"Hehe, good question!"

Liu Ruxiang said: "At the initial Karma level, the heirs of True Immortal not only have no advantage, but have a huge disadvantage!"

"You all come from the realm, right? I don't know if you have noticed, but after entering the True Immortal realm, the karma entanglement you suffer is much heavier than in the realm."

"Therefore, most of the cultivators born in the True Immortal domain can only have blue-level Karma, and the future is gloomy."

"Sigh... that's why True Immortal realm cultivators won't give birth to offspring easily. Even if they have to leave inheritance, they will choose to go to the realm to do it."

"But for a normal True Immortal cultivator, once it enters the realm, it will be contaminated with a lot of Karma, and the level of real Karma will be lowered, so it will be difficult to improve. Unless it is a last resort, no cultivator will do this."

After listening to Liu Ruxiang's explanation, Lin Xueqing and the three of them nodded.

Have a certain confidence in the next test.

Cultivators from realms like them have better conditions than the "second generation of immortals" born in the real Immortal World, Innate conditions.

Of course, it is only "some" superior.

Lin Chen understands that the initial Karma level depends a lot on luck.

Regardless of whether one was born in the realm or the dao, it is difficult to have an initial Karma that exceeds the green level.


Karma testing has officially begun.

Do the "individual test" first.

That is to say, the five most potential disciples identified by Immortal Venerable were tested one by one.

Including Hong Ling Immortal Venerable, everyone turned their attention to the Eastern Mysterious Immortal Zun.

The status of the Eastern Mysterious Immortal Zun in the Dao Celestial Immortals is second only to the Sect Leader.

In this test, he has the highest priority privilege.

Dong Mysterious Immortal has silver hair and a slightly old face. He is dressed in a gray Baixiang wide avenue suit, with an immortal demeanor and a stable demeanor.

"Fang Yang, let's go."

The Mysterious Immortal Master Dong gestured to a young cultivator below, and ordered lightly.


Young cultivator Fang Yang cupped fist.

Then, under the expectant eyes of thousands of cultivators, he stepped on the water and entered the pool.


The water in the pool vibrated, centered on Fang Yang's body, rippled outward.

I saw two circles of halo under Fang Yang's feet.

Inner circle, green.

Outer ring, cyan.

The inner circle represents the initial Karma level, and the outer circle represents the actual Karma level.

Green inside and green outside, which means the upper limit of Fangyang Cultivation Base is Golden Immortal Ninth Stage.

For an Immortal Venerable's fancy disciple, this Karma level is undoubtedly average.

It can be regarded as relatively poor.

"Alas..." Seeing this, Han Chi Immortal Venerable shook his head again and again, showing disappointment.

Han Chi Immortal Venerable bears dragon's blood on his body, his eyes are dim yellow vertical pupils, he is wearing a black military uniform, and his exposed arms are covered with a layer of bright blue scales.

Breath, strong and domineering.

As the person involved, Master Dong was not surprised, and nodded slightly, signaling Fang Yang to back down.

Immediately afterwards, there was Han Chi Immortal Venerable's fancy disciple.

Han Chi Immortal Venerable is not as good as Tianku Immortal Venerable among the five Immortal Venerables.

But Tianku Immortal Venerable ran to fight, so Han Chi Immortal Venerable could only arrange it first.

The disciple arranged by Han Chi Immortal Venerable is named Long Xiaotian.

This person is also a dragon bloodline, and even his nose still retains the shape of a dragon, and the nostrils are surprisingly large.

With everyone watching, Long Xiaotian entered the Karma pool.

The results show up.

Inner circle, yellow!

Outer ring, green.

The inside is yellow and the outside is green, which means that Long Xiaotian's ultimate Cultivation Base can reach Immortal King level!

It's just that there are more Karma on the body, and the real Karma level is green.

If he wanted to reach the limit, he had to go through some purification and improvement before he could climb the limit.

"Great! Haha!" Han Chi Immortal Venerable nodded happily.

"That's right, this kid can come under your sect and focus on training." Dong Mysterious Immortal nodded his head and said.

After that, Dong Xuan and Han Chi turned their attention to Hong Ling Immortal Venerable.

In the past, the Karma test only needs to finish testing the disciples arranged by Qingyu Immortal Venerable before entering the second stage.

Hong Ling Immortal Venerable and Tianku Immortal Venerable returned today, which surprised Dong Mysterious Immortal Zun.

Both Dongxuan and Hanchi looked expectantly at Hongling Immortal Venerable.

I really want to see what kind of disciple Hong Ling Immortal Venerable brought back after Ten Thousand Years was gone.

Hong Ling Immortal Venerable nodded and looked at Lin Xueqing.

Prepare to let Lin Xueqing enter the pool for testing.

But at this moment.

"It's my turn! I'll arrange it!"

A slender male voice came from high in the sky.

"Go away! I haven't made any arrangements yet, so why did you come first?" There was a rough scolding sound immediately after.

It turned out that Tianku Immortal Venerable and Qingyu Immortal Venerable fought back.


Qingyu Immortal Venerable's clothes were torn, and a small piece of antlers had been cut off from his head, making him look quite embarrassed.

Tianku Immortal Venerable looked proud, playing with the antler in his hand.

In terms of strength, Qingyu Immortal Venerable is much weaker.

"You go first! Then why are you so fierce!"

Qing Yu Immortal Venerable roared, covered his head and stepped back angrily.

It can be seen that he was a little frightened by Tianku Immortal Venerable.

Only the mouth is relatively hard.

Dong Xuan and Han Chi glanced at Qing Yu.

"What are you looking at! Have you ever seen a spirit deer change its horns?" Qing Yu refused to admit that the horns were forcibly removed, insisting on saying that the horns fell off voluntarily.

Dong Xuan and Han Chi had no choice but to look away expressionlessly.

Indeed, Qing Yu's mouth is really hard.

Tianku Immortal Venerable smiled and looked at Duanmuyao.


"Okay...ok...ok..." Duanmuyao was extremely nervous.

The stuttering words immediately caused everyone to laugh.

"Huh?" Tianku Immortal Venerable was displeased, and his eyes swept over everyone.


Everyone gasped, and all fell silent.

"Master, don't be nervous, you can do it." Lin Chen encouraged Duanmu Yao.

"Yes, Master Yao, Master Immortal Venerable is so optimistic about you, you must be good!"

Lin Xueqing and Wan Mingyue also encouraged Duanmuyao.

With some encouragement, Duanmu Yao finally suppressed the tension in her heart.

Take a deep breath and walk slowly into the Karma pool.


The pool water shakes!

The results show up!

Inner circle, orange!

The outer ring is yellow...


"So strong!" The crowd echoed in exclamation.

The initial Karma level has reached orange!

This means that Duanmuyao has a high probability to reach the Immortal King Ninth Stage in the future and become the core figure of the Celestial Immortals Sect!

Everyone looked at Tianku Immortal Venerable one after another, with expressions of awe.

Leaving the sect Ten Thousand Years, once he returned, he brought back such a talented disciple.

Immortal Venerable is indeed Immortal Venerable, the vision is so high that their ordinary disciples and Elders can't compare.

"Okay, goodness!"

"Not bad." The two Immortal Venerables, Han Chi and Dong Xuan, also praised.


"Hmph! What's so great about this! Compared with the disciples I brought this time, your disciple is nothing but rubbish!"

Qing Yu Immortal Venerable made a mocking sound.

Immediately afterwards, he yelled at the crowd: "Wanjun! It's your turn! Go in and test it out, and let God see what a real genius is!"

The voice fell.

Among the crowd, a young man with an unusually pale face appeared.

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