Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 108 Clearing Up The Cause And Effect Of The Year, Killing The Holy Lord Of The Great Sun Wit


On the other side, the Great Sun Cosmos Furnace trembled violently, its body swaying like a shooting star as it crashed towards the outer domain.

Terrifying fluctuations surged, destroying countless spaces along the way, shattering the void like layers of broken mirrors.

Countless temporal storms swept through, capable of disrupting the entire universe and destroying the heavens and earth.


In an instant, who knows how many star seas were destroyed, and countless stars burst open like fireworks.

Such a terrifying momentum alarmed the various divine realms, attracting the attention of numerous powerful beings.

Each one was shocked.

This terrifying power is like the arrival of a Supreme, could it be that a Supreme is fighting?

"To actually slap away a Supreme soldier barehanded?!"

In this world, whether it was the united forces of the three races or the Luo Shen Clan, the Great Saints, and even several Quasi-Emperors, all of them were dumbfounded at this moment.

They watched in shock.

Everyone's mind went blank, trembling in their hearts, almost unable to catch their breath.

Is this a Supreme?

"It's... really you!"

At the same time, the Great Sun Holy Lord's expression was shocked. He no longer had the calm and superiority he had before. He couldn't even care about the Great Sun Cosmos Furnace and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Su Changsheng!!!"

His voice resounded through the heavens and earth.


"Su Changsheng, that old ancestor?"

"The number one monster of all ages, known as having the qualifications of an Immortal King? But wasn't he just a Great Saint?"

"Has he achieved Quasi-Emperor?"

In this world, gazes of shock immediately turned towards him, all of them belonging to Great Saints and Quasi-Emperors, their hearts filled with immense shock.

Su Changsheng!

It turns out that the terrifying monster has arrived? And judging from its aura, it has clearly surpassed the Quasi-Emperor level and is almost on par with the Supreme level.

Is this the reincarnation of the ancient Great Emperor, known as the number one monster of all time? At this moment, not only are the strong members of the three races in a panic, even the Great Saint and Quasi-Emperor are feeling uneasy.

A person's reputation casts a shadow like a tree. Su Changsheng's reputation is too loud. Just being the number one monster of all time and the first on the Holy List is enough to shake the Everlasting Heaven Realm and make various forces take notice.

The rumors of the reincarnation of the ancient Great Emperor, as well as his achievements in suppressing the Lord of the Azure, have made his power shake various factions and made many old monsters fear him.

Now, it seems that he has broken through the Quasi-Emperor realm and even defeated Supreme soldiers with his bare hands. They are even more terrified.

As the thoughts of the Great Saints and Quasi-Emperors turned, they already understood that Su Changsheng was unbeatable.

But at this moment, they have no way out. Since they set foot on the battle chariot of the Great Sun Saint Sect, they have been in a fight to the death with the Luoshen Clan.

Now they can only rely on the Great Sun Saint Lord, hoping that with his identity and status, he can confront Su Changsheng and force him to retreat.

At the very least, they can make a safe retreat.

"Long time no see!"

Under the gaze of countless cultivators, Su Changsheng stepped forward, his figure soaring into the sky, reaching a higher position than the Great Sun Saint Lord. His starry robe fluttered, exuding an extraordinary aura, as he looked down upon the Great Sun Saint Lord.

Just like the way the Great Sun Saint Lord looked down on him back then, but now, it's his turn.

"Great Sun Saint Child, it's been thousands of years, and your strength hasn't improved much!"

Su Changsheng looked down at him, his eyes calm and indifferent, his face calm.

To achieve the high-level Quasi-Emperor in thousands of years is already quite impressive. Some Sacred Bodies and young Supremes are not even at this level.

Of course, for top Sacred Bodies, they may be slightly inferior. If it were a true Great Sun Sacred Body, after thousands of years, it would at least be at the peak of Quasi-Emperor, or even Supreme.

Distance from the eternal proof of the Dao, there shouldn't be much difference, but the Great Sun Holy Lord is obviously much inferior.

Obviously, the other party has evolved after birth, with flaws in their origin. They do not possess the flawless Great Sun Sacred Body, and their innate potential is slightly lacking, so they are stuck at the high-level Quasi-Emperor stage.

"Su Changsheng!"

