Immortal Immortal

Chapter 142 There is a seeker of immortality, who passes through the inner beast (end of this volume

The destruction brought by the Ziqi Sect to Rongzhen far exceeds the orthodox dispute.

Li Mo stood on the eaves and looked around. There were almost no complete buildings in the town, and the surrounding environment was seriously polluted.

It is difficult for vegetation to grow within ten miles of Rong Town, and children are 30% more likely to die young.

I don’t know how long it will take for Rong Town to return to its former prosperity.


Li Mo couldn't help but sigh. When he returned to the Heart Beast Realm from the Ziqi Sect, the rebuilt Rong Town would definitely be a different place.

A few old friends and elders who are familiar with each other can be left behind.

"Don't leave tomorrow, Lian Feng is so embarrassed."

Li Mo smiled bitterly and walked through the windy and rainy ruins.

Seeing that there was no weapon repairer nearby, he swapped the old and new human skins.

Even though Rong Town has been completely destroyed, one can vaguely see from the wreckage the streets and alleys that were once surrounded by vendors.

An old man set up a stall selling food in the early morning and shouted at the passers-by.

The children chased and fought with each other, gesturing with wooden swords in their hands, causing relatives and elders to chase and scold behind them.

Li Mo used the magical power of photographic memory, and the things in his eyes interacted with his memory.

The noise of the busy city flooded into my ears.

There were buskers performing tricks on the streets, and the crowds of onlookers cheered. A woman's melodious singing could be heard from the end of the street.

In the tea house, the sound of the gavel clacking board was intermittent.

The pungent smell of spices attracted passers-by to beg for bowls of tea.

What a beautiful scene in the world.

Li Mo unknowingly arrived at the place where Zeng Jing was working, but the calligraphy and painting hall inside was dilapidated, and some daily clutter could be seen scattered on the ground.

This shows how hasty Rongzhen was when evacuating the people.

Li Mo sat cross-legged in the lobby, his consciousness came to Niwan Palace, and he led Fu Yapo, which represented "consciousness", to the Taoist species in Zhongdantian.

Cultivation is all about success, and Li Mo didn't consider any gains or losses.

After Fu Ya Po stopped firmly in the Tao Zhong, Li Mo poured a bottle of corpse oil wax directly into his mouth while he was distracted in imprinting the Book of Creation.

Cracks appeared in the outer layer of Fushiya Soul.

He only felt refreshed and refreshed. The "arrow" in Fushiya Po also had a dirty meaning, but it referred to mental distractions.

Subduing the thief soul can make Li Mo's thoughts more clear, and together with the swallowing thief soul and the bird's yin soul, the three flavors of essence, energy and spirit can be combined.

Under normal circumstances, most monks' first choice for subduing the three souls is the corpse dog soul, because the corpse dog soul can make the perception more sensitive, and in many cases it may be able to save one's life.

Or the non-poison soul that increases poison resistance, and the evil soul that suppresses fatal diseases, both of which can improve the efficiency of practice in disguise.

Monks like Li Mo who mainly focus on casting foundations are extremely rare.

If the weapon cultivator noticed Li Mo, he would inevitably be surprised.

After all, Li Mo was in such a desperate and weird world of immortality, and had entered the Taoist realm of the down-and-out Heart Beast Sect. How could he take his foundation so seriously?

At this moment, undisguised footsteps came from outside the calligraphy and painting hall.

Li Mo frowned slightly, subconsciously trying to summon the ghost tiger to protect him, but found that the person who came had a very familiar aura.

Han Cai limped into the courtyard of the calligraphy and painting hall.

He leaned against the wall, with an expectant expression like a parent in front of the college entrance examination, feeling happy and happy that Li Mo was promoted to the weak crown.

Han Cai has recovered mostly from his injuries, but the damaged foundation is not optimistic.

His exposed skin is covered with scars, and traces of sutures can be seen everywhere. Most of his limbs have been surgically replaced.

