Immortal Immortal

Chapter 187 The mass grave is my home

There was silence in Luoyuan.

Five bone pagodas stand on a sea of ​​corpses, but there is no figure approaching, which looks very strange.

At the top of the tower is a seemingly ordinary Taoist temple, with the word "Tusita" written on the plaque, but the doors and windows are closed, so it's unclear what's going on inside.

After the rules of Jinding Sect appeared, not only did the weapon cultivators not riot because of it, but they fell into a silent silence.

The Jinding Sect is really too weird.

Obviously he should have waited for the mountain gates of each Taoist tradition to go to the ninth district first, but he was suddenly pulled into Luoyuan by Mother Furnace without any warning.

Alchemy cultivators have already contacted Yuanying Power, but there has been no response.

They couldn't even use any communication talismans in Luoyuan, and they could vaguely sense that there seemed to be unknown dangers hidden in the depths.

Under such circumstances, no matter how confident the alchemy cultivator is, he would not dare to go directly to the Bone Pagoda for fear of being in danger.

They all chose to hide among the corpses, waiting for the Jinding Sect to ferment.

I don’t know how much time passed, but finally a weapon cultivator couldn’t bear it and got out of the pile of corpses, and cautiously moved towards the location of the Bone Pagoda.

The corpses were hideous and terrifying, exuding a pungent stench.

The alchemy cultivator was like a maggot crawling towards carrion, appearing extremely abrupt and attracting the attention of hundreds of people.

Soon someone recognized the other person's identity.

This person is "Sun Yangli", a pseudo-alchemy cultivator from the Taoist "Ghost Cave" in the first district. He is already three or four hundred years old. He was promoted to the establishment stage by chance, but he is the most inferior and low-grade golden elixir.

With Sun Yangli's talent, there was little hope of being promoted to the Dan Condensation stage.

He thought for a long time and could only take a gamble through the Golden Cauldron Gate. If the Bone Pagoda was a deception arranged by Mother Furnace, there might be a chance.

"Hey Hey……"

Taijiaozi laughed strangely.

He curled up in the belly of a wide and fat corpse, observing Sun Yangli's every move through the deliberately left gap.

Whenever Taijiaozi wanted to stretch his limbs, he felt an inexplicable fear in his heart.

This ghost place is not simple. The Golden Cauldron Gate cannot be just about climbing the Bone Pagoda. It must involve unimaginable secrets.

Sun Yangli successfully approached the Bone Pagoda, but nothing strange happened.

With a silly smile on his face, he then climbed slowly toward the top through the exposed bone spurs of the Bone Pagoda, not caring if his palms were pierced.

The alchemy cultivator in the dark was ready to take action upon seeing this.

Especially those alchemy cultivators who were accidentally involved in the Golden Cauldron Sect. It was difficult for them to become infants, so promotion to the inner sect was extremely precious.

On the contrary, all the Taoists remained calm.

The person who can become the first person in the upper-middle-level Taoism, whether through acquired practice or outstanding innate qualifications, must at least have a dual Taoist body.

Even if the Jinding Sect fails, just wait another hundred years to save your life.

Therefore, they are not confident enough and will not risk their lives easily.

Sun Yangli quickly climbed to the top of the Bone Pagoda. His body was covered with bruises, all scratched by the bone spurs protruding from the tower.

His expression became demented, and he stared in front of him with an incomprehensible gaze.


After Sun Yangli murmured several times, he opened the door of the Taoist temple, narrowed his eyes with an expression of enjoyment, and walked straight into it.

Onlookers Qi Xiu took the opportunity to check the situation inside the Taoist temple, but found that it was pitch dark inside.


The door closed heavily.

The windows of the Taoist temple lit up suddenly, and figures seemed to be moving around inside, like Taoist priests reading Taoist scriptures at night for morning lessons.

Silence for a few breaths.

One by one, the alchemy weapon cultivators appeared and rushed towards the Bone Pagoda.

They found that once they entered the Bone Pagoda, they could not open it from the outside world. The Taoist temple was a completely closed space.

Around the Bone Pagoda, a battle started in the abyss.

However, the figures of middle and upper-level Taoists are very rare, and Daozi remains calm, even if it involves promotion to the inner sect.

After a while, the five bone pagodas all lit up with candlelight.

Seeing this, the other cultivators were slightly unwilling to accept this, and began to arrange themselves around the Bone Pagoda, trying to force open the door of the Taoist temple.

Taijiaozi frowned, feeling increasingly uneasy in his heart.

After thinking for a moment, he controlled the corpse to go deep into the ground, intending to find a safer place before considering the Golden Cauldron Gate.

No one noticed.

There was a shadow flowing on the ground, pulling away the body of the alchemy cultivator.

Shadow quietly collected the corpses and then went deep into the pile of corpses, arriving at a newly opened ten-meter cave.

Li Mo sat cross-legged in the center of the cave.

The shadow turned into a ghost tiger, placed the body in front of Li Mo, and then disappeared again.

Li Mo relied on the corpse mountain, even if he was trapped in the abyss, his practice would not be affected at all.

Simply create a temporary retreat room, observe the Jinding Gate, and explore the reality of the millions of corpses in the abyss.

Li Mo took the initiative to maintain the Hunyuan Dao body. His body of just over four meters tall was very intimidating, and the surface of his skin was covered with scale-like lines.

The spiritual power circulates in the cave, causing each corpse to crystallize and turn into rock material at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Only in this way can the structure of the cave be strong enough to prevent collapse.

What is currently known is.

The corpses in the shallow layer did come from the mother furnace. They were all defective products conceived by the mother furnace. Their physical features were slightly deformed and their organs were not fully developed. They were finally discarded into the abyss.

