Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 9 Chapter 4073: Gods Fleet

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The ancient ship Xuanyuan Xingkong speeded up, quickly approaching the huge fleet in front.

Soon, the Xuanyuan Starship came to the side of the fleet.

Lin Feng found some weird places. It stands to reason that the ancient ship Xuanyuan was close to such a huge fleet.

Monk above the ship.

You should be warned yourself, but now the monks on the ship have not appeared, let alone warn yourself.

This makes Lin Feng feel very strange.

"Could it be ... the ship is unmanned?".

Lin Feng thought of a certain possibility that the ship was unmanned. I wonder if this speculation is correct?

If so, it would be incredible.

Because how could such a huge ship be empty?

People who can build such a huge fleet are definitely not simple characters.

‘Demon! What do the ancient words written on the banner mean? ’.

Lin Feng asked.

"The gods ... the ships ... the teams ...".

The demon said.

"Fleet of the Gods?". Lin Feng's face showed a very surprised expression. These four words are really extraordinary. Especially the words of the gods make people awe-inspiring.

"I can't figure it out! Why are the texts on the flags of these fleets the texts of the era of the title deity? Could it be that this huge fleet is a fleet inherited from the era of the title?"

Lin Feng couldn't help frowning.

The title of the deity era is the most prosperous era of monasticism, but it is also the most chaotic era. The strong are like the forest, and the war is endless.

Bright and glorious eras have crossed the sky, and many of them have long disappeared in people's memories.

Perhaps no one knows what happened in those times. Only in the ancient writings can we understand some past things.

The text is the inheritance of culture and history. Lin Feng intends to board these ancient battleships, and then see what is on these ancient battleships. Is there really no more souls?

See if these warships are really inherited in the era of the title deity.

"Bee bab ...". Babe yelled, waving his small claws with his teeth open, and kept jumping in front of Lin Feng.

Bebe is very worried because he feels very dangerous among those warships. This is an instinctive reaction of Bebe.

The stronger the spirit beast, the more sensitive this induction becomes, so Babe does not want Lin Feng to go to that place.

But in the face of such a huge and mysterious fleet, how could Lin Feng leave so calmly?

Anyone who sees such a fleet will probably want to explore it?

Lin Feng rubbed Babe's little head melon and said with a smile, "Don't worry, you can wait here for me!"

"Bee babble!"

Babe yelled for a while, and finally jumped over Lin Feng's shoulder.

Just now the little guy said that he would be blessed with each other, but with difficulty, he would follow Lin Feng to board the ship.

Lin Feng let the three-headed viper stay on top of the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ship, and let it guard the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ship.

Immediately Lin Feng and Beibei flew towards the nearest ancient warship.

They boarded the ancient warship.

Such ancient warships sailing in the starry sky world should have defensive prohibitions, but this ancient warship does not, perhaps because of the long years, so the prohibition or formation has been completely wiped out.

There was no sound on the ancient ship.

Lin Feng looked towards the cabin, and could not see anything. Babe stood on Lin Feng's shoulder and looked towards the cabin.

Lin Feng walked cautiously towards the cabin. Soon, he came into the cabin. There was nothing in the cabin. Lin Feng even checked a lot of rooms. The rooms were tidy and spotless, which made Lin Feng extremely puzzled. If it is really an ancient warship of such a long time ago, it must have been covered with dust now, but it looks like it has just been cleaned by people.

Lin Feng inspected the entire battleship and found no one, nor traces of fighting, but there was no one on the entire battleship.

No trace of clues remained.

It stands to reason that this should not be the case.

"This is ... the kitchen ...". Lin Feng looked at a room in surprise. He pushed the door in and entered the kitchen. Many monks paid much attention to their diet, so many people did not eat meat or cereals.

If you eat to supplement your physical strength, you will also eat some fruit.

After Lin Feng entered the kitchen, he saw many spirits placed here, many of which were even extremely high.

After seeing those Lingguo, Lin Feng's face could not help showing a puzzled expression, because he found some strange places.

It stands to reason ... those spiritual fruits should have decayed for so long, but the spiritual fruits here are incomparably fresh, some spiritual fruits, and even water drops, just like the freshly washed ones .

Babe reached out and grabbed a Lingguo.

The little guy's mouth is about to bite.

But it was stopped by Lin Feng.

"Don't eat anything here, it's weird ...".

Lin Feng said.

Bebe psychic, he heard Lin Feng say this, he nodded quickly, and put Lingguo back again.

Lin Feng saw that there was cooked wine on the table, but the charcoal fire had been extinguished. He walked over and reached out and touched the wine-making vessel.

Lin Feng was even more surprised, because the wine-making vessel turned out to be hot. He reached into it and felt the wine in some of the vessels. Although the wine no longer smoked, the wine was also warm.

Shocked, moved, incredible.

The Lingguo is fresh, and the wine is warm, which means that not long ago, there should be talents right here.


Where did those people go?

Lin Feng was also very puzzled, if there was someone here not long ago.

Why these people.

Want to write battleship flags in such a long time?

Weirdness is everywhere.

Lin Feng decided to take a look at other ancient warships.

Lin Feng came to the second ancient warship. After checking it, he found that the situation of the second ancient warship was exactly the same as that of the first ancient warship.

There is no one here, spotless, there are washed spirits and warm wine.

It seems that before the meal, everyone suddenly disappeared.

"What the **** is going on? What is going on here?". Lin Feng couldn't help frowning.

He checked dozens of ancient warships, the situation is exactly the same, but Lin Feng found no clue.

"Demon, what do you think?". Lin Feng asked.

"I thought of an ancient legend I heard in the past ...".

The demon king said with a solemn look. Obviously, this legend should be very simple, otherwise the demon king would not show such an expression.

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