Immortal Immortal

Chapter 164 Eye Pupil Magical Power [Taiyin Sun]

The stove is located on the west side of the bottom floor of the port. Because it is connected to the outside world, thousands of casual cultivators come in and out every day.

Over time, a fixed market will develop.

The surface of the stove floor is a temple, with a passage leading directly to the ground, and at the end is a doorway that is twenty meters high.

At the other end of the doorway is Duoji Mountain, which is what Qi Xiu calls Duobao Mountain.

The Ziqi Sect has placed a total of twenty multi-limbed mountains in the outside world, with different scales. Some of the mountains are only a little over a hundred meters tall, and there is no resource output.

Near Duoji Mountain, there is usually a black market established by casual cultivators.

Through the circulation of many black markets, Stoveland has turned into the most chaotic street in the port, with corpses of casual cultivators being thrown out every day.

The Hearthlands are like the dark side of the port, filled with gangs of all sizes.

Some of the casual cultivators who were new to the port had not even seen the neon beams of light on the roadside, but they had already fallen into the trap organized by the gang, and had to sell their organs to pay off their debts within a few days.

Of course, gangsters with ugly looks generally don't survive long.

The Ziqi sect is afraid of affecting the port. Usually, as soon as there is a leader, they will use thunder to get rid of the thornhead, and then appease the rest of the gangs.

The stove area fell into a commotion, and the casual cultivators in the market couldn't help but talk about it.

No one knows why, the Ziqi sect suddenly closed the stove area, leaving a team of weapon cultivators waiting outside looking at each other.

The weapon cultivator generally has the physical appearance of three arms. It can be seen that the Sanshenjiao from the second area is responsible for maintaining the order of the stove.

"Brother Chang, could it be a fatal disease? I have never seen such a death condition."

Youqi Xiu couldn't help but ask.

Although their Sangshenjiao are fully responsible for the Stove Ground, the strength of the disciples sitting there is generally weaker than that of the early to mid-term, and they all rely on the intimidation of the Ziqi Sect to subdue the various gangs.

Chang Fu glanced at Ji Dachun who was speaking. His body was already in decay, and he was obviously the oldest among the weapon repair guards.

"A hundred years ago, similar corpses appeared, well..."

"Hard to say."

Chang Fu shook his head and stopped answering directly, and then spoke to console him: "The elders in the sect said that there are high-grade Taoist cultivators coming to help. Don't worry, you don't need to rely on just a few of us to deal with it."

Ji Dachun's face was filled with joy, "Formulating pills?"

"How can it be."

"With only a few casual cultivators dead, the Ziqi sect doesn't have to go to great lengths to send out elixirs. They should be senior colleagues."

After Chang Fu finished speaking, Ji Dachun and other weapon cultivators were a little disappointed.

The corpse gave them a really creepy feeling, as if it contained some unexplainable horror, and their scalps went numb just thinking about it.

"Brother Chang, when will that person come? You know the stove cannot be closed for too long."

The weapon cultivator under his hand reminded him, his eyes couldn't help but look around the market, and there were obviously more than a dozen gang influencers mixed in.

The mountain gates of the Sancanjiao Taoist tradition are all poor in resources in the upper three districts.

They all make a living by accepting the profits from the stove land, and they have a community of interests with the gangs, which makes the market a mixed bag.

Now that the stove is closed, it will undoubtedly affect the gang's "black goods" transportation.

"It should be soon."

A hint of ferocity flashed in Chang Fu's eyes. If the gang dared to disturb the stove land, in order to ensure the benefits of the orthodoxy, they would have to clean it up.

"Wait and listen to me. If a gang takes the lead in stirring up trouble..."


Before Chang Fu finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that the crowd in the market actively separated, allowing a figure to walk towards the stove.

The figure was just over two meters tall, wearing a loose robe, with the symbol of a mass burial furnace on his chest.

A gust of wind blew through.

The half-exposed cuffs can be seen, and the limbs are covered with complicated and mysterious tattoos, and the patterns of vicious beasts are constantly wandering around.

What shocked Chang Fu the most was that the man actually had three eyes.

The forehead is a yin and yang Pisces, and the eyes also show a yin and a yang. The air around him is constantly distorting invisibly, and no nearby passers-by dare to approach.

After going through the fight, how could any monk not recognize the identity of Taoist Qingtian?

The scene of destroying strange objects with a wave of his hand is still vivid in his mind. It is said that Taoist Qingtian's talent is unprecedented in the Ziqi sect.

All the gangs were immediately stunned, and they did not dare to make any more mistakes.

They directed the crowd to stand on both sides of the street to make way for Li Mo, for fear of accidentally making him angry.

Ji Dachun murmured: "Qing... Taoist Qingtian, we..."

Chang Fu shook his head and said: "It's okay. He should be assisting our weapon cultivator. He will do everything according to Taoist Qingtian's instructions."

He had a strange look on his face, and he could only get a glimpse of him during the fight with the crickets. Only at a close distance could he fully feel the terrifying pressure from Li Mo.

Simply inhuman.

And only two years have passed. Although Taoist Qingtian's cultivation is still in the middle stage of the weak crown, his momentum has become even more suffocating.

"Let's go and see the body."

Li Mo walked into the stove first, and Chang Fu followed only Ji Dachun.

When Li Mo's figure disappeared, the market became noisy again, and the gang forces were already muttering in their hearts.

The corridor of the stove is extremely dark, filled with a unique medicinal fragrance.

Li Mo could tell that the stove land should have a unique protective magic circle, but it has been disabled because of the Dangui Sect.

After walking for a while, four corpses with strange dead appearances came into view.

