Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 11 Chapter 124: Lynch Past

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Lin Feng actually really wanted to see these seniors of the barbarian tribe, and asked him about some of the predecessors of the Savage, maybe these people also knew the whereabouts of the ancestor Lin Qi. Let's go to meet some high-ranking members of your family! ".

Immediately Lin Feng and others followed the force to fly towards the depths.

The mountain forest where the barbarian tribe is located is not simple. Although it may seem ordinary, Lin Feng can feel that there are some extremely concealed formation bans in many places, and the power of these formation bans is not simple. The power of some formation bans is even more powerful than many lore formations.

The most important thing is that these formations are prohibited and can form a linkage.

When these formation bans form a special linkage, these formation bans can form extremely powerful resonances.

This kind of resonance is extremely simple. Once the resonance is formed, the power of these formation bans will appear.

At that time, the power of these formation bans would explode several times or even ten times. It is conceivable that once such a situation occurs, how many people will be successful in the monks trapped in the formation ban. How to resolve the prohibition of these formations?

This is not an easy task.

Therefore, the place of the barbarian tribe is really not simple. Do n’t underestimate the situation of the barbarian tribe. If you dare to underestimate the situation of this place, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

Of course, now Lin Feng does not need to consider these issues, because Lin Feng is a guest of the barbarian tribe.

As a guest here, why is he thinking about so many things?

Soon Lin Feng came to the place where the barbarian tribes were. From a distance, they could see the dense stone houses, where the barbarian tribes lived. Lin Feng still knew some of the traditions of the barbarian tribes. Many people like to live in stone houses or caves instead of living in other places.

As for why there is such a hobby.

It can only be said that every race has the habits of every race.

This is the life habits of the barbarian tribe.

Brute force made people arrange for the poison ancestors and others to take a rest. He took Lin Feng towards the barbarian tribe. There are probably few outsiders coming from the barbarian tribe, so many people gathered around to watch this group of foreign monks, some The people of the barbarian tribe whispered about who these foreign monks were, even with the young master?

Lin Feng followed Mandali to the depth of the barbarian tribe. This place has a relatively large stone house. Lin Feng and Mandali entered the stone house. After entering the stone house, Lin Feng saw six or seven people sitting in the stone house. The old man, and two middle-aged men.

"Dad, this is Brother Lin Fenglin!"

Very vigorously pointed to Lin Feng introduced.

Mandali's father is also extremely tall and burly, and Kong Wu is powerful. It seems that Mandali's strong physique is inherited from his father.

"Senior is good!" Lin Feng said voluntarily.

Although in terms of strength, Lin Feng's strength is likely to be stronger than that of his vigorous father, but in many cases, human relations are not measured by strength.

It's about friendship, and sentiment to measure these.

Therefore, when the two sides formed this relationship, Lin Feng and Mandali met each other in the same age, so it is natural to call Mandali's father as his predecessor, naturally there is no problem.

The strong father said with a smile, "I have long been fascinated by the Lord Lin Ge. We finally met. The Lord Lin Ge was young, but he defeated the pioneers' evil thoughts and won the champion of Santa Bidou. It is a hero. Out of the boy! ".

The rest of them nodded with a smile, and one said, "Lord Pavilion Master is indeed powerful. The future is boundless. Perhaps it will lead an era!".

Lin Feng said, "Your predecessors have punished the juniors!".

The vigorous father said with a smile, "I will say that the sentences are all heartfelt words, even in the era of epoch history, at the age of the Lord Lin, the people who have achieved these achievements of the Lord Lin are all very good. Counting, and every person so extraordinary, will eventually create a great achievement! "

Lin Feng said, "Things like Qian Qiu Gongye have never been thought about. In fact, the wish is very simple. I hope this world ... can become a peaceful world, and all ethnic groups can live together peacefully, without fighting, everyone can live and work in peace!" .

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several people couldn't help but feel slightly moved. They naturally wouldn't feel that Lin Feng said these words here, but just wanted to set off how noble they are. This should be Lin Feng's heartfelt words.

Many high-ranking people of the barbarian tribe actually understand many things about Lin Feng. After hearing Lin Feng's remarks, they couldn't help but feel some emotion.

