Immortal Immortal

Chapter 153 Magical and secular port

Not only does the port have the weird Taoist style of the Ziqi sect, but you can also see a lot of offbeat decorations, obviously brought by casual cultivators from different regions, making the architecture even more weird.

Because of the limited area of ​​the meteorite belt, port buildings are usually multi-story structures, with the tallest building nearly a hundred meters tall.

Chains connect the meteorite belt from the edge of the crater.

Even alchemy weapon cultivators are not allowed to come to the port through the sky. Generally, they must use flesh limb magic weapons to pass safely.

The strong wind blowing from the depths of the pit will corrode the soul and bones if you are not careful.

Also because of the Gangfeng, there are no General Jiaoqi weapon cultivators in the port. There are not many restrictions on casual cultivators, but under normal circumstances, it is difficult for the General Jiaoqi to move forward in the port.

Compared to the desolate little world, the edge of the pothole is undoubtedly much more lively.

Li Mo stood next to the chain and looked at the port shrouded in industrial waste gas.

The steel jungle of high-rise buildings, coupled with the enchanting scenery flashing with colorful lights, reminded him of the feasting and feasting in his previous life.

It can be seen that the port is a gold-eating beast that makes money outside the party.

The billowing smoke was filled with the hopes of the casual cultivators on the road to immortality. After all, the port of Ziqi Sect was probably one of the few large-scale black markets that they had access to, full of opportunities and dangers.

He doesn't know much about the port, but that doesn't stop him from opening a weapon-refining shop to earn spiritual stones.

Li Mo had already learned the port information through the person's slip reserved by Qiongshan.

In fact, because Qiongshan doesn't like to refine weapons, the main revenue from the mass burial incinerator comes from growing spiritual materials.

In the port, the mass burial incinerator has two to three hundred shops, but only 30% are rented by its own disciples, and the rest are all given to casual cultivators.

Mr. Li Mo feels that the financial situation of the mass burial incinerator is not optimistic. Now that it is in a crisis caused by phosphorescence, he does not know how it will develop.

He stepped on the chain, and an indescribable biting cold wind blew.

Although the leak-free body is a little embarrassed in the face of phosphorescence, it is not a big problem to resist the strong wind, because the pores all over the body are tightly closed.

"Comrade, Gangfeng must use magic weapons to stop it..."

Seeing that Li Mo was about to go to the port, a weapon cultivator deliberately came over. Apparently he noticed that his cultivation was low and planned to sell the magic weapon.

"No need."

Li Mo glanced at Qi Xiu. The latter did not have an innate Taoist body. He obviously came from the Eighth District through the port and wanted to defraud the spiritual stones from the disciples of the high-grade branch.


He didn't wait for the other party to say anything, and rushed towards the port as soon as his legs used strength.

The strong wind roared, but it could not shake Li Mo's figure at all. His steps were walking on the iron chain as if walking on flat ground, looking extremely steady.

After Li Mo adapted to Gang Feng, his speed gradually increased.

Unlike other weak crown-stage weapon cultivators who looked cautious, Li Mo ignored the strong wind and passed through the chain in the blink of an eye.

The weapon cultivators next to the pothole looked at each other in confusion. It was hard to imagine that such behavior could come from a weak and early-stage weapon cultivator.

What's the origin?

Li Mo looked back at the stacked small world. His figure blended into the dense flow of people at the port, and his breath was gone.

The bottom floor of the port was like a worldly world, giving him the illusion of being in another world.

The pungent exhaust gas enveloped the streets and alleys, causing the skin of casual cultivators who lived there for a long time to be more or less metalized.

Lanterns are hung on both sides of the street. Because the fuel used in candlelight is powder ground from various ores, the light of the illumination is colorful and extremely dazzling.

There are casual cultivators hawking goods everywhere. They are generally affected by fatal diseases, but they still inevitably cough in the thick fog.

The goods sold are all kinds of strange.

There are even some casual cultivators who have taken the initiative to transplant flesh limbs and are selling their extra limbs along the street.

Residential areas are built around the streets, which are suffocatingly crowded, and the entire surface of the tall buildings is covered with windows.

"What a magical world..."

Casual cultivators all have traces of transformation surgery, but they are mainly concentrated in the lungs, and waste gas is discharged from the body on both sides of the body during breathing.

The Ziqi sect is subtly changing the casual cultivators.

More than 60% of casual cultivators have mastered the [All-purpose Skillful Hand], just because the All-purpose Skillful Hand can perform a certain degree of transplantation and transformation on both arms after reaching the weak crown stage.

What resources are the cheapest at the port?

Only physical weapons.

The pursuit of flesh-limb magic weapons by casual cultivators is natural, and there are endless weapon refiners responsible for flesh limbs, forming an industry chain that is enough to satisfy the Ziqi sect, like a bloated and terrifying gold-swallowing beast.

The first spell Li Mo wanted to practice was also [Universal Skill].

The all-purpose skill of the Heart Beast Sect has been modified by the Ziqi Sect. The complete version has become widespread in the port, and even the weapon cultivator will master it.

Due to the dedicated research of a large number of casual cultivators, Wan Yong's skillful hands have produced dozens or hundreds of versions.

The all-purpose skill he plans to cultivate, which can be used to cover up Hui Qingyi's aura, is the "Taipei Bird Skill" that involves the transformation of limbs into beasts.

However, Li Mo's situation is different. Practicing Taiwei Qin's dexterity requires a lot of experiments and the use of original Tao seeds to perfect it.

The port is a good place to practice Taiwei Bird's skill, at least there are enough raw materials for experiments.

Li Mo stood at the street entrance, using his photographic memory to digest and collect information through his five senses.

