Immortal family: starting from building a family genius

Chapter 28 I want your life [Please read and collect]


Although he had known for a long time that the bursting lava array under He Pingfan's feet was something extraordinary, the Lord of Dayan City did not expect it to be so extraordinary.

It can make him, who is only at the seventh level of the Marrow Cleansing Realm, erupt with an aura that is almost comparable to that of a strong person in the Mortal Transformation Realm.

The large formation under his feet is probably a top-level fourth-grade formation.

"It is already very good for an ordinary Marrow Cleansing Realm expert to be able to arrange a second-level top-level explosive lava array. If he can arrange a third-level low-level explosive lava array, he can be called a genius array mage. A top-level fourth-level explosive lava array like this is just a tomb robber. How could the thief arrange it?"

"Is it inheritance?!"

"Yes, it must be. Only in this way can we explain why he, a mere casual cultivator, was able to escape from the pursuit of the powerful men in the palace many times."

As their thoughts turned, the Lord of Dayan City and even many powerful men present could not help but have thoughts similar to this in mind, and as their thoughts were sorted out, this idea gradually became ingrained in their minds.

Fourth level top formation inheritance~!

Those who can leave such a foundation are definitely a strong person in the Mortal Realm, and they are not ordinary Mortal Realm, at least they are those who are at the seventh level of the Mortal Realm or above.

If I could get it, then.

Thinking of this, the breathing of the City Lord of Dayan City and others could not help but become rapid.

"You can let these people go if you want me to, but..."

He Pingfan didn't pay attention to the changes in everyone's expressions. He kept staring at Chu Siting, with a hint of surprise in his eyes and an astonishing momentum bursting out of his body. Then he changed the subject and continued in a serious tone. .

"How about trading yourself for them?"

As he said that, He Pingfan opened an entrance to the formation in front of her, but his body became tense.

As long as the strong man on the Great Yan City side makes any movement, he can instantly close the entrance.

Don't give the other party the slightest chance to take advantage.

"How can you be so arrogant as a princess? How can I condescend to be the hostage of a tomb robber like you?"

"Insulting the princess deserves death."


Hearing He Pingfan's conditions, before Chu Siting said anything, many strong men in Great Yan City became angry one by one.

If the princess agreed to his conditions, the consequences would be disastrous.

After all, this is the top-level formation of the fourth level, and the danger contained in it is that even those who are strong at the ninth level of the blood exchange realm may fall here if they are not careful.

Although the princess was a genius at the ninth level of the Marrow Cleansing Realm and had treasures bestowed upon her by the royal palace, they could not guarantee that she would not be injured.

If he was injured, the palace would blame him, and they would be unable to bear the consequences.


Just when many powerful people in Great Yan City were angry, Chu Siting, who was standing in front of everyone, made a quiet gesture.

The originally noisy space suddenly became silent.

Then, she turned to look at He Pingfan, and walked into the entrance of the formation step by step, speaking indifferently.

"You can keep your promise."

"Okay, she is worthy of being the cold princess who is famous in the Chu Dynasty. She is really refreshing."

"Come to this high platform yourself, and I will keep my word."

Seeing Chu Siting stepping on the lotus steps, just looking at herself, and walking up the steps to the high platform, He Pingfan didn't hesitate much, stretched out his hand, and opened the way beside tens of thousands of people. There are several passages leading to the outside world.

Many people with sharp eyes also saw scenes from the outside world.

"Dong dong."

In an instant, this group of people were like travelers trapped in the desert who had encountered an oasis, running frantically towards these roads. Even those who were too weak to run were trying hard to crawl towards the exit.

Stimulated by their full desire to survive, they unleashed their full potential.

After a while, tens of thousands of people disappeared into this formation.

"See, these are the mountain people you want to protect. They didn't even say a word of thanks to you, they just ran away."

"Do you regret it?"

Seeing Chu Siting standing not far away from him, and then looking at the retreating figures of the people, He Pingfan couldn't help but reveal a deep sarcasm on his face.

I don’t know if I feel that Chu Siting’s efforts are not worth it, or if I think her behavior is very ridiculous.

"Regret? Why should I regret it?"

"Aren't they the subjects of my Great Chu Dynasty? As a princess of the dynasty, isn't it natural for me to protect my own people? I don't ask for anything in return from them."

Hearing this, Chu Siting couldn't help but shook her head.

Not only was there no resentment on his face, but a faint smile appeared on his face.

For her, whose life has entered a countdown with only a few months left, being able to save tens of thousands of lives before she dies is already a very cost-effective thing.

When this news spreads, not only will her reputation be spread throughout the ages, but it will also make the royal family more popular among the people, and her father will also benefit a lot from it.

It can be said that it kills three birds with one stone~!

In this case, what else is she dissatisfied with?

"Tell me, you tried so hard to get me to come here. What do you want to do?"

Thinking of this, Chu Siyao was no longer interested in chatting anymore. She just wanted to end it all quickly.

"I, what do I want to do? Haha"

"I, I want your life~!"

Hearing this, He Pingfan was no longer in the mood to think about those trivial matters. He stared at Chu Siyao and burst out with shocking murderous intent.

"Back then, you royal family powerful men attacked and robbed my parents for you."

After some venting, He Pingfan's voice became hoarse, his eyes were filled with blood and tears, he looked up at the direction of his parents' graves, and with a crazy look on his face, he took out the key to control this top-level fourth-grade formation.

He looked at the key that would detonate the formation as long as he crushed it, erupting with a full blow comparable to the ninth level of the Mortal Transformation Realm, and shouted wildly.

"Hahaha, having a dynasty princess accompanying me makes my visit to this world worthwhile."

"The two of us are on this high platform, witnessed by the people of the Chu Dynasty outside, come with me on the road~~!"

After shouting, Chu Pingfan, who was about to crush the key in his hand, suddenly felt something was wrong.


Why is it that there is only the sound of the powerful people outside shouting and yelling, but there is no movement from herself?

Thinking of this, he stopped his gesture.

Turning back, he saw Chu Siting looking at him calmly.


"Why didn't you react at all? Aren't you afraid of death?"

It stands to reason that no matter what status or level of cultivation a person is, they will react when faced with the threat of death. How can anyone look at her crushing the key with a calm expression like Chu Siting~!

This made his mind a little confused.

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