Immortal Cultivation Simulation: Tongtian Sword Master

Chapter 115 Xia Yu Joins The Team And Perfects The Rules

The disabled boy with wild eyes in front of him was the "former young owner of Baishou Villa" that Lin Chen had met at the gate of Baibao Pavilion before.

I still remember that at that time, Lin Chen bought ten treasures to improve his aptitude in his hands.

Unexpectedly, he would show up here at this moment, appearing as a hired guide.

Moreover, looking at it now, this young man's appearance is somewhat Fractionated Divinity similar to that of "Xia Sheng", the young owner of Beast Villa that Lin Chen met in the first round of the Eight Wilderness Club.

I don't know what the relationship between these two is.

"Mr. Lin, do you want to hire this child?"

Beside him, Huangfuyuan couldn't help asking, and cast a disgusted look at the disabled boy.

In her opinion, the boy was too young, physically disabled, and had limited mobility.

Hiring this person is not much different from hiring the deaf old man just now, it is better not to hire him.

"What... are your specialties?"

Lin Chen looked at the disabled boy and asked.

His opinion is similar to Huangfuyuan's. This time, the Eight Desolation Fair has a lot to do with every choice.

Unless this boy was really capable, Lin Chen couldn't possibly recruit him into his gang.

"I... I have the ability to find Demonic Beasts! I..."

"After entering the forest from here, go westward and go straight for fifteen miles, and there will be an early-stage Demonic Beasts!"

"Follow this direction, go straight for thirteen miles, and there will be two middle stage Demonic Beasts!"

Although the disabled boy has a high profile and is unwilling to beg for help, he seems to be more eager to join the team and quickly show his ability to prove himself.

"Tsk tsk, who knows if such a statement is true?" Huangfuyuan shook her head and smiled.

"What I said is real!"

"It must be true! I'm not lying!" The disabled boy immediately blushed when he was questioned, and clenched his fists tightly. His knuckles turned white due to too much force.

Lin Chen didn't make a sound.

Instead, use the simple simulation ability.


[After entering the forest, you go straight west for fifteen miles and find a pre-transfiguration Demonic Beasts thundercloud bear. 】

the second time.

[After entering the forest, you go straight for thirteen miles along the direction slightly north of the west, and you find two middle stage Demonic Beasts, Flaming Tigers. 】

The result of the simple simulation is exactly the same as what the boy said!

"Okay! It's you!"

Lin Chen decided.

Such a powerful Demonic Beasts detection ability shows that this disabled boy is absolutely extraordinary.

Although Lin Chen has a simple simulation, it is too blind to look for Demonic Beasts in the Hengyun Mountains that are nearly a thousand miles away.

In addition, there is a limit on the number of times of use per day for simple simulation.

Lin Chen felt that it was necessary to hire this young man.

"What's your name? Let's... talk about the reward." Lin Chen looked at the boy and asked.

"My name is Xia Yu. I... don't want to be paid!" the boy said.

"Then what do you want?"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Nothing is free in this world.

If a person tells you that you don't want to be paid without being related to you, he must have a greater purpose beyond the reward itself.

"I..." Xia Yu fell silent.

He seemed a little speechless about his real purpose.

But his gaze subconsciously looked at Own's broken limbs.

"This young man, is he trying to gain a chance to enter the Chalcedony Pond?"

Lin Chen seemed to realize something.

The chalcedony pool is very mysterious, it can restore sight to blind eyes and regenerate broken limbs.

This Xia Yu is trapped by a physical disability, and its real purpose is most likely the Chalcedony Pond.

"If you want to cure your disability, it's not a difficult thing to say, just say it."

"I can promise you that if you can really help me win the top spot in the second round, I will help you send a request to Baicao Pavilion."

"As for whether Baicao Pavilion will agree or not, then I can't guarantee it." Lin Chen said directly.


Xia Yu's expression was startled, obviously he didn't expect that Lin Chen could see through his thoughts.

"Okay! As long as you speak for me, even if I get rejected, I won't regret it!"

"Also, thank you... thank you..."

After Xia Yu expressed her attitude, she blushed and thanked Lin Chen as if she was not used to it.

"Let's go."

