Immortal Immortal

Chapter 167 A storyteller is silent

Industrial exhaust fumes billow between buildings, and as the rainy season approaches on the 15th of every month, visibility on the lower floors of the port becomes increasingly low.

The lanterns in front of the shops are filled with a large amount of ore powder, and the dazzling neon light distorts the air.

The casual practitioners who set up stalls along the streets all set up their stalls on higher streets.

The main reason is to prevent the arrival of the rainy season. If you are unprepared to prevent yourself from being exposed to the highly corrosive rainwater, it will damage your body and the magic weapon.

There are only a few passers-by, and even fewer casual practitioners performing arts.

On the surface, everything is normal at the port, but there are countless alchemy cultivators hidden deep in the shadows, making the invisible atmosphere even more oppressive.

There were scattered figures in the teahouse.

There are only three or two teahouses on the ground floor of the port. Different from the ordinary world, a few low-grade spiritual stones are required to enter.

The teahouse is filled with the pungent aroma of medicine, and pots of brewed tea are boiling on the stove.

All the tea drinkers kept the same expression.

Compared to the Heart Beast Sect's habit of adding spicy spices, Port prefers cheap and bitter roots of wood spiritual materials, which can fully baptize the taste buds as soon as it is put into the throat.

In the center of the lobby is an old man who is between five and six hundred years old.

The old man has a weak cultivation level, but he is willing to be a storyteller in the teahouse, but the content he speaks is not a fable.

But it is a more common technique.

"Since you have entered the apricot altar, you should work hard to learn and become a gentleman."

"Today we will first talk about the "Skillful Hands of Fire Protection", which is derived from the magic of "Skillful Hands" and involves the meridians..."

The storyteller talked about the most common spells, and the casual cultivators who had just arrived relied on their versatile skills to gain a foothold on the bottom of the port.

The importance of a versatile and skillful hand can be seen from the notices all over the street on the purchase of human limbs.

After transplanting ordinary flesh limbs, casual cultivators can sell them at a good price in various shops as long as they cultivate their own spiritual power for half a year.

The tea guests seemed to be concentrating, but their necks twitched from time to time, and they all had expressions that were half-smiling but not smiling, which was creepy.

they shouted in unison.

"Akagi, I'm here to talk to you about forming pills."

The tea drinkers tilted their heads and fell on their seats. Light blue medicinal gas emanated from their mouths and noses, forming a looming figure in the air.

After the figure appeared, the flesh and blood of the tea guests began to shrink, and their heads swelled more than three times. It was obvious that the method came from the Alchemy Ghost Sect.

The storyteller was still talking to himself, but there was a swelling on his back.

"Uh uh uh uh..."


The storyteller's back was broken, and the swelling sprouted countless flesh and blood buds. The spine continued to extend, and the buds turned into vines to wrap around the spine.

In the blink of an eye, it grew into a gourd vine, but what hung on the branch was a head.

Head said: "Baishan, the outer alchemy is not as hidden as your inner alchemy. You have told me not to come to me easily."

It can be clearly seen that the difference between the inner alchemy line and the outer alchemy lineage.

The souls of inner alchemists are all medicinal energy, which can become colorless and invisible after possession; outer alchemists have entities, such as insects or grass, that parasitize in the flesh and bones of others to absorb nutrients.

"Hahaha, Chichengzi, you are approaching the false elixir stage after all, so you don't have to be afraid of a Taoist Qingtian who is in the middle stage of the weak crown, right?"

Bai Shan laughed loudly, and blood oozed from the pores of more than a dozen bodies, which showed that the withdrawal of the medicinal energy had a profound impact on them.

"Oh, is the weak champion enough to watch in the later stage?"

Chichengzi looked helpless, "There are alchemy cultivators at the Mass Burial Incinerator who are keeping an eye on the Sihai Refining Shop. Besides, the alchemy competition has just begun."