Shi Ji and Tian Changwen were still unable to move around freely. The former's cultivation had dropped to the middle stage of the weak crown, while the latter's cultivation had not declined, but his mind, horse, and beasts were completely destroyed.

Han Cai didn't know what to say.

Tian Changwen used almost all his strength to obtain the blood body of the beasts, but it may take hundreds of years to fully master the steps of nurturing the acquired body.

Han Cai even doubted whether the blood body of hundreds of beasts was worth it.

However, I also understand that unless Rongzhen is content with the status quo, the Beast Blood Body is indeed the only option to break the situation.

Only by mass-producing Houtian Taoist bodies can monks avoid being stuck in the bottleneck of forming pills.

Han Cai sat down against the wall and said, "Disciple, it's important for you to break through the bottleneck. Remember to stabilize your cultivation first after you get promoted. Don't worry about me."


The storm didn't stop until three days later.

Li Mo relied on swallowing the corpse oil wax, which made it extremely easy to kill the outer layer of the soul, and the eggs of the fuya soul hatched smoothly.

An eyeball emerged from the insect egg.

The eyes are in the shape of jellyfish, swimming slowly relying on the blood vessels, which shows that the soul's curiosity is inevitable, and it is difficult to imagine what the three souls are like.

Li Mo looked at the Book of Creation, and Fu Yapo's awakened magical power came into view.

【Palm intention to clear the void】

Among the seven souls, the importance of Fuya Soul is self-evident.

Li Mo had not thought before that the magical power awakened by Fu Yapo was related to weapon refining, but he never expected that it would involve "ghost feeding".

As long as one consumes one's own consciousness, one can activate the method of nurturing the original Tao seeds.

The Heart Beast Sect does not have any magic books related to raising ghosts. If you want to grow your palm consciousness, you can only go to the Ziqi Sect to find it.

But Li Mo was a little confused.

Now that even the three souls and seven souls do not belong to him, where do the ghosts he raises come from?

When Li Mo opened his eyes, he noticed that the original Tao seeds had perfected his own spells, but they were far less effective than the exercises.

He had already anticipated the transformation of the original Tao seed.

As one's own realm improves, each magical power and Tao type will be strengthened accordingly.

Li Mo stood up and tiptoed outside the house. At the same time, he used his palms to unblock the void, and suddenly felt that his brain became tired.

[The method of feeding ghosts with stone fetuses]

[Use the brains of five people as medicine, add corpse stone powder to the blood, and immerse the fetal heart of a ten-meter rock in the blood. After two hundred years, there is a slight chance that the stone will turn into a wandering spirit. 】

Li Mo raised his eyebrows and suddenly felt that Fu Yapo's magical power was so subtle.

It seems to be following the path that everything can turn into a ghost. Maybe it can be used in refining weapons to add a bit of good fortune to the magical weapons.

Unfortunately, with the current state of mind, trying to feed ghosts will only be a waste of time.

As soon as Li Mo came within two meters of Han Cai, Han Cai woke up with a start.

"I've met Master Han."

"Disciple Li Mo, is the completion of the weak crown period going smoothly?"


Li Mo helped Han Cai walk into the house. The latter's actions were slightly stagnant because of his unrecovered serious injuries, like an old man in his twilight years.

Han Cai took a sip of tea and gave Li Mo the bone slips he had prepared in advance.

"It contains information about the blood bodies of hundreds of beasts. After you leave the Heart Beast Sect, if you have a chance, you can complete the contents..."

"what happened?"

Surprise flashed through Li Mo's eyes, and he immediately dismissed the possibility that his identity would be discovered. After all, even the disciples of the Ziqi Sect could not discover the specialness of the Kengjin beheading.

Han Cai said with a solemn expression: "Tian Changwen wants to recommend you to be the shopkeeper, but I understand that you cannot stay in Rongzhen."

"The Ziqi sect harvests every few decades, how should you practice?"