Lin Chen took the lead and walked towards the forest entrance ahead.

Xia Yu hastily leaned on a cane and limped to keep up.

"Tch, this brat is really whimsical, and wants to enter the Chalcedony Pond?"

"Hey, it's okay, when the Lord shows up, he will know what terror is."

Huangfuyuan watched with cold eyes, did not stop Lin Chen, but sneered in her heart.


After entering the forest.

Lin Chen saw that Xia Yu's movement was inconvenient and his speed was seriously affected, so he had to recruit a black bear mount from the demon-suppressing picture and let Xia Yu ride it.

Together with Huangfuyuan, he rode a ghost wolf.

Afterwards, the three of them headed west by north, looking for the two flame tigers thirteen miles away.

On the way, Huangfuyuan couldn't bear to miss such a good opportunity to ride together, so she immediately showed her true nature and teased Lin Chen.

It made Lin Chen upset.

Secretly thinking about whether to kill her incarnation quickly.

Fortunately, Thirteen Li is not far away.

Not long after, the three of them came to the place where the Flame Tiger was. In a forest glade surrounded by dead trees, two tiger-shaped Demonic Beasts with bright fur, red body, and burning flames on their foreheads were sleeping on their stomachs. .

Lin Chen didn't talk nonsense, and took out a Daobao long sword from the Qiankun bag.

The simplest move of True Essence Slash was launched, and Sword Qi directly split open the two Flame Tigers, their internal organs spilled out on the ground.

Metamorphosis middle stage Demonic Beasts, equivalent to Nascent Soul middle stage human cultivator.

They are naturally not Lin Chen's all-in-one enemy.

After killing the Fire Tiger, Lin Chen got two Monster cores.

At this moment, Lin Chen took out a very spiritual scroll from his bosom, and slowly unfolded it.

This scroll is issued by the organizer, and each cultivator participating in the second round of the Eight Desolation Society will have one.

Its function is similar to the previous Magic Treasures jade badge, which can show the ranking of the participants.

At the same time, the scroll has several more powerful functions.

The first extra function is the map.

In the center of the scroll is a map of the entire Hengyun Mountain Range. Through a flashing blue dot on the map, Lin Chen can see own location.

On the map, there are also several very eye-catching golden and red light spots scattered.

This represents danger!

The golden light spot corresponds to a Demonic Beasts in the middle stage of the gods, whose strength is equivalent to the human cultivator in the middle stage of Divine Transformation.

The red light spot corresponds to a psychic late stage Demonic Beasts, whose strength is equivalent to that of a human cultivator Divine Transformation late stage!

These two Demonic Beasts are too powerful for the cultivator participating in the second round, and the light dots are intended to remind everyone not to approach.

Except for the first map function.

The scroll also has a second function, storage space.

In order to prevent people with bad intentions from plundering other people's achievements, participants can immediately store Daobao, Monster core, and Lingzhi in the storage space of the scroll after they get them.

Once deposited, the points will increase.

in addition.

The entire Hengyun Mountain Range has long been set up by the organizers to investigate and only recognize newly collected Daobao or hunted Demonic Beasts.

Prevent people from cheating by stockpiling supplies in advance.

It is not difficult to see that the entire process of the Eight Desolation Society has been perfected, and there are basically no loopholes that can be exploited.

Lin Chen put two Monster cores into the scroll.

One point is ten points, two points are twenty points, but Lin Chen's points have become thirty points.

"Huh?" Lin Chen frowned.

Stare at the row of small characters next to the points for explanation.

"Participants in a team will receive an additional 50% bonus points."

Because of teaming up with Huangfuyuan, the 20 points increased by 50% to 30 points.


Lin Chen was speechless for a moment.

It turns out that teaming up with the opposite sex has this additional benefit!

"Damn it! It doesn't seem to be mentioned in the previous information about the Bloody Clothes Building. Could it be that I missed it?"

"In this case, I don't seem to be able to kill Huangfuyuan right away..."

And at this moment.

Xia Yu said: "Lin Chen, the Demonic Beasts in the early stage of transformation just fifteen miles away was killed first. You move faster. At this speed, you can't get the top spot in the second round."

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