Baishan smiled strangely and said: "Neither I nor I have achieved the fake elixir. If you want to advance to the inner sect, you must take risks."

"Look at Taoist Qingtian, whose talent is rare in ancient times. He is highly respected by the weapon practitioners. If we cooperate to devour him, there will be a glimmer of hope."


Akagi sneered and said no more. He was not shaken by Baishan's words at all, and the vines slowly crawled back to the storyteller's back.


Baishan quickly called Chichengzi, "Many people in the Dangui Sect want to touch Taoist Qingtian. We can definitely fish in troubled waters."

"The only trouble is that he has a flawless body. Just because he can't possess him doesn't mean he can't be attacked."

Chichengzi glanced at Bai Shan and said word for word: "Cooperation is impossible. I don't want to be Du Yong of the Bone Forging Dan Taoist tradition and be used as a tool to test Taoist Qingtian."

Bai Shan said in a deep voice: "How come, I never thought of using magic to confuse you. It would be enough for you and me to share the flesh and blood of Taoist Qingtian."

He couldn't help but mutter to himself: "I have seen Taoist Qingtian from a distance. His body and soul are so strong that it is unimaginable, and he tastes delicious."

Chichengzi shook his head slightly and said: "It doesn't hurt to give it a try, but the Taoist disciples of the Waidan lineage may also be interested in Taoist Qingtian. He was in the false elixir stage five years ago..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Shan's expression suddenly changed and he interrupted: "That guy Du Yong has sneaked into the Sihai Weapon Refining Shop. The rainy season has not yet arrived. Why are you so reckless?"

Chichengzi said sarcastically: "Baishan, you are really good at it. Don't let Taoist Qingtian notice the danger and return to the mountain gate."

"To alert the enemy, I'll go take a look."

Bai Shan frowned, and the medicinal energy was instantly withdrawn into the bodies of the tea guests.

Chichengzi no longer showed his face, and the voice of teaching the Dharma was heard again in the teahouse. Only the teahouse guests walked out of the teahouse in a daze.

The tea house is not far from the stairs on the second floor of the port.

Bai Shan's clone quickly arrived in front of the Sihai Weapon Refining Shop, pretending to buy spiritual materials, and slowly walked into the good Weapon Refining Shop.

If the weapon cultivator is better informed, he will be able to realize the dangers of the alchemy competition.

In order to save their lives, they couldn't help but come to select the physical weapons, so the apprentice weapon cultivators had to help entertain the guests.

Du Yong was possessed by the casual cultivator in the weak stage, subconsciously controlling his behavior and chatting with his familiar colleagues in the store.

Bone Forging Pill belongs to the lineage of Waidan, and it has an even greater impact on the host.

When Bai Shan observed Du Yong carefully, he found that something was slightly wrong with the latter, and his mental state seemed to be affected by something outside.

Du Yong looked at one of the weapon repair apprentices intentionally or unintentionally.

Even though he tried his best to hide it, he still made swallowing movements from time to time, and unconsciously moved closer to the other person.

Baishan felt that Du Yong couldn't control his instinct, so he cursed secretly.

He was afraid that Du Yong would expose himself, so he quickly turned around and exited the weapon refining shop. Then the sound of bones colliding could be heard in his ears, and the fragrance of medicine overflowed.

Du Yong's limbs twisted and his bones rapidly proliferated, turning into a giant centipede.

The aroma of the medicine hit his face, and the bones of the monks around him became numb.

They didn't react at all, and the giant centipede pounced on its prey, its blood-red eyes full of naked greed.

Baishan didn't know why.

He did interfere with Du Yong's thinking, but why would Du Yong temporarily change his prey?

Bai Shan ran out of Sihai Weapon Refining Shop, and there was a fight behind the door.

What surprised him was that the fight only lasted a few breaths, and the Sihai Weapon Refining Shop returned to silence, without even attracting the attention of passers-by.

Bai Shan frowned, an inexplicable sense of crisis welling up in his heart.

