Immortal Immortal

Chapter 116 Are you a human or an animal?

Chapter 116 Are you...a human or an animal?

Before the beast disaster occurred, the area along the Qinghe River had always been the most populated area, and the history may be traced back to thousands of years ago.

There are many myths and legends surrounding Laurel Bridge.

As long as you step onto the Laurel Bridge, you can see two rows of willow trees beside the river bank, with red ropes hanging from the branches expressing lovesickness.

Such a grand occasion has long since disappeared.

Due to the outbreak of animal disasters, Laurel Bridge has become a dangerous place that must be avoided, and the rabbit-headed lanterns are intimidating.

Many monks know that after encountering the Laurel Bridge, they can only survive by closing their eyes and retreating.

Once caught in a beast disaster, the stone rabbit monster that likes to suck blood will appear, make a rabbit head lantern from the monk's head, and light up the brain in the skull and hang it next to the bridge.

The most terrifying thing is that the Laurel Bridge is not fixed in one area, and this beast will wander around Rong Town along with the Qinghe River.

But compared to the slaughterhouse, Laurel Bridge is not a problem.

After all, the strength of the Stone Rabbit Monster is only in the middle stage of the Weak Crown, and its abilities are also related to the illusion. As long as the monks are prepared in advance, it is not difficult to escape from the Laurel Bridge.

The reason why Tian Changwen has never dealt with Yueguiqiao is mainly because of the relationship with the slaughterhouse.

The beast cultivators occupied three beast disasters at the same time, and all of them encountered varying degrees of conditions. During this period, the puppet cultivators also attacked and killed one after another.

Only Tian Changwen has the accurate number of dead and injured beast cultivators, but he is by no means optimistic.

Even with such disadvantages, Tian Changwen still arranged chess pieces on Laurel Bridge, but it was more like a casual chess move in his spare time.

The clouds are billowing.

Along the banks of the Qinghe River, a large number of monks from the General Stage were stationed, specifically responsible for keeping an eye on every move of the Laurel Bridge.

The shops are fifty meters apart and arranged neatly on the river bank. The monks are not allowed to communicate with each other, and even the spiritual tablets used to communicate with the outside world have lost their function.

The Yamen is located outside the shop, and there are police officers responsible for security patrols.

Perhaps Shi Ji didn't understand the meaning of Tian Changwen's move, and was afraid that it was a bait to attract him, so he didn't interfere with Yue Guiqiao.

People inside the store were in panic, and the pressure of facing the animal disaster made it difficult for them to extricate themselves.

Li Zhuang looked frightened and hid nervously behind the wall, peeping at the outside police officers with his peripheral vision and muttering to himself.

"It's not me, it's not me..."

"Cough cough cough."

He couldn't help coughing violently, and all he spat out was clumps of wool.

Li Zhuang leaned against the wall weakly, took out the bronze mirror and repeatedly checked his appearance. He took a long breath after seeing that he had not turned into a beast.

Since arriving at Laurel Bridge, he has noticed that something is wrong with his body, and alienation is growing in his flesh from time to time.

Li Zhuang reported to the police many times but did not receive an accurate answer.

Fortunately, the alienation has not worsened, and just by recording Qinghe's information every day, you can get 30 contribution points, so there is no danger at all.

Li Zhuang comforted himself over and over again, having crazy conversations with himself in the bronze mirror, laughing and crying at times, feeling tense.

It was difficult for him to calm down, and he seemed to be itching deep in his bones.

Especially when he was sitting cross-legged and meditating, the spiritual power was circulating among the meridians, and there was a tendency that he was about to lose control, which made Li Zhuang impatient and uneasy.


Li Zhuang opened his eyes fiercely and heard the strange sound of sheep braying in his ears, but he was clearly far away from the slaughterhouse.

"Who is it? Who is hiding in my mind? Come out!!!"

He scratched his scalp with his hands and didn't pay attention as blood flowed down his forehead.

The sheep's braying became more and more intense, and it seemed like something was about to explode in his head, causing Li Zhuang to almost lose his sanity.

He subconsciously walked out of the shop and looked out into the vast outside world in the courtyard. There seemed to be a black goat standing in the thick fog.

Li Zhuang rubbed his eyes, everything was an illusion.

"What the hell."

He couldn't help but look around. Nothing happened in the nearby shops, and the water surface of Qinghe River remained calm as ever.

Li Zhuang collapsed and yelled, an inexplicable feeling of fear welling up in his heart.

He wanted to contact Li Qingfang or ask Li Mo for help, but the spiritual tablet in his arms had long lost its effect, and he fell to the ground slumped.


Li Zhuang stood up as if facing a formidable enemy.

The thick fog remained unchanged, and the sound of sheep bleating came from nowhere.

Li Zhuang's expression became confused, and he couldn't help but try to remember, but he couldn't remember what happened when he was in the slaughterhouse.

He stared blankly at his palm, suddenly feeling that it felt so strange.

The sound of footsteps came from far away, and the two detectives came to the door of Li Zhuang's shop and used a specific key to open the rusty magic weapon lock.

The policeman rang the gong and said in a strange tone: "One drop of raw tears, two cents of old tears, three cents of bitter tears, four cups of regretful tears..."

Li Zhuang walked towards Qinghe slowly and sluggishly.

The cold wind is biting.

One by one, monks of the total horn stage appeared next to the river bank. Most of them had entered the slaughterhouse before, and it was difficult to tell whether they were humans or animals.

After a while, Laurel Bridge arrived along the river.

Just like the Naihe Bridge where dead souls are extradited, the animal disaster attracts the monks to walk into it, and the figure disappears on the bridge deck shrouded in rabbit-headed lanterns.