The body of the corpse shrunk to the point of skin and bones, but the head was three times the normal size. The swollen and exposed tongue in the mouth made the head look more and more like a human-headed snail.

The wall within ten meters is covered with lush buds, all of which are young herbs.

Ji Dachun was a little scared, but after seeing Li Mo's indifferent expression and remembering the scene where the latter tortured and killed the out-of-control alchemy cultivator, he calmed down.

"The corpse died half a day ago without any warning. Suddenly the flesh and blood began to shrink, and the tongue directly opened the upper and lower jaws."

As Chang Fu spoke, he took out the lantern for lighting from his arms.

As soon as he injected spiritual power, the lantern magic weapon emitted a dazzling light, covering the surrounding area for a hundred meters, but there was still a shadow that was difficult to dispel.

"I'll do it, otherwise something will always be missed."

As the two watched, Li Mo's right eye leaked rich ash spiritual power, and then the structure of the eyeball changed.

The right pupil with black pupil and white background has billowing smoke.

Immediately, the pupil turned into a burning miniature sun, and the left eye became like a gray-white miniature moon.

Li Mo reached out and took it from his right eye. A miniature sun appeared in his palm, and his right eye socket seemed to be a black hole that was constantly collapsing.

He threw the miniature sun into the air, and the dark corridor was immediately illuminated.

Chang Fu opened his mouth wide. Li Mo's methods made him unbelievable. Once the miniature sun exploded, he might not be able to fight back.

It can be vaguely noticed that the black and white eyes seem to be involved in some kind of magic.

"Two years have passed. Taoist Qingtian has indeed not been inactive. I am afraid that this method is his method of innovating and creating new things..."

Chang Fu's guess is very close to the truth.

The transformation of Li Mo's eyes originated from the imprint of the Book of Creation. The awakened magical power is called [Taiyin Sun], which is closely related to the Dharma Eye of the Cave God.

The left eye is Taiyin and the right eye is Taiyang.

The magical power can reveal spiritual power in the form of extreme yin and yang, and at the same time, the pupils can leave the body and temporarily turn into the sun and moon.

Li Mo is still in the exploratory stage, and may need to imprint all the facial features in the Book of Creation before the birth of the innate Tao body can have significant power.

My magical powers are still at the stage where they are very bluffing but not very useful.

He bent down to examine the four corpses and found that there was still life left, and his tongue had crushed the skulls into pieces.

The medicinal aroma comes from the tongue.

For monks in the total horn stage, the tongue is a spiritual material that can be used to boost cultivation, and is even more effective than expensive elixirs.

Ji Dachun swallowed, and Li Mo couldn't help but teased: "Are you interested?"

"I, I, I..."

Li Mo waved his hands and laughed, Xiwu had already penetrated into the corpse's head, and immediately discovered its Niwan Palace which was riddled with holes.

The normal Niwan palace is shaped like a walnut and is located at the back of the head.

The corpse's Niwan Palace is like a honeycomb, divided into thousands of small spaces. It should have been a parasite of unspeakable beings before, and later broke out of the body in the stove.

The outer elixir uses the body to enter the elixir, and the inner elixir uses the soul to enter the elixir.

If nothing else, the main culprit responsible for the casualties among casual cultivators was the Neidan lineage, and Li Mo had already made some guesses about the specific reasons.

Li Mo realized why the True Lord of the Old Land wanted to hand over the matter of the Alchemy Ghost Sect to him.

Because he has a flawless body, he is indeed not afraid of the strange possession abilities of internal and external alchemists, but how dare the True Monarch of the Old Land be so sure that the alchemists who come to the port do not have high-level existences.

While Li Mo was thinking, he took four half-dead corpses into the mountain of corpses.

The corpses still retain their vitality and are buried in mass graves at the Yin Sub-peak. It seems that the scale of corpse wine can be expanded again.

Chang Fu asked cautiously: "Fellow Daoist Qingtian, what do you think we should do?"

Li Mo picked up the spiritual talisman and told Mr. Zhong about the incident in the Dangui Sect. The latter hesitated for a long time before giving a reply.

"Just business as usual."

And he also learned that the True Lord of the Old Earth had returned from the deep world.

Li Mo looked helpless, picked up the miniature sun in mid-air, embedded it in his eyes, and walked quickly towards the entrance and exit of the stove.

"Let's reopen."

Chang Fu and the two couldn't figure it out, but they didn't ask any more questions.

Li Mo stopped in front of the door, turned around and said in a strange tone: "Smuggling in the Stoveland is indeed very serious. Have you ever heard of a black market called Heart Beast?"

The two looked at each other, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

"You guys, help me pay attention. If there is smuggling involved in the black market of mind beasts, I would like to ask you to bring something to a casual cultivator there."

Chang Fu cupped his fists and said solemnly: "Fellow Taoist Qingtian, I will not hide any news I have, and I will contact you immediately."

"Thank you very much."

Li Mo nodded in response and dodged away from the stove.

When he was distracted and digesting the corpse, the memories that came out of the Book of Creation all involved the Alchemy Ghost Sect in the ancient world of immortality.

In ancient times, the Alchemy Ghost Sect had a wide network of contacts and would invite those who were familiar with the Immortal Sect during their Qi training period during the alchemy competition for promotion from the outer sect to the inner sect.

After refining high-quality foundation-building pills, they are given to those present during the Qi-training period, and promotion to the inner sect is determined based on the success of foundation-building.

Today's Alchemy Sect still retains the tradition, but it no longer invites the Immortal Sect to make elixirs, but instead takes the initiative to go to other Immortal Sects to "refine elixirs".

The port has become an alchemy furnace.

"With my ability to occupy a magpie's nest, if I had joined the Alchemy Ghost Sect, I would have been the most outstanding disciple."

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