Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 61: The pretty Li Yilan, the monk army strikes!

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Lin Feng is now in need of the Dark Saint Worm, because he wants to continue to awaken his bloodline. The blood of destiny has only awakened six times now. As for Lin Feng ’s most mysterious and powerful pioneer bloodline, he only awakened once. How easy is it to continue to awaken your blood?

Especially the pioneer's bloodline is too mysterious. How to awaken the pioneer's bloodline makes Lin Feng very headache.

Of course, there are always some things in this world, full of some magical effects. Once this kind of thing shows its power, it can play an incredible role at that time, such as the dark worm Cordyceps, of course, because this kind of insect creature Some of the attributes, more people like to call this kind of insect creatures as dark monsters, but whether it is called dark monsters or dark holy insects.

These insect creatures have extraordinary abilities.

Lin Feng quickly checked and found only one cordyceps, but failed to find the second cordyceps.

Cordyceps is a special kind of thing, and often belongs to big supplements.


But it is expensive.

Different Cordyceps effects are different, and the process of Cordyceps formation is also different. For example, the Cordyceps formed by the Dark Holy Worm is harsh for many conditions.

Lin Feng did n’t know too much about it. In fact, although the Prison Demon Recognizes that this is Cordyceps formed by the Dark Sacred Insect, he also does not understand what has happened in the process of Cordyceps formation.

But these are not things that Lin Feng cares about. What really makes Lin Feng care is whether they can get more Cordyceps. Lin Feng's bloodline awakening needs this kind of Cordyceps. One Cordyceps is obviously not enough.

Although Lin Feng would like to get many such cordyceps, the reality is too cruel.

He couldn't help but be disappointed. What if a purple sunflower vine was connected to a cordyceps?

Of course Lin Feng also knows that the conditions for the formation of Cordyceps are more demanding, and Lin Feng's idea is not particularly realistic.

Lin Feng looked at Li Qingshan and said, "Qingshan, so good, I bought these things and gave you a total of 100,000 high-level fairy stones!".

"One hundred thousand?" Li Qingshan and others are all stunned.

They are very clear about the value of Wisteria.

It is not easy for these purple sunflowers to sell forty or fifty high-end immortals.

Lin Feng gave so much, obviously it could not be purple sunflower, it should be because of that special kind of cordyceps.

What Cordyceps, so many high-level immortal stones?

Lin Feng said, "Wait tomorrow, you will take me to the place where you picked the wisteria, and then I will give you one hundred thousand high-level fairy stones!".

"no problem!".

Li Qingshan rubbed his hands excitedly.

For them, 200,000 high-level immortal stones are simply astronomical figures, and they can be cultivated for a long time by themselves and their people.

How can you not be excited?

Lin Feng included Zikui Vine in time and space.

As for the root of Cordyceps, it was sealed by Lin Feng. This is to prevent the powerful energy contained in Cordyceps from being lost.

Lin Feng and others immediately went to find accommodation.

There are several inns in the town, and it is not difficult to find accommodation.

Lin Feng and others rented a courtyard in the Beyuan area of ​​an inn. Lin Feng and others lived on the second floor. As for Li Qingshan and others, they lived on the first floor.

Lin Feng promised 100,000 high-level fairy stones to go back to Li Qingshan. The reason why he did not give Li Qingshan outside was because Lin Feng was worried that he would give these high-level fairy stones to Li Qingshan. these people.

This world ... There are many bad guys, so be careful. Otherwise, you may die miserably!

After resting in the residence for more than an hour, Lin Feng and others went out to dinner together.

After a good meal, they went to check the news.

There are also businesses here, so the news is not too difficult to find.

In a business firm, Lin Feng found the news he wanted.

For example, the situation of the royal family behind the hands of the black hand and the monk army of several strong masters.

There are also some situations of local forces.

Now, where are these local forces, and even what masters among these forces, Lin Feng has already made it clear.

After learning the news, the following actions became much more convenient.

