Immortal Immortal

Chapter 191: Branded with Cancer

Fenmu Zhenjun and others looked solemn.

The mandrill's headless body was still waving its ribs, and it didn't become more peaceful until it was reduced to pieces all over the ground under the siege of the weapon cultivator.

"Taoist Qingtian..."

Fenmu Zhenjun squeezed out four characters from between his teeth, his expression was unusually fearful.

In fact, the strength shown by Li Mo far exceeded their imagination. Even if he did not take action, he only relied on the strange beasts transformed from his flesh limbs to stir up trouble in the Jinding Sect.

The ghost tiger had been seen before, but the mandrill caught all the Taoists off guard.

The characteristic of the mandrill is "distortion", which makes it a life form very close to a strange creature in a sense. Even if the head is separated, it still does not affect the movement of the body.

And after transforming into the ancient holy body from the animal body, the mandrill became even more fearless of life and death, showing impressive strength.

"Five-path body, ha." Taijiaozi snorted coldly.

They all had the idea in their hearts that the mandrill was probably Li Mo's newly created physical weapon.

Taijiaozi looked around. The corpses all over the ground looked like incomplete and inferior utensils. Li Mo's statement was undoubtedly true.

But Taijiaozi and the others firmly decided to promote themselves to the inner sect.

Li Mo could wait a hundred years before joining the Jinding Sect, but they couldn't.

It is unimaginable that they will face Taoist Qingtian who has completed the alchemy formation a hundred years later. They are still almost certain to be promoted to the inner sect. If they want to avoid his edge, they will have to wait until at least two hundred years later.

Even if he were immortal, two hundred years would still be a hopelessly long time.

The most terrifying thing is that even if they deliberately avoid Li Mo for two hundred years, they may be greeted by an infant Qingtian Taoist.

The Taoists who were betting on the Bone Pagoda whispered to each other for a while, and decided to study the truth and falsehood according to the previous plan.

But things are no longer the case.

The middle- and lower-grade Taoist priests formed the same trench, and they built a temporary stronghold with the mass burial incinerator as the center.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Bone Pagoda can only allow a single weapon cultivator to advance to the inner sect. If he wants to leave Luoyuan, he must find another way.

Li Mo undoubtedly became a life-saving straw.

They also have every reason to believe that with the talent of Li Mo's Five Paths Body, it is impossible for him to choose to transform into the "Great Mother".

Although the middle and lower-grade Taoism did not deal with the forces such as Jiao Ma Di.

But with the advantage of numbers and Li Mo in the dark, he was able to escape from the incident at the Bone Pagoda and stayed on the sidelines for the time being.

Top-grade orthodoxy is not monolithic.

On the surface, Mu Taoren seems to have some ideas about the quota for the inner sect, but in fact, they are completely different from each other, and the situation in Jinding Sect is completely different.

Luoyuan fell into deathly silence.

Under the coercion and inducement of Lord Fenmu and other Taoists, five fellow disciples entered the Taoist temple.

Although the Golden Cauldron Sect reveals inexplicable weirdness everywhere, the weapon cultivators' trust in the Mother Furnace has long been ingrained, and they will not question whether the White Bone Pagoda has nothing to do with the inner sect.

The five people who went to the Bone Pagoda had various means inside and outside their bodies.

Lord Fenmu wanted to use this opportunity to spy on the situation inside the Bone Pagoda, but he was really unwilling to let the quota for the inner sect slip away from his fingertips.

Just as Qi Xiu entered the Taoist temple, the door opened again.

They left the Taoist temple with smiles on their faces. Another figure with the same figure was reflected in the window behind them, walking around in the house.

Fenmu Zhenjun's face looked ugly.

Any means against the Bone Pagoda are useless.

The white bone pagodas look like man-eating ferocious beasts. No one knows why the golden tripod gate designed by Mother Furnace has become so strange and inexplicable.

Compared to the undercurrents on the ground, Li Mo was much more relaxed.

The dozen or so weapon cultivators that the ghost tiger took away have now become residents of Corpse Mountain, greatly increasing the content of Yin spiritual energy.

It's a pity that there are no signs of nurturing Yang spiritual energy.

While Li Mo was practicing, he focused on the five corpses of the furnace.

The strong vitality of the strange thing prevented the corpse from showing signs of decay, and even some of the injuries showed signs of healing.

Li Mo was deeply curious about the flesh and blood structure of the furnace, so he did not let the corpse mountain be digested and piled them all on the top of the fire sub-peak.

In his opinion, the Great Mother is very similar to the Hearth.

When Sun Yangli was resurrected three times before, his state was very close to that of the Great Mother, with her dissolved and liquefied internal organs emitting phosphorescent light.

It wasn't until his fourth resurrection that Sun Yangli began to completely lose control.

"Could the Big Mother be a controllable furnace? Using the secret method of the Alloy Light Puppet, try to keep the fatal disease within a certain controllable range?"

The more Li Mo thought about it, the more he felt that it was indeed true. After all, there were records in the Heart Beast Sect that there were intelligent individuals among the strange beasts.

Tian Chenzi, who ascended to the immortal world, was transformed from a golden phoenix-tailed sparrow.

Facts have proved that within the millennium after the great changes in the world, the ancient world of immortality should have conducted protracted research on fatal diseases.

As for what evil thing Gu created, it is still unknown.

Li Mo cut open Gui Lu's flesh and blood tissue, and found that all the flesh and blood tissue in his body had polymerized into a gelatinous state, mixed with increasingly faint phosphorescence.

The True Monarch of the Old Earth called the phosphorescence the "Nine Nether Immortal Qi".