"I still hope you will become an immortal."

Although Han Cai was joking, his confidence in Li Mo did not diminish at all.

He pointed to the south, "According to what I learned, there is an Immortal Sect that is not weaker than Ziqi Sect all the way south in Rong Town, named Dangui. Disciple Li Mo, you can try it."

"I understand Master Han, the disciple will definitely come back in the future."

Li Mo nodded solemnly and consciously checked the contents of the bone slips.

The Beast Blood Body was drafted by Tian Changwen and others, using acupuncture to inject animal blood into various parts to stimulate body transformation.

The traces of the Hunyuan Houtian Taoist body can be seen, indicating that they have learned from other spells, but they are still far from perfect.

"Master Han, can you temporarily transplant the blood body of hundreds of beasts to me? I want to see the reality of the blood body of hundreds of beasts. Maybe I will find something."

"Disciple, you..."

Han Cai vaguely guessed what Li Mo meant, but it was more unbelievable.

They had worked so hard to construct the framework, and they didn't know the right or wrong direction. Could it be that Li Mo, who had only been in Taoism for twenty years, could already help perfect the technique?

There was silence for a long time.

Han Cai shook his head and said: "Transplanting the blood body of all beasts is a burden on the body, and it can easily lead to the production of impurities in the flesh and bones..."

"Master Han is fine, I know that."

Seeing that Li Mo was so sure, Han took out the glass jar containing the beast embryo.

Transplanting embryos is a tricky method, far inferior to using magic to master it, at least the weaknesses will not be exposed.

Han Cai hesitated for a long time, and then he reluctantly connected the embryo's umbilical cord to Li Mo's abdomen, thinking of the solid foundation of Li Mo's three-dimensional body.

Li Mo immediately felt that the tattooed beast had become extremely active, and the beast's body was also blessed, which showed that the beast's blood body was indeed very suitable for animal cultivation.

The original Tao seeds rotated rapidly, and the content of the beasts' flesh and blood body, which was full of loopholes, was gradually improved, and the cultivation steps were even clearly divided.

However, it also shows that the blood body of the beasts is too rough, and it is basically difficult for the original Taoist species to make modifications when facing Hui Qingyi.

"Master Han, there's not much I can do as a disciple."

"But I hope that when you return to the Heart Beast Sect, you will have created a foundation that will last for generations."

Li Mo's magic finger turned into a carving knife, and he started writing on the wall surface as if there was no one around.

Han Cai looked at the wall in a daze, because Li Mo had constructed the dragon bones of the Beast Blood Body Spell within a few minutes.

Even though there are still many flaws, there is definitely no problem with the direction.

When Li Mo started writing, Han Cai was still immersed in the mystery of the beasts' blood bodies, and kept mumbling the content.

Seeing this, Li Mo peeled off the embryo and put it back into the glass bottle.

He ingested the embryos into the corpse mountain, and the blood bodies of the beasts might be used to improve the bodies of the harvested beasts. The compatibility between the two was far beyond ordinary.

Li Mo stood in front of the calligraphy and painting hall and looked at the sky.

After half a day passed, Han Cai came back to his senses from the bloody body of the beasts and took back the wall with the spell content engraved on it with a complicated expression.

"Master Han, it's time for me to go."

"Wait a minute, I can't give you many resources as a teacher, so take this."

Han Cai threw Li Mo a fist-sized withered rhizome, which looked like a head, and its facial features were still moving.

As an extremely rare spiritual material, the little human head is used to assist in forming pills.

Li Mo took the little head and walked towards the outside of the town in the moonlight.


"Master Han, please tell Zhuzi, I'm afraid it will take a while to drink wine!!!"

There is a person who seeks immortality and passes through the beast in his heart.

[Dear readers, the Heart Beast Scroll has officially ended. 】

[But Li Mo’s story has just begun, and the story of the Heart Beast Sect has not yet been finished. 】

[Welcome to read the next volume. 】


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