Wait for the outside war situation to end and Immortal Venerable or Devil Venerable to enter.

Isn't this waiting to die?

Lin Chen shook his head, he would never sit still.

He can't participate in battles of that level in the outside world, but that doesn't mean he can't do anything.

"Devil Cultivator doesn't fear Karma very much. Once the purple snake Devil Venerable invades, the fairy world will be destroyed, and I will definitely die."

"Only by letting Hong Ling Immortal Venerable and Tianku Immortal Venerable win can we keep the fairy realm."

Lin Chen knew it in his heart.

From the memory of Immortal Venerable, Lin Chen learned about the difference between immortals and demons.

When the cultivator ascends to breakthrough True Immortal or True Demon, it will begin to be further restricted by Heavenly Dao.

Stained with "Karma".

The more Karma is contaminated, the harder it will be to breakthrough in the future.

Devil Cultivator is mostly based on killing, and has strong resistance to Karma, so he is not too afraid of Karma.

Therefore, the purple snake Devil Venerable entered the realm and slaughtered all creatures in the realm, which did not have much effect on herself.

But Xianxiu is not.

When Hong Ling Immortal Venerable and Tianku Immortal Venerable enter the realm, there is a high probability that they will not massacre.

If the two of them destroy the realm, the future path of practice will inevitably be hindered.

Lin Chen believes that they will not do such a thing that is not worth the loss.

As for how to make the balance of the battle fall towards the side of Hong Ling and Tian Ku, the key lies in...


Lin Chen nodded secretly: "Now that the Hundong Immortal Cauldron Artifact Spirit is under my control, Xueqing's strength has improved, and it should be able to have some influence on Hong Ling Immortal Venerable."

This effect will not be very great, if it is normal, it is very likely to be so weak that it can be ignored.

But in the current evenly matched situation, the situation has become different.

It's like a sesame seed suddenly added to one side of a balanced balance, no matter how small it is, it is very likely to play a decisive role in the outcome!

"Anyway, there are no other important things to do. In the next period of time, let Xueqing and Senior Sister settle down."

Lin Chen smiled, and disappeared in a flash.


Human martial arts world.

Lin Chen broke through and entered.

True Immortal Ninth Stage Cultivation Base is undoubtedly a catastrophic existence for the human and martial arts world.

The surrounding space fluctuated, and the guardian of the original world appeared immediately.

They are ten strange creatures wearing wreaths on their heads and holding spears in their hands.

Lin Chen waved his hand to restrain these creatures, and said, "Look clearly, I am a cultivator from this world, and I have no malicious intentions."

The ten creatures looked at each other, then saluted Lin Chen respectfully, and then fled into the void.

These original world guardians all carry the power of Heavenly Dao, and belong to Heavenly Dao, who was born under the rules of the world after being conceived and raised.

After the guardian left.

Lin Chen calmed down, and with a little perception, he noticed the change in the flow of time in the world of human and martial arts.

The flow of time here has become consistent with the atrium.

And the previous "Spiritual Qi blessing" has long since ceased to exist.


Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, a little puzzled.

Obviously, the current speed of time is the initial normal state of the human martial arts world and the three courts.

That is to say, before, the time flow rate of the human martial arts world has been adjusted.

So here comes the problem.

Who did it?

It seems that only Immortal Venerable and Immortal Cauldron can do this kind of thing.

From this, it can be speculated that... the Immortal Cauldron of Hundong also has the power of the law of time?

Then why won't he interfere with Liuli's operation?

After contemplating for a moment, Lin Chen couldn't figure it out, so he had to ask Qing.

After listening, Qing said: "I don't understand the law of time, I only have the power of space."

"The situation you mentioned is due to my fine-tuning with the help of Heavenly Dao's own power."

Lin Chen was stunned when he heard the words, nodded and said: "When Immortal Venerable brought you to the realm, the power was able to reverse the operation of Heavenly Dao. It is indeed very strong!"

Qing proudly said: "That is!"

"I think back then, when I first came back, I was full of energy and ready to do a major overhaul!"

"It's a pity... Tianku Immortal Venerable and Hong Ling Immortal Venerable came too fast, which caused the strength of Immortal Venerable to be greatly damaged."

"Otherwise, how could you be sneak attacked by you kid?"

Lin Chen curled his lips when he heard this: "It's alright! You just keep your mouth shut."

Then use Magic power to seal the Orb of Chaos, prohibiting Qing from continuing to speak.

After that, Lin Chen stopped thinking about it and set off to fly back to the central island.



"Sixth Junior Brother! You are back!"

Not long after entering the hall, Master Xuan Yangzi, senior sister Qu Xiaoqian, senior brother Wang Ye and others rushed over anxiously.

"Master, Third Senior Sister, this is..." Lin Chen was puzzled why everyone was acting like this.

After some explanation.

Only then did Lin Chen realize that both Lin Xueqing and Wan Mingyue fell into a coma because of the failure of the breakthrough Hearts Demon robbery.

"Uh..." Lin Chen scratched his head in embarrassment.

So busy dealing with Immortal Venerable and Qing, forget about it!

Without hesitation, Lin Chen, Master and others came to the medicine house together to check the condition of Lin Xueqing and Wan Mingyue.

Medicine house.

At this moment, both Lin Xueqing and Wan Mingyue were lying on the bed with their eyes closed.

Ding Bijun, the owner of Penglai Island, took care of it personally.

Ding Bijun Mastery Alchemy is also very experienced in dealing with the symptoms of failure to break Hearts Demon.

However, she frowned tightly, judging from her expression, the situation of Lin Xueqing and Wan Mingyue was not optimistic.

Seeing the crowd showing up, the leader was actually Lin Chen, Ding Bijun stared at her beautiful eyes, and quickly got up to salute Lin Chen.

"Master Ding, you don't need to be too polite...my Little Sister and Senior Sister..." Lin Chen asked.

Ding Bijun frowned, shook her head, and said, "Oh, my lord, I have fed them the 'Bliss Fruit of Rebirth', and used my soul power to recuperate them. For some reason, they still haven't woken up."

"Hmm..." Lin Chen nodded and said, "Thank you, Island Master Ding, let me take a look."

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