At this moment, the Great Sun Holy Lord also suppressed his shock. Seeing Su Changsheng looking down from above, his face immediately turned gloomy and ugly.

Killing intent surged in his heart.

However, he forcibly suppressed it, maintaining a calm expression and a cold tone as he said, "I never expected that the renowned number one monster of all time would actually protect the Luo God Clan!"

"Since that's the case, I, as the Holy Lord, will give you face and no longer take action against the Luo God Clan!"

He did not mention the events of the past, but instead shifted his cold gaze onto the Luo God Clan.


The Quasi-Emperors and Great Saints of the three clans, including Luo Qing, all breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing these words, feeling a great burden lifted from their hearts.

Retreating is good!

They didn't want to confront Su Changsheng.

"So the crisis is resolved like this?"

Below, within the territory of the Luo God Clan, countless members of the clan were dumbfounded, each one filled with shock.

The imminent extermination of the Luo God Clan, with the terrifying lineup of the three major divine clans and the Great Sun Holy Lord, was actually repelled by Su Changsheng alone?

Is this the power of being ranked first on the Saint Ranking?

"The number one on the Saint Ranking, the number one monster of all time!" Below, Luo Tianheng was also incredibly shocked. He looked at this scene with a dazed expression and murmured to himself.

"Grandfather, are you alright?"

Beside him, Luo Li stepped forward to support him, her eyes filled with worry as she looked at Luo Tianheng, whose face was pale and whose aura was weak.

"Grandfather is fine, thanks to... Lord Changsheng. I can still hold on for another hundred years in this state!"

Luo Tianheng shook his head. When he mentioned Su Changsheng, he hesitated for a moment before using the honorific "Lord".

The strong are respected.

"By the way, how did you manage to invite Lord Changsheng?"

Following that, he asked with some curiosity.

This terrifying existence is impossible to invite even for the current Luoshen Clan.

Luoli and the others are only Great Saints, how can they invite this existence to take action?

"Grandfather... I..."

Hearing this, Luoli's pretty face blushed slightly, and she became a bit hesitant, unable to speak.

With her cold and indifferent personality, she should have been straightforward, but in front of the clan members and her grandfather, she couldn't say it.

The feelings of a young girl, shy in her heart.


Luotian Heng is an extraordinary figure. Seeing Luoli's reaction, his heart thumped and an incredible thought arose in his mind.

But he still couldn't believe it.

"Old ancestor, that senior who has achieved longevity has taken a liking to Luoli, and is preparing to offer the Spirit Ancient Divine Realm and a divine medicine as a betrothal gift. Tsk tsk, my little Luoli is indeed charming!" Just when Luotian Heng couldn't believe it, Ye Xian beside him spoke up, poking Luoli with her elbow and saying with a playful expression.

"That's right, Ancestor, Senior Changsheng has already agreed!"

"We are in the Wan Dao Immortal Alliance..."

Soon, the silver-robed ancestor transmitted the specific details of the journey to Luotian Heng.

"Good, good, good!"

In an instant, Luotian Heng understood the process and couldn't help but inhale sharply, feeling delighted and almost shedding tears.

If Su Changsheng takes action, then not only can the Luoshen Clan eliminate the crisis of annihilation, but there is also hope for a resurgence and a return to its heyday.

This is a great opportunity.

"Liu'er, you have found a good husband, Grandfather is very pleased!"

Luotian Heng laughed.


Luoli's pretty face blushed even more. Saying it in front of so many people, as a young girl, although she had a cold personality, she couldn't bear it.

Although the voices of Luotian Heng and the others were not loud, there were countless cultivators present, and which one of them didn't have a strong cultivation base? This little sound couldn't deceive them at all.

For a moment, countless people were shocked.

The members of the Luoshen Clan couldn't help but feel ecstatic, wanting to shout out loud.

Su Changsheng has actually become the husband of the Luoshen Clan's princess!

This is a great thing!

They, this clan, finally have the opportunity to rise again.

Meanwhile, the powerful individuals of the three clans felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave, especially the Great Saint and Quasi-Emperor level experts, who were even more frightened.

Since Su Changsheng has become the husband of the Luoshen clan, with his personality, how could he not help the Luoshen clan?

Then, how can the three clans resist Su Changsheng?