Li Mo tried to use various containers to retain the phosphorescence, but all ended in failure. The phosphorescence was indeed like coming from the fairy world and could not be carried by mortal objects at all, and it dissipated little by little.

After thinking for a moment, he poured some Pei Yuan Fruit medicine into the corpse burned in the furnace.

Under the stimulation of the innate essence, the corpse actually showed weak characteristics of a living creature, so that the phosphorescence no longer intensified and dissipated.

Li Mo began to perform an autopsy on the corpse.

Eighty percent of the treacherous furnace is made of useless flesh and blood tissue, which is similar to the treacherous beast, whose organs are also in a state of decay.

Only the furnace remains intact.

The moment Li Mo saw the furnace, he couldn't help but take a breath of air.

The furnace in Guiliu's body is not the metal dantian of later generations, but a living head of Chen Tiangang, and even his eyes are still moving instinctively.

After Chen Tiangang's head came into contact with the outside world, it decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Looking at it this way, the eldest mother is indeed using the furnace to divert the disadvantages of death disease."

Li Mo shuddered, opened his eyes and scanned the dense crowd of heads around him, and suddenly had a guess that the life form of the mother might be closer to the disciples of the ancient Ziqi sect.

In this case, the existence of the mother furnace must be inseparable from Chen Tiangang.

Why did the Zhongdantian of the disciples of the ancient Ziqi sect take the form of Chen Tiangang's head, and what was Chen Tiangang's purpose?

There are still too many secrets in it, and the current vision is a bit blind.

After Li Mo dissected the body of Guilu, he immediately took out part of the flesh and blood stained with phosphorescence, placed it in the palm of his hand and looked at it constantly.

He can clearly feel it.

The two skins of the leak-free body slowly merged under the action of phosphorescence.

As early as when he first came into contact with phosphorescence, Li Mo discovered the wonder of phosphorescence. As long as the amount is controlled to a certain level, the foundation will not be endangered.

His consciousness opened the book of creation.

The two pages of the book, imprinted with the flawless body, slowly merged into one.

There are advantages and disadvantages to integrating the leak-free body. The advantage is that the stimulation of the Tao body is no longer astringent, and the connection with the other Tao bodies becomes closer.

The disadvantage is that the inner and outer skin cannot be replaced.

However, with Li Mo's current methods, it was easy to change his appearance, and the double-layered leak-free body seemed a bit useless.

Li Mo tried his best to ensure that the phosphorescence would not affect flesh and blood.

As the skin grows and gathers little by little, the leak-free body indeed undergoes significant transformation, especially in terms of astringent breath.

Li Mo only used the phosphorescence from three corpses to completely unite the skin.

The two skins come from the same origin, and the fusion is naturally smooth. You can even see the connections of the blood vessels from a microscopic perspective.

Li Mo secretly made a note that if he carefully studied the formation of the flawless body, he might be able to create a spell to master the acquired flawless body.

However, the only effect of an acquired flawless body may be to delay death from illness.

After Li Mo's leak-free body has undergone many transformations, and with the blessing of other Tao bodies, it can only be used as a breath gathering spell.

He scratched the skin with a sharp tool and noticed that the toughness of the leak-free body was greatly increased, which was an unexpected surprise.

If phosphorescence is used rationally, it will have indescribable benefits for the fusion of Tao and body.

However, he did not forcefully retain the phosphorescence. Using the power of Pei Yuan Guo to keep the corpse alive for a long time was really not worth the gain.

Moreover, there are a large number of treacherous furnaces buried under the mountain gate.

While Li Mo was adapting to the leak-free body, waiting for the completion of the special page, the ashes spiritual power also steadily advanced towards the pill condensation stage.

The fifteenth day flies by.

When the special page was formed, the book of creation shimmered a little bit.

There was a vibration from the depths of the abyss. Although the vibration was not strong, it made the weapon cultivators on the ground startled and doubtful. Li Mo also showed fear on his face.

Li Mo almost thought about escaping, but fortunately the shock only lasted for about half a breath.

It's like a beast that has hibernated for a long time and is about to wake up from the cave.

Li Mo confirmed that the Book of Creation would no longer produce new special pages and retreated to a depth of 500 meters. It took more than half an hour to feel relieved.

He closed his eyes and accepted the message from the Book of Creation.

The new human skin special page is called "Human Machine Page".

The effect of the human weapon page is to turn the branded internal organs into a magical weapon. It can also be used to brand the magical weapon and make it a part of the body.

Li Mo's eyes were full of enthusiasm.

The human weapon page will make the magic weapon and the monk become inseparable, far more than the natal magic weapon.

The natal magic weapon is actually like a parasite. Although it can absorb nutrients and grow, it does not provide any feedback to the monk itself.

After being imprinted on the human weapon page, the existence of the magical weapon is like a natural organ, which can also drive the monks while growing.

However, the human weapon page is similar to the spell page, and no additional magical powers will be born.

Li Mo felt a little regretful, but the role of the natal magic weapon was enough, and the potential of the cancer would be unparalleled.

His thoughts moved slightly, and the human machine page showed the shadow of a huge cancer.

The giant cancer metamorphosed immediately. First, the body of the sarcoma parasitizing the heart turned into blood due to the imprint.

The cancer that originally lasted thirty-eight exercises quickly broke through to fifty.

Li Mo's eyes were full of surprise.

The human weapon page is equivalent to giving him an extra special organ. After the original Taoist species noticed the difference in physique, he took the initiative to perfect the Jade Urn Diagram of the Supreme Cave God and the Five Poisons and Five Gods Heart Sutra.

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