Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 36 Chapter 4672: Chaos Alliance

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"Let them escape!"

"What a pity!"


Everyone spoke.

It is really a pity to let Xuan Cang son and Murong Yuxuan escape from birth this time, but their means are amazing.

So I can escape.

It is not unacceptable.

"Thank you for your help!"

The three surviving monks thanked each other.

"You are welcome!"

Lin Feng nodded involuntarily.

The poison ancestor asked curiously, "Why are you besieged by the group of strong men in Yunfu Palace?".

One of the monks said, "We got a scroll before. This scroll is related to the Black Sand Demon Hell. The scroll seems to be able to take us to a mysterious place, but the mysterious place is What kind of place is currently unknown? "

"I don't know how this matter was learned by Master Xuan Cang, so, Master Xuan Cang sent someone to come and round us up. If the three of them didn't arrive, we would already be in a different place!"


After hearing this explanation from the monk, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

Lin Feng guessed that this monk 80% also knew how the matter of this ancient scroll was known to Master Xuan Cang.

Lin Feng felt that someone should have leaked the information, or that the other party sold the news to Master Xuan Cang.

Then Yin Xuan Cang son came.

It's just that Master Xuan Cang turned away and didn't recognize anyone, and killed him.

There was a spy on the team. The three of them didn't understand this matter, and the other party was dead after all, and this matter was revealed.

From this, we can see that these three people still know how to be human.

The other person said, "If you are also interested in the scrolls, how about let's go and explore together?".

It is said that Lin Feng and others naturally have no opinion, but they do not know what is recorded in the ancient scroll.

But since it is a place in the Black Sand Devil, this place must be extremely extraordinary.

Therefore Lin Feng is also extremely interested in such a place.

The three men stopped their companions' bodies, and everyone set off together.

On the way, both parties made an introduction.

Lin Feng used the identity of "Ji" to introduce himself.

So these three did not have any special reactions.

They just tried to search for a human race named "Ji" in their minds.

But a pity.

There is no gain.

If Lin Feng used his real name to introduce himself, it must have been heard by three people.

Through some introductions, Lin Feng also had a certain understanding of these three people.

These three people came from the "Chaos of Heaven".

The chaotic heaven domain of the undead world is a very special domain, this domain has many powerful loose repairs.

Those casual repairers often established their own forces, and they were very powerful in recruiting troops.

Among them, eighteen of the most powerful individual repairers formed the Chaos League.

The eighteen strong men united together, and their strength was extremely powerful. The Emperor Tian sent a large army to squash and defeat the Chaos Alliance.

However, it has been unsuccessful in encircling and suppressing several times, and the terrain of the chaotic sky is very complicated.

There are so many places to avoid encirclement and suppression, so the Emperor of Heaven will no longer encircle and suppress the Alliance of Chaos, but will send the Dragon Condemnation to monitor the actions of the Alliance.

Obviously, Heaven Emperor is extremely uneasy about the forces of Chaos Alliance.

In fact, Heaven Emperor doesn't worry about Chaos Alliance, because the forces of Chaos Alliance often loots the treasure house of some big forces.

Moreover, they specifically looted the treasure trove of those forces related to the Heavenly Court, and sometimes they would also rob the troops transporting Xianyuan Stone, or mine the veins of Xianyuan Stone.

The reason why it is so aimed at Heavenly Court is said to be because several strong players of the Chaotian Alliance have old complaints with the Heavenly Emperor. In these years, such forces are often extremely terrible, and generally no one dares to provoke such forces,

In addition to those top forces.

And those top powers will naturally not make enemies everywhere. Among those top powers, only those loyal to the heavenly court will target the chaotic alliance.

Such as the Eighth Palace, Yunfu Palace and other forces.

Now Lin Feng has counted back the taste, the word "sky" in the Chaos League.

Should I be referring to "Heaven"?

These three people are relatives of the seventh leader of the Chaos League.

The person headed is called Guo Shan.

The other two are called Guo Jiang and Guo Hai.

They belonged to the grassy family, so they were quite heroic and somewhat informal.


As a large number of monks poured into the Black Sand Demon Prison, this will inevitably lead to a war between the monk and the creatures in the Black Sand Demon Prison.

Many of the creatures in the Black Sand Devil came out of the depths of the Black Sand Demon Prison, and then hunted the monks.

Those creatures are very old, but extremely powerful. In the old days, they also belonged to outsiders.

But to avoid disaster.

These creatures hid in the Black Sand Demon Prison.

Since the long years.

They have long regarded the Black Sand Demon Prison as their own home, and naturally do not allow other creatures to come in.

In particular, a large number of creatures poured into the Black Sand Demon Prison, which made the creatures in the Black Sand Devil Priest very angry.

The previous battle between the Black Sand Demon Prison creatures and the monks had already made the two sides destined to face a complete opposite.

In fact, some powerful creatures now sneak out of the Black Sand Demon Prison and hunt monks who enter the Black Sand Devil Prison.

Among the foreign monks, some extremely powerful monks secretly entered the depths of the Black Sand Demon Prison to hunt many powerful Black Sand Demon Prison creatures.

Lin Feng and others saw that some of the creatures in the Black Sand Demon Hell would be far away.

The creatures in the Black Sand Demon Prison also seem to know that Lin Feng and others are extremely difficult to provoke.


Those creatures did not have trouble to find Lin Feng and others.

Lin Feng they searched for that place according to the instructions on the map above the scroll.

There was an abyss in the forest in front. After seeing the abyss, everyone couldn't help but show a happy look.

Because the place indicated on the scroll is in the abyss, which made Lin Feng and others delighted.

It looks like the right place.

But the scrolls did not mark anything below the abyss.


If you want to explore what is under the abyss, you still need to go down and find something yourself.

Lin Feng observed this abyss, and saw some eerie hazel gas flowing from time to time in this abyss. Obviously this abyss is an extremely dangerous place. Such a place must be treated with care and attention. There must be no cares.

This point, Lin Feng is very clear.

"Everyone be careful!"

Lin Feng reminded.

The crowd nodded, and the group quickly flew down the abyss.

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