Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 6136: Heaven Demon Monk deity descended on Soul Demon Clan, the plague **** was swall

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"Pap ... pap ... pap ...".

"Wonderful, wonderful, this tremendous school is really amazing. These guys, even Xiaoxuan, can't figure out your strength, and dare to come to you for trouble. It really makes people feel quite speechless. These guys are also dead.

Lin Feng clapped his palm and said.

Wu Lingxuan withdrew his magical powers, and the mysterious existence in the darkness disappeared. Her face was actually not pretty, because what happened today was not something he was willing to see.


Zheng Ying reflected the phrase, "People are in the rivers and lakes, they can't help themselves".

Some things are beyond her control. She can only kill them after these things happen, but after killing these people, her heart is a little sad.

after all.

Are people who get along with the day and night.

She had to personally end the lives of these people. Even if it was not painful, it must have been extremely uncomfortable. Lin Feng could understand her.

Change to anyone, experience these things, it is estimated that she will be like.

"It's not easy for people to live in this world."

Wu Lingxuan said.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Yeah, it's really not easy, but this may be life."

Wu Lingxuan said nothing more, she dragged some corpses to the deck.

Then the bodies were thrown into the sea.

Lin Feng said, "These things don't need you to do, I'll help you, you heal first."

Lin Feng has refined many puppets here.

He summoned the puppets.

Those puppets can help Wu Lingxuan deal with these bodies, and also help Wu Lingxuan clean up the room.

Wu Lingxuan looked to Lin Feng and said, "Sometimes it feels that you don't seem to hate that much."

Lin Feng said, "I've always seen everyone love it, is it right?"

Wu Lingxuan snorted softly and said, "The skin is really thick."

Instead of taking care of the bodies, she returned to her room to heal.

After she went out, she found that it had been thoroughly cleaned, which made her feel more comfortable.

It was already daytime. Lin Feng stood on the deck and looked at the distant scenery. Although the outside was still stormy and the huge waves swept the world, it was relative to the night scene.

The current situation obviously does not know how many times better.

"Thank you for your help". Wu Lingxuan said, one is to thank Lin Feng for helping her clean up the mess, and the other is to thank Lin Feng for coming forward when the one-eyed dragon and others are besieging her. Lin Feng's attitude is enough.

The distance between the two sides is therefore much closer.

"Xiao Xuan Xuan, don't be so polite, after all, we all live together." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Wu Lingxuan is full of black lines, this guy makes people want to beat him with three sentences.

Wu Lingxuan squinted Lin Feng, then asked, "What are you doing in the sea alone?".

Before Wu Lingxuan asked a similar question, Lin Feng and Wu Lingxuan were unfamiliar, and natural knowledge blocked her.

Wu Lingxuan probably knows this too.

Perhaps I feel that I am familiar with Lin Feng now.

So, I asked this question again.

Lin Feng said, "find a friend."

Wu Lingxuan nodded, and she did not further ask who Lin Feng was looking for.

"It's almost time to leave this area."

Wu Lingxuan said, his face could not help breathing out.



At this time, in the thunder and lightning, the two beams quickly flew by.

After seeing the existence of those two beams of light, Lin Feng's face suddenly showed an extremely surprised expression.

Because the existence of those two beams is not others, it is the first magic tower and the second magic tower. .

"How could these two guys appear in this place?".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

"what happened?". Wu Lingxuan found Lin Feng's face different, and asked with a voice, Lin Feng said, "The two magic towers that just flew past are old acquaintances with me. I didn't expect them to come here."

Wu Lingxuan didn't think much, and said, "I'm going to appease other people."

"Well, it should be."

Lin Feng said.


Wu Lingxuan went down to appease the other crew members.

Lin Feng thought slightly, why did the two magic towers come here?

At that time, the soul demon holy lord of the soul demon clan was a disciple who swallowed the demon lord.

And the two magic towers, between the swallowing demon lord. There is a deep connection.

Therefore, in Lin Feng's view, the two magic towers also have a connection with the Holy Demon Lord, and this place is the ancestral land of the Soul Demon Clan.

They come here, maybe, there are really some unknown things.

But specifically why it came.

Just guessing.

It is impossible to guess.

Lin Feng had never done the meditation.

Don't guess.

The ancient ship successfully left the area where the soul demon clan is located, and the rainstorm stopped.

Thousands of clear skies.

And this time.

The two devil towers have already arrived in the ancestral land of the soul demon clan.

This is the peak of a deep-sea world.

Above the peak, there are many cave houses.

Soul demon tribes live in the cave house.

The soul demon clan is very similar to the mermaid clan.

No matter in appearance or in shape, they are extremely similar, but there are some differences. For example, there are some fine purple scales growing on the surface of the soul monster.

To know. The mermaids only have scales on their tails.

In addition, the soul demon clan has a pair of horns. It looks like a dragon horn.

