Immortal Immortal

Chapter 137 The Origin of the Beast Skin Man

As soon as Li Mo set foot in the inner city, he felt like the world was spinning.

His eyes fell into darkness, and everything around him was completely silent. There was no movement at all, and the breath of Qingjingzi and other cultivators was gone.

Li Mo couldn't help but feel afraid.

Although Qing Jingzi said it is easy, the inner beasts have unpredictable abilities, and they will die if they are not careful.

Qingjingzi brought all the outer disciples into the inner city just to be on the safe side.

But what puzzles Li Mo is why Qingjingzi went to the inner city?

If he was looking for the best spiritual stone, why did he think that the best spiritual stone was in the inner city? He always felt that Qingjingzi's condition was not a small problem.

However, for Li Mo, the advantages of losing the outer disciples in the inner city outweigh the disadvantages, and the certainty of being a fake person increased by at least 30%.

Li Mo was thinking a lot, and his perception of the body was gradually restored, and his consciousness drove the haze spiritual power to flow through the eight extraordinary meridians.

He found that the inner city would disrupt the position of outsiders, and it was very likely that he would have to face the threat of the inner beasts alone.

Suddenly, a childish call came from beside him.

"Master Wu, Master Wu..."

Li Mo raised his eyes and looked around, finding two Taoist boys under ten years old in a dark and old corridor with anxious faces.

A strong and pungent medicinal fragrance filled the aisle.

The Taoist boy shook his arms anxiously, his exposed skin was covered with wild beast fur, and his eyes were extremely dull, indicating that he had no sanity.

Li Mo remained calm and focused on the decorative patterns on the corridor wall.

He suddenly realized that the fake scene in front of him was just an illusion, and the Taoist boy was probably transformed into an inhuman beast.

Memories keep pouring out of the Book of Creation.

According to the memory of the Book of Creation, this place originated from the inner alchemy room of the Heart Beast Sect seven thousand years ago.

The inner sect beasts that make up the illusion should be the same as the "Qiongyu Zhenren" in Black Wind Ridge, and they have survived from the ancient world of immortality to this day.

As long as Li Mo kills the inner beast in the dark, the illusion will be destroyed.

The Taoist boy kept urging Li Mo, and the traces of animal transformation all over his body became deeper and deeper, "Master Wu Dan, go and see Qingfeng..."

"Master Wu Danzhi? Wu Chenzhi?"

Li Mo looked at his hands.

When he went to the inner city, he was obviously in a human state without arms and legs, but suddenly he had more healthy limbs.

Li Mo looks at his own image through the reflection of the wooden wall.

The reflection is of an old man who is more than a hundred years old, wearing a green Taoist robe with fluttering sleeves. There is no trace of any fatal disease, and he looks like a fairy.

"It doesn't affect the casting of spells, it's just a layer of human skin."

Li Mo frowned and thought for a few breaths, realizing that his current image was indeed Wu Chenzhi, the chief alchemist of the ancient inner alchemy room.

Qingfeng is Wu Chenzhi's spiritual beast, a heterogeneous pure white elk.

Li Mo also saw the figure of Wu Chenzhi in his memory of the death ceremony, which shows that the latter may be involved in the drastic changes in the world.

But the Elk Monster had died in the Painting and Calligraphy Hall twenty years ago, and its predecessor should have been a medical doctor who had been dead for hundreds of years.

Is there more than one elk monster in the inner alchemy room?

Li Mo took a deep breath, his hands behind his back shaking slightly.

He was not afraid, but rather excited about the secrets he was about to come into contact with, the secrets about the drastic changes in the world seven thousand years ago.

"Three taels, two rupees, lead the way."

When the two Taoist boys saw Li Mo calling out his Taoist name, their expressions became extremely strange, and then the animal transformation of their skin and flesh instantly subsided.

They were mumbling, as if trying to remember something.

Seeing this, Li Mo ignored the Taoist boy and walked directly past the two of them to the end of the aisle.

Based on his understanding of the inner beasts, the creatures in the illusion are controlled by their subconscious, just like the jailers in Caishikou and the people in Heifeng Ridge.

There is a warehouse at the end of the corridor, which is the room used by the inner alchemy room to store spiritual materials. If a mortal waits for a long time, he will be exhausted.

In the ancient world of immortality, the spiritual energy was not turbid, and the spiritual materials were not contaminated by foreign spiritual energy, so the taste was so fragrant.

There was a Taoist boy standing in front of the warehouse door. When he saw Li Mo, his expression was extremely frightened, and he said tremblingly: "Master Wu Dan, go and see Qingfeng."

Just like the death ritual in Black Wind Ridge, the inner alchemy room is obviously reenacting memories, memories from the inner sect that the monsters could not forget during their lifetime.

The first thing Li Mo saw was a "Wu Chenzhi" with the same appearance crouched against the wall, using his spiritual power to explore various parts of the warehouse.

When the other party noticed Li Mo, his expression became overjoyed, and he couldn't hold back the unique sulfur smoke coming out of his mouth.

It can be seen that the rule of the inner alchemy room is that outsiders will take the form of Wu Chenzhi.

"Comrade, this is Wei Zhike from the Second District..."

Wei Zhike's joy subsided because he found that Li Mo's cultivation level was similar to his own, which was about the level of perfection.

"Damn it, Qingjingzi has no intention of letting me live!!"

He covered his eyes in collapse and reached out to grab Li Mo's neck.

Li Mo saw that Wei Zhike was exuding the aura of the Hunyuan Houtian Taoist body, and he sided away with interest, only glancing at the latter.

