Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 10 Chapter 1: Leng Zixi, the token, the years of being buried!

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During this time, the outside world is still very busy because of the immortal monument. The major forces are still looking for the immortal monument. * It ’s not true, it ’s unknown.

After Lin Feng rested for a while, he planned to go to the Dragon Pool to see if he had promised the mysterious presence to the Dragon Pool to throw the stone ball into the Dragon Pool.

Whether the Lord of Immortals can return from robbery, this step is the key. After accepting the benefits of others and promising others, Lin Feng will do this. With words, this is the reason why Lin Feng lives on.

So Lin Feng brought the poison ancestor, Xia Donghuang, the prison demon sage, Alonso, and the cursed doll together to the ** domain, and the Dragon Pool is in this domain.

As for the rest of them, they stayed in the Longteng Pavilion, because some people are retreating and practicing, and some people are responsible for some things in the Longteng Pavilion. Lin Feng naturally needs to leave his cronies in the Longteng Pavilion.

This way Lin Feng was more at ease.

If this flying dragon domain. In the wasteland world, it is definitely a well-known domain, because there are still many ancient dragons living in this domain. It is rumored that there are even dragons with the blood of the last samsara dragon living in the Feilong domain.

In the Flying Dragon Domain, it is best to see the Dragon Clan to detour, because the Dragon Clan in the Flying Dragon Domain is mostly evil dragons and demon dragon clan. This type of dragon clan is often not a good generation. If the other party is not good, the other party It is possible to eat you up. I do n’t know how many times this kind of thing happened in the wasteland.

It's just that the Dragon Clan in the Flying Dragon Domain is too strong, so the families of the unlucky monks, the clan, dare not help them to get back their claims.

If you want to reach Feilong Domain, you need to cross the East Emperor Domain first.

The monk army of the Blackhand World behind the escape and the monk army of several major creators were discussed in the territory of the East Emperor.

East Emperor Territory is a very powerful one.

There are many ancient imperial tribes in this domain.

Those emperor tribes have very long inherited years. Among the emperor tribes, they have mastered many fairy magic techniques, mysterious and unpredictable, and ghosts and gods are hard to beat.

Lin Feng after they entered the East Emperor Territory, except for occasional breaks.

I did not intend to stay in this place for too long.

After entering the East Emperor Territory, you need to fly.

Because the East Emperor domain is like other domains, the transmission array is very rare, and basically in a sealed state.

Ten days after entering the Eastern Emperor Territory, Lin Feng and they entered an ancient city to rest in. This ancient city is called 纣 ​​城.

People come and go, it's very lively.

After coming to Zucheng, Lin Feng they wanted to find a place to live first.

Before looking for a place to live, I watched a good show first.

There was a fight between the two parties, and there were thousands of people on each side. The fight was fierce.

Halfway through the fight, both leaders came and stopped the monks on both sides.

The monks on both sides stopped.

"It's that little Niang Pi who is playing ghost ...". One of the headed monks pointed in one direction, and when they looked around, they saw a woman sitting on the railing of the third floor balcony of an inn, who was watching the lively events happening here.

"Catch her."

The leaders of the two monks shouted and hurried towards the woman.

"Have you caught up with Miss Ben?" The woman flicked her lips, jumped out, and landed on the restaurant opposite, a few jumps and disappeared.

After seeing the woman, Lin Feng's face showed a very surprised expression, because the woman was not someone else, turned out to be the little girl Leng Zixi.

Before in the undead world, Lin Feng and Leng Zixi met each other, and many things happened in the middle.

Lin Feng is very clear about the character of Leng Zixi's chick, and the black belly is terrible.

Lin Feng has not been particularly clear about Leng Zixi ’s identity, only knowing that she is a waste monk.

As for Leng Zixi, saying that her family was wiped out by the Qiu family, he escaped from the wasteland world to the undead world. This kind of nonsense Lin Feng never believed, and later Leng Zixi was taken by her father. Also verified Lin Feng's suspicion of Leng Zixi's words.

Before Leng Zixi left, let the poison ancestor tell Lin Feng, if Lin Feng went to the wasteland world, he must find her.

It's just that the ghost knows where Leng Zixi is. After all, the wasteland world is so huge.

Who would have thought that even if you saw Leng Zixi here, could this be the so-called fate?


Leng Zixi landed in an alley, after getting rid of everyone, was planning to leave.


Her expression changed slightly, because she found that there seemed to be a breath behind her. It was so sudden that it made her feel unbelievable.

Leng Zixi wanted to escape from this place, but it was too late.

She just feels!

The other side lightly touched her back, her mana was sealed, her body was imprisoned, and she became immobile.

"Little girl, why do these people chase you?" A rude voice came from behind.

Leng Zixi said, "Those guys are bad guys. Look at me as beautiful as a flower, and want to be against me!"

"Oh, is it as beautiful as a flower? Yes, yes, but you can be a passerby!" The voice behind continued.

"No, no, I'm ugly! If you look for Tongfang maid, go find someone else!" Leng Zixi said quickly.