After the arrival of the two magic towers, many soul demon creatures appeared, but basically these soul demon creatures could not be transformed into humanoids. This was because of the cursed reason, which caused the life levels of many soul demon creatures to degenerate. .

"who are you?". At this time, an old voice came.

Many soul demon tribes were separated, and then a monk who looked very old flew out. That monk, no one else, is now the elder elder soul demon clan. Since the queen was suppressed, the elder has been presiding over the soul demon clan. The daily affairs, the strength of the elders, and the degradation are more powerful, but at least they can still maintain their human form, which is particularly difficult. .

"Did you ever hear about the magic tower that swallowed the demon Lord?". The first magic tower asked.

"You are that magic tower?". The elder elder soul asked in surprise.

Their veins are the descendants of Lord Soul Demon Lord, and they also have some understanding of some things of Lord Soul Demon Lord, such as the origin of Lord Soul Demon Lord and Swallow Demon Lord, and the status of the devil tower at that time was very Special, so people of their own family also know about the magic tower.

The second magic tower said, "Yes, we are the magic tower at that time, and you have some origins with your family."

"I don't know if you two come to my soul demon clan, what's your job?". Asked the elder soul soul clan.

"Ha ha ha ha, naturally come to rescue your soul demon clan."

The first magic tower and the second magic tower laughed.

The elder soul soul clan sighed and said, "There is almost no way to solve the crisis encountered by our clan. Although the two have great abilities, they may not be able to help our clan resolve the current crisis.

"What if I shoot?" A voice came out.


A magic lotus flew out of the void. It was a five-color magic lotus. On top of the five-color magic lotus, sat a cross-legged monk, who was enchanted and strange.

Sky Demon Monk!

It turned out that he had arrived!

After seeing the Demon Slayer, the place suddenly became turbulent.

In fact, when the Demon Slayer killed the Leiyin Temple, some people inside the Soul Demon Clan suggested that they should seek out the Demon Sect and ask the Demon Slayer to help resolve the curse of their Soul Demon Clan.

But this proposal was rejected. The reason why it was rejected was that the Sky Demon Monk is no longer the former Ruhan Luohan.

The temperament has changed greatly.

Who knows if they seek to destroy the heavenly demon monks, will it bring disaster to the race?

Therefore, they did not seek to destroy the demon monks.

And now. See the Demon Slayer coming.

The souls of the soul demon clan suddenly saw hope.

"See Lord Buddha." Soul elder elder hurriedly kneeled down to salute.

The remaining soul demon clan creatures also saluted the Demon Slayer.

"Come on."

Sky Demon Monk said.

A group of people just got up.

"Take me to see your empress ...". Sky Demon Monk said. .

In his mind, the cute little girl appeared.

"Please invite the Lord Buddha to come with the villain."

The elder of the soul demon clan said that he led the way in front of the demon monk, and the two devil towers followed.



Five days later.




The entire marine world seemed to tremble violently.

The huge waves rolled.

The world and earth will be reversed.

Black-bearded merchant ships were almost overturned by giant waves.

"what's going on?".

Many people were thrown upside down, their faces covered with horrified expressions, and they had passed through the soul demon clan area before, even when it was the most dangerous, they did not cause such a big movement.

Now, it is terrifying to overturn the river and the sea, but they do n’t even know what the root of all this is.

In my heart.

Only panic.

Fortunately, everything returned to calmness soon.

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He always feels ... this time the change is likely related to the soul demon clan.

This feeling is very strong.

Could it be the movement made by the two magic towers?

But think about it carefully, Lin Feng feels that the two magic towers do not seem to have such a powerful ability.

But if it wasn't for the two magic towers, who would do it?

But no matter what happened, the rear must have changed.

The ancient ship speeded up.

Ten days later, he successfully left the area covered by the ban.

Many people have disembarked and left.

However, some monks followed the ancient ship to their final destination, which is a gathering place for monks overseas.

This gathering place of monks is called "Tianbao Island".

People come and go, it's very lively.

Outside merchant ships basically choose to dock here, and the monks in the sea, if they want to leave, will also come here and take a merchant ship to leave.

Lin Feng followed the merchant ship to Tianbao Island.

He intends to inquire about the news of the plague **** and plague ancestor here.

Before disembarking, Lin Feng talked with Wu Lingxuan about some of his thoughts, "I feel that the previous changes may have something to do with the Soul Demon Clan, so don't rush back along the previous route for the time being, you can send someone to investigate , Be careful not to be wrong ".

Wu Lingxuan nodded and said, "I will."

"Well, we will have a date." Lin Feng waved his hand and left.

See the back of Lin Feng leaving.

Wu Lingxuan didn't withdraw her gaze, she bit her red lips and didn't know what she was thinking.

After Lin Feng left completely.

With a sigh, this brought back his gaze. .

After Lin Feng landed on the island, he went straight to some business houses to find out the news of the plague **** and plague ancestor.