Wei Zhike froze on the spot, inexplicable fear making his flesh and blood convulse.

Li Mo scanned the room and noticed that the warehouse was temporarily used as a ward for the wounded, and there were gasps behind a dozen screens.

The so-called wounded are the dying elk spirit beasts.

In the center of the warehouse, there was a Qingfeng elk that was six to seven meters tall, leaning over and panting. Its fur was all silvery white, and its four legs were abnormally deformed. Traces of human feet could be seen on its lower legs.

Qingfeng Elk is older than Wu Chenzhi, and it is said that it has been passed down for several generations.

Even the spiritual beasts of the inner alchemy room disciples are mostly the descendants of Qingfeng Elk.


Li Mo approached Qingfeng to examine it, and noticed that his body was covered in diarrhea-like rot. His long and narrow neck held a big head, and his distorted facial features could be vaguely seen in his appearance.

More like a human than an elk.

Li Mo narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but secretly thought: "Nandoudu Renjing, Elk..."

Wei Zhike came back to his senses and stared at Li Mo with distorted features. His chest and abdomen kept rising and falling, trying to use Li Mo's flesh and blood to lure out the beast.

But he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to kill him with one blow.

Li Mo seemed to be deliberately inducing him. His body was half squatting, his back was exposed in front of Wei Zhike, and he did not reveal any spiritual power.

"I can't die, I can't die..."

Wei Zhike exhaled white smoke from his mouth and nose, Wu Chenzhi's face was damaged, and the aura of the Hunyuan Houtian Taoist body burst out.

With huge force attached to his right arm, he slapped Li Mo who was motionless.


I thought I could at least break Li Mo's spine, but the opponent still didn't move even half a step. Instead, Wei Zhike stepped back several meters.


Wei Zhike opened his mouth wide and stared at Li Mo in disbelief.

In the blink of an eye, Li Mo disappeared from the spot lightly, and when he reappeared, his right hand had already grabbed Wei Zhike's head.


Li Mo hit the ground without using any spiritual power. Wei Zhike only felt as if his head was struck by lightning, and his consciousness fell into coma.

He threw Wei Zhike away casually and came back to Qingfeng Elk.

Blood mixed with rust flowed from Wei Zhike's nose, and his limbs twitched instinctively, making the Taoist boy at the door look greedy.

Li Mo wanted to see if the inner beast could remain indifferent for a long time in the face of a monk who showed no resistance.

He continued to examine the Qingfeng Elk and found that the fur was severely rotten.

Qingfeng Elk's condition appeared to be very unstable, the flesh and blood of its limbs continued to shrink, and the human-like traces were gradually disappearing.

If he read it correctly, the spirit beast suffered severe damage due to being infected with the death disease.

That logic doesn't make sense.

Death diseases only affect humans. Spiritual beasts are essentially beasts that absorb spiritual power and transform, so they should not suffer from death diseases.

"Perhaps the memory is confused. After all, the inner beasts have no intelligence..."

Li Mo looked around the warehouse, originally thinking he could find clues in the illusion. But now it seems that after seven thousand years of loss, the inner beast's impression of the drastic changes in the world has been skewed.

He was going to take a look elsewhere in the inner alchemy room, but Qingfeng Elk suddenly opened his eyes.

Qingfeng Elk showed unspeakable despair. When he looked at Li Mo from the corner of his eye, he felt a sense of fear that penetrated his bones.


Qingfeng Milu struggled to squeeze out the words, but the simple four words made Li Mo stop in his tracks.

Li Mo realized something and cut open the Qingfeng Elk's outer fur bit by bit, and a scene that overturned his three views suddenly appeared.

Under the Qingfeng Elk's fur, there turned out to be a naked old man with white hair. The fur and flesh were adhered to each other. He looked exactly like Wu Chenzhi.

"Are you kidding, furry?"

Li Mo realized immediately.

It is unknown whether it is related to the death disease. After the monks of the Heart Beast Sect encountered drastic changes in the world seven thousand years ago, their intelligence became blurred and their bodies moved closer to the beast-skin people who were neither human nor beasts.

The raised spiritual beasts turned into strange beasts, massacred the disciples of the Heart Beast Sect, and finally occupied the inner city. Some of the surviving beastskin people fled the sect and thrived in the wilderness.

It can be seen that there is probably not only one elk monster in the inner city.

Li Mo tore off his coat, which turned into a squirming twisted object, and rushed towards Wei Zhike impatiently.

The two tunics converge to each other.

"Uh uh uh……"

After the coat swallowed up part of Wei Zhike's flesh and blood, it gradually grew limbs and a head, and a vague body slowly crawled out of it.

A skinned elk monster appeared, with a tentacle of flesh and blood attached to the back of its head, and the other end of the tentacle was rooted deep in the ground.

The birth of the beast body is obviously closely related to the inner beasts.

Because of the strange beast of the elk, the inner alchemy house was shaken, and the surface of the wall turned into flesh for no reason, covered with elk heads.

Li Mo murmured to himself: "It seems that the Rongzhen in later generations was really established by mortals through the inheritance of the outer sect of the Heart Beast Sect."

However, there are still unsolved mysteries, such as why monsters gather in the inner city; what is the source of fatal diseases...

Wei Zhike regained some consciousness and stumbled towards Li Mo.

But the elk monster was full of fear of Li Mo, and it first targeted Wei Zhike, opening its bloody mouth with sharp fangs.

Wei Zhike relied on the blessing of the Hunyuan Houtian Taoist body and the timely transplantation of lower-grade magic weapons and limbs to barely escape the attack of the monster.

"Help me!!!"

"You think you can live alone?"

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