Immortal Immortal

Chapter 140 The Master is coming? ! !

In the game of Othello, there are many endgames that have troubled chess players throughout the ages.

Those near-death endgames are collectively referred to as "life and death" by chess players.


Heavy breathing sounded in the darkness.

Tian Changwen was lying on his back, his abdomen was swollen to more than ten meters, his skin was as thin as cicada wings, and black blood vessels could be seen.

At the same time, his back has been attached by tentacles like parasites, which are continuously absorbing nutrients from the body, making him weaker and weaker.

"Damn it, my cultivation in the pill formation stage can't last even five days."

Tian Changwen opened his mouth and spit out blood, mixed with a magic weapon ball.

The round beads of the magic weapon form a mirror surface.

The outside world can be seen on the mirror. Under the leadership of Qingjingzi, the disciples of the Ziqi Sect have arrived at the center of the inner city, while Tian Changwen is staying inside the remains of Tianchenzi.

In Tian Changwen's view, although the remains bear the appearance of the founder Tian Chenzi, their function is more like a "beast fetus" that gave birth to a baby.

He discovered the secret of the inner city through the animal skin talent. Every fifteen years, the animal fetus will swallow an animal skin man and give birth to the blood body of hundreds of beasts.

If the time limit has not expired, a large amount of flesh and blood will be needed to supplement the nutrients of the animal fetus.

Tian Changwen hopes to know the rules of the birth of the beasts' blood body, so that he can achieve the acquired body without transplantation, but the pill-forming weapon cultivator will not let the beasts' blood body take shape.

He stared at Qingjingzi, who had no intention of getting close to the beast's fetus.

Tian Changwen heard the roars of beasts in his belly.

The blood body of the beasts in his body is already ready to move. As long as he summons the heart ape, he can cause a chain reaction of beast fetuses.

A weapon cultivator in the core formation stage would never imagine that someone would use him or her to feed an animal fetus.

According to Tian Changwen's plan, the beast fetus would at most severely damage the weapon cultivator in the pill formation stage, and it would not offend the unfathomable Ziqi sect.

"If Rongzhen wants to grow to the level of Ziqi Sect, no, even if it can return to the prosperity of the Heart Beast Sect in the past, it will take thousands of years..."

Tian Changwen had already learned from the inner city that the predecessor of Rong Town was the Heart Beast Sect, but he had no intention of telling others.

In his opinion, Rongzhen was barely able to survive, and rashly inheriting the name of the Heart Beast Sect would only cause unnecessary trouble.

In the future, if there is a beast cultivator who is promoted to Fuhuo Yuanying, the plaque of the Heart Beast Sect can be erected.

But Tian Changwen knew that that person would never be him.

The image of Li Mo flashed in his mind, but he immediately shook his head and denied, "Unfortunately, given the soil in Rongzhen, it is difficult for a child to be born no matter how talented he is."

Qingjingzi began to arrange methods around the animal fetus, mainly to prevent others from approaching, and he estimated that he had contacted the Ziqi sect.

Tian Changwen suppressed his distracting thoughts, and his top priority was to successfully give birth to the blood body of all beasts.

"If that doesn't work, let's just feed the animal fetus with our own flesh and blood, and see if it can be completely formed before the weapon repairer can react."

But the certainty is only 30%.

Click, click, click...

While Tian Changwen was hesitating, a rustling sound came, and two human-faced spiders crawled out of his mouth, with the facial features of Han Cai and Shi Ji.

Tian Changwen smiled helplessly and said, "How are the two fellow Taoists doing?"

Han Cai gritted his teeth and said: "Tian Changwen, where are you in the mood to joke? Hurry up and activate the animal fetus to give birth to the blood body of all beasts."

He looked at Shi Ji, who was unconscious. Even the human-faced spider couldn't control it.

"No, I'm not sure."

Tian Changwen moved his hands and feet in pain, and the flesh on his abdomen swelled, which showed that his condition was not much better than that of Han Cai and the other two.


