stopped.

Li Mo glanced out the window and put the dragon beads and dragon scales into his sword pouch.

As soon as the two came to the sword pouch, they were chased by countless natal flying swords, and at the same time, the Wanhua Sword Infant also started to tremble.

The Dragon Balls are still like dead objects.


The poisonous dragon slammed into the surface of the dragon ball hard, and the smoke it exhaled made a sizzling sound, trying to corrode the outer shell of the dragon ball.

"Not urgent……"

Li Mo comforted the Wanhua Sword Infant, and thousands of Spider Sword Pills poured into the sword pouch.

After the Taiji Sword Bone was promoted to the Yang Lei Sword Bone, the Spider Sword Pill became obviously different, with thunder-like patterns all over its body.

Spider Sword Pill is extremely fast, and the spider silk is replaced by lightning wire.

"Future reconstructive surgeries can at least increase your confidence by 30%."

Li Mo quickly adapted to the Spider Sword Pill, and then controlled the innate essence to nourish the dragon ball, and the Wanhua Sword Infant also began to assist in the operation.

One can imagine how difficult it is to remove the parasite without damaging the dragon ball.

Almost entirely relying on the wonderful use of innate essence to maintain the little vitality of Dragon Ball.

Li Mo dug a hole the size of a grain of rice on the surface of the dragon ball, and Spider Jianwan got into it, digging step by step.

He understood that every breath would consume more than ten years of innate essence, but the operation could not be wrong, and the dragon ball itself was also the founding spiritual object of the beast baby.

As Spider Sword Pill goes deeper, the parasite of Dragon Ball is gradually revealed.


To be precise, it was a real dragon that was no more than a hair's breadth away.

"What the hell?"

The upper body of the real dragon is exactly the same as recorded in the classics, with exaggerated dragon horns on its head, but its lower body is like a maggot, with its tail hook piercing the dragon ball and constantly absorbing nutrients.

The Book of Creation feeds back fragmented memories.


Li Mo frowned slightly. According to his memory, the parasite was a [Ceratopsian].

After a true dragon lives for a thousand years and survives a thunderstorm, it can transform into a horned dragon. It is the oldest among the dragons, with a body length of more than two thousand meters.

At the level of the horned dragon, it is close to ascending.

"The book of creation cannot be wrong. It seems that the situation of the Dragon Clan is not optimistic."

The Dragon Ball comes from before the great changes in the world. Some horned dragons may have noticed something strange and were willing to degenerate into maggots and parasitize in the bodies of their own kind, hoping to avoid the coming great changes in the world.

Now that the dragons of later generations have become extinct, most likely they will not survive the drastic changes in the world.

After Li Mo removed the horned dragon, he carefully nourished it with innate essence.

The innate essence cannot change the nature of the horned dragon as a parasite, and the annihilated intelligence has not been restored. It only allows the horned dragon's body to thrive and its breath to become stronger.

The dragon ball also absorbed the innate essence, and the holes healed quietly.

Li Mo estimated that it would take at least three thousand years of innate essence for the two to reach a level sufficient to lay the foundation, and he couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"But if the Dual Yuanying is promoted to the distraction stage, it should be able to make a lot of money back."

Li Mo absorbed the dragon beads into multiple Dantians to maintain the supply of innate essence, and at the same time, the Yuanying was warmed and nourished to facilitate the subsequent laying of the foundation.

"If the Beast Infant Sword Infant goes one step further and has thousands of natal flying swords in the distraction stage, it will be enough to protect itself without going to the depths of the Bronze Mirror."

"Brother, they are...planting."

Li Mo immediately opened his eyes and followed Taoist Ye Zhuo's gaze.

I saw pig-headed men standing up coffins among the grass and trees, and a large amount of flesh and bone grew out of the gaps between the covers, slowly wrapping the coffins.

As the two watched, the coffin turned into a row of banyan trees.

It is said to be a banyan tree, but it is only slightly similar in shape. The whole tree is made of flesh and blood and bones, and the trunk is wrapped with countless blood vessel-shaped vines.

The vines seemed to be breathing, frantically sucking nutrients from the coffin.

Only half an hour.

The branches of the flesh and blood banyan tree are covered with fruits. The fruits have vague human faces, and Taishan Yan can even be seen among them.

"I suspect that the taboo of the Night Walker God will not completely kill people."

"Senior brother, what do you mean?"

"Any sword cultivator who dies within the scope of the Fire Spirit Palace will have his consciousness become a part of the taboo, and he will never be able to escape from it forever."

Taoist Yezhuo shuddered.

Life is not as terrible as death. What is terrible is that you cannot die.

"Get ready. I have probably figured out the meaning of outing. Next, the sword demons in many shops will riot."


After Li Mo finished speaking, he sat cross-legged again and continued his boring practice.

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