"Let's go!"

In the sky, the Great Sun Saint Lord heard these words and his face became even darker. He said coldly, "He knows it's impossible to attack the Luoshen clan."

"You can't leave!"

Just at this moment, Su Changsheng's calm voice came, causing the face of the Great Sun Saint Lord to stiffen, and anger surged within him.

"Su Changsheng, do you still want to keep this Lord here? Don't forget, this Lord is the master of the Great Sun Saint Sect and one of the forces of the Primordial Alliance!"

The gaze of the Great Sun Saint Lord swept towards Su Changsheng, a chill rising, and his tone was icy.

"Do you want to kill me?"

The Primordial Alliance, one of the four major hegemonic forces in the Everlasting Heaven Realm.

However, unlike the Everlasting Imperial Court and the Sacred Land of Chaos, the Primordial Alliance is led by the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning and is a coalition of many top Sacred Lands. It does not have a Great Emperor level expert sitting in power.

But they also have many Supremes, two peerless Supremes, plus two Extreme Dao Emperor Weapons. Their momentum is not inferior to that of an Emperor Grade force.

The Great Sun Saint Sect is one of the many top Sacred Lands.

"You talk too much. If I want to kill you, even the Emperor's son would be useless!"

Su Changsheng said indifferently.


Then, Su Changsheng pointed his finger, and boundless power erupted. It was like a Supreme pointing, with countless rules swirling around, instantly filling the heavens and earth, suppressing towards the Great Sun Saint Lord.

"Su Changsheng, you are too arrogant!"

The Great Sun Saint Lord was furious. He didn't expect Su Changsheng to be so domineering. Immediately, he let out a long roar, and an immeasurable divine might erupted as his thoughts moved.

In the realm outside the domain, the Great Sun Universe Furnace radiated brilliant and boundless divine light, instantly appearing above the head of the Great Sun Saint Lord. Terrifying Supreme power burst forth.

Billions of divine rays shone like countless suns exploding together, and the scorching divine flames surged. A terrifying and incomparable Great Sun Golden Crow, far surpassing its previous form, rushed out and filled the sky.

Its terrifying momentum is almost comparable to Supreme.

The Supreme weapon itself is comparable to half of Supreme. Once it is fully unleashed, it can almost erupt with the power of Supreme.


The divine fire surged, with boundless power swirling around. The Great Sun Universe Furnace, along with the Golden Crow, pressed forward to meet Su Changsheng's finger, causing a deafening explosion.

The Great Sun and Golden Crow were instantly annihilated, and the entire Great Sun Universe Furnace was pierced by a finger. Black and white energies circulated within, representing the power of the two major systems of immortals and demons.


The Great Sun Sovereign was immediately heavily injured, as the remaining force of the finger pierced through him. The rules of the two different systems instantly shattered him.

Even the Quasi-Emperor's physical body and Primordial Spirit couldn't withstand it.

"How is this possible?!"

The Great Sun Sovereign was extremely shocked.

This time, he exerted all his strength, almost unleashing the full power of the Great Sun Universe Furnace. Even if it were Supreme, it would not be possible to easily inflict such heavy injuries on him.

Could it be that Su Changsheng really possesses the strength comparable to Supreme?


Just as the Great Sun Sovereign was shocked, Su Changsheng remained calm as he made his move again.

With one step, he traversed countless time and space, surrounded by countless fragments of time. In an instant, he arrived in front of the Great Sun Sovereign and slapped down his palm. The Great Sun Sovereign was filled with fear as he exerted all his strength to resist.

However, with one palm, everything crumbled like fragile porcelain, and his entire body instantly shattered, exploding into a mist of blood.

"How is this possible!"

In that instant, the only thought in the Great Sun Sovereign's mind was disbelief.

He was a high-level Quasi-Emperor, even at the peak of Quasi-Emperor, it would be impossible to easily defeat him, let alone shatter his body with a single palm.


Within the shattered body, the sky was filled with swirling blood mist, countless gods and order were in chaos, and the divine power of the Quasi-Emperor surged. Among them, a brilliant Primordial Spirit rushed out.

It was the Primordial Spirit of the Great Sun Sovereign, although damaged, it still possessed immense power. At this moment, it was filled with fear and wanted to escape.


