Immortal Immortal

Chapter 108 The magical power of the sparrow’s soul [Those who gain the grain will prosper]

Corpse insect eggs are as big as dust. If they didn't have the Book of Creation, I'm afraid no monk would be able to realize that their souls were like this.

As for why the souls of human beings were replaced with corpse insect eggs in later generations, I am afraid that we can only find out the truth after Li Mo becomes an immortal.

Cultivation is full of weirdness. The nine-evil death disease represents immortality. Is it a fairy road at the end, or is it an unexplainable dead end?

Li Mo stared at the Book of Creation for a moment, and the corpse insect eggs were already hatching.

At the same time, the haze spiritual power in the middle Dantian continued to transform and began a new round of liquefaction, leaving most of the middle Dantian empty.

Li Mo let out a long breath.

As a monk in the middle stage of the Weak Crown, it is better to think about how to solve the dilemma at Caishikou than to think about the secrets of the body and soul.

He closed his eyes to feel the changes of promotion.

The most significant difference is that the haze's spiritual power has been compressed again, the spiritual power required to cast spells has been reduced, and it has become easier to use medium and high magic weapons.

Li Mo can even plan the subsequent refining of Corpse Mountain.

The corpse worm eggs hatch little by little, and when the outer hard shell falls off, a crystal clear worm emerges from the inside, with the same mysterious words appearing on the surface of the body.

The magical power of Que Yinpo was then conceived.

【Those who gain the grain will prosper】

Li Mo didn't have time to study the magical effect of Gu Zhechang, and his attention returned to his breakthrough cultivation level. The three bodies were thoroughly baptizing his own flesh and bones.

It can be seen from this that there is a difference between whether there is a Tao body or not.

Perhaps it is not obvious at a low level, but as the cultivation level continues to improve, the foundation shaped by the Tao body will only become stronger and stronger.

The Book of Creation gave Li Mo unlimited possibilities.


He exhaled a puff of turbid air, and his expression was filled with joy. Because of the bird's Yin Po's function as a Jing Yuan, the two Pei Yuan Spirit Branches condensed by the roe owl's swallowing body turned into three.

The new spiritual branch has not yet produced the Pei Yuan Fruit, but the Pei Yuan Fruit of the other two plants has medicinal properties for a hundred years, and the efficiency of accumulating medicinal power has been greatly accelerated.

After Li Mo patiently stabilized his cultivation, he checked the effect of the magical power Degu Chuchang.

The so-called "whoever gets the grain will prosper" relates to the Taoist theory of past lives.

Taoism believes that grain is the best way to replenish essence, so it emphasizes the principle of "those who gain grain will prosper, and those who lose grain will perish".

However, Li Mo's success has nothing to do with replenishing the essence. On the contrary, the use of magical powers also requires the consumption of essence.

The prosperity of those who obtain the grain is closely related to the original Tao seed of supernatural powers.

As the magical power of the Tao seed, the original Tao seed can absorb the content of various exercises, increase the foundation, and help improve the main exercises.

Those who get the grain will prosper, but they have different approaches but the same purpose.

In fact, Que Yin Po is more appropriately called a "bookworm". As long as Li Mo provides enough essence, Que Yin Po can give birth to magic.

However, the method by which those who obtain the grain can prosper is limited to the "alchemy recipe".

Li Mo couldn't help but be curious, and drew part of the medicinal power from the Pei Yuan Fruit.

Although Que Yin Po cannot be detected by the naked eye, after the medicinal power enters the Tao Seed, it does slowly disappear, and at the same time, words appear on the surface of the Tao Seed.

[Burning liver and boiling wine elixir]

[Using the fungus brown grass as a medicine, it has the effect of clearing the lungs and improving eyesight. 】

Li Mo frowned slightly and continued to urge the winner of the grain to prosper without believing in evil.

【Jiangu Shengnao Pills】

[Efficacy: It helps young children develop wisdom and strengthen their bones. 】

The corners of Li Mo's mouth twitched.

The elixir bred by Que Yinpo was completely different from the elixir he had come into contact with. The former was more like a heretical folk remedy, and its efficacy was only effective on mortals and could not assist cultivation at all.

Li Mo immediately realized that Zhechang could not create the elixir out of thin air. It was entirely based on the contents of the Tao seed records.

If he wanted to develop useful elixir recipes, he had to instill a lot of alchemy knowledge into Tao Zhong.

Li Mo had never been exposed to the unique alchemy technique of later generations. He only knew that alchemy seemed to involve Gu insects and was extremely cumbersome.

He has no regrets about the success of those who get the grain.

After the remaining six souls are imprinted, the awakened supernatural powers should be similar to those of those who gain the grain.

Among the Corpse Dogs, Ambushing Arrows, Swallowing Thieves, Non-Poisons, Cleansing Filth, and Smelly Lungs, there must be one who is involved in weapon refining. If Li Mo can be branded, the level of weapon refining will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

He even got his hands on the rumored magic weapon.

Li Mo was thinking a lot. He changed his position in the cell and continued to meditate, completely treating Caishikou as a four-legged Taoist temple in Duolishan.

He didn't know how much time had passed before the jailer's strange beast came again.

"The execution will be carried out tomorrow at 3:30 pm!!"

Li Mo narrowed his eyes, then controlled a speck of dust to stick on the shoulder of the jailer's monster, and followed the latter to quietly leave the invitation room.

Guihu got back into the cell and rubbed his head against Li Mo's thigh.

It searched the invitation room for many days and found no trace of Duomu Zhenren, but it found An Gang and three others, distributed in different locations.

Most of the remaining cells are empty, but it can be seen from the remaining bones that there were strangers involved before.

