Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6633: Against the sky! Snatch Xuanjin Tianguo!

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The place of burying Emperor Yuan is too dangerous. There are many monks who ventured into it in recent years, but few monks who can live out.

In fact, if the strength is not so strong, perhaps the degree of danger of such places as Burial Emperor Yuan is not particularly well understood. Is n’t it called ignorance fearless?

This is probably what it means.

The more powerful the monk, the more he can understand the horror of the place where Diyuanyuan was buried. This place is definitely the kind of place that eats people and does not spit bones.

Now that Su Yuexi and others are coming, Lin Feng is not clear about the purpose, but one thing Lin Feng is very clear. That is, what Su Yuexi and others are seeking is absolutely amazing. What are they seeking?

This caused Lin Feng's curiosity, didn't many people like to do the mantis catching the cicada's cardinal?

Now Lin Feng also wants to do such a thing, hoping to succeed.

If it fails.

It was no problem to be discovered by Su Yuexi, the descendants of Taishan Prefecture, the ghost sword and others.

Although there are a lot of strong people on their side, especially the ghost sword, the terrifying existence of the monarchs of Taishan Prefecture, but how about this?

Lin Feng holds the door of mind, even if it is not an opponent of these people, with the help of the magic weapon of the door of mind, it is not difficult to get rid of these monks.

When Lin Feng came here, they did not see Su Yuexi, the monarchs of Taishan Prefecture, ghost swords and other people. They should have entered the burial emperor's abyss.

Lin Feng intends to enter Diyuan Yuan to see the specific situation. Lin Feng has a baby here. This baby is called the invisible cloak. This baby Lin Feng has already been a teenager and has never been used much.

Lin Feng felt that this time it was possible to use this baby, and perhaps it could work wonders.

Lin Feng asked the poison ancestors and others to wait outside. If there was a crisis that could not be resolved, Lin Feng could inform the poison ancestors and others. The poison ancestors could respond to Lin Feng. This is Lin Feng ’s left hand.

Lin Feng put on this baby cloak of invisibility, and disappeared instantly, seeing the extraordinary things that this baby showed, the poison ancestors and others could not help but exclaim.

This treasure is so powerful, Lin Feng flew towards Di Di Yuan, and soon he entered the forest surrounding Di Di Yuan.

The mountains and forests surrounding Diyuanyuan also belong to the area covered by Diyuanyuan.

This place is really different. After coming here, Lin Feng clearly felt an extremely terrible breath covering his body.

This feeling is very bad, as if being stared at by a terrifying existence.

You have to know that Lin Feng is still in an invisible state and still feels this way, which makes him very puzzled.

What kind of danger is hidden in the area covered by Burial Emperor Yuan? It seems that you have to be very careful, otherwise you might not know how terrible things will happen.

Lin Feng went all the way.

He found the bones of many monks, but he had already died so many people before reaching the core area.

It can be seen how dangerous this place is.

Lin Feng finally came to the area shrouded by the abyss. It was a huge dark abyss. Lin Feng flew towards the abyss.

When Lin Feng landed at the bottom of the abyss, Lin Feng heard the sound of fighting coming from the depths.

Lin Feng was surprised, could it be that the emperor who buried Emperor Yuan and the ghost sword, as well as the monk war on the side of the Taishan mansion?

This possibility is still very high. Lin Feng speeded up. It didn't take long for them to reach the depths, and they saw that a group of monks were besieging a golden stone man a dozen centimeters tall.

Although the body of the golden stone man was small, it was very lifelike, and it was cultivated as an extraordinary horror.

Ghost Sword, the descendants of Taishanfujun and other strong men besieged this golden stone man together, but none of them can quickly suppress this golden stone man, which is really surprising.

"King of the Golden Man, I will come here just to ask for Xuanjin Tianli Your life, you better think clearly. " The descendants of Taishan Prefecture shouted in silence.

"Xuanjin Tianye?".

Lin Feng took a breath of air, but did not expect this place to have Xuanjin Tianye.

What is this Xuanjin Tianye?

Xuanjin Tianye is known as Shangsheng Liquid, which is a special liquid born in Xuanjin Tianshu.

It is rumored that the Xuanjin Tianshu is a kind of heaven and earth spirit. It is very rare. There are not many Xuanjin Tianshu born in one reincarnation.

The monks who transcend the realm, refining this kind of treasure are desperate things, because this kind of treasure is a treasure that can allow the strong level of the quasi-creator to directly improve the cultivation.

There are very few treasures between heaven and earth that can enhance the strength of the quasi-creator level.

