Immortal Immortal

Chapter 124 Ascended Patriarch Tianchenzi

Black Wind Ridge is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and Taoist unique yin and yang hangings can be seen everywhere.

The monsters have hideous faces, but they are wearing Taoist robes and holding two-foot whisks, adding a solemn atmosphere to the ritual ceremony for the dead.

"Where can the wandering souls remain? The tombs and forests are full of surprises. Now I invite the mountain gods and the five road generals to be the Lords of the land and the kitchen..."

"Invite the ancestor to worship again!"

The monsters on both sides of the street let out heart-rending shouts, and their expressions became extremely fanatical. Some monsters even kept grabbing the ground with their heads.

After nearly a month of fermentation, only believers are left in Heifeng Ridge.

Sacrifices and feasts for the dead followed one after another.

The sound of gongs and drums rang out, and a dozen strong man-bear monsters came slowly, pulling on iron chains. Behind them was a statue more than four meters tall, with three heads, six arms and eight legs.

Even though the hands and feet of the man-bear monster were bloody and bloody, there was no sign of pain on them.

The onlookers were chanting mantras and splashing blood on the statue, while some believers did not hesitate to use sharp weapons to cut off their own flesh and blood.

Li Mo sat cross-legged inside the statue, frowning as he looked at the sacrifice ceremony.

It is obviously very difficult for him to break away from the statue now, and it is likely to cause a riot by the monsters and affect Hu and Wen's plans.

Moreover, as the fasting ceremony for the dead is carried out, fragments of memories continue to emerge from the Book of Creation.

Li Mo learned from this that the ancient scenes of the Heart Beast Sect's sacrifices to the dead were obviously normal at that time, and the statues were covered with dew.

In the memory, the inner and outer disciples looked in reverence as they watched the statue of Tian Chenzi leave.

Li Mo murmured: "The time point for Tian Chenzi's death and disappearance is probably very close to the dramatic changes in the world of immortality."

Since there was no immortality in ancient times, it means that some disaster must have occurred in the world of immortality around seven thousand years ago, causing hundreds of millions of immortals to suffer from the Nine Tribulations Death Disease.

Li Mo called the disaster hidden in history the great change of heaven and earth.

Unfortunately, the information that can be unearthed now is too one-sided. Only land gods who have survived for tens of thousands of years can know the true situation.

"However, the tiger monsters in Black Wind Ridge definitely participated in the death rituals during their lifetime."

Li Mo no longer had too many suspicions, and considered that solving the current dilemma was the key. The drastic changes in the world were not something that could be experienced during the weak crown period.

He thought for a long time and decided to let the ghost tiger sneak out through the statue's secret door first.

After the ghost tiger makes some noise in the city and attracts the attention of believers, it will naturally become much easier for Li Mo to escape from the statue.

Li Mo looked at the corner of the street attentively. There was a shadow there that could block the statue. Guihu's ability must be foolproof.

Click, click, click...

When he was about to take action, a strange rustling sound suddenly came from outside the secret door.

Li Mo couldn't help but tense up his muscles, and found a palm-sized spider lying on the secret door behind the statue's head.

The spider exuded a familiar aura, obviously originating from Han Cai.

If he remembered correctly, spiders were a spell that Han Cai also mastered, called Spider Heart Human Face Miaoshu, which could raise puppet spiders.

Li Mo thought, and the secret door opened with a gap half a finger wide. After groping for a while, the spider's limbs crawled inside as if it were boneless.

The spider quickly crawled to Li Mo, and then squirmed uncontrollably.

The human face pattern on his back sprouted flesh sprouts, and after a moment it turned into Han Cai's face, staring at Li Mo helplessly.

"This, Master Han..."

The human-faced spider snorted coldly, and it turned out to be Han Cai, "Li Mo, you are really awesome, my teacher has underestimated you."

Li Mo smiled bitterly and retorted: "Master Han, I did not expose myself. How can you blame me for the sudden sacrificial ceremony in Black Wind Ridge."

