Immortal Immortal

Chapter 35 The choice of animal head tattoo

The private rooms of Yibao Pavilion are elegantly decorated, but there are no screens with animal patterns. Everything reveals that they are different from the Heart Beast Sect.

After Li Mo sat down, the waiter brought the tea over.

"Sir, this is fifteen-year-old Snow Ruiyang produced in Kunshan, with half a liang of yellow grass that warms the spirit, and blood-eating worms that can help clean up carrion."

The liquid in the teacup was silver-gray and densely packed with maggots.

"After the blood-eating worms enter the abdomen, they will naturally be absorbed by the intestines and stomach..."

The corners of Li Mo's mouth twitched. He really couldn't accept that tea drinking, which was mainly light, turned into something with such a heavy taste.

The waiter asked Li Mo about the items he wanted to deliver, then bowed and left the private room.

Li Mo waited for a moment in the room and walked into a haggard and thin old man. His skin was covered with hundreds of eyes, and dark red blood was slowly flowing out.

The old man is only in his full-fledged stage, but he has completed the transformation into a weak stage with versatile and skillful hands, and has more than a dozen pairs of arms on his back.

From time to time, steam caused by high temperature would erupt from the pores, filling the private room with a pungent sulfuric corpse odor.

Due to the heavy load on his body, he had to take pills to suppress his collapse.

"Jiang Xin'an, Yibao Pavilion's exquisite hands."

The so-called exquisite hands refer to the masters who are responsible for dismantling the corpses of monsters and assessing their value. Their status in Yibao Pavilion is not low.

Li Mo did not introduce himself and directly took out the spine of the awakening lion.

Jiang Xin'an raised her brows, looked at the spine, and looked at Li Mo with an inexplicable look: "The flesh and blood are so cleanly shaved. Is this the corpse of a fake monster that you handled?"


It was impossible for Li Mo to admit it.

Jiang Xin'an paused on Li Mo's six fingers for a few breaths, and then asked: "Where are the other parts of the pseudo-weird beast? Take them out."

Li Mo put the arranged lion awakening organs on the table, then closed his eyes to rest.


"This pseudo-deviant beast is not yet ready, but it is already considered top-grade. The disadvantage is that its flesh and blood are no longer fresh, but it can be used for refining weapons."

"Well, how about thirty-five middle-grade spiritual stones?"


Li Mo did not bargain. The thirty-five middle-grade spiritual stones had reached his psychological expectations, which was enough for him to purchase a lot of resources.

"I took away the strange beast. If the monk who decomposed the body is interested in Yibao Pavilion, you can come to the shop to find me."

After Jiang Xin'an finished speaking, she planned to leave the private room, but she heard Li Mo say: "Mr. Jiang, there is a corpse of a strange beast, please take a look."


Li Mo handed the old storage bag to Jiang Xin'an.

Jiang Xin'an glanced at the neatly packed bones and organs, her expression changed from indifferent to surprised, and she couldn't help but look Li Mo up and down again.

Monsters are different from pseudo-beasts. Monsters have indescribable vitality.

If you want to decompose the corpse, you must have an incomparable understanding of the flesh and blood structure of the beast, and you must be proficient in all-purpose skills. Otherwise, the corpse may be damaged, resulting in a loss of price.

Jiang Xin'an could tell that the corpse of the strange beast was incomplete before it was decomposed, but because the processing method was so clever, most of the remaining value was preserved.

"Are you a disciple of Senior Han?"


"No wonder."

Before Li Mo could deny it, Jiang Xin'an showed an expression of sudden realization.

However, in a sense, Li Mo's method of dissecting monster corpses was indeed secretly learned from Han Cai when he was dealing with elk.

"I'm going to evaluate the value of the monster. Do you still need to buy some resources?"

Seeing Li Mo nod, Jiang Xin'an continued: "Okay, I'll ask the accounting clerk from Yibao Pavilion to come over and wait a moment."

He hurriedly opened the door and walked out.

Not long after, a tall accountant came to the private room.

The accountant's name is Wang Sheng. Apart from his unusual size, there is nothing obvious about him. He has an unchanging smile on his face.


Wang Sheng let out a strange laugh and approached Li Mo with a sloppy step. His revealed cultivation had reached the weak crown stage.

"Sir, I have whatever you want."

Li Mo felt as if he was facing Shopkeeper Tian, ​​and there was an inhuman aura about him.

"Beast blood."

"Let me take a look, it should be here..."

Wang Sheng took off his shirt, and his naked body was stained with rust.

He fumbled and put it on his right chest, and then there was a sound of metal friction, and then his right chest was opened by Wang Sheng like a drawer.

The flesh and blood drawer is full of miniature bottles and jars.

"There are 531 types of animal blood in Yibao Pavilion, and 16 types of rare beasts."

Wang Sheng introduced it eloquently.

Li Mo was a little disappointed, thinking that the rare beasts were ancient monsters, but they turned out to be only rare beasts.

For example, the salamanders he was familiar with in his previous life, the poisonous frogs that seal their throats at the sight of blood, the winged fish that can fly briefly into the air, etc., are all considered rare species.

Li Mo is very interested in salamanders.

Although the axolotl is only at the bottom of the food chain, it has a very special regenerative ability and can completely restore even a broken limb.

Unfortunately, the problem is that if you use salamander blood to draw animal head tattoos, you cannot rely on the bloody material, and the potential is really limited.

Li Mo took a look at the price and learned that the salamander's blood could not exceed two low-grade spiritual stones, so he simply bought both bottles in Yibao Pavilion's inventory.

He would most likely not use salamander blood, after all, the blood of similar animals was too scarce.

For the tattoos of the third and fourth auxiliary positions, Li Mo plans to draw animal heads that are convenient for flying in the air and water. After all, the tattooed beasts transformed by the spiritual power of haze have the ability to transform reality into reality.

With the water-based beast blood, Li Mo fell in love with the Kun Whales that Yibao Pavilion had in stock.

Kun whales are indeed rare. According to Wang Sheng, corpses can only be found occasionally on the coast. Fortunately, the blood stock is definitely sufficient.

As for Yukong's animal blood, Li Mo picked a lot and planned to go back to the inn to consider it again.

"Do you have any weapon refining techniques here?"

"let me find it……"

Wang Sheng opened the drawer at his right leg and rummaged through it, finally finding a few bone slips.

Li Mo put it on his forehead to check. Unfortunately, the weapon refining method only had the beginning part, otherwise his photographic memory would have been useless.

Yibao Pavilion's weapon refining method, in addition to the basic weapon refining method that nourishes materials with spiritual power and breeds magical weapon embryos, there is also a very different method.

For example, the skin-raising and weapon-refining method.

Apply specific medicine to the skin of the cub, peel it off before death, and use the spiritual power of fire to remove impurities, and then you can refine it into a magical artifact embryo.

Or the method of sealing eggs and refining weapons.

The eggs are soaked in a specific potion to prevent them from hatching, and eventually the birds will be absorbed by the shell bit by bit.

The basic weapon refining rules determine the types of magical weapons that can be refined based on alien spiritual power. Haze's spiritual power is mainly based on water and earth.

The price of the weapon refining method is not cheap, it all costs more than ten middle-grade spiritual stones.

Li Mo hesitated for a moment and chose the leather-raising and weapon-refining method and the basic weapon-refining method. He also bought some ordinary spiritual materials and planned to try refining them.

After inquiring, I learned that Yibao Pavilion did not have any inventory of Haze Spiritual Energy.

Li Mo didn't care. Anyway, with the medium-grade spirit stones on hand, and the spirit gathering array in the inn, his cultivation efficiency would definitely not be slow.

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