Li Mo did not contact the three of them because he was afraid of causing disaster.

Li Mo stroked Guihu's head, and then consciously checked Guihu's memory to see if there were any clues about Duomu Zhenren.

Even if there is a price, this person must be killed.

Li Mo asked Han Cai privately and learned that there was indeed a reward announcement from the puppet cultivator, and that he was worth five hundred mid-grade spiritual stones.

"Five hundred pieces of medium-grade spiritual stones, is it considered a good value for money?"

Li Mo's bounty mission has been accepted by Duomu Zhenren, and no one else will accept it again before the time limit is exceeded.

He deeply doubted that Duomu Zhenren's main purpose was to go to Caishikou, and the attack on him was probably done casually.

Li Mo quickly confirmed that his guess was correct.

Guihu had experienced a similar aura in a cell through the bone powder of Duomu Zhenren, but the aura was very weak.

It shows that Duomu Zhenren was once imprisoned in the invitation room and escaped by some means.

Li Mo was unable to use the spirit tablets at Caishikou, otherwise he could inform An Gang and the others. Now he can only wait for the execution to arrive.

He leaned against the wall, closed his eyes and meditated, and time passed slowly with the sound of water dripping.

When the footsteps approached again, the sound of the blade sliding on the ground could still be heard, and the warden beast opened the closed cell door.

"The time of Mao has arrived. Let's take him to Caishikou and behead him in public."

Li Mo allowed the jailer's monster to lock his hands and feet with iron chains.

Any attack in the invitation room will cause a chain reaction, causing the jailer beasts to swarm in, making it difficult to break out of the siege.

The most difficult thing about Caishikou's jailer monster is that every time it dies, it will be resurrected in the invitation room and its strength will increase.

Li Mo followed the jailer Weishou calmly.

The moment he came into contact with the iron chain, something strange happened to Scholar Creation. The ninth blank page revealed a section of withered and blackened blood vessels.

Li Mo looked at the iron chain carefully. At least with the naked eye, it was impossible to tell whether it was flesh or blood.

"Perhaps the entire food market is made of flesh and blood?"


An Gang walked side by side with Li Mo from the fork in the road. The two of them winked tacitly, and then Qiao Wu and Qing Ming Daozi followed behind.

Qiao Wu paused deliberately, wanting to test the jailer's monster.


The jailer's monster swung out the iron whip, and Qiao Wu's right leg immediately suffered multiple cuts. The rotten blood spiritual power wrapped around the wound, making it difficult to recover.

Qiao Wu groaned and walked with his head down.

Li Mo turned his head and looked behind him in confusion. There were cells on both sides of the deep corridor, and an unpleasant smell of wind blew from the end.

"Execution parade."

The jailer Wei Beast shouted loudly, and Li and Mo finally arrived at the vegetable market.

The vegetable market was originally a place used to sell daily necessities, but now it seems unusually deserted due to the lack of vendors.

There are only a few passers-by on the street, all of them are strange beasts that are half man and half bear.

Li Mo squinted his eyes and looked at the passers-by, and found that most of the strange beasts had very dull expressions and no intelligence at all.

Suddenly, he noticed that a strange beast moved backwards.

Li Mo couldn't help but licked his lips, his whole body erupted with a real beast-like aura, and he stared at the strange beast.

The monster's appearance returned to normal, but its breathing became heavier.

"I told you I would come find you, Master Dome."

Li Mo resisted the blow of the iron whip, and while observing the monsters, he revealed the news that Duomu Zhenren was hiding in Caishikou to An Gang and the others.

Qiao Wu stared at the whip marks on Li Mo's arm in disbelief.

He could only consume the rotten blood spiritual power in the wound bit by bit, but Li Mo's whip marks healed in the blink of an eye, and the rotten blood spiritual power could hardly damage the flesh.

It is indeed a dual-path body.

The strange beast took several steps back, and a slight sound came from its mouth.

"How can it be……"

Li Moli heard clearly from the dust scattered on the street that Duomu Zhenren was hidden in the body of the strange beast, and smiled at the latter.

Duomu Zhenren's whole body was filled with coldness.

He curled up in the monster's stomach, and it could be seen that the alienation was intensifying all over his body, especially the arms full of eyeballs.

No one knows better than Master Duomu how long he had been preparing to deal with Li Mo.

As a result, Li Mo not only resisted easily, but even counterattacked instantly. Now he actually came to Caishikou to hunt him down?

There was resentment in Duomu Zhenren's eyes.

"Li Mo didn't dare to take action at Caishikou. Failure to abide by the rules of animal disasters would only cause a large number of riots by the jailer's monsters."

"I have to move as soon as possible. Only... only Shiji can save me."

The eyes of Duomu Zhenren's arms flashed with dark green light, and he controlled the possessed beast to walk slowly towards the doorway.

The four of them, Li Mo and others, went in the opposite direction and came to the edge of the huge wooden platform.

There were four execution racks placed on the stage, and the eight-headed jailer beast carried a knife. The rusty blade was covered with pieces of flesh and blood.

According to An Gang, as long as he catches the prison knife of the jailer's monster and survives, it will not cause a large number of monsters to riot again.

At this moment.

Li Mo suddenly asked: "Captain An, if I don't participate in the execution, I won't implicate you, right?"

An Gang was stunned for a few seconds, looking at Li Mo who was being whipped, "Not really, but it's too dangerous for you to do this..."

"That's good."

Li Mo smiled ferociously and opened the iron chain directly, ignoring the iron whip falling around him.

"No, I always feel that this Domoku master is going to cause trouble."

"You must beat him to death with your own hands."

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