Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 10 Chapter 35: Scary mysterious fragments!

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There are always some things in the world. The truth behind them is enough to shock the world. For example, the secrets that Lin Feng has come into contact with today, even though Lin Feng is a person with a lot of knowledge, but today's things still give him an incredible feel.

If the Supreme Court and the Gate of Eternal Life are really as the pioneers guessed, then what role has the Supreme Court and the Gate of Eternal Life played in the long years?

This made Lin Feng extremely puzzled. These things rely on his own guesses, obviously there is no way to guess them.

Now Lin Feng can only take one step at a time, and this is also something that cannot be done. In addition, Lin Feng must also be alert to the Supreme Court and the Gate of Eternal Life when he comes into contact with the Supreme Court and the Gate of Eternal Life in the future. It is also helpless.

Lin Feng looked at Ancient Osho Emperor and said, "The ancient Osho emperor, the content written above is very involved, this matter can not be circulated, if it is circulated, it will inevitably cause panic outside, so I think you should know how to go about this matter deal with".

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Sauron was extremely shocked, because he could not see what was written on the rice paper.

But this great creator is so shocked and cautious, which is enough to explain too many problems.

So Sauron was extremely curious, and did not know what exactly was on the rice paper.

But Sauron also knew that this is not the time to ask about this matter.

Although this great creator does not allow the ancient Osho emperor to circulate this matter, he is, after all, one of the parties involved, and in Sauron's view, he belongs to this creator.

Therefore, he knew that there should be no problem with this matter. After leaving from here, he would visit the ancient Emperor Osho and ask about the specific things of the ancient Emperor Osho.

Emperor Osho said, "Master, rest assured, I will definitely keep my mouth shut."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Well, I hope you can remember what you said today!".

Lin Feng immediately looked at Sauron and asked, "Sauron, how has your Xiaoyao Tiangong practiced during this time?".

Speaking of Xiaoyao Tiangong, Sauron's face suddenly appeared.

Because Xiaoyao Tiangong can help monks improve their breakthrough success rate.

Although Sauron's time for practicing Xiaoyao Tiangong is not particularly long.

However, in terms of Sauron's current strength, it only takes a period of practice to realize whether Lin Feng's description of Xiaoyao Tiangong is exaggerated.

Obviously, Xiaoyao Tiangong made Sauron extremely satisfied.

Sauron said, "Looking back to Master, during this time I have been working hard to practice Xiaoyao Tiangong. Now, Xiaoyao Tiangong has been cultivated by me to Dacheng Realm, and I hope to be able to practice Xiaoyao Tiangong to a complete and even great perfection state as soon as possible" .

Lin Feng was a little surprised. In such a short period of time, he even practiced Xiaoyao Tiangong to the state of Dacheng. Sauron was really powerful enough.

However, if you think about it carefully, Sauron's ability is justified. After all, how to say, Sauron is also an existence beyond the peak.

The existence of this level, the perception of Tao, is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people, and Sauron has been immersed in this realm for many years. How to practice exercises, magical powers, and certainly has his own experience.

Therefore, it is quite normal for Sauron to be able to cultivate the Xiaoyao Tiangong to the state of Dacheng within a short period of time.

On the side of the ancient Osho emperor was extremely puzzled, he did not know what kind of practice of Lin Yao and Sauron said, the Xiaoyao Tiangong, he wanted to ask, but in front of a strong creator level, he was afraid to create Second, he endured curiosity without asking.

It seems to be the same when I ask the ancient Osho.

Lin Feng said, "Then continue to work hard! Let's talk here today! If I have time next time, I will summon them with Sophia!".

"Sincerely give my lord". Sauron said quickly.

The ancient Emperor Osho also said, "Give your respect to the Lord".

Immediately, Lin Feng disappeared.

The ancient Osho and Sauron were also sent out.


Back in the real world, Lin Feng frowned slightly. He was thinking about the information he just got. The information he got today really shocked and moved Lin Feng, but life still needs to continue. Worrying is useless. Lin Feng Soon he adjusted his emotions.

Lin Feng took out the mysterious fragment that he had obtained earlier. This fragment was exactly the same as the material used to forge the mysterious iron box, and the mysterious iron box was the treasure that made the pioneers feel bad about it.

Lin Feng studied the fragment carefully. What runes on the dense runes above made him very curious.

Those runes Lin Feng had never seen before, he had a communication with the demon king and asked if the demon king had seen the mysterious runes on the debris, but even the demon king had never seen these mysterious runes.

These mysterious runes are indeed very strange.

Lin Feng tried to sense the mysterious runes on the fragments with Shen Nian, but when Lin Feng used the Shen Nian to sense, the terrible things happened suddenly, Lin Feng seemed to be torn by a terrible divine power.

There is no sign.

He felt a sharp pain in his head.

This kind of feeling is very painful, so Lin Feng has a feeling of unbearable pain.

It must have been a ghost.

Lin Feng tried to take back his mind, but Lin Feng discovered that his mind could not be recovered. He seemed to be completely locked in this fragment.

No matter how struggling, I can't struggle. This situation makes Lin Feng's face extremely difficult to look at. This fragment is too weird?

And it's too ugly.

Lin Feng quickly ran the land pressure stargazing chart to counter the influence of this fragment on his own spiritual world.

However, the land pressure stargazing chart could not help Lin Feng to turn the danger into danger.

But Lin Feng can multitask.

In addition to the operation of the land pressure stargazing chart, Lin Feng also displayed the magical power of splitting the gods.

With the help of the land pressure stargazing chart and the God of Splitting God, this incomparable pain gradually disappeared.

Lin Feng finally recovered.

He looked solemnly at this mysterious fragment.

Lin Feng was extremely puzzled.

What secret is hidden in this mysterious fragment?

It's so terrible?

"Maybe you can take out the mysterious iron box and see if there is any special reaction?". Lin Feng couldn't help thinking.

From now on.

Lin Feng summoned the mysterious iron box, but the mysterious iron box did not have any special reaction, which made Lin Feng a little surprised.

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