Lin Feng and they returned to their place of residence. First, they had a good night's rest. Tomorrow first, they followed Li Qingshan and others to find the place where purple sunflower grows.

After finding Cordyceps, they rushed directly to the top power stations in Tianwenyu.

Perhaps it was because of fear that no more Cordyceps could be found, which made Lin Feng sleepless. Lin Feng went out for a walk, and the environment here is quite good.

The monks who walked were not only Lin Feng, but also some monks who walked, some with friends, some relatives, and some lovers together.

To Lin Feng's surprise, he even saw Li Yixue here.

Li Yixue was surprised when she saw Lin Feng. She snorted and said, "Why are you guys here?".

"I live here," Lin Feng said.

Li Yixue said, "Aren't you a friend of Li Qingshan? I have made an investigation. Then Li Qingshan is just a monk at the bottom. What level of people make friends at what level? As a friend of Li Qingshan, you have the financial resources to live in Beyuan District? ".

Lin Feng couldn't help being a little speechless. Did Li Yixue look down on herself?

Lin Feng said, "I warn you, don't underestimate anyone, otherwise you will easily suffer big losses."

Lin Feng was too lazy to pay attention to the little girl Li Yixue. Although the little girl looked very punctual, Lin Feng didn't touch her.

Now Lin Feng is full of brains to go to the place where purple sunflower grows tomorrow, can he find enough cordyceps?

Bloodline evolution ... depends on these Cordyceps!

How can there be time to take care of Li Yixue?

Lin Feng continued to walk towards the front, Li Yixue chased towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Li Yixue and said, "What are you doing with me?".

Li Yixue said, "I suspect that you guys are not telling the truth, so I want to stare at you to prevent you from stealing things."

"up to you". Lin Feng said.

Li Yixue followed Lin Feng and said, "You are a little weird."

"Why do you say that?" Lin Feng asked.

"Intuition!" Li Yixue said.

Lin Feng glanced at Li Yixue and said, "You are even more weird. In your capacity, you shouldn't live here. What are you doing here?".

Li Yixue said, "I have always lived here because I am the owner of this inn."

Lin Feng said, "So it turns out, you belong to power for personal gain?"

"Who went to you, who used his power for personal gain? An inn just said so seriously!". Li Yixue said dissatisfiedly.

The two came to the pavilion, Li Yixue said, "I think it is not so simple for you to come to the monk gathering area, there must be other purposes!".

Lin Feng said, "It does have other purposes!".

"What purpose?" Li Yixue asked.

Lin Feng said, "Inquire about the specific situation of Tianwenyu".

Li Yixue frowned slightly. She always felt that Lin Feng was a little weird, but she couldn't say it. Now, hearing Lin Feng's inquiry about Tian Wenyu's specific situation makes her more puzzled.

A small person like Lin Feng.

What do you do in the specific situation of Tianwenyu?

"Are you busy?". Li Yixue asked.

Lin Feng said, "Of course not, I am busy!".

"I think you're right when you're idle. Otherwise, what you do is useless, it's a waste of time and a waste of life." Li Yixue pouted.

Lin Feng looked at Li Yixue and said, "The four universes are going to have a big reincarnation. Then the world of waste land may also be hit by a huge impact, and eventually it will be destroyed. It hasn't been many years. So, have you ever been in love? ? "

Li Yixue was a little ignorant.

Great reincarnation, the destruction of the world, the destruction of the universe, does it have anything to do with her?

What is this guy thinking?

The brain circuit is a bit strange!

"I haven't talked about love having anything to do with you? Why should I tell you?". Li Yixue snorted coldly.

Lin Feng said, "That's why I haven't talked about it. It's a pity that such a beautiful girl has never been in love. Didn't you say you should do something more meaningful? I'm reluctant to make it difficult. I can fall in love with you. ".

"Asshole, do you want to die? Even Miss Ben dares to tune-in, Miss Ben will beat you to death!".

The little girl Li Yixue was not good-tempered and immediately ran away.

Then yelled and rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Ha ha ha ha, just kidding, there is no need to be so serious!".