The voice at the back said, "But I like to find you stinky girl, this is called seeing if you know what you are doing."

The voice in the back fell, and both hands were already on Leng Zixi's shoulders, saying, "Go now!"

"No, forgive me, please." Leng Zixi burst into tears.

The voice behind said, "Oh, it's useless, no one can save you even if you shout your throat!"

"Do you know who I am? The person behind me is enough to scare you! You better let me go quickly, or you will die." Leng Zixi saw the soft one and came directly to the hard one.

The voice behind asked, "Who is the person behind you?"

"Lin Feng knows now? Now the master of the heavens is the person behind me!" Leng Zixi said.

"Lin Feng? It's something I heard, it seems to be the descendant of the ancestor!" The voice behind said.

Leng Zixi hurriedly said, "Yes, it's him. I know I'm afraid. I know I'm afraid and let me go quickly. I won't remember what happened today!"

"Then who are you Lin Feng?" The voice behind asked.

"I am his aunt ...". Leng Zixi said.

"I'm going ... I don't have your aunt, your sister!" The rude voice suddenly turned into Lin Feng's voice.

Lin Feng was almost speechless. The matter has developed to the present, and the fool can also see that Leng Zixi is sure to know that it was his hand.

Leng Zixi said, "Hurry up to unlock my seal!"

Lin Feng unleashed the seal of Leng Zixi and immediately asked, "How did you find me?"

"Don't tell you!" Leng Zixi snorted.

This belly girl is smart and tight!

Finding his identity, Lin Feng is not particularly surprised!

Lin Feng said, "In fact, there is one thing I want to ask you about!"

"whats the matter?". Leng Zixi asked.

"Why did those guys chase you? I feel they are definitely related to you!" Lin Feng said.

Leng Zixi said, "It really has something to do with me. Those two forces are not good things. I saw them killing a dozen monks halfway along, and each received a token from a dozen monks. I stole their tokens. The monks of these two forces certainly did not know that they were stolen by me. They both thought they were stolen by another force, so they got together. "

Lin Feng said, "But in the end, I still know that you did a good job!"

Leng Zixi said, "It is estimated that some special means have come to detect it!"

"What is the token? What makes the monks of those two forces so nervous?". Lin Feng couldn't help asking, very curious, he felt that the two tokens should be extremely simple.

"This is not to say this place, let's find a place without people." Leng Zixi said.

Lin Feng was a little stunned. Leng Zixi, a black-bellied chick, was rarely so cautious. Now Leng Zixi is so cautious. It seems that the two tokens should be extremely simple. Leng Zixi is afraid to expose the two tokens , So this is very cautious.

Lin Feng nodded and asked, "Where do you live?"

"Why?" Leng Zixi looked at Lin Feng with a watchful eye.

Lin Feng said, "Why not, if you have spare rooms in that place, we will stay with you for the time being!"

"There is no spare room, but I can take you there, and then you book a new room there!" Leng Zixi said.

Lin Feng was a little speechless, and this little girl seemed quite defensive.

It's not that I haven't lived together before.

Lin Feng said, "Come on, then take us with you!"

Leng Zixi brought Lin Feng and others to a place called Qiu Fu Inn. Lin Feng rented a small courtyard.

Lin Feng said, "There are enough rooms, you can stay with us! At night, the two of us can talk to each other!"

"The ghost is talking to you!"

Leng Zixi glared at Lin Feng, then pointed to the small courtyard next door, and said, "That's my residence!"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and then said, "Little Niang Pi, do we have to oppose extravagance and waste?"

"Anyway, you are a local tyrant! You are not bad! At checkout, I have to settle my house money together!" Leng Zixi said with a smile, it is not Leng Zixi's character that it is not cheap to occupy!

Lin Feng was a little helpless, but it was not good to have general knowledge with Leng Zixi. After Lin Feng and others entered the courtyard and came to the living room, Lin Feng said, "Take out the two letters!"

Leng Zixi nodded and took out two letters.

Lin Feng discovered that the two tokens taken from Leng Zixi turned out to be two stones, one black stone, and one golden stone.

"what is this?". Lin Feng looked puzzledly at Leng Zixi.

Leng Zixi said, "These two things can have a big history. This golden stone is called Jinyao stone, this black stone is called Hei Tian Shi, Jin Yao Shi and Hei Tian Shi. It does matter, you must know that people like Taishanfujun and others are also strong men who were born in the middle and late stages of the last reincarnation. "

"And the current history ends in the early period of the last reincarnation, because the history before the early period of the last reincarnation was buried for some unknown reason, so no one knows what happened before the early period of the last reincarnation. Such things as going to the **** court are said to be one of the things that have survived, but everything related to that period of burial is extremely amazing, as are Jin Yaoshi and Hei Tian Shi "

Lin Feng was also very surprised to hear the words of Leng Zixi. Lin Feng heard something about the history of the burial.

If these two stones are really related to some secrets of that period of history, it is indeed amazing. Maybe the secrets of the Gate of Eternal Life and the Supreme God Court can be found.

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