Immortal Immortal

Chapter 31: Within a radius of two hundred miles, everyone is a beast of the heart

The mountain breeze is like the roar of a tiger, echoing in the forest.

Li Mo guessed that Heshen Village was just one of the secret agents arranged by Manager Hu, and its purpose was very clear, which was to kill the tiger monster in the inner city.

The monks who had previously taken on the mission from Heshen Village knew what was going on, so they did not choose to attack the tiger beast that was torn into four pieces.

"Hu Wen, a ghost?"

No matter what, the tiger picture drawn by Li Mo can contain charm and is of great importance. It may attract the appearance of the tiger beast.

Li Mo grabbed a river fish and dug it open. Inside was an unformed embryo, which showed that it was difficult for small birds and beasts to turn into "half-beasts".

When he left Heshen Village, he disposed of the corpse of the monster.

Li Mo needs to divide the beast's corpse into different parts to maximize profits and prepare for the black market transaction in the near future.

It's a pity that the strange beast was suppressed in Heshen Village for more than ten years, resulting in serious decay of bones, flesh and blood, and its value was greatly reduced.

Li Mo worked hard for two days before taking out three bottles of black blood from the corpse.

As for using the blood of strange beasts to try bloodying, we should wait until we reach the black market and find ourselves in a retreat room similar to the inner wing.

He is still very interested in the black market, which is said to be a place full of opportunities.

Li Mo headed towards Niujia Village along the way. After throwing away two pairs of shoes, he finally saw the village at the foot of a mountain.

Niujia Village is much more remote than Heshen Village and is completely self-sufficient in resources. The impact of animal disasters is almost invisible here.

In addition, half-beasts will not attack the village, so it can be called a paradise.

Li Mo walked in the fields, and the farmers looked at him with surprised eyes. No strangers came to Niujia Village for a long time.

None of them recognized Li Mo, but Aunt Wang hesitated and asked, "Are you..."

"Hei Wa, the son of Carpenter Li's family."


Aunt Wang's expression was full of disbelief. She had never heard of an apprentice returning to the village like Li Mo after entering Rong Town.

Being in the same village, they are all related to each other, and many of them even took little Li Mo into their care.

She looked excited and called to the farmers in the fields.

Li Mo looked like an immortal who was about to cut off the mortal world. He looked at the villagers from the perspective of a bystander, and his mood was extremely complicated.

I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to have the opportunity to return to Niujia Village in the future.

"Hei Wa, you wait here, I'll call your family."

"Thank you Aunt Wang."

Aunt Wang disappeared in a flash, and soon more than a dozen households from the whole village came to the entrance of the village, chattering non-stop.

Li's father and Li's mother asked Li Mo politely. The eldest brother Li Li was at a loss. His wife took the child and pinched Li Li's arm, indicating that he should have a better relationship with Li Mo.

Li Mo responded one by one, and his original plan to stay in the village for a few days suddenly faded away.

Because of the relationship between immortality, mortals actually don't take life, separation and death seriously. They can separate their families at the age of fourteen or fifteen, and many people have children at the age of sixteen or seventeen.

It has only been four years since Li Mo left home, but Li Li already has two sons and one daughter, not to mention his sister Li Xia, who is already past the age of childbearing.

There are many children and grandchildren in the house, but Li Mo has become the superfluous person.

The villagers exchanged words with each other, but there was a tacit understanding and they did not ask about the current situation of the fourteen children who left the village.

They were also afraid of getting bad news from Li Mo.

Li Mo didn't talk too much, he always spoke vaguely, and by the way, he gave the candy pills he bought to the children in the village with runny noses.

At this time, the teacher from Niujia Village squeezed out of the crowd, and the villagers quickly got out of the way.

He forced his chaotic and rotten eyes to open and asked: "Li Mo, you must have seen those immortal masters in Rong Town... right?"

"Mr. Hui, I've seen you before."


Before the teacher could finish speaking, Li Mo took out the brocade-colored storage bag and shook it.

There were piles of firewood, rice, oil, and salt in front of them. They were all daily necessities that Li Mo had purchased before leaving Rong Town. He spent a small amount of money.


The villagers looked at each other.

They really couldn't compare the ordinary-looking Li Mo with the immortal master.

The teacher couldn't help but blush. He opened his mouth several times without making a sound. He pointed at Li Mo with a trembling finger.

Li Mo understood what the teacher meant. The latter was over three hundred years old and his body was rotten everywhere. If he didn't use the methods of the medical clinic to repair it, he would soon be paralyzed.

When he returned to Niujia Village this time, he also had the thought of breaking away from the ordinary world.

Li Mo understood that the greatest pursuit of mortals is good health, so he took this opportunity to practice the surgical procedures described in medical books.

Although he doesn't like surgery, as the body becomes fatally ill, the importance of medical skills will continue to increase, and it is indeed necessary to master it.

"Elders, please don't worry. I will stay in the village for half a day and use immortal methods to help you relieve your body's fatal diseases."

The villagers' eyes showed heat. Li's father and Li's mother wanted to let Li Mo stay for a few days, but the gap between Xianfan and Xianfan made them worry.

On the contrary, the honest Li Li scratched his head and asked: "Brother, are you leaving so soon?"

"Brother, there are a lot of things going on in Rongzhen."


The teacher gave up the school to Li Mo, and villagers lined up at the door and poured in, making many children look curious.

Li Mo prepared a lot of materials in advance, including the "spiritual ointment" wrapped in a fungal polymer similar to Ganoderma lucidum. The price is not expensive, and a low-grade spiritual stone is enough.

Spiritual ointment is specially used to fill in the missing flesh and blood.

He is a novice, and his experience relies entirely on his memory of surgical operations from movies and TV shows in his previous life, as well as the medical book gifted by Han Cai.

Li Mo originally thought there would be psychological pressure, after all, he was facing a living person.

Unexpectedly, after entering the state of concentration, the concept of life and death will be forgotten.

Li Mo carefully cleaned the villagers' wounds, then filled in the missing flesh and blood, connected the broken Achilles tendons, and finally sutured them with thin threads.

The villagers' physical problems are all caused by decay, and surgery is indeed the easiest way. No wonder the medical clinic is highly regarded.

Li Mo quickly became more and more proficient in his movements.

Under the admiration of the villagers, Li Mo finished the work in just two hours, and the materials he consumed could be worth a low-grade spiritual stone at most.

Medical clinics are a hugely profitable business.

After seeing Li Mo's miraculous "immortal skills", the villagers wanted to make a clay statue of Li Mo and enshrine him in the ancestral hall.

It wasn't until the teacher warned them not to erect statues to living people that they gave up the idea.

After having dinner in Niujia Village, Li Mo left the village surrounded by people and headed towards the black market along the mountain path.

He has no nostalgia at all. The long road to immortality has just begun, how can he look back.

Li Mo walked out of the forest.

He recalled Jin Li's description of the black market. It seemed that the black market was only smaller than Rong Town and was composed of dozens of large and small forces.

Even though Li Mo has the status of Rongzhen, he must be more careful in the black market, otherwise he will be eaten to the bone.

It is said that the top leaders of Rong Town also have assets in the black market.

When Li Mo approached the black market, he realized that the reason why Rongzhen allowed the monks to go out at will was because there were all the beasts within a radius of two hundred miles.

The black market is hidden in the black mist formed by the magic circle, like a deep crater struck by a meteorite. There is a blood-lettered stone tablet not far away.

It is clearly engraved with [Heart Beast].

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