Han Cai's body was hanging behind Qingjingzi, and he could clearly see that the latter had noticed the strangeness of the beast fetus.

Even though Qingjingzi was still on the verge of madness, after realizing that the animal fetus had nothing to do with what he wanted, his intelligence became much more stable.

The thoughtful look in his eyes as he stared at the beast's fetus made Han Cai shudder.

Qingjingzi did not say anything, and the other Ziqi sect disciples did not dare to approach Tianchenzi's remains, making the situation a stalemate.

Tian Changwen took a deep breath, and while his flesh squirmed, he said in a deep voice: "They are too far away from the beast's fetus, so my influence is limited..."

Han Cai looked determined, and he was close to launching his plan, but the weapon cultivator had no intention of stepping forward to check the beast's fetus.

"How about I do it."

Shi Ji barely regained some consciousness and said weakly: "I suddenly made a sudden attack. There should be few weapon cultivators who can react..."


Tian Changwen refused directly. After all, Shi Ji's actions would cause a chain reaction and even affect Han Cai.

"Let me do it and use the magic weapon to influence the alchemy cultivation. If it fails, the three of you will fake your death and escape."

Tian Changwen looked at Shi Ji and asked, "How long can Qingfang last?"

"No...not optimistic."

As Shi Ji spoke, his facial features became distorted, his body became deformed for no reason, and his arms actually tore each other apart.

"No more time will be enough."

Tian Changwen gritted his teeth, and then stretched out the corroded arms of the Heart Ape from his abdomen, and the beast fetus once again made the sound of a baby crying.

"Wait a moment……"

Han Cai's face was filled with surprise and uncertainty. The human-faced spider coughed violently, and then spit out an egg the size of a fist from its stomach.

The eggs hatch in the blink of an eye.

Li Mo's consciousness was attached to the human-faced spider, and Han Cai couldn't help but reprimanded: "I'm not asking you to find a place to retreat and practice. Don't get involved in Rongzhen's affairs. Are you looking for death?"

Han Cai was full of doubts. He had not noticed any trace of Li Mo at all. How did the latter sneak into the inner city?

"Master Han, it's too late to explain."

"Shopkeeper Tian, ​​if I know what the pill-forming weapon cultivator is looking for, can I amplify his thoughts?"

Tian Changwen frowned, the teeth in his mouth began to fall out, and the traces of corpse transformation continued to spread, which was a precursor to the body's collapse.

"You can give it a try."


Seeing this, Han Cai stretched out his limbs and stabbed Shiji's human-faced spider to death.

No matter what channel Li Mo learned from, he had to prevent the news from spreading so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to Li Mo.

A strange smile appeared in Tian Changwen's mouth, and Li Mo's face appeared on his right arm, and then his flesh and bones turned into minced meat.

"The inner demon oath is sacrificed with flesh and blood, and Li Mo's information cannot be revealed even after death. It is the most perfect method I know."

Seeing this, Han Cai no longer hesitated and used the magical method of spider heart and human face. His own human-faced spider also lost its vitality, leaving Li Mo and Tian Changwen alone.

Li Mo didn't expect that Han Cai would force Tian Changwen to make an oath to prevent himself from getting into trouble. Tian Changwen was also a ruthless person and had no concerns about himself.

In fact, he didn't have much to fear.

If the people behind the scenes really could find the best metal spiritual stone, they would not send Qingjingzi.

Li Mo had to give up his identity as a disciple of the Heart Beast Sect for a long time. Once he went to the Ziqi Sect, it would be even more impossible to trace him.

"Spiritual marrow, metal marrow, but I can't completely guarantee it."

"Spiritual Essence? I understand."

Tian Changwen didn't have time to think deeply about the amount of information in Li Mo's words. If he couldn't make up his mind, he could only force Qingjingzi to take action. His life no longer mattered, and the inner demon swore that it would be nothing more than this.