One of the detectives couldn't help but murmured: "I really don't know how to use monsters to deal with beasts..."

"Shut up."

The old detective's face was gloomy and he lowered his voice and warned: "Don't forget what Shopkeeper Tian said. They are just ordinary monks and have nothing to do with the slaughterhouse or monsters."

The young detective trembled with fright and said in a broken voice: "Brother Qian, what do you think we are, are we humans or animals?!!"

"Not a beast, definitely not a beast..."

"Even if there are still beasts, they are among the monks in the slaughterhouse."


The influence of the slaughterhouse is still fermenting, but Li Mo is a little idle.

The opening of the weapon refining shop caused a stir among the monks, mainly because the current way of consuming contribution points was relatively simple.

The spiritual material resources that can be exchanged are generally mainly used to improve the realm.

But the problem is that most monks still hope to save their lives. After all, there is immortality, and living is the most important thing.

The weapon refining shop complied with the market, and Li Mo was refining low-grade protective magical weapons. As long as he reached the fifth refinement level, he would not worry about lack of sales.

It's a pity that the yamen doesn't allow trading to contribute points, otherwise he could easily make a small fortune.

While running the weapon refining shop, Li Mo did not dare to neglect the task of the warehouse. If the monsters trapped inside accidentally escaped, it would probably cause an avalanche-like chain reaction.

He refines his weapons behind closed doors, and there are chaotic sounds in the calligraphy and painting hall day and night.

Monks who come to buy low-grade magic weapons can often see a shadowy figure from the window, with more than a dozen pairs of arms extending from its body.

I am afraid that Li Mo is the only one who can take over the tasks assigned by Tian Changwen and still distract himself from the weapon refinement shop without causing any criticism.

However, Li Mo's slackness made a group of policemen in the Yamen anxious.

They knew the real situation in the warehouse and were afraid that the monsters would riot at any time.

Even if the strange beast has a relatively normal intelligence after being anthropomorphized, even an ordinary monk will become insane in the long run.

Ma Weigong would come to visit every few days to urge him. Although he couldn't see Li Mo in person, Jin Li was a little bothered.

Li Mo was not in a hurry.

After ten days of seclusion, he chose to walk out of the calligraphy and painting hall.

Li Mo went straight to the warehouse and saw Tang Wu leaning against the door, smoking a spicy dry cigarette out of boredom.

Compared to the anxious Ma Weigong, Tang Wu was obviously much calmer.

Tang Wu smiled and said: "Junior, if you can't hand in an answer that satisfies me, the two thousand contribution points for the task will be lost."

As he got to know Li Mo better, he also realized how extraordinary the latter was.

Tang Wu had witnessed many Taoist disciples who died midway, but he had never been so sure that a weak man would definitely condense the golden elixir in the future.

"Let's start with the warehouse."

There is a small magical house in Li Mo's palm. It is still made according to the template of Qingya Zhai, but the windows are deliberately removed.

The main material is Lingyin wood grown in the corpse mountain, and subsequent refining focuses on suppressing spiritual power.

The cultivation level of the black goat beast imprisoned inside will be greatly restricted, but the magic weapon house itself requires spiritual power to maintain.

"Group of three, hurry up."

Under the command of Ma Weigong, the cage covered with black cloth was moved into the new warehouse, and the black goat monster inside was banging wildly.

There was blood seeping out of the iron cage, and the monk who didn't know why suddenly felt fearful.

Li Mo took out the cage that sealed the black goat monster. They were all medium-grade magic weapons of the fifth refinement, so they consumed a lot of resources in the yamen.

The chains scraped against the ground.

Anthropomorphic black goat monsters were escorted to the cage. Their malicious eyes made Li Mo's hair stand on end. They were cursing and crying and laughing like crazy.

The other black goat monsters reacted more violently, but generally they were not very intelligent and wanted to bite off the head of the guard.

Li Mo would rather face the latter, the former feels really weird.

He noticed that those anthropomorphic black goat monsters would meditate and practice, and there was indeed a spiritual energy flowing into their mouths and noses.

After the spiritual energy circulates around the sky along the eight extraordinary meridians, it does not return to the middle Dantian, but enters the Niwan Palace for unknown reasons.

Li Mo was very curious about what was in the monster's Niwan Palace, but unfortunately he couldn't examine its brain structure without risking his life, so he gave up the idea of ​​further investigation.

After the Yamen bound all the black goat monsters with clavicle sealing chains, the safety factor of the entire warehouse has indeed improved a lot.

While Tang Wu was satisfied, he couldn't help but go outside the warehouse to get some air.

Li Mo didn't plan to stay long.

He is only responsible for refining magic weapons. The black goat monster has nothing to do with him. Next, he can consider the matter of the mountain of corpses.

Before Li Mo left, he saw Tang Wu staring at the slaughterhouse in a daze, and couldn't help but ask: "Senior Tang, the strange beasts are becoming more and more like humans. Does this mean that the beast disaster is not going well?"


Tang Wu took a deep breath of dry smoke. It was indeed too long for Taoist Qingfang to go to the slaughterhouse.

And from the beginning to the end of the animal disaster, nothing strange happened in the slaughterhouse, it was so calm that it was eerie.

Tang Wu didn't dare to think about it carefully.

When he turned around to say something, Li Mo was gone.

"Li Mo, this junior, has too little patience."

"Unlike Hu and Wen, when we were in the slaughterhouse..."

Tang Wu's words stopped abruptly, and Lao Yanqiang tapped his forehead and murmured to himself: "Well, as I get older, my memory loses its weight."

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