"Fellow Taoist, what are you looking for?"

The sound of footsteps came from the weapon refining shop. Bai Shan took a few steps back, only to see a familiar weapon cultivator standing in front of the door and watching him.

The Qi cultivator was tall and seemed to have come out of seclusion in a hurry. He was not wearing a robe as before.

The tattoos on his limbs were exposed, and it was like physical pressure rushing towards his face. Bai Shan was frozen in place for a moment, unable to move.

Red foxes, ghost tigers, newts, and kelp whales swim on the surface of the skin.

Seeing this, the passers-by hurried away. They all knew that Taoist Qingtian could not afford to offend him, and if he was not careful, he might die.

"Come here, fellow Taoist, do you recognize this man?"

Li Mo held a bloody centipede head in his hand, and his spiritual power wrapped around the head to prevent the alchemy cultivator parasitizing the brain from escaping.

He never thought that eliciting the Bone Forging Pill would go so smoothly. He just asked the weapon cultivator apprentices to take the Ice and Fire Twin Wine, which caused a large amount of medicinal properties to accumulate in the bones. As a result, the alchemy cultivator couldn't bear it anymore.

"Fellow Daoist Qingtian, I have no ill intentions."

Baishan knew that he had underestimated his opponent. Qingtian Taoist's strength was definitely far beyond the limit of the weak crown mid-stage. He was worthy of being the genius of the Five Paths Body's sub-weapon sect, and his potential was unimaginable.

He didn't panic, after all, he was invincible.

Baishan said with a smile: "Famous is not as good as meeting. Taoist Qingtian, I originally wanted to come to Sihai Artifact Refining Shop to make some friends."

Li Mo didn't give him a chance to talk nonsense. He crushed the centipede's head with his right hand and grabbed a fist-sized Bone Forging Pill.

The Bone Forging Pill is translucent, with a maggot as thick as a finger in the center, struggling hard.

"You... how dare you!!!"

Just as Bai Shan was about to say something, Li Mo suddenly stepped in front of him, and then tapped his eyebrows with a finger.

Li Mo said softly: "Don't worry, I will come to you."


There was a muffled sound.

The monk possessed by Bai Shan fell to his knees, his brain had been completely hollowed out, and a large amount of medicinal gas gushed out from his head after it was shattered into pieces.

Li Mo made no secret of it. The mountain of corpses flashed past in the palm of his hand. He directly absorbed the medicinal gas into the magic weapon and was forcibly suppressed by Mu Cifeng.

He played with the Bone Forging Pill, then turned and walked into the Sihai Weapon Refining Shop.

The Bone Forging Pill is the body and soul of the Waidan lineage. As long as a monk swallows the pill, he will be easily possessed.

Relatively speaking, the memory of outer alchemy is also stored in the pill.

While Li Mo was looking at the Bone Forging Pill, Tao Zedong couldn't help but react strangely, as if he wanted to absorb the magic inheritance of the Pill Ghost Sect.

Lord Jiutu mentioned several ways to obtain alchemy memory.

However, he felt that there was no need to be so troublesome. The roe owl swallowed his body to the extreme, and the pores on his palms crazily devoured the power of the Bone Forging Pill.

The Bone Forging Pill is only in the late Weak Crown stage, and has no power to fight back against the Haze Golden Pill.

To be on the safe side, Li Mo gave all the medicinal properties of the Bone Forging Pill to the corpse mountain to absorb, and soon the maggots in the pill lost their vitality.


In the tea house lobby, the tea guests have already left one after another.

Chichengzi was shocked. After learning the cause and consequences of the weapon refining shop, even though Baishan was hurt by this, his expression showed joy.

"What a Taoist Qingtian, but in the middle stage of the weak championship, you still want to turn your back on the guest. I want you to help me form a top-grade golden elixir."

Bai Shan didn't respond verbally. He didn't think Li Mo could find Dan Xiu hiding in the dark, but he would inevitably have lingering fears.

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