It can be seen how amazing the preciousness of Xuanjin Tianye is. In addition, Xuanjin Tianye has some other anti-sky effects.

It is said that Xuanjin Tianye can treat all kinds of trauma, original injuries, and even repair some organ repair injuries, etc. The effect is unimaginable.

The descendants of Taishanfujun and the ghost swords are all quasi-creator levels. The descendants of Taishanfujun want to seek the treasure of Xuanjin Tianye, obviously they want to improve their strength.

As for the ghost sword, this guy may want to improve his strength, or he may want to repair the damaged body.

As for Su Yuexi, it is estimated to be an errand. If these people really get the treasure of Xuanjin Tianye, it is hard to say whether Su Yuexi can get some Xuanjin Tianye.

"I guarded the Xuanjin Tianshu for more than three hundred epochs, and spent countless days and treasures to feed the Xuanjin Tianshu, and the Xuanjin Tianshu was born. liquid?". Jin Renwang said coldly, without any concession.

Su Yuexi drank coldly and said, "Come on, do you know what the adult who just spoke is? This adult is a descendant of King Taishan, you think you are a quasi-creator-level monk, you can Is it presumptuous in front of adults? You don't have this qualification at all! ".

Jinren Wang said with a sneer, "I said that it feels a bit familiar. It turned out that it inherited the blood of Taishanfujun, Taishanfujun is powerful, but he can't control the life restricted area yet."

The descendants of King Taishan said with a sneer, "My grandfather is a strong creator, why can't he control the life exclusion zone?".

The King of Gold said coldly, "The life-forbidden area hides the mysterious secrets. Even Taishanfujun, he dare not touch the secret of the life-forbidden area easily."

"Oh, is it? What is the secret? Come and listen." The descendants of Taishan Prefecture said with a sneer.

"You are not qualified to know." King Jin responded coldly.

The eyes of the descendants of Taishan Prefecture were suddenly cold, and he said in a cold voice, "It's really ridiculous, even the owner of the restricted area would not dare to be so presumptuous in front of me."

"The **** is big, and the Lord of the Forbidden Zone has long passed through the secrets hidden in the Forbidden Zone of Life, and has broken through to the realm of the Creator. What do you count in front of the Creator monk?". The Jin Wang said sarcastically.

"Has the forbidden zone breached the creator?". The descendants of Taishanfujun looked very surprised, because even this matter, even Taishanfujun did not know, how did the other party break through the sky?

It seems that it must be a hidden secret in the restricted area of ​​life, covering up all this.

The descendants of Taishanfujun even felt that even the golden king in front of him could break into the quasi-creator realm, which had something to do with the secrets hidden in the life restricted area. Otherwise, the golden king should not be able to break through to the level of quasi-creator.

The ghost sword said, "There is no need to talk to him, otherwise he will be shaken by his confidence, even if the secret of life is hidden in the forbidden area. What if the strongman behind the opponent is a strong creator level? What about the master of the restricted area? No matter how powerful, is it possible that you have been able to beat Taishanfu Jun? In our level of battle, the strong level of the creator will not participate, continue to attack him, and then find a way to conquer Xuanjin Tianye! ".

"Attack, attack with all your strength!".

The descendants of Taishanfujun also thought that the words of the ghost sword made sense, so they gave the order to attack with all strength.

Although there are two powerful quasi-creature masters, Taishanfujun and Guijian, sitting in the forbidden zone, the master of the forbidden zone can mobilize the power of the forbidden zone. This is also the fundamental reason why the King of Kings is so powerful.

Because the King of Kings can mobilize the power of the restricted area of ​​life, the descendants of the Taishan Prefecture, the ghost sword and others, although the combat power broke the table, but still can not suppress the King of Kings, which makes them a group of people quite depressed.

Ghost Sword said, "As a direct descendant of Taishanfujun, you can't have no hole cards? Hurry up and show your hole cards!".

The descendants of Taishanfujun could not help frowning slightly. Of course he had the hole cards. However, he used the hole cards once less. If he could, he certainly did not want to use his own hole cards, but the situation today is indeed a bit detrimental to them.

If you don't use the hole cards.

It is indeed a very difficult thing to suppress the King of Kings.

The descendants of Taishan Prefecture's descendants gritted their teeth.

He took out a baby, which was a purple jade pendant.

This piece of jade is not simple. It is a jade made by Taishan Fujun himself. Once activated, the jade can release extremely terrifying power.

This kind of jade is probably equivalent to a forbidden device. There are restrictions on its use. Generally, it is ten times. Now there are still the last two opportunities for use. Therefore, the descendants of Taishanfujun are also reluctant to use this jade.

