[The floor where the book case was located just now is the initial floor and also the zeroth floor. After you climb the stairs, you officially enter the first floor of the Yellow Emperor Pagoda. 】

[The first floor is a vast square. 】

[As you enter, the hidden doors around the square open, and a group of late stage Demonic Beasts "Giant Beasts" from the Apocalypse Realm pour out. 】

[Giant pigs belong to a type of Demonic Beasts similar to saber-toothed tigers, with snow-white bodies, red eyes, and a murderous look. 】

[But their Cultivation Base is too low, you can strike a sword casually, Sword Qi forms a net, and kills all giant pigs. 】

[After the death of the giant pig, you did not get any benefits. Their bodies turned into white light, and the white light gathered together to form a staircase leading to the second floor. 】

[You go up the ladder of light and enter the second floor of the Yellow Emperor Pagoda. 】

[The situation of the second layer is similar to the first layer, except that the Demonic Beasts have become stronger gabards. 】

[It's still a one-shot kill, you climbed to the third floor. 】


[You step into the fifth floor of the Yellow Emperor Pagoda, and the fifth floor is different from before. It is no longer guarded by Demonic Beasts, but by a wild wandering soul. 】

[The opponent attacks you without any explanation, using a pair of knives, and the Movement Technique is flexible. 】

[But the strength of this wandering soul is far inferior to Gu Chaoxi, and he was easily killed by you. 】

[After the wandering soul dies, the body turns into fragments of soul power, which are absorbed by you. You feel that your soul power has improved, and all abilities related to soul power have been enhanced. 】

[Ascending to the sixth floor, Demonic Beasts began to appear again, but the strength of Demonic Beasts has been upgraded to the early stage of Mahayana. 】

【These Demonic Beasts are no match for you, you keep going. 】


[You are very fast, you have entered the tenth floor. 】

[On the tenth floor, wandering souls appeared again. However, compared to before, this wandering spirit is much stronger. The weapon is a long spear. Although the Cultivation Base is only in the early stage of Mahayana, its combat power is obviously higher than that of many Mahayana middle stage cultivators. 】

[After killing the opponent, you continue to move forward. 】


[You have come to the 30th floor of the Yellow Emperor Pagoda. 】

[At this time, the strength of the wandering soul has reached the Mahayana Realm late stage. Although it is not as powerful as Gu Xizhao, it is not far behind. 】

[You spend about an hour to defeat this wandering soul and enter the thirty-first floor. 】

[After entering the thirty-first floor, you find that the content of the trial here is different from before. 】

[In this room, there is a pill refining furnace. A wandering old man is signaling to you to start the pill refining furnace. 】

[You realize that this layer is to test your pill refining skills, so you start pill refining. 】

[After reading the materials provided by the other party, you find that what you need to refine is only a first-order Medicine Pill. 】

[With your refiner rank, refining this Medicine Pill is not difficult. Soon, you refined a first-rank high-grade pill. 】

[The wandering old man is very satisfied with your performance, he will give you a copy of Cultivation Technique, and signal you to go to the next floor. 】

[You get the tenth-level Cultivation Technique "Huangdi Neijing·Human", Volume 1. 】

[After viewing this Cultivation Technique, you continue to move forward and enter the thirty-second floor. 】

[Thirty-second floor is still challenged by Demonic Beasts, but the Demonic Beasts at this time are all True Spirit Realm late stage, which is ridiculously powerful. 】

【You have spent two days and two nights of hard work and finally passed this level. 】


[After nearly twenty days of hard work, you finally climbed to the 35th floor of the Yellow Emperor Pagoda. 】

[You found that on this floor, many image projections appeared on the walls. 】

[Projections show that there are more than 30 cultivators from the Nangong family who are fighting with wandering souls. 】

[You immediately realize that those are the Nangong family's large army that entered the tower. 】

[And this Yellow Emperor Pagoda, after everyone enters, will be assigned to a different space, that is to say, they must pass the challenge independently. 】

[The wandering souls on the thirty-fifth floor are extremely powerful, their attack power is not strong, but their defense power can be called heaven-defying. 】

[It can be seen from the video that everyone is stuck here and cannot pass. 】

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