Immortal Cultivation Simulation: Tongtian Sword Master

Chapter 277 Lin Chen On The Ground, Submission Point, Correct Plan

【Dong Chuan was rescued by you, but took advantage of your unpreparedness to attack you. He is not weak, but he is not your opponent, he was instantly killed by your sword. 】

[From Dong Chuan, you get 140,000 Immortal Crystals, the eighth-level Cultivation Technique "Buddha Jue", the Supernatural Power cheat book "Yellow Springs Mahamudra", and the fourth-level natal Magic Treasures "Lingjue Sword". 】

[Your acts of helping others in times of crisis and rebelling against those who avenge their enemies have been recognized by the cultivators in the human and military world, and you have gained a lot of prestige because of this. 】

[Three days later, after you have practiced "Buddha Jue" and "Yellow Springs Mahamudra" to Initiation, start looking for nearby submission points. 】

[Unfortunately, you failed to find the submission point. 】

[Because you failed to reach the submission point in time to supplement the "points", the total points ranking fell out of the top 1,000, so you were forced to leave Shanhai World. 】

[Affected by world forces, this simulation is forced to end. 】

[Revenue extraction in progress...]


Lin Chen was digesting the benefits he had just withdrawn, with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

I thought that the system could stand up and extract 400 days of simulated income at a time.

Unexpectedly...he himself "prostrated" down.

The points ranking was squeezed out of the top 1,000, and he was forced to leave directly.

"The rules of this mountain and sea treasure hunt, each participant has an initial duration of three days."

"During these three days, participants need to hunt and kill Demonic Beasts to obtain Monster cores, find the preset submission points, and submit Monster cores in exchange for points."

"Everyone will be ranked according to the points, and as time goes by, the laggards will be kicked out."

Lin Chen read the rules silently and understood the reason why he was forced to leave.

In this way, Lin Chen realized that in order to increase the simulation time and not be kicked out, two things must be done immediately.

First, find Demonic Beasts and hunt Monster cores.

Second, look for the submission point of Monster core.

After clarifying this key information, Lin Chen started the simulation again.

[You fly all the way north. 】

[Half a day later, you encountered an extreme snowstorm five thousand miles away, and a True Spirit Realm late stage frosty jade fox appeared in the snow. 】

[Yuhu can't help but attack you. You are not an opponent, and you can't escape. Unfortunately, you fell. 】

[This simulation is over. 】

Clearly, the north, guarded by powerful Demonic Beasts, is a dead end.

"The Frost Frost Jade Fox of the True Spirit Realm late stage..." Lin Chen shook his head helplessly.

The creatures in this mountain and sea world are not generally powerful.

It can be deduced from this that it is not easy to kill Demonic Beasts to obtain Monster cores in exchange for points.

Big forces like the Nangong family, the Chen family, and the Black Tortoise Taoist sect will send a large group of cultivators to enter together, and they will have a great advantage in hunting Demonic Beasts.

But Lin Chen can only fight alone.

Thinking of this, thinking that he would be kicked out if he didn't get points in three days, Lin Chen couldn't help feeling a sense of pressure.

We must hurry up and find a way!

"The road to the north is blocked, this time go south!" Lin Chen decided.

"Good host."

[You go all the way south. 】

[After traveling three thousand miles south, you encountered several Mahayana Realm cultivators. 】

【Among them, Sikong Zhuo from the Black Tortoise Dao Sect, can't help but kill you with a single sword! 】

Looking at the result, Lin Chen frowned.

Had to simulate again, heading west.

Same result.

Seven thousand miles away, Xiangxi met Mahayana late stage cultivator from Youting, and the opponent also made a direct move, not giving Lin Chen a chance.

"So, we can only go east..."

After figuring out the initial safe route, Lin Chen instructed the system: "Go slowly this time, carefully check if there is a submission point nearby."

What is the specific submission point, Lin Chen is not clear.

Ever since he entered the world of mountains and seas, Lin Chen felt that his Divine Sense would be suppressed by the world just like in the atrium, and fully unfolded, with a range of only three or four hundred miles.

If you fly straight at extreme speed, with this Divine Sense range, you may not be able to find the submission point.

"Good host."

The simulation starts again.

[You choose to fly eastward at a slow speed, the Divine Sense is unfolded, and the location of the submission point is searched carpet-like. 】

[Half a day later, two thousand miles away, a late stage Mengji ancient beast sensed your Divine Sense and launched a surprise attack on you. 】

[The speed of the Mengji Ancient Beast is astonishing, and the Talent Bloodline is extremely powerful. But it is not your opponent, it was slapped to death by you. 】

[You get a piece of Apocalypse Monster core, and a piece of refining material "Bone of Meng Ji". 】

[Keep going, and three days later, you will find a "prestige exchange point" at the junction of the snow-capped mountains and the grasslands at the 15,000-mile east-by-north flight. 】

[Among them, you learned that prestige can be used to exchange many items, such as the broken page of the mountain and sea boundary map, the specific location of the submission point, the hiding location of Taofa Five Elements, etc. 】

[But unfortunately, your current prestige value is too low to be exchanged for valuable items. 】

[Three days have passed, you failed to enter the top 1,000 in points ranking, and you were forced to leave. 】

[This simulation is over. 】

[Revenue extraction in progress...]

Repeatedly studying the extracted information, Lin Chen fell into deep thought.

The eastward route, at present, is temporarily safe.

But the slow detection, three days, can not find points submission point.


In the process, he accidentally learned the location of a prestige exchange point.

And prestige can be exchanged for maps and some treasure information!

"in this case……"

Go to that prestige exchange point?


"No!" Lin Chen shook his head, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"The prestige is not enough, and the past is useless."

"You should still go to Dong Chuan according to the original route!"

As long as he finds Dong Chuan and relies on him to gain a lot of prestige, then Lin Chen can use the simulation to get the benefits of prestige exchange, and there is no need to actually spend prestige to exchange.

Thus, Lin Chen determined a preliminary action plan.

Directly to the east, looking for Dong Chuan!

To be on the safe side, Lin Chen simulated it a few more times.

Along the way, he discovers the hiding place of two other Apocalypse Demonic Beasts.

The Apocalypse Realm is comparable to the Self Union Realm. Demonic Beasts of this strength, no matter how strong Talent Bloodline is, cannot be Lin Chen's opponent...

The plan is set.

Lin Chen didn't delay any longer and set off to leave.


"Lin Chen Jiezi has finally acted!" Seeing this scene, the cultivators in the human and military circles cheered up.

Because during the blessing of Spiritual Qi, the flow rate of time in the world of human and martial arts is different, so many cultivators watched Lin Chen’s treasure hunting in the mountains and seas in order to get stronger blessings. They all gathered from the four regions to the sea of ​​chaos.

At this moment, the area around the central island is densely packed with sea ships, and the sky is full of airships. Even in the sea water, there are cultivators with Magic power shields lurking one after another.

The scene is so lively...


According to the plan, Lin Chen first came to the place where the ancient beast Mengji haunted, two thousand miles away.


The ancient beast Meng Ji was dozing on a flat big Qingshi, its tail wagging leisurely.

The ancient beast Mengji is a creature similar to a snow leopard, with beautiful fur, but it has a strange appearance, with an owl-like beak.

This is a rare and powerful ancient Demonic Beasts, long extinct from other worlds.

Lin Chen restrained his breath, controlled the Samsara sword plate, and quietly flew over the ancient beast Mengji.

Stretch out your right hand, the Magic power condenses.

Aim at the ancient beast Mengji and press down.


Meng Ji was crushed into meatloaf...

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