According to the rules of the mother furnace, a batch of robots is produced every twenty years.

Li Mo could tell how long the robot had been dead through the freshness of the corpse, and immediately noticed many strange things.

For example, it seems that the more recent a corpse is, the more exaggerated the degree of congenital malformation.

The freshest robot corpse not only had arms and legs of different lengths, but also had its bones twisted into twists. Only the furnace was still intact.

Perhaps due to the death disease and the inherent metal characteristics of the robot, the corpse decays very slowly, and it may take hundreds or thousands of years to completely decay.

This is a good thing for Li Mo.

After all, the metallization of high-level weapon cultivators will only become more serious, and it is even possible to stop decaying. There may really be corpses of weapon cultivators thousands of years ago in the depths of the abyss.

For Li Mo, corpses are a rare resource.

He tried to cast the final path seed and threw the robot into the furnace and burned it. Unfortunately, the corpse in the shallow layer never even left the palace of the mother furnace.

Even if the robot is reduced to ashes, the final Tao Seed has no memory of harvesting the spell.

Li Mo also experienced "childbirth". He knew that when he was in the Mother Furnace Palace, he would only be taught the basic skills "Zi Qi Life Protecting Heart Sutra".

It is unrealistic for shallow corpses to be used to nourish the original Tao seeds.

On the contrary, the mountain of corpses welcomes all comers, and any corpse will become a nutrient for the magic weapon. A corpse will be digested in less than half a breath.

Theoretically speaking.

Taking just one percent of millions of corpses is enough to completely transform the mountain of corpses.

The mountain of corpses will inevitably undergo indescribable transformations, and maybe there will be a chance to touch the "magic weapon" that is rumored to be only available during the distraction period.

But the news of large-scale theft of corpses was too great.

Not to mention 10,000 corpses, or even just a hundred corpses, may cause the pile of corpses to collapse, causing unknown consequences.

Li Mo didn't understand Luoyuan's situation for the time being, so he didn't dare to be so unscrupulous.

Even when exploring Luoyuan, Li Mo would only go down a hundred meters every half a day or so. At the same time, he had to fix the structure of the cave as much as possible, so the number of corpses collected in the mountain of corpses was only two hundred.

"I have to say that Luoyuan is a blessed place that nourishes the mountain of corpses."

When Li Mo waited until the crystallization of the outer wall of the cave reached a certain level, he took part of the corpse into the corpse mountain and let the magic weapon itself absorb it.

Unknowingly, another mountain peak rose slowly.

Unfortunately, due to the forty refinements of Corpse Mountain, the altitude growth rate of the new mountain peak is getting slower and slower, even a little stagnant.

Li Mo glanced at the corpses of weapon cultivators brought by Guihu, all of which were from lower-level Taoism.

All weapon cultivators who are about to die are directly thrown into the mountain of corpses to become residents. If they are cut off from life, they will use the terminal Tao seeds to analyze the memory of spells during their lifetime.

"It would be a waste not to take advantage of the Golden Cauldron Sect to refine the Corpse Mountain to perfection."

Li Mo had even thought about giving up the fight for the spot in the inner sect.

On the one hand, the Bone Pagoda revealed unspeakable dangers, and on the other hand, he did not particularly value promotion to the inner sect.

Among all the Taoists, Li Mo is the youngest. In fact, there is no need to be too impatient, just wait for the next Jinding Sect in a hundred years.

Even if he lacks the skills to become a baby, it would be difficult to break through to the stage of non-confusion, but Li Mo is enough to achieve the completion of the two golden elixirs.

Li Mo was quite contented. With the help of Xi Wu and Gui Hu, he paid attention to the Bone Pagoda and at the same time prepared to start the Sixty Refiners of Corpse Mountain.

Only by refining sixty times as quickly as possible can the mountain of corpses digest more corpses.

Except for Hundred Refining, the difficulty of refining other high-grade magic weapons is relatively moderate.

Just because he was not completely sure and had to consume five high-grade spiritual materials every time, Li Mo never tried it.

Li Mo's current spiritual materials should be enough for Corpse Mountain to reach eighty refinements, and the high-grade spiritual materials needed for hundred refinements have not yet been collected.

However, according to his estimation, the Eighty-year Corpse Refining Mountain can breed high-grade spiritual materials on its own, and the possibility of completing a hundred refinings while at Jinding Sect is not small.

If it can really transform into a magic weapon, it can benefit the hammer and anvil weapon a lot.

Li Mo thought of this and signaled Gui Hu to return to the cave to protect the weapon refining, and then immediately began to prepare for the Sixty Refining.

He planned to integrate the middle-grade metal magic weapon into the desolate secondary peak that had been idle for a long time.

The goal is to make the corpse mountain possess the attributes of the five elements. The small world formed must be extremely perfect and can also be conducive to the achievement of magic weapons.

Li Mo thought for a moment, and then instilled the power of the Peiyuan Fruit for decades, stimulating the desolate sub-peaks of Corpse Mountain to transform into metallic sub-peaks.

Then the refining started non-stop.

Li Mo is the only one who can be so brave in a strange environment.

Seeing this, Guihu couldn't help but look helpless. His shadowy body wrapped around the cave, restraining the noise made while refining the weapon inside.

While Li Mo was busy refining the weapon, the Bone Pagoda had a vision of rebirth.

In the Taoist temple where Sun Yang stood, the sound of an argument suddenly came from the room. Two voices were vaguely similar, but the intonations were different.

The dispute lasted for a long time, and then the door of the Taoist temple slowly opened.

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