Immortal fate

Chapter 40: Retreat and make elixirs

"What should we do now?" Looking at Li Yi who plunged into the bat cave, the black-clothed man frowned and asked.

"Now we can only wait. After he dies, we will go in to pick up the body. I just hope he doesn't go too deep." The black-clothed woman said.

"That's the only way. What should we do with him?" The leading black-clothed man pointed at the young man surnamed Zhou and asked.

"Of course we kill him. As long as we kill this guy and take away his top-level spiritual weapon, we will have a greater chance of entering the ghost bat cave." The black-clothed woman looked at the young man surnamed Zhou and licked her lips and said.

"Hehe, not bad, just what I want. I have disliked him for a long time, so it's just right to kill him." The black-clothed man said cruelly.

After that, the black-clothed men who were chasing Li Yi surrounded the young man surnamed Zhou.

"What are you going to do? I have a top-level spiritual weapon. I am from Qianling Medicine Shop." The young man surnamed Zhou was already a little flustered at this time. He regretted it very much. He shouldn't have followed him relying on his top-level spiritual weapon.

"Haha, what is Qianling Medicine Shop? We, the Blood Ghost Sect, don't take it seriously at all. You young masters, probably stayed in Juxian City for too long. You don't take us seriously just because you have a top-level spiritual weapon. Your top-level spiritual weapon is just an auxiliary spiritual weapon. It's okay to deal with monsters, but it's a joke to deal with us." The big man in black said, and took out a small black triangular flag from the storage bag. On the small triangular flag, there was a ferocious black poisonous scorpion with two wings on its back.

The black-clothed big man, a red light flashed on the black flag in his hand, and the scorpion flew out and pounced on the young man surnamed Zhou.

A moment later, the young man surnamed Zhou, under the siege of a group of black-clothed men, let out a scream and died.

Li Yi naturally didn't know what was happening outside. He was deep in the ghost bat cave at this time. The ghost bat cave was extremely smelly. There were many bats hanging upside down on the cave wall on the top of the cave, flashing bright little eyes.

Li Yi, with a small yellow bell on his head, quickly moved towards the depths of the cave. He encountered many vampire bats along the way, but he blocked them with this Huangyuan Bell spiritual weapon. During this period, Li Yi also used the sound wave attack of the small bell twice, and naturally killed many low-level monsters and vampire bats. Li Yi found that this Huangyuan Bell spiritual weapon was very effective against vampire bats. As long as the bell sound attacked, the vampire bats were really stunned. Then he used the spiritual weapon flying sword to make up for it. After many bats were killed by Li Yi, there were fewer and fewer bats around, and the vampire bats avoided Li Yi.

I don’t know how far I walked. When two third-level vampire bats appeared, Li Yi was shocked.

"It’s here!" Li Yi thought to himself, and then quickly found a corner, took out a green small tripod from the storage bag, and then with a flash of green light, he entered the small tripod space.

After entering the small tripod space, Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief. This was the escape plan he thought of after thinking for a long time.

After a day's rest, Li Yi began to take out all the spiritual medicines he had obtained, and then carefully planted them in the small cauldron space.

Then he began to use the green liquid on the black pool to water the spiritual medicines he had planted. After a few days, he had obtained spiritual medicines that were three or four hundred years old, or even a thousand years old. Li Yi continued to cultivate spiritual medicines according to the introduction in the spiritual medicine atlas.

Half a year later, Li Yi had hundreds of materials for refining Juyuan Dan and Shenling Dan.

Most of these spiritual medicines were four or five hundred years old, and only a few were seven or eight hundred years old and a thousand years old. Because he was refining a first-grade spiritual medicine, the requirements for the age of the spiritual medicine were not very high.

Looking at the many spiritual medicines in his hand, Li Yi was very happy. With these spiritual medicines, if he could refine all of them and then take them, his cultivation would definitely get a qualitative leap, and with the spiritual weapon in his hand, he would never be hunted down so miserably again.

In addition to cultivating spiritual medicines, Li Yi was not idle. He cleaned up the materials of the monster centipede he had obtained.

First of all, there were demon pills. He got seven or eight demon pills, including one third-level demon pill, one second-level demon pill, and the rest were first-level demon pills, and a pile of frost centipede shells.

Then there was the storage bag of the old man in white, which mainly contained fresh spiritual medicines. Almost all the spiritual medicines collected on the road this time were with the old man, and finally they were all cheap for Li Yi. Li Yi planted these spiritual medicines in different categories and brought them to the space of the small tripod. What surprised him was that among these spiritual medicines, he found all the materials for refining Zhiyuan Pill. Li Yi packed up all the duplicate spiritual medicines and kept them for alchemy.

Finally, Li Yi found more than 500 low-grade spiritual stones and one medium-grade spiritual stone in the old man's storage bag, which made him very happy. The storage bag that had been deflated was now bulging again, and finally there was a high-level spiritual weapon flying sword used by the old man.

In addition to the old man's storage bag, Li Yi also picked up the storage bags of two other monks, but these two storage bags were very shabby, with only more than a hundred low-grade spiritual stones and some mid-level spiritual tools, and the rest were some sundries.

After packing up these things, Li Yi began to prepare for alchemy. He first took out the "Basic Alchemy Encyclopedia" and read it carefully, and then took out the photo talisman obtained in Wanbao Tower, and carefully read it several times. After confirming that there was nothing missing, Li Yi was ready to start alchemy.

Alchemy is a tedious matter. First, you need to learn the floating technique, which is mainly used to control the furnace. Secondly, you need to learn the fire control technique, which is to control the temperature. Finally, the water division technique is to control the fusion of the elixir. After a few days of learning, Li Yi can already use these techniques skillfully.

Li Yi took out three flints and used magic power to stimulate them. At this time, a small fire appeared on the flints on the ground. Then Li Yi took out the purple alchemy furnace that he had obtained as a medium-grade spiritual tool, performed the floating technique, and suspended the furnace above the flame. Then Li Yi took out another spiritual ginseng and threw it into the alchemy furnace. Finally, he waited to refine the spiritual ginseng into the elixir.

After a while, a burnt smell floated out of the alchemy furnace. Li Yi opened the lid of the furnace and saw that the melted elixir had become a pile of coke.

Li Yi sighed, cleaned up the waste residue, and continued to refine it. It was not until more than a dozen spiritual ginsengs were used up that Li Yi refined the perfect elixir.

After refining the elixir, Li Yi needed to fuse the elixir. When Li Yi poured all the elixir into the alchemy furnace, the furnace shook for a while and then turned into a pile of waste residue. Li Yi persevered in refining, and finally got the first furnace of elixir after dozens of failures. When he opened the furnace cover, 9 gray balls appeared in it. Looking at the balls in his hand, Li Yi sighed in his heart. The elixir was refined, but there was a problem with the fusion of the elixir liquid, and the final result was waste elixir.

Looking at the waste elixir in his hand, Li Yi was not too disappointed, but a little happy. He believed that as long as he persisted in refining, he would be able to refine a good elixir.

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