He diligently collected the flesh and blood of strange beasts, and when he saw that the mountain of corpses was about to transform, he ended up making a sacrifice ceremony, which interrupted his original plan.

Han Cai said in a gentle tone: "You have helped a lot by accident, otherwise it would have taken at least half a year."

"Heifeng Ridge is full of elusive ghosts."

"Hu Wen used thousand-year-old grass to set up a magic circle around the Black Mountain Ridge, which can make the ghosts escape from the control of the tiger monster..."

"Thousand-year-old grass?!!"

Li Mo couldn't help shouting.

Thousand-year-old ancient grass is a top-grade spiritual material. If swallowed directly, it can help spiritual beasts to enlighten their minds. It is even more useful for refining elixirs. Its value is evident. It is too wasteful to use it to set up formations.

"It's a thousand-year-old grass provided by Tian Changwen. When Hu Wen got it, it had no branches and leaves, and even the rhizome was only half of it."

Li Mo would like to ask Hu Wen if there are any remaining rhizomes of the thousand-year-old grass. If he plants them in Corpse Mountain, there will indeed be a glimmer of hope that they can sprout and take root again.

"What the hell is Black Wind Ridge?"

Han Cai stretched out his limbs and said: "Even my teacher can't understand the reality of Black Wind Ridge. It should be due to that strange tiger beast."

"Master Han, how should I respond?"

"Tu'erqi will stay in the statue for the time being. Hu and Wen will be at the ceremony site. We will cooperate internally and externally so that you will not be put in danger."

Han Cai added slightly uneasily: "If you feel unsafe, you can leave the statue at any time, and you don't have to deal with the monsters."

"no problem."

Li Mo nodded in agreement.

The Zhaijiao Festival is a festival used to commemorate Tianchenzi. If there is a beast disaster and thunder, Han Cai and his two people will definitely be the target of public criticism.

The advantage of being in the statue is that Li Mo can interfere with the sacrifice ceremony at any time. The previous concern was mainly because Han Cai and the two disappeared.

Moreover, he has already figured out some of the abilities of the acquired Taoist body. Even if it consumes a lot of energy to use, it is enough to protect himself in the face of beast disasters.

"I will keep an eye on the overall situation. As soon as the tiger monster appears, it doesn't matter to you, disciple Li Mo, that you withdraw from Black Wind Ridge immediately."

"I'll call Hu and Wen here too, and it's up to you to determine whether the time is right."

After Han Cai finished speaking, his face turned purple, and he seemed to be pregnant with something in his body. Then he opened his mouth and spit out a spider egg.

The spider eggs hatch in just a few breaths, and the newborn human-faced spider has facial features.

Hu Wen actually knew something about Li Mo's situation, but he never expected that Li Mo would use the statue as a retreat room.

Is it informality or pure Taoism?

In the crisis-ridden Black Wind Ridge, Li Mo was actually in the mood to practice in seclusion. From his increasingly strong energy, blood and spiritual power, it could be seen that the months he spent in Black Wind Ridge were not wasted.

"Li Mo, are you interested in becoming the steward of the Painting and Calligraphy Hall?"

Hu Wen asked unexpectedly, and Li Mo didn't know how to answer, "Manager Hu, aren't you still in charge of the calligraphy and painting hall?"

Hu Wen did not continue to speak. She could hear the resistance in Li Mo's words.

Li Mo realized that Hu Wen's condition might still be deteriorating, and the disadvantage of forcibly being promoted to the false elixir stage might be that the fatal disease broke out in advance.

The fatal disease in the Buhuo period is enough to make people frightened.

The atmosphere fell into silence, and the monster was still pulling the statue forward. Due to the proximity of the mountains, the terrain required climbing up.

Even the man-bear beasts could not support the weight of the metal statue, and they gradually loosened their chains and turned into corpses.

At this time, enthusiastic believers will immediately fill the missing spots.