Li Mo's consciousness also withdrew from the Human-Faced Spider to avoid being noticed by Qingjingzi.

"Fighting with others is endless fun."

Tian Changwen stretched out the skin and flesh on his abdomen, and his body became as skinny as wood, and the mind ape parasitic with the blood of various beasts emerged from it.

The appearance of the Heart Monkey is extremely curious, as if there is an elk-shaped sarcoma in the heart, which doubles the load on Tian Changwen.

"Grandmaster Tianchenzi, bless the Heart Beast Sect's orthodoxy to live forever."

The moment Tian Changwen opened his beast eyes on his forehead and showed his will, Qingjingzi's body began to deform uncontrollably again.

The beast-skin man is ready to pass directly into the beast's womb.

Qingjingzi groaned.

Originally, because he was about to die due to illness at the age of immortality, his mind was full of distracting thoughts, but suddenly his desire was aroused again.

Qingjingzi moved forward a few meters uncontrollably, and then regained consciousness for a few breaths.

"Xiao Xiao!!"

How could Qingjingzi not know that someone was definitely influencing him in the dark.

His face was ugly. His first thought was that he was not a beast cultivator from Rong Town, but he was thinking about his fellow disciples from the Ziqi sect who wanted to kill him.

"I should have known earlier that the spiritual essence is a trap."

Qingjingzi groaned and poured the alienation into the bodies of the two medicine men through transfer, which could temporarily suppress the outbreak of the fatal disease.

As a result, accidents occurred frequently, and Shi Ji's body seemed to have reached its upper limit.


Half of Shi Ji's body exploded. After all, he was a monk in the alchemy stage. The aftermath implicated several Ziqi sect disciples, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere for a while.

The baby's cries became louder and louder, and tentacles of flesh and blood sprouted from the surface of the animal's fetus.

When the tentacles of the animal fetus wrapped around Qingjingzi, and after only half a breath of breathing, a deformed embryo gradually formed between the eyebrows of the animal fetus.

The other Ziqi sect disciples quickly moved away from the inner city.

Li Mo also quietly escaped and replaced his human skin. The aura of the Hunyuan Taoist body was restrained, revealing the pure spiritual power of haze.

Qingjingzi was caught off guard, and the worms on his back broke. Han Cai took the opportunity to escape and fell to the side, seemingly on the verge of death.

A little fox crawled out of Shiji's mouth. Its dilated pupils were slightly condensed. Even though only one-third of his upper body was left, the remaining five internal organs were struggling to maintain vitality.

The fox was transformed by Qingfang Taoist, and its fur was covered with rot.

His main skill is the "Qingqiu Nine Lives Nine Mountains Heart Sutra", which can temporarily transfer and alienate, allowing Han Cai and Jin Chan to escape.

Qingfang Taoist had not taken a few steps before the corpse spread again, and his whole body turned into pus as if dissolved, and the pungent rotten stench filled the air.

Before he died, he looked towards the animal fetus and saw that the translucent embryo had already given birth to meridians.

Han Cai did not dare to blink, for fear of missing the details of the beasts' flesh bodies, and did not notice the disbelieving expressions of the other monks.

Qingjingzi just broke away from the tentacles, but before she could react, she was frozen in place.

The remains of Tianchenzi opened his eyes. Under the incredible gazes of the monks, a strange consciousness came to him, and his expression was calm and intimidating.

"With my vacuum, I feel the wonderful existence of others."

Tianchenzi's remains opened his mouth.

All the monks were in a trance, and the image of Tianchenzi's remains took on another look in their eyes.

Its appearance is composed of the messy organs of various birds and beasts. Countless limbs support the body, sometimes coming together and sometimes falling apart. On its surface is a face that can barely be called facial features.

In the blink of an eye, Tian Chenzi's remains returned to their original state, like an illusion.

Li Mo muttered to himself: "Did that sacrifice for the dead really ascend?"

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