Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 36 Chapter 4526: Weird waterhole

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"Isn't the son sleeping yet?". The old village chief came and asked Lin Feng.

"Don't you sleep, too?" Lin Feng said.

The old village chief said, "People are old and sleep is less!"

Lin Feng thought of the ancient blood-colored tree that had just disappeared. Maybe he could ask the old village head, maybe he knew some news about the ancient blood-colored tree.

Lin Feng asked, "Old man, do you know the origin of that **** old tree?".

The old village chief said, "The ancient blood-colored tree is located in a deep mountain of blood-colored mountains. It is not so tall in itself, it is just a ghost image that has just manifested! Come out, but this is not absolute, the **** old tree will occasionally show some visions that the previous son saw! "

"The old man has been there?" Lin Feng asked.

The head of the old village shook his head and said, "I used to want to see it when I was young, but thought of some rumors on the ancestor, I abandoned this plan!

"Oh? Rumors on the ancestor? What kind of rumors are left on the ancestor of the elderly?". Lin Feng asked curiously.

"Zu Shang said ... that place is very unknown, it is a cursed place, let us never go!"

Said the old village chief.

In fact, Lin Feng feels that the ancestor of the old village must be extraordinary, and it can be inferred from the remaining ancient tripod.

But obviously, the vein of the old village chief has completely declined.

Therefore, since the long years, there has been no strong in this vein.

"I don't know what heritage of the old village chief is the lineage of the human race?".

Lin Feng couldn't help asking.

The old village chief smiled bitterly and said, "The son is so serious. Where do we dare to say which line is inherited? Our family is just blood and body, and the strongest man who appeared in the past is not the realm of the emperor!"

Lin Feng never said anything more, because their family has a history that has been forgotten.

Therefore, it is difficult to find out who their ancestors are, unless someone awakens the blood of the ancestors, you can find out.

But obviously, no one has awakened the blood of the ancestors since the endless years.

"Tomorrow, I plan to go and see!" Lin Feng said.

"Don't be impulsive, the place is terrible! Don't risk going to that place!"

Said the old village chief.

"It's okay, if it's dangerous, I can quit in time!"

Lin Feng said.

The next day.

Lin Feng told Xue Nu this matter.

He hoped that Snow Maiden would stay in the mountain village and do not take risks with him.

But Xue Nu did not agree, she insisted on going with Lin Feng.

See Xue Nu insist.

Lin Feng agreed.

"Brother Lin! Be careful!" Xia Zongyan and Xia Zongjun brothers said.

They like to ask Lin Feng questions about their cultivation, and Lin Feng also patiently answers their brothers.

Lin Feng likes their hard-working attitude. Sometimes they will go hunting with the uncle in the village.

They are only about twenty years old, but the cultivation base is quite good.

One person is the realm of giant god, and one person is the realm of god.

of course.

The undead world is different from the ordinary.

In addition, it is now a prosperous age of cultivation, and there are many monks who become emperors in their 20s.

But the resources obtained by these people are not comparable to the Xia brothers.

They were able to break through to this state at the age of 20. One was related to their talents, and the other was related to their efforts.

"I will be careful!"

Lin Feng said.

Then he and Xue Nu flew in the direction of the Scarlet Mountain.

The **** mountain range is more than fifty miles from the mountain range where Xiajia Village is located.

At Lin Feng's speed, he could reach it in half a quarter of an hour.

Not much.

Lin Feng and Xue Nu came out of the Scarlet Mountains.

There was a terrible breath in the Scarlet Mountains, and there was an extremely strong prohibition in the void.

After feeling the powerful bans in the Scarlet Mountains.

Lin Feng also frowned slightly.

Although he hasn't entered it yet, he has felt the horror of the deep prohibition.

"You are waiting for me here, I will go in and see for myself!" Lin Feng said.

"I'll go with you!" Xue Nu said.

Lin Feng said, "I'm afraid I can't take care of you by then!"

"I should take care of you!" Xue Nu said.

Lin Feng said, "Your state is indeed much higher than mine. However, you are far better than mine in the formation of the formation. The prohibitions in these places are very terrible. You must deal with them carefully. I do n’t know what terrible things will happen. Once you come in with me, you are in danger. The two of us have too big goals! "

"Now you are waiting for me outside. It is the best choice. If it is really in danger, I will take the initiative to withdraw!"


Xue Nu also knows what Lin Feng said, but it is actually the best method.

She broke off the idea of ​​going in, Xue Nu nodded and said, "Okay! Then I won't go in, I'll wait for you outside!"

Seeing Xue Nu promised to come down, Lin Feng took a breath and persuaded Xue Nu to be really not an easy task.

He walked towards the inside of the Scarlet Mountains.

Bloody mist filled the **** mountains.

I don't know how this **** mountain formed.

The prohibitions in the Scarlet Mountains are terrible, and some prohibitions float in the void.

Any monk who enters it must be cautious. If it is touched by the ban, the consequences will be extremely terrible.

It may even die.

Lin Feng is also very clear about this point, so Lin Feng has been very careful. There are three peaks in the mountain range.

Lin Feng didn't see the ancient **** tree here on the first mountain.

Lin Feng crossed the first mountain, and he came between the first and the second mountain.

This is a huge basin. Inside the basin, it turned out to be a **** pool.

"this is?".

Lin Feng was surprised. When he saw the **** pool, his pupils contracted violently.

Could it be that a pool of blood condenses?

Lin Feng walked toward the **** pool.

It didn't take long for Lin Feng to come next to the Scarlet Water Pool.

He took a closer look and found that the blood in the pool was not blood.

It is a strange liquid.

Lin Feng reached out and touched the liquid. Suddenly something terrible happened.

Those **** liquids began to rot Lin Feng's palms. After seeing this scene, Lin Feng was frightened.

This is too weird. What the **** is the **** liquid? Can even corrode his palm?

Xin Feng Lin Feng's body is strong enough. If it is replaced by someone else, his palms may now become bones.

(PS: 7 is even more recommended monthly ticket)

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