But in order to obtain Xuanjin Tianye, he felt that it was worthwhile to use this piece of jade. As long as he could get Xuanjin Tianye, his realm could go further.

You know ... after breaking through to the level of the quasi-creator, it would be difficult to make progress if you want to make progress, even if he is a direct descendant of Taishanfujun.

He must seize this opportunity.

Powerful mana has poured into the purple jade piece. Many mysterious runes on the purple jade piece have been recovered. With the recovery of those runes, a wave of terror fluctuates from the purple jade piece. Come out.

That kind of horrible fluctuations will almost destroy time and space.

The terrible power poured out and went directly towards the King of the Kings.

Ghost swords and others also shot one after another, launched a powerful attack, and bombarded the king of the gold.

The King of Kings was so violently attacked that he was immediately suppressed.

"Go inside and collect Xuanjin Tianye!".

The descendants of Taishan Prefecture shouted in silence.

On Su Yuexi, a monk from Taishan Prefecture rushed towards the depths. There was a fairy tree, five or six meters high. Although it was not particularly tall, the branches were lush and lingering in the fairy light. That fairy tree is the Xuanjin Tianshu.

On the ghost sword side, two monks flew by quickly.

Their goal is also Xuanjin Tianshu.

"Damn ...".

Seeing this scene, King Jin's eyes were extremely gloomy, but he was suppressed and he had little art of avatar.

Soon, four people from Su Yuexi came to the Xuanjin Tianshu. They saw that three purple petals were growing on the Xuanjin Tianshu, and two of the purple petals had already been opened.

Only the last purple petal was left unopened.

Xuanjin Tianye is very special, this kind of thing was bred in Xuanjin Tianguo.

The Xuanjin Tianguo is surrounded by purple petals, grows extremely slowly, and needs to devour the endless world of Qizhen to be able to mature. Since the endless years, only three Xuanjin Tianguo have been bred.

One was dedicated to the king of the restricted area by the Jin Jin Wang Jin, one was used by him, and the last one remained.

During this period of time, the Golden King has been retreating and adjusting, that is, he intends to use the last one to hit a higher level and see if he can break through another level.

Su Yuexi et al. Grabbed the last Xuanjin Tianguo wrapped in the last petal and wanted to collect the last Xuanjin Tianguo.

But at this time, a dazzling swordmang swept out of the void, and swept directly towards Su Yuexi four people, Lin Feng hidden in the secret shot, Lin Feng activated the black dragon sword, and suddenly attacked, this No matter how powerful the four are, they can't withstand Lin Feng's attack.

Puff puff puff puff!

Four consecutive voices came out, including Su Yuexi, all four were cut by Lin Feng's waist, and then Lin Feng took Xuanjin Tianguo down.

What made Lin Feng's eyes slightly diminished was that two of the four people who were killed were completely dead, but Su Yuexi and the other monk did not die.

Su Yuexi exhibited a top-level puppet technique to escape a catastrophe. Another monk mastered the technique of immortality and was resurrected after death.

This ability is somewhat similar to the methods of the Phoenix family and the undead family, but the strong man is obviously not a monk of the Phoenix family and the undead family, and he does not know what the monk of the power is. The method is really amazing.

Fortunately, Su Yuexi, who had escaped the disaster, and the monk quickly retreated, and his face was pale like paper. They just scared them to death. Fortunately, they still survived.

"court death……". The strong men of the three quasi-creator levels roared, they stopped the battle instantly, and the terror attack blasted towards the place where Lin Feng was.

These guys are terrible. Although Lin Feng is wearing an invisible cloak, but just after the shot, they are locked in the breath, so they know where Lin Feng is hiding.

Lin Feng activated the Ryukyu Cup, which formed a powerful defensive mask to protect Lin Feng, but even so, in the face of the attack of the three major quasi-creator level strongmen, the defensive mask formed by the Ryukyu Cup was still destroyed By now, even the invisible cloak worn by Lin Feng was destroyed, and I did n’t know if it could be repaired. Lin Feng showed it.

"Lin Feng, it turned out to be you." Su Yuexi was taken aback, and then burst out of her eyes-shot-came out a sense of killing intentionally, she dreamed of killing Lin Feng, did not expect Lin Feng to appear here.

This made Su Yuexi see the hope of killing Lin Feng.

"He is Lin Feng?". The descendants of Taishanfujun were surprised. Of course he had heard of Lin Feng ’s name, but he had never seen Linfeng before, and he did not expect that Linfeng would appear here. The descendants of Taishanfujun looked at Lin Feng and suddenly showed a sense of prowe Sneer expression.

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