The overseas world doesn't see people who destroy the heavenly demon monk very much. It is estimated that the power of the heavenly demon monk has not yet killed the invasion of the overseas world.

Lin Feng easily found out the news of the plague **** and the plague ancestor. The news he got made Lin Feng's face a bit ugly because it was said that the plague **** was seriously injured.

The epidemic ancestor is still powerful. Although the plague **** escaped, it was only a matter of time before he was caught by the epidemic ancestor.

This epidemic ancestor is indeed powerful.

Even such a powerful opponent as the God of Plague is not his opponent, showing how terrible the means are.

Lin Feng explored the direction of the plague god's escape and flew away in that direction quickly.

Above the sea, the blue waves rippled.

The overseas world of the Buddhist world.

It is similar to the overseas world of other worlds.

The only difference is the prohibitions outside. .

Lin Feng felt that under the circumstances of the blockade of the extraterrestrial world and the high pressure of the inland world, there might be some monks like ancient Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who came here to hide.

and so.

In addition to searching for the **** of plague, Lin Feng felt that he might also be able to find traces of ancient Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in overseas worlds.

Of course, even to find them, wait until Lin Feng finds the plague god.

After flying for more than ten days, Lin Feng did not find any monk gathering area. Originally he wanted to find the monk gathering area to inquire about the news. Now this kind of idea is obviously defeated. If it is outside, maybe you can use your heart to locate it. However, the Buddha realm is different. The Buddha realm has strong people beyond the realm to sit in. .

The strong magnetic field emitted from the body of this level of strong person can interfere with the heart plate, so the heart plate does not play much role. Lin Feng continues to search the whereabouts of the plague **** in the sea world. Sensing the power of the plague remaining in the sea, when Lin Feng felt the power of the plague, his face suddenly showed joy.

Feeling the power of the plague, it means that the **** of plague and the plague ancestor are about to be found.

Lin Feng continued to search. One day later, Lin Feng came to an island. The power of the plague in this place is the most powerful and richest. Moreover, the power of the plague did not go to other places after reaching this place.

This shows that the plague god, the plague ancestor is probably in this place. Lin Feng flew towards it, and above a valley, he saw the force of the plague tumbling violently.

The power of the plague blocked the valley, and some powerful birds flew over the valley.

Those birds touched the power of the plague here a little, and the bodies of those birds fell to the ground and died on the spot.

The power of the plague here can be described as extremely terrifying, and it is horrifying.

Because the plague **** and Lin Feng have a soul contract, when they reach a certain range, Lin Feng can actually sense some fluctuations in the life of the plague god.

For example now.

Lin Feng felt the life fluctuation of the plague god.

He found that the life fluctuations of the plague **** were steadily weakening.

This shows that ... the life of the plague **** is passing away.

The plague **** is in big trouble.


Lin Feng raised his right hand and beheaded with a dazzling sword spirit.

The sword energy, as if it could tear the world, instantly split the power of the cursing.

After those cursing powers were split.

The scene inside suddenly appeared. .

At this moment, a monk was practicing inside. The monk was wearing a purple robe, very ugly, and exuded an evil breath.

He should be the epidemic ancestor.

"What about the plague god?" Lin Feng asked in a somber look.

Zizu stood up with a grinning expression on his face, "That guy has been swallowed by me."

Hearing the words, Lin Feng's face plummeted.

"Boy, who are you?"

The gloomy eyes of the epidemic ancestor looked at Lin Feng, as if they were looking at a fine item, as if they were looking at their food.

That kind of gloomy and indescribable gloom makes people feel a sense of horror and despair.

"The person you swallowed is my subordinate."

Lin Feng said coldly.

The epidemic ancestor was surprised, and then said, "That guy really disappointed me and turned into a slave to others, and humiliated our family."

Lin Feng said sarcastically, "Aren't you also a slave to the Demon Slayer?".

"Boy, do you think you can compare with the great celestial demon monk? It's really uncontrollable, it's really ridiculous, and now I'm eating you."

Pleasant ancestor's face was full of sensational killing intentions, only to see him leap forward and quickly kill Lin Feng.

In his body, the power of the plague was madly surging, rolling, and a terrible breath filled out.

He is like an immortal demon.

Who competes with each other?

"Boy, die."

The epidemic ancestor quickly killed Lin Feng and slammed towards Lin Feng. The palm contained the power to destroy the world.

The power of that palm is shocking and moving.

I have to say, this guy is really terrifying.

No wonder the Plague God is not his opponent. It is normal for the Plague God to be swallowed by him.

Facing the attack of the epidemic ancestor,

Lin Feng directly exhibited the king of boxing.


Punch it out and smash the vacuum!

The epidemic ancestor was robbed and his body exploded directly!

(The first one, a six-thousand-word chapter. I will drive a few hundred miles back to my hometown to visit my grandfather. My grandfather is almost ninety years old. I have n’t seen it for a long time. I miss it. (Recommended ticket, by the way, get a genuine subscription).

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