Above the sky, pierced by a finger, the Great Sun Universe Furnace flew out horizontally, with boundless pressure descending, and chaotic energy surging out, trying to protect the Great Sun Holy Lord.

Su Changsheng remained calm. He pressed his hand down, like a palm from the heavens, or a mountain formed by five fingers, surging with black and white divine power, suppressing the universe furnace within "ten palms".


The Great Sun Universe Furnace trembled incessantly, but it was ultimately not activated by a Supreme, unable to compare to a true Supreme. How could it contend with Su Changsheng?

It must be known that Su Changsheng's current strength is truly comparable to that of a Supreme.

When the ancient Great Emperors do not appear, they can roam freely in the world. Even the peerless Supremes can contend against and suppress the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron.

Su Changsheng's gaze shifted as he suppressed the universe furnace with a palm, then looked at the Great Sun Holy Lord's Primordial Spirit.

Immediately, he raised his hand, and a fair and large hand grabbed towards it. Countless divine lights and billions of Quasi-Emperor divine laws revolved around it, covering countless time, space, and worlds.


A power comparable to a Supreme surged forth, causing this heaven and earth, and even dozens of divine realms, to tremble. Countless rules of heaven and earth and divine chains quivered and wailed, all suppressed by this grand divine might.

"Ancestor, save me!"

The Great Sun Holy Lord's Primordial Spirit was filled with extreme fear. He resisted with all his might, his Primordial Spirit resembling a great sun. But under this power, he was like an ant, immediately shouting.


Almost in an instant, the void shattered, and a golden hand also reached out, emanating the might of a Supreme.

"Fellow Daoist, please show mercy!"

An old voice came, belonging to the Supreme of the Great Sun Saint Sect.

Although the divine realm ruled by the Great Sun Saint Sect was a distance away from the Ling Ancient Divine Realm, separated by tens of divine realms, for a Supreme, this distance was as if it were right in front of them, easily crossed with a flick of a finger.


Su Changsheng's expression turned cold. The large hand pressed down and collided with it, causing this heaven and earth to seem as if it would be destroyed, various terrifying divine might surging forth.

The overwhelming divine might swept through, and if it surged out, this divine realm might be directly shattered.

Seeing this, Su Changsheng frowned.

His other hand reached out, slashing through the void. Space collapsed, revealing a vast and boundless expanse of space, where all fluctuations were drawn in and disappeared into that space.

Everything eventually dissipates.


The Primordial Spirit of the Great Sun Saint Lord was overjoyed. He shouted out and rushed towards the broken void.

Within it, an immeasurable divine light surged, vaguely revealing a vast golden divine kingdom.

The sun hung in the sky, illuminating countless dimensions. A majestic figure sat cross-legged, exuding chaotic light, extremely terrifying.

"Fellow Daoist, give this old man some face and spare this rebel!"

The figure, resembling the king of all gods, spoke. Although his voice was old, it contained a terrifying power.

The Supreme of the Great Sun Saint Sect!

This scene shocked countless cultivators in this world. No one expected that the battle of the Luo Shen Clan would actually attract a Supreme.

Could it be that a Supreme battle is about to erupt today?


The Great Sun Universe Furnace erupted with divine power once again, far surpassing before. Under the control of that Supreme, it seemed to overshadow everything.

"If you dare to make a move, this seat will kill the Great Sun Saint Sect and destroy your sect, suppressing you, Supreme!"

Seeing this, Su Changsheng's eyes turned cold. He raised his hand and immediately held the terrifying Great Sun Universe Furnace, rendering it immobile with just a grasp.

Then, Su Changsheng's other hand covered it. This time, he used the power of the Nine Secrets, his divine power skyrocketing. In an instant, he crossed through time and space, grabbing hold of the Primordial Spirit of the Great Sun Saint Lord.

"Great Sun Saint Child, the cause and effect from back then should be settled now!"

Su Changsheng said indifferently.


In the next moment, in the horrified eyes of the Great Sun Saint Lord, with just a pinch, he was crushed into powder.


Seeing this, the figure of the king of all gods became furious. Su Changsheng's speed was too fast, and he couldn't stop it. At this moment, his tone was icy, and the terrifying Supreme power surged.


However, an even more terrifying Emperor's might erupted.


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