The monsters that died were cut into pieces and sprinkled on the surface of the statue, causing more and more flesh and blood to accumulate in the mustard space.

Li Mo only selected some of the corpses of powerful monsters and put them into storage bags, intending to nourish the mountain of corpses after the beast disaster was over.

The fourth peak is almost level with the Tuyin sub-peak, and the transformation is only a matter of time.

Hu Wen said to himself: "It's almost there."

Li Mo looked towards the outside world.

A huge platform was built in the center of the town. The outer wall of the platform was carved with twisted lines representing the Heart Beast Sect.

The monsters are sitting cross-legged on the periphery of the platform. Their human skin is generally more than 80%, and they do have the temperament of a Taoist monk.

Li Mo quickly noticed the figures of Han Cai and Han Cai. They were not wearing animal skins. They seemed to have used some magic means to attend the funeral in an upright manner with their bodies.

Seeing the statue approaching, all the strange beasts shouted in unison: "A tiger begs for hundreds of beasts and eats them, which is against the destiny of heaven."

"Beast of the heart, beast of the heart, beast of the heart!"

They put their palms together and made a traditional salute of the Heart Beast Sect.

Li Mo was in a trance for a moment, as if he had really arrived at the Heart Beast Sect seven thousand years ago, an era when spiritual energy was not turbid and immortals lived and died.

He muttered to himself: "Is the Heart Beast orthodox in the inner city?"

The statue landed smoothly in the center of the platform.

The monster on the side of the statue is 80% human skin, representing the inner disciples; the monsters on both sides are about 70%, representing the outer disciples; the back is 60%, representing the handyman disciples.

The other monsters were not even qualified to be on stage, so they knelt down at the stage.

Han Cai couldn't help but murmured a little guiltily: "What is the origin of the tiger monster in Black Wind Ridge, and why does it hold such a strange ceremony?"

Hu Wen explained indifferently: "It's just instinct. Most of the tiger beasts have no intelligence and are a beastly disaster created by instinct."

"Perhaps it was the things it had been exposed to during its lifetime that left a deep impression on it."

Li Mo has the same view as Hu Wen, but among the strange beasts that have not died for thousands of years, there is probably more than one tiger in the inner sect, right?

The three of them waited in silence.

Immediately, a strange beast walked from the stage. More than 90% of its body was transplanted with human skin, and blood was constantly oozing out as it walked.

Li Mo and the other three could tell from the details of the strange beast that it was actually the Tiger Head.

Hu Wen became excited. Seeing this, Han Cai quickly reminded: "Hu Wen, that is not the real body of the tiger. It should be..."

Li Mo added hesitantly: "I think the tiger imagined himself. To put it bluntly, Black Wind Ridge is an illusion full of ghosts, but the illusion is unusually real."

According to the memory of the Book of Creation, a man named Qiong Yu Zhenren was in charge of hosting the funeral ceremony for the dead every fifteen years.

The strange beast bowed and said: "Disciple Qiong Yu, I would like to pay my respects to the sect's past immortals."

Li Mo narrowed his eyes, digesting the memories that kept pouring out of the Book of Creation in his heart, and followed Master Qiong Yu silently as if he was predicting the future.

Li Mo: "Today... we are offering sacrifices to the dead, we are commemorating the three realms, and we are inviting the immortals to come to the Dharma assembly."

"Today... we are offering sacrifices to the dead, offering memorials to the three realms, and inviting immortals to come to the Dharma assembly."

Li Mo: "Sacrifice to the deceased ancestor Tian Chenzi and repay the immortal kindness with piety."

"Sacrifice to the ascended master, Tian Chenzi, to repay the immortal kindness with piety."

"Please come to me, the Patriarch!!!"

Li Mo's pupils dilated.

Is it the monster that distorts the understanding of the death ritual?

Or is it that after the drastic changes in the world, the Heart Beast Sect’s death ceremony was such a weird and inexplicable scene?

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