Lin Feng laughed and said.

Before Li Yixue rushed, Lin Feng ran away quickly, making a joke about this little girl, fearing that there would be no good fruit to eat.

"Asshole, don't run!".

Li Yixue quickly chased in the back, an expression of clenched teeth.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "Don't chase, we are not suitable, no matter what you say, I will not promise to be good to you."

Some monks who walked looked at Lin Feng and Li Yixue in amazement, especially after hearing Lin Feng's words, they were all shocked.

Of course they knew who Li Yixue was.


A man not only rejected Li Yixue, he even hated being entangled by Li Yixue.

Is a goddess like Li Yixue looking at you, is it the conviction you have cultivated in your last life?

You actually rejected her.

No reason.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you."

Li Yixue screamed angrily.

Lin Feng returned to his residence, then closed the courtyard door and shut Li Yixue out. Li Yixue had planned to break through the door and finally gave up the idea.

She stomped her feet resentfully.

"You wait, I'm not finished with you." Li Yixue put down a harsh word and left angrily.

Tune—playing a bit about Li Yixue, it still makes people feel physically and mentally happy.

After going back, Lin Feng had a good night's sleep.

The next morning, when it was dawning, a burst of horns suddenly sounded in this monk gathering area.

Hearing the sound of the horn, many monks who were still in deep sleep woke up one after another. Everyone was very puzzled. They didn't know what was going on. The horn sounded outside, which was really strange.

Lin Feng and others got up and came outside.

"what's going on?". Lin Feng wondered.

Drug ancestors and others are also puzzled.

Soon the news spread quickly.

It is said that a monk army led by the royal family of the Black Hand World came here.

This place has been surrounded by this monk army.

This incident immediately caused an uproar and panic in the entire monk gathering area.

"Boom ...".

There was a violent collision outside.

After being impacted, the spatial crystal walls of this space are revealed.

The monk army outside is attacking the space crystal wall of this monk gathering area. They want to break in the space crystal wall.

"It's over, this is dead."

"I don't want to die".

Many people are as pale as paper.

There are also many women whose children's crying is intertwined.

In the face of the elite monk army under the hands of the royal family of the black hands behind the scenes, the monks here really looked vulnerable.

No wonder they are frightened, they are desperate.

"There is a teleportation array in the depths. Master Li Yilan has started the teleportation array. Everyone go to the depths quickly and prepare to take the teleportation array and send them out in batches!".

In the distance a monk shouted loudly.

The dense monks flew quickly into the depths.

Soon, everyone came to the depths.

Lin Feng found that there were almost 200,000 people, old, weak, sick, women, children, children, etc., which are estimated to be the families of many monks.

A monk army is responsible for maintaining order.

Lin Feng saw Li Yixue, and she was maintaining order. In addition, Lin Feng also saw another woman, who looked exactly like Li Yixue.

Also tall and beautiful.

But her temperament is completely different from Li Yixue's temperament.

Li Yixue is the kind of woman who looks cute and charming.

And this woman is frosty.

Obviously this woman should be Li Yilan.

She has endured too many things and it is impossible to be as simple as Li Yixue thought, so she needs to dress herself up with a frosty appearance to make her look stronger and stronger. .

The first batch of people has already boarded the teleportation array!

Teleport activation!


Something that made everyone unacceptable happened.

The teleportation array failed to teleport the monk.

"The surrounding time and space are imprisoned, the teleportation array has lost its effect, and we are completely trapped in this place." A monk cried in horror.

The crowd that had been a little quieter suddenly became riotous again.

And even more terrible!

Many cracks have appeared in the space crystal wall of this space.

The number of monk troops outside is large and powerful.

It won't matter if you can't find this space.

Now that this space has been discovered, it is not difficult to break the space crystal wall of this space.

Click, click!

The sound of cracking came out.

The space crystal wall of this space is getting more and more damaged.

The space crystal wall at the entrance was destroyed first.

A large number of monk troops quickly came to the depths of this space.

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