No wonder Lin Feng was able to do so many earth-shattering events at such a young age, and his strength is still so powerful, just look at Lin Feng ’s aspirations to know how big this person ’s pattern is. The seniors of these barbarian tribes naturally know What kind of achievements a person can achieve in the future has a lot to do with this person's pattern, and in their view, Lin Feng's pattern is extremely high.

High enough to make them all moved.

An elder said, "I hope that Lord Lin ’s wish can be realized in the future, but ah, this world is far more cruel than imagined!".

"Yeah, this world is really cruel!"

Lin Feng nodded involuntarily, and couldn't help feeling. In this world, there are too many things that make people feel helpless. To achieve some ideals, some revenge is not as simple as imagined.

The difficulties facing Lin Feng today are unimaginable.

Lin Feng withdrew his mind and said, "I heard Dali talked about senior savages before. A few years ago, senior savages came to the clan and spent some time in the clan. Presumably, the predecessors should know my ancestor Lin Qi Some of the things, senior savages were with my ancestor Lynch back then. When we were separated last time, he told me that he was going to look for clues to ancestor lynch, and then I had no news about the sage ancestors, no I know that you seniors can tell me some things about senior savages? ".

Very strong father said, "In fact, what he really said, when he first came over, he came here because of some blood, we have the same blood!".

Lin Feng nodded his head, he already knew this before, that is to say, the savage senior had the blood of the Wu people, but the blood blood of the Wu people in his body accounted for the proportion of his own blood. Lin Feng is not particularly clear. It ’s estimated that there should be a lot. After all, this savage predecessor is indeed very powerful. It ’s very unpredictable, and the ordinary blood may be difficult to make him so powerful, but the Wu blood is obviously not. Any problem, because the blood of the Wu people is too old and too mysterious.

"Later, after we talked a lot, we learned a lot of things, such as many things that happened in the past, such as his previous identity, such as the Lynch he followed, etc. Even if we were, it was very important for Lynch. I admire that in the past he came to the wasteland world, alone, without any backing, but it caused a torrential wave in the wasteland world, and countless ancient tribes could only succumb! So even if many years have passed, if some The senior people of the ancient tribe mentioned Lynch, and they were definitely impressed, and they were extremely bad impressions! ".

Hearing this, Lin Feng's heart could not help moving slightly, it seems that many unknown things must have happened that year, just take this opportunity to ask.

Lin Feng asked, "According to my understanding, my ancestor, Lynch, is not that kind of over-characteristic character. Why did it have a big conflict with many ancient races in the past?".

"Because of interest ...", the vigorous father's lips sneered.

He said, "Human nature is greedy, especially those powerful monks, forces, more greedy, because they are strong enough, so they take it for granted that many good things should belong to them!".

"Your ancestor, Lynch, has something that is enough to make those ancient races thrill. He is alone and has no backing. Who do those forces not bully him?".

"Many people think he is easy to deal with, but they don't understand this person at all. That is the person they think is easy to deal with. Many ancient tribes killed are trembling and many ancient tribes have to take the initiative to sum!".

"Your ancestors are not particularly murderous people, so he decided to give many ancient people a chance. He let go of many ancient people, but he looted the treasures and wealth accumulated by many ancient people in endless years and made many ancient people The clan became destitute, and even the things needed for its own operation could not be brought out! ".

It is said that Lin Feng's mouth has a smile, which makes Lin Feng like it, and can spare those forces, but it can't make them so comfortable, the price should still be paid, otherwise, it is not cheap Those forces?

Obviously ...

Taking away the wealth accumulated by those forces is the best punishment for those forces.

The vigorous father said, "When your ancestor Lynch came to the wasteland, the savages seemed to be performing a mission outside, so they were not with your ancestors. After the endless turmoil in the wasteland, your ancestors Lynch, planning to leave the wasteland world! Because he got something, that thing, revealed some secrets, but there are still many other secrets hidden, he wants to reveal all the secrets one by one ! He had to leave the wasteland world and go to another place! ".

Lin Feng asked in surprise, "Another place? What is that place?".


ps: Brothers, everyone remember to collect the new book "Confucianism is on the top" of old buns.

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