When the casual cultivators passing by saw his identity as a disciple of the Ziqi Sect, even if their cultivation was stronger than that of Li Mo, they all chose to stay away from the latter.

The Ziqi faction is the ruling class of the port and has ownership of all shops.

If casual cultivators want to do business, they can only set up stalls to sell, or rent expensive shops from various branches to provide blood for the Ziqi sect.

Seems cruel...

But it is a very big concession for Ziqi Sect to allow casual cultivators to come to the port, otherwise it would be almost impossible for casual cultivators to form elixirs.

Li Mo slowly came to the corner of the street.

“Come and take a look!!”

There is a pair of masters and apprentices who have been together for a long time. They control the shadows to outline on the wall and interpret the shadow play in an alternative way.

White jade gourds were tied behind their backs, and shadows flowed from them.

"Three feet of raw silk is used as a stage, and all ten fingers are used to express humor."

"Sometimes under the bright moonlight window, a smile can still come from within."

Cultivation of immortality is not all about meditating and retreating. Even if you live forever, there will always be people who are willing to find solace in theatrical vaudeville.

Li Mo couldn't help but laugh, and his Taoist heart became purer.

"It is always said that if you leave the Heart Beast Sect, there will be no human world, but the Ziqi Sect will still have a mortal world."

"We all understand the principle of transforming from mortal to immortal, but even mortals can live over five hundred years. The definition of immortal is no longer important."

Li Mo rewarded the master and apprentice who were working hard at performing shadow puppetry with a medium-grade spiritual stone, and the two couldn't help but bow gratefully.

The monks who were watching looked surprised. Could it be that they were direct disciples of some Taoist lineage?

Such a big gesture.

But Li Mo felt that it was well worth the money, and his confusion about becoming an immortal was wiped away, and he walked towards the end of the street with a smile.

Ever since he saw the descending Tianchenzi, he has been a little confused.

If ascending to immortality means turning into an indescribable monster, then it suddenly becomes clear whether there is any point in embarking on the path to immortality.

"Instead of pursuing immortality, it is better to live like a human being."

"To seek immortality is to seek survival."

The practice systems of later generations are completely different, and they are all trying to avoid fatal diseases as much as possible. Moreover, Li Mo has the Book of Creation, and he is destined to take a unique path to becoming an immortal.

Li Mo kept walking, and from the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed a familiar figure passing by. He seemed to be a casual cultivator whom the Heart Beast Sect once recognized.

He immediately shook his head and denied it. It was almost impossible to come to the port from the Heart Beast Sect. He probably just saw it wrong.

Li Mo dodged and disappeared, and the peeping figure broke out in cold sweat, realizing that the strength shown by the former was hidden.

The port is the same as that of Ziqi Pai, and the building is divided into three floors.

The bottom floor where Li Mo is located accommodates a large number of low-level casual cultivators. The shops belong to the Taoist branches of the first six districts. The rental price is not expensive, so there are also weak-level casual cultivators opening shops here.

He wandered around for a long time and noticed that the store not only dealt with magic weapons, but also elixirs, talismans, magic circles, spells...

Li Mo couldn't help but secretly thought that he had come to the right place.

Although he didn't plan to learn too many miscellaneous skills at the same time, the original Taoism did not refuse all kinds of methods, which were the nutrients of the golden elixir of animal cultivation.

With the advantages of the port, maybe it is possible to use the original Tao seeds to improve the quality of the golden elixir to "flawless"?

The stairs leading to the middle level of the port are at the corner of the street, and are shrouded by a magic circle to screen out the casual cultivators of the general period and prevent them from entering by mistake.

Li Mo did not hesitate to get into the middle floor. The stairs were stacked layer by layer. At a glance, he could see the night view hidden in the exhaust gas on the bottom floor. The continuous neon light was refreshing and refreshing.

After reaching the middle level, the layout of the port is full of Taoist decorations, Yin and Yang fish can be seen everywhere, and there are various notices for purchasing spiritual materials.

The number of shops is only one-third of the ground floor, and there is no smoke and smoke.

A touch of blood poured into his nose.

With the help of the three-legged golden toad, Li Mo could clearly sense that something was wrong with the atmosphere. There was something unspeakably sinister about it. Some of the casual cultivators along the road were covered in injuries, with blood flowing uncontrollably from their mouths and noses.

Casual cultivators transplanted grotesque flesh limbs and arms, with pus still oozing from the sutures, and many of the limbs were completely deformed.

They hurried back to the bottom floor, waiting until the mountain wind blew by, and the smell of blood disappeared.

Li Mo headed towards the store where the mass burial incinerator was stationed.

Walking along the road, he noticed that most of the shops were weapon refining shops, and each shop sold the same type of flesh limb magic weapon.

Most of the weapon repairers came to the middle level of the port to purchase flesh limb magic weapons.

The main types of physical limb instruments in the store are different, such as the [Sea Pot] with metal and water attributes, the [Big Sun] with metal and fire attributes, and the [Wan Mu] with metal, wood, and earth attributes, etc.

"Is this the supply chain of the Ziqi faction?"

Li Mo looked shocked.

Because he was not a native weapon and had the blessing of the Five Paths Body, he actually didn't pay too much attention to the physical weapon.

It was only when Li Mo was at the port that he realized that for weapon cultivators, physical limb instruments were completely necessary for practice, just like external spiritual roots that could assist their practice.

There are even specific flesh limbs that can increase the probability of forming a baby.

However, the spiritual power of weapon cultivators would corrode the physical limbs, so they rarely wore them on weekdays, causing Li Mo to ignore the importance of physical limbs.

He plans to open a weapon refining shop in the port, and it is necessary to study the flesh limb magic weapon.

Each shop can survive in the middle level of the port, and the flesh-limb magic tools in the shop must have merits, which is